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think twice before getting a husky.


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Husky in tropical area ???

Congratulation for all those who do this.

My Husky at Patagonia sometimes stays all day under snow and feels himself so well.

Poor Husky dogs who get idiot owners.

For sure if you brought your Husky from Patagonia with a full winter coat he would not cope well with the heat. But in a month or so he would have shed his coat and be able to cope. It would of course be easier if he was born in the tropics, but he'd be fine in any case.

Out of curiosity I checked several Husky websites about the owners opinion on this, and none of the people that had Huskies in hot climates considered it a problem. Note that there were several owners that had moved from cold to hot. Myself owning two large dogs with a double coat in the tropics also do not see where the problem is. Common sense is all you need. The Huskies I've seen with responsible owners in Thailand seem to be doing very well. They are quite active, they are not suffering (a dog panting with his tongue out is not in pain) and do not seem very prone to any tropical ailments (as long as some idiot does not shave them).

Weaning my dogs off the air-con, I used to give them ice cubes to cool down (and please don't anyone tell me how 'dangerous' this is, it's been thoroughly refuted) and they love it [as dogs cool down with their tongues]. I do occasionally also give them a bowl of ice water. Note that most dogs will drink all the ice water you give them, and therein lies the danger! I give my two monsters one large cup to share, then fill up the bowl without ice.

mr.y.your post is giving me a head ache,i cant find anything in it i dont agree with.

responsible owners,with common sense.

as long as some idiot does not shave them[like i did] my previous post,DO I DESERVE A BOLLOCKING.

ice cubes mine loves them and home made FROSTY PAWS.

ICED WATER plus 4parts bottled norm.temp.

ours do shred a lot but we have the best tool you can buy THE FURMINATOR will take a full tesco carrier bag off him in 10minutes.

there are some i say some responsible owners.and there are PLENTY that are not.

those who have seen the clip,my wife translated it for me,who would believe that that poor dog was dumped at a temple could end up being unreconizable and transformed into a beautyfull husky.

when we got ours[rescued] he was at deaths door,almost over rainbow bridge,someone looking down must have told him keep with it boy you will have a great life.

i have no qualms about responible owners with common sense owning a husky but i am so passionate about them i do think a lot will suffer.

having had greyhounds [racing] for 20yrs.i know you treet them well and they will run their heart out for you.

so as we saved our huskys life he is repaying us the only way he knows.love,loyalty and being a great freind.

he listens to everything we say to him and yes he understands,most people on our estate cannot believe what we tell them.a couple of old dears asked the wife where we keep him at night,in our bedroom she told them.

what does he do if he wants a [shit or a pee] in thai,well the wife said he will go to my side of the bed and put his paw on my arm to wake me up,i will look at him and say you want to go out,if he wants a no1 he will doggy talk in a high tone,no2 low tone,now that is the absolute truth.

[T.I.T].taffy in thailand who loves his dog.

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I have 4 junk yard dogs, born from a random street coupling. Perfect dogs for me. A little larger than average, very sturdy with large heads, BUT NOT PIT BULL in any way, will eat anything, responds to commands when holding a stick, hates apparent intruders but accepts my guests if I am present, too. They bark like crazy with a reason and are fearless, gave first set of shots and forgot more doctoring or coddling. They love me, had since pups, of course.

If anyone in this hot climate with all kinds of germs and other dangers would SPEND MONEY to get a dog to coddle and worry over, I can only give them my sympathy. Get proven survivor genes.

BUT NONE OF THESE BREEDS, nor mixtures of same......

Pit Bull, attacks kids

Husky too hot

Shitts Shu or Lhasa, too hot and lots of care hair.

anything small or delicate.

Get real.

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It is disheartening. To see how few bother to read this thread through, that is.

It's not 'inhumane' to have a Husky in Thailand. A yard (any size, they won't stay in anywaytongue.png), shade, a fan and plenty fresh water, that's about it. They won't overheat and an occasional visit to air-con in the hottest weather will keep heat exhaustion (different from overheating) at bay.

If you've ever run your fingers through a Husky's coat at different times of year, you'd know the difference between the summer and winter coats even if you can't tell the difference just by looking at them. The summer coat is very 'airy' and protects them form heat. Remember, dogs do not sweat through their skin. The winter coat is thick and layered and decidedly 'luxurious' (don't tell Paris Hilton).

Pugs and Boxers might be a different story, but if those are the breeds you love and you are willing to go the extra mile, then go ahead.

Sure Huskies [and many other 'exotic' breeds] are "high maintenance". So are mistresses and Maseratis. You've just got to know what you are getting into.

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We lost our Husky in May this year after 5 years of ownership. They require a lot of exercise, which I did. Least aggressive dog I have ever owned, they like company, hate being left alone, can howl a lot, and boy can they dig. Ours was very well trained went all over with him, holidays to the coast etc.

The boy died from a suspected snake bite, lost completely the use of his back legs. Very sad.



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Ducks come from cold countries, and they do very well here.

Unlike chickens that always look rather sad.

hey AOA,

so now youve got a duck your the duck expert in the farming section,,lol,,

my chickens arnt sad by the way, there happy little chicks,,

take care jake

All the chickens I see around are scrawny with bald patches, a bit like the mangy soi dogs.

My ducks are beautiful big birds with shiny glossy feathers.

Used to keep chickens in the USA, they were big, shiny and beautiful, nothing like Thai chickens.

hi mate,

my ducks ,chickens and geese have the full run of our farm, they are happy all of them,

and give us great eggs, we dont have any thai chickens at all, we just have the laying hens, and banties

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We lost our Husky in May this year after 5 years of ownership. They require a lot of exercise, which I did. Least aggressive dog I have ever owned, they like company, hate being left alone, can howl a lot, and boy can they dig. Ours was very well trained went all over with him, holidays to the coast etc.

The boy died from a suspected snake bite, lost completely the use of his back legs. Very sad.


oh what a beautyfull dog,yes we can look after them as our chuldren but there are so many hidden dangers here in thailand its heartbreaking when its out of your control.

this is my first dog in thailand and if i out live him it is for certain it will be the last.

it seems the older you get the more emotional i get.

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