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Hi all

Been reading + posted a few bits. Appying for a Settlement Visa for my wife in approx 2 weeks when i go back to BBK, now in UK working. Heres a list of what i will supply. Advise is appreciated of course.

Sponsership letter - explaining how met, intentions, work, our child together (6months) been together 3 years, accomadation etc, all itemised for ECO to flick to number tab & see eidence.

VAF2 complete

Copy my passport, birth cert + copies of stamps entering/leaving Thailand (am applying in person also).

Her passport + copy

Our sons passport + copy (will have a UK passpot within weeks)

Emails sent over years

SMS's sent

Calls made (1000's) use telediscount.com 5p per min ;-)

Proof of monies sent over two years WU

Pictures together

TB cert

My mothers letter of support accommadation + financially (little money), tenants agreement + bill

Friends letter of support financially (5k) + bank statement

Bothers letter of meeting wife & confirming relatioship time

Marriage cert + copy

Divorce certs + copy

My 6 months bank statements (balance approx 4k in bank now)

Employment, company providing payment slips & future orders for next 3 months + copies.

Proof of living together for over 6 months in BBK, rental agreement.

I have all evidence of relationship & work intact. I am going to say i am residing at mums due to the fact we want to chose suitable accomadation together upon her & my sons arrival.

Any advise welcome

Cheers guys


You seem to have covered everything, but just a couple of points.

Your passport. You should supply copies of all pages, including the blank ones, not just the ones with Thai entry/exit stamps on them.

You mention a tenancy agreement. Does this mean that your Mother rents? Or does she own and it's a tenancy agreement between you and her?

If she rents you will also need a letter from her landlord granting permission for you to live in the property and confirming that there is room for you. If she owns, then a copy of the deeds or a mortgage statement.

Have a look through the Spouse visa checklist to make sure you haven't missed anything.

Best of luck.

SMS's sent

Calls made[/color] (1000's) use telediscount.com 5p per min ;-)

I think some of the more in the know guys will post. But i think youv'e got it pretty much wrapped up. Except for one thing. Why are you paying as much as 5p per minute?

Check this link out http://callchecker.moneysavingexpert.com/intcallchecker/

Dialwise are charging only 1p per minute at the moment by dialing 08448612828 first. Non contract etc. just an access number :o

Good luck with the application


Cheers Guys

My mother is actually a council tenant, however if thats an issues i can provide a tenancy agreement as friend has an empty flat. Wanted to tell truth really which is what i posted. However if being a council tenant complicates matters i will do the alternative.

House is Two bed bungalow, will stay here no more than 2 months.

Thanks for the Tele coms



A two bed should be ok, as long as one of the rooms is available for the exclusive use of you and your wife. As your son is under 1 year old it is acceptable for him to share with you.

A letter from the housing authority is not essential, but would certainly help.

See Diplomatic Service Procedures - Entry clearance Volume 1 - General instructions, Chapter 9 – The maintenance and accommodation requirements, especially 9.11 - Adequacy of accommodation and 9.12 - Overcrowding.

9.12 does include

The ECO would only need to write to the authority or landlord or insist on provision of such evidence by the applicant only if it seems likely that overcrowding may result and there is no other way of determining this.
so if your mother gives a brief description of the property, and who else, if anyone, is living there this should suffice. But, if possible, a letter from her landlord would ensure it.

GU22 has helped with the admin and Mr Boj with the telecoms, however have just started using a number that is supposedly 1/2p a minute, probabably hidden charges that make it considerably more expensive, but maybe worth a shot.


Good Luck with the application


Dialwise are charging only 1p per minute at the moment by dialing 08448612828 first. Non contract etc. just an access number :D

You're being ripped off, mate. "0844 calls" are charging only half a p per minute. :o



Dialwise are charging only 1p per minute at the moment by dialing 08448612828 first. Non contract etc. just an access number :D

You're being ripped off, mate. "0844 calls" are charging only half a p per minute. :D


never had you down as a .5p penny pincher buddy :o:D

On that link i supplied, i've seen the 0844 prices but i'm not sure if there are hidden charges, So i've just carried on with the 1p one. :D

never had you down as a .5p penny pincher buddy :o:D

I've done all the maths, and it works out that with all the time Mrs Scouse spends on the phone to Thailand, I then have enough money left to buy you a small half in the D and P.




Thanks for the advise it all helps & any more is welcome.

As for the tel call numbers, hey! its pennies. We all know a cheaper one but really i am after the visa, thats where my happiness lies.

The tele one i use is 0844 566 5000 to mobys, know it aint the cheapest but it works & i get through everytime. I will when she gets here post another for cheaper so she can do the family calls.

Wanna thanks again this site is spot on...

Shes getting the TB test this week, any time for cert? Also is interviews pretty much 100% probabilty?

Cant wait to get this sh-t over, happy & congrats to those whop just got visas but boy am i jealous!!!


Shes getting the TB test this week, any time for cert?
She should be able to collect the certificate later the same day, the next morning at the latest.

I don't want to worry you but you should be aware that there is a slight chance that her X-ray may show some anomaly due to a previous, probably childhood, infection. This happens, I've been told, in about 10% of cases. If this happens then she will be asked back for sputum tests etc., which can extend the process to over a week.

is interviews pretty much 100% probability?
They try to decide as many cases as they can on the paperwork alone. If the paperwork satisfies the ECO that on the balance of probabilities the criteria for the visa are met then the visa will be issued without an interview. Turnaround being within 10 working days.

However, if the paperwork is insufficient, or there is some anomaly that causes a doubt in the ECO's mind then the applicant will be interviewed. Waiting time for an interview is about 16 weeks.

From what you have said, given your circumstances etc. I would think it highly unlikely that she will need an interview. But I may be wrong.


Think you got itl all covered with some great advice from GU22. The only thing that may possibly hit a snag is that tenancy agreement. Officially, for you to reside in council premises, I think your mum would need to inform the council and have you put on the tenancy agreement. This is normally very straight forward (my brother has just done this with my mother), but you would need to find out how long this takes. Now the ECO may not pick up on this at all, but you never know. Maybe you could pursue that other option you mentioned of using the friends flat with a tenancy agreement. Once entry has been given, you can live where you want!

I could just be being pedantic and there may never be a problem, but you have put a lot of effort into getting everything else right, it would be a shame for that to cause a problem.

  • 2 weeks later...
You seem to have covered everything, but just a couple of points.

Your passport. You should supply copies of all pages, including the blank ones, not just the ones with Thai entry/exit stamps on them.

Stupid question time: When you get the passport certified, do you need to get the person certifying it to sign every page - including the blank ones?

Also, after the marriage, we are getting her a new passport because she will be taking my name. Will the old passport be returned to her? We want to show the old passport in the visa file because it shows, as evidence of our relationship, a holiday we had together outside Thailand.


Whoever attests the passport is not authenticating the document itself, but that the copy is a true copy, so every page should be duly attested.

If your wife's passport still has some time to run, it is likely that the passport office will endorse her existing passport with her married name. However, if she does get an entirely new passport, it is usual for the old one to be cancelled and returned to the holder.


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