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electric choc !


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hello guys i just crazy , i have a house in cm, but i living in chiang dao cause i got bizness there , today the own house call me for pay the electric bill and i got 2000b without stay there

,only come 1 days 1hours for take some stuff how it posible to have this 6year in thai i never pay expensive like that,

do you think i need to complain and where ?

thank guys

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OP, who else has got access in your house?

Seems somebody is using your air condition.

Also check that any of your neighbours hasn't connected his electricity to your meter.

It happened to me before but the actual Electric company found it out.

All the above happened to me in Indonesia while I was away in the city.

Gave me great delight to turn the main off and see two houses plunged into darkness.

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