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Females Smoking?


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I do not live in Thailand, but one day would love to visit. But I'm a smoker. I know there has to be other females there that smokes, Thai or farang women. But being Asian and a smoker, you're always critized, even in the big US. People would always have something to say to you.

To all the Women there, is it like that in Thailand too? Do you girls also get crap from people or looked at differently for smoking?

To all the Men, do you prefer a non-smoking lady, or just really don't mind? Even if you don't mind, would u still look at a lady and think, why does she have to smoke?

I'm not thinking of quitting yet til I want to and ready to. But I hate people judging me. And I assume people in Thailand might be a little more critical. And I don't need to be critized while I'm there.

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Sad to say that women here are looked at differently if they smoke - its like an oddity - up in Bang Na you will see smoking Monks and in my wife's village the monk smokes, they make excuses but don't like it.

I was doing some work years ago with the Consul (Australian) and with people in prison. The men get the wonderful "Roll up" thinngs, but at that time - "Wonmen in Thailand Don't smoke" This presented some interesting issues - ###### you are on death row for transportation and ###### a smoke may well sooth your nerves.........

Me I don't care, I smoke - my wife is on my back constantly to give up - I have to clean my teeth and all that before we get romantic.

My company - we only hire smokers. We have a few tricks to weed out the non-smokers in the interview process. Honestly when we have morning and afternoon tea and smoke breaks, we still get good work and creative work done. The other side of the brain works. Of course there is a non-smoking policy actually in the office, but when we all pile out at 10:30 and have a smoke its good fun. :o

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Thanks Matt...see now that sucks. When i do go to Thailand, i will feel that im obligated not to smoke. Or feel like i have to sneak around. But then again, i have this attitude that where i just dont give...so why should i when im there. right?

WOW your company hires mainly smoker? Il be hired in a jip LOL :o

Now, does your company actually have female smokers? If you arent hired cause you're female and smokes, isnt that discrimination? Even to those who dont smoke...anyways thats a whole different subject.

But i would love to have a 10:30 tea & smoke break. But here at my work, more than half of the ladies smoke...its no biggy at all.

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Well Sandy you have some growing up to do. The concept of discrimination in Thailand hardly exists. There are adds in the papers for jobs that read something like......'young female 19 - 25 only' or 'age not over 30' etc etc........or if you are from certain areas of Thailand you will suffer a more silent invisible form of discrimination....the unspoken........or if you have dark skin etc etc.

And on the idea of smoking ......... forget it darling.........no-one looks good smoking ! But you are within your rights to kill yourself......'up to you' as they say in Thailand.

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Just by the looks of her avitar, she seems to live in a "Dream World" or maybe she's not old enough to realize there is the REAL WORLD out there that doesn't match up to what she thinks is really happening. :o The world is not perfect and definitely not a cartoon! :D

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Man u people are harsh. I am a young adult, and no i do not live in a "Dream World". I'm in the real world as i could be. Just doing my thing to live day after day. Supporting myself and my family that i have.

I see that you, Kringle, have some growing up to do if you are going to judge me by my avitar pic. It's just a cute pic to use rather than a real pic of yourself. Who would be dumb enough or childish enough to use their real pic?

I'm a smoker, so what, right? It's just that i respect what people have to say to me or about me. If you dont like my smoking, then i respect that and wont smoke in front of you. All i needed to know is what to expect from a big cultural country like Thailand.

And my goodness, I'm not trying to get a job there. Just wanted a vacation. :o

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Light one cigarette and you'd think you kicked them in the nuts. I think Kringle and Ned are just being cranky. Male version of the monthlies, I suppose. Nice avatar. Have no idea if yours resembles you as closely as mine resembles me.

Here's my rules about smoking *anywhere* in the world. If it is against the law, I don't. If it is someone else's home or office, I ask and go with their answer. If it is an optional area, I smoke. If someone asks nicely for me not to, I will usually put it out. If someone is rude, I blow smoke in their direction.

If they look down on me for smoking, tough. If they look down on me for smoking after they have been rude, I glare back and say nasty things under my breath about them. But I use a language they don't speak.


