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Kao sok tips


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Plenty of places to stay close to the national park headquarters. There are 2 trails starting at the headquarters which you can negotiate without a guide, one following the river upstream, and the other one going North. Both trails are very well signposted. I would advise to book a day trip to the Cheow Larn lake 70 km further East, will set you back around 1200-1500 Baht. No "expat" discounts for any hotels or tours (just haggle) , but you might be able to get into the national park paying the Thai price.

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We went earlier this year. LOVED our stay in one of the floating hotels on the lake, but wasn't cheap. The boat ride around the lake early in the AM with mist on the water was absolutely beautiful. The rooms were very basic, but use used the kayaks and swam a bunch. Had a great time.

We were very disappointed with the main park. One trail is just a dirt road that takes you up to a simple pavilion near a small river. Scooters were going up and down it...strange.

From there, the trail turns into a very small path that is very poorly signed. We tried to find our way to another waterfall, but couldn't find it. Signs were laying on the ground and the trail was very difficult. Washed out in many places, requiring scrambling over stuff. No fun.

We tried the other one that went up the river and were also very disappointed. Railings were broken off, the bridge over the river to get to the viewpoint was all busted up. Probably for several years. We got across the river anyway and went up to the lookout. Steps were missing and when we got up there, none of the vegetation had been cleared away so there was NO view! 555555

We stayed at the hotel that connects to the parking lot after you enter the park, on the left. Nice enough place, did a bag lunch for us for the walk. We could have sneaked in without paying, but I wanted to "support the national park!". Sorry I did.

If you are use to well maintained national parks back in the West, you might be disappointed at the main park area. The lake is wonderful though.

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So....Spent 2 night in "town" ... Walked ourself to stop 3 in the national park which was officially closed to those without a guide but they let us go thru anyhow ... Nice for a few hours in the park ... They charged the full 200b even with Thai drivers license ... Tubing on the river @ 350 each was great fun for a couple of hours. Then rode ourselves to the dam part of the park and stayed in the govt. room by the lake @1200 and will take a private tour early morning to the 3 rocks, cave and stop for lunch. Cost 2800 for the whole boat for 5 hrs . Would have been 2300x2 for a 2day 1 night to stay on the lake but in a very basic hut with shared toilets... Staying in the govt room by the lake meant we got to go to try a bit of golf at the govt course and ride up to the viewpoint...and get a nicer room for the night ...

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We showed up late in the day and those government hotels were pretty much booked. A few rooms were left, but not the good ones. Some looked very nice. Right on the lake with nice views.

We stayed at a place right on the river flowing out of the lake, near the big bridge you have to pass over the river. It was quite nice. Swam in the river until they started letting the water out of the dam as it was getting a bit risky. Quite the current.

How did you like the tour of the lake and the caves?

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