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Did i break the law? (defamation/cheating girl)


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I had the meeting. Me, her, my lawyer, and the police. It's all ok. No charges. No bribes. And we can cut all contact with each other. Very happy.

For those interested in details, here is the long story:

The girl came with the 30k. She immediately agreed to give it back to me, and in return the police asked me to sign a report agreeing not to pursue any charges, sue her, or and basically saying the matter was closed. It seemed like she thought i wanted to take her to court. Not that I had ANY intention or any evidence.

Then we came to her claim. She had printouts of everything i posted, photos, chatlogs, the lot. She told police 'I called her a hooker, messaged all her friends, and was stalking her'... completely exaggerated. But because she had some paper to wave around or because she's a young girl, the police believed her completely: started treating me like i was scum. Not that any of them bothered to read the printouts she had... which clearly said nothing of the sort! But even without her lies my lawyer whispered there was enough there to sue me, for calling her a liar/cheat in public. I thought I was in big trouble.

Fortunately... All she wanted was a written assurance i would not speak to her boyfriend, friends, and cease all contact with her. In return she withdrew her report. Very very lucky for me. I can only guess why... perhaps it's because her mother doesn't know about most of this, and she wants it to stay that way? Or she didn't want the true story to come out?

Either way, the police drew up another report for us both to sign.My lawyer checked both reports and confirmed they were legit. Then we left, I walked away with my money, she left knowing I wont speak to her boyfriend, and neither of us will press any charges.

Plenty of lessons to learn, right now im just feeling very lucky and glad i can sleep easier tonight.

(sorry but im not going to read all the replies since i last posted, there is just too many. Thanks to anyone who gave any advice, its thanks to the advice in this thread that i came with a lawyer)

Edited by razorramone
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