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But you are within your rights to kill yourself......'up to you' as they say in Thailand.

Thanks for the plug, Ned :o

I do not smoke, my wife does not smoke. But she has a girl-friend who is very much addicted. When she visits she has to shower and change clothes afterwards, because she STINKS!!

And at one time I worked in an office with two other guys, each of whom smoked eighty a day. How I must have smelt in those days ....

Would not go out with a girl who smokes, now. Breath smells, hair smells, clothes smell. Nothing can get rid of these smells and outside Asia ad the Middle East smoking appears to be rapidly declining, so these smells become more noticeable. I am sure that in another generation or two it will have vanished from all society.

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I'm a smoker, my Thai girlfriend smokes, she uses the smoking room at work, co-workers there often ask her to go for a smoke break. She was not too crazy about smoking in public last year when we met, nowadays she doesn't care what others think. She will not smoke when we visit her parents, although she smoked in her room when she lived there. I personally don't care, we are conscious of the smell of tobacco and have good hygiene.Why is it ok for thai men to smoke and not women?.....

My rules are the same as Jeepz's :7


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Sandy, surely Thai women would be looked at differently if they are smoker ( general perception ). They need to smoke in the right place that people have less traditional value if they dont wanna be looked at strangly.

I am a casual smoker ( one pack for 2 weeks or longer ). When my mom first found the cigarett pack in my bag, she was gonna kill me! She siad " only prostitue that smokes!" :o

that is a good example how Thai people look at women smokers. To not upset her, besides being careful where I put my cigarett pack in ( she throws it away), I never smoke when she is around. I rarely need it anyway.

For farang female smokers is might be a little bit different. They are accepted. Farang attitude in Thai's eyes always be like " they do whatever they like". So people would not give you a stange look ( not that much) if you smokes, but you r farang!

Dont think too much Sandy. Smoke or not does not matter, what insides that counts and you know yourself better than anyother who would jugde you for being a smoker.


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a big cultural country like Thailand.

Hi Sandy

I smoke and I follow the same rules than Jeepz.

My Thai GF also smokes. she couldn't care less what people think. Most of her girl friends do the same.

I would like to know what you mean by "big cultural country".

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Great rules for a smoker, Jeepz.

Sandy, people will give you the look for sure. But if you smoke in the right time, at the right place, and are not breaking any laws, I don't think it's going to be a problem.

BTW, now you cannot smoke inside Hard Rock Cafe until 10pm! Guests are counting down every night. I haven't checked other places out though.

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Lots of smoking going on in thailand. Just watch where to throw your butts. The police love to target foreigners for littering fines.

Good for them too I hate seeing cigarette littering the streets and beaches.

its one thing to polute your own body and the air around you. Screw the slobs who throw thier butts on the sidewalks.

I smoked for 20 years, I decided emphysema wasnt a good way to go and if you smoke long enough emphysema is a fact of life.

When I see an attractive young lady smoking a cigarette she might as well have imbecile writen on her forehead.

Its a well known fact that tobacco addiction is worse with women

Someones got to smoke and help support the fat cats in the US tobacco companies. Might as well be you!

Face it, with what we know today about tobacco addiction you would be hard pressed to find something more stupid to do with yourself.

So go have a nice smoke and flip off judgemental <deleted> like me.. We cant really help it you know.

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Thanks for the info and advice. Finally i heard from some females here.

adjan_jb: what i meant from "big cultural country" is that, i assume Thailand is very traditional and cultural. Even though i live in the states but Thai is my culture. And i was raised with certain rules and tradition. Such as, it isn't beautiful and nice for a lady to smoke, but if a man was to it would be ok. Til this day, i still hear the same rules since i could understand. So in that case, i figure Thailand would be more strict with the culture...i hope i was able to explain what i meant.

Jeepz & Candyflip: I'm the same way. I DO NOT smoke in front of my family. I do mainly smoke at work. Not because im stress or anything, just something for me to do on my break. But i love smoking for sure when im out partying and clubbing.

Most bars and pubs here in Chicago are banning smoking. Which I think is a good idea. I would never smoke before, during, or after i eat, and would not like to sit next to people that smokes while im eating. So that I dont mind.

