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Some of Thai govt's 'reforms' worry foreign investors: forum hears


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Foreign investors also want consistency. It's hard to attract foreign capital investment when laws and regulations can be changed at the whims of the NCPO and its rubber-stamp government; changes for which there are no legal appeal processes beyond that allowed by the NCPO. And given the current and ever tightening proposed anti-foreign legislation, foreign investors have no reason to expect the commercial environment will improve should they make early commitments. Even China prefers to barter with Thailand rather than pay in cash for trade; I expect Russia will follow suit.

Many of these FBA changes were on the cards mid last year.

................and more on the books and shelved since 2007. It doesn't make them any more sensible and it doesn't make the investment environment any more consistent, if that is what you are implying - rules change here by the minute, especially with this lot in charge who will make laws and resurrect old and ignored legislation if they think it will be perceived as being "good" for Thailand. In short, Nationalism, the tired old fallback of juntas and yellowshirts.

How do you get that I was implying that they were sensible? <deleted>

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Foreign investors also want consistency. It's hard to attract foreign capital investment when laws and regulations can be changed at the whims of the NCPO and its rubber-stamp government; changes for which there are no legal appeal processes beyond that allowed by the NCPO. And given the current and ever tightening proposed anti-foreign legislation, foreign investors have no reason to expect the commercial environment will improve should they make early commitments. Even China prefers to barter with Thailand rather than pay in cash for trade; I expect Russia will follow suit.

Many of these FBA changes were on the cards mid last year.

................and more on the books and shelved since 2007. It doesn't make them any more sensible and it doesn't make the investment environment any more consistent, if that is what you are implying - rules change here by the minute, especially with this lot in charge who will make laws and resurrect old and ignored legislation if they think it will be perceived as being "good" for Thailand. In short, Nationalism, the tired old fallback of juntas and yellowshirts.

According to SOME all the evils of Thailand have happened in the last 6 months--correction and the last time the Military took over.

Usual story "it's everyone else's fault"

Do they? That's curious, "according to SOME all the evils of Thailand" are down to Thaksin. You may recall the last time the military took over they rewrote the constitution - the very same constitution that needs to be rewritten now and is responsible for the political unrest (according to the junta and its supporters). So I think it's fair for people to suggest that the juntas must bear some responsibility, don't you think?

Or is it really just down to one man?.....................................coffee1.gif

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Good of Thailand to keep the ba$tards out. Cheap labour is all it comes down to and only reasons other countries want in. I think english language it is called exploitation.

all big producers should be forced to operate in their own countries only!

At least that way the ba$tards would be made to pay tax like everyone else.

thailand have enough of their own rich exploiting the poor, they dont need to import and allow more of them in

Hell no. That might make it cheaper for consumers.

yes cheaper...like when a company who make famous handbags makes its operation in Cambodia so can pay the labour $3 per hour then ship everything home and sell at ****% profit.

No...of course the rich and comfortable call this "good business"

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One thing to be happy about is these rich and connected are so greedy they keep reaching out..flaunting the wealth and looking further to more business to get richer, then when economy drops and population drops and accessable money for average consumer drops and depression hits..then the rich have to sell there assets.

because they have already screwed the new generation down so far that even no youth will ever afford to buy their own house..

no one will have money to buy the assets of the rich.

the new up coming generation will not be able to stimulate economies enough to pay for our retirements and superannuation.

this will not come as a big shock or big loss tho because the players can use all our superannuation money to lever their losses.

sorry rant over for today :0)

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One thing to be happy about is these rich and connected are so greedy they keep reaching out..flaunting the wealth and looking further to more business to get richer, then when economy drops and population drops and accessable money for average consumer drops and depression hits..then the rich have to sell there assets.

because they have already screwed the new generation down so far that even no youth will ever afford to buy their own house..

no one will have money to buy the assets of the rich.

the new up coming generation will not be able to stimulate economies enough to pay for our retirements and superannuation.

this will not come as a big shock or big loss tho because the players can use all our superannuation money to lever their losses.

sorry rant over for today :0)

You're obviously not talking about Thailand.

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One thing to be happy about is these rich and connected are so greedy they keep reaching out..flaunting the wealth and looking further to more business to get richer, then when economy drops and population drops and accessable money for average consumer drops and depression hits..then the rich have to sell there assets.

because they have already screwed the new generation down so far that even no youth will ever afford to buy their own house..

no one will have money to buy the assets of the rich.

the new up coming generation will not be able to stimulate economies enough to pay for our retirements and superannuation.

this will not come as a big shock or big loss tho because the players can use all our superannuation money to lever their losses.

sorry rant over for today :0)

You're obviously not talking about Thailand.[/quote

no, the population ratio of old to young is not the same problem as western country and the fiscal management of the economy is not so hard without multi-nationals abusing labour ans tax laws to send home all the profit.

I suppose thats why the western investor is trying to get a foot in the door in Asia. The last bastion of hope for they who want to use and abuse

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"He said Thailand, thanks to its strong agricultural base, could profile itself as a source of food and other agricultural products, which is a promising industry for the future."

Damned by faint praise.

The agri biz here is abominable!!! Da_n near every small farmer family is in debt and the lemming concept will always be here as far as , "Oh!!!! I see my neighbor planting xxx crop, good price, let's see..... I'll take out a farmers loan and plant the same...." And in one season or a year from that point, double or triple in debt. Then there's the chemical trade that is WAAAAAAY over the top in Thailand. Even more costs and debt.

So when someone glibly says, agricultural base, they can p_ss off! The farmers have been / are / will be trampled down by the likes of major agri bizzes here (CP, Betagro, etc).

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