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I am anti smoking because I nursed my mother for one year as she slowly dies of lung cancer. Iwould not wish any other peron to go through this. Tobacco companies are the source of much suffering in this world. They have been aware that smoking cigarettes kills people, for years, but have actually continued their marketing in varied ways and continue to target young females. The choice is your take it or leave it. There is NOTHING good about smoking.......for you, your freinds or family !

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durrie on to your hearts content...

not sure anyone will notice, because they won t be able to see you through the haze of diesel , two-stroke and rice stubble fumes...

and you will smell better than the stench from the drain/klong

just watch where you deposit your cigarette ends, as all policemen know your money is better spent on their ration of black label


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Whomever smokes to look cool is an idiot. My smoking is an addiction and a bad habit that is hard to break. And really, dont want to stop til i think im ready for it. Imma end up dying anyways. Why not just do stuff to make myself happy. When i feel un-happy smoking, then I'll quit :o

And yes, always be careful where u throw the darn butts. Hate it when the driver in the car in front u is smoking when they are done, they throw the butts out and it hits your window. So annoying.

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Hate it when the driver in the car in front u is smoking when they are done, they throw the butts out and it hits your window. So annoying.

16 stones of man fat coming atcha windshield is more than annoying, its dastardly hazardous. Gymnast kamikazee truckers, there's an idea for a jackie Chan movie.

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Oh, I hear ya. We all gonna end up compost, one way or another. But remember, food tastes better, your skin doesn't wrinkle up as quick, and your SO frenchs longer if you don't smoke.

Jeepz (lighting a ciggy and waggling finger)

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Jeepz~LOL but the fast food will always add those unwanted extra pounds which would be a bitch to loose. hehehe

And when your drunk, the french will always last long. No one seems to care if u have been smoking or not. Can never tell with all the drinks going down your throat. :o

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Sandy, OK so I might have "trolled" a bit on you in this topic and it might have been the monthlies or just a bad hair day. Do what you wanna do! As for the avitar, it's "Oh so cute" but I would rather see a picture of you. Call me chidish, call me an idiot, but a real picture of you would be better. :o Thanks Jeepz for the wakeup to you gotta think before you write or even after. :D

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To all the Men, do you prefer a non-smoking lady, or just really don't mind? Even if you don't mind, would u still look at a lady and think, why does she have to smoke?[/b]

thanks 4 interesting topic, sandy!

and then once more for addressing men as weel - not only women :o

my personal opinion as a man: I would. although it is a bit had to explain - something internal...

although I have many friends gals who smoke and yet r very great persons and we have nice relations. I mean - I always realise and remember that their smoking is only one of external things or habits, not main thing by which to measure this person. and yet....

last year I went home to visit my family and to my big surprise found that all women in my extended family exept my mom and grandma do smoke now - aunts, sisters, cousins.... they never did b4.... of coz it doesn't change my feelings towards them. just i feel like they won't.... and at the same time I wonder: what for, why they do now if they could live without it perfectly well b4?

but then - the same thing can be said about men.

and yet somehow u r right: about women smoking it feels more inappropriate ... don't know why.

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I'm a smoker, so what, right? It's just that i respect what people have to say to me or about me. If you dont like my smoking, then i respect that and wont smoke in front of you. All i needed to know is what to expect from a big cultural country like Thailand.

take it easy Sandy - well, if u can... it is very common trend for members in this Forum to be judgemental... funny: somehow it seems like many take it sort of personal when someone asks simple Q - as if it offends them or stirs something inside them what they prefer keep buried... instead of giving direct A they start to analyse: why this person asked this and why the avatar pic is like that and why ask in this way? may be it is sort of obsession of .... I donno .... what's that syndrom when one always feel followed, hunted, spied upon? :o

u r definetely realistic person...

in fact very much mature if u r trying to understand something about urself and ur place in particular situation and in the world in general and how to react to that accordingly without lossing self confidecne.... good!

especially I like this: "i respect what people have to say to me or about me"

many ppl only create artificial image of themselves and are desperately trying to maintain it first of all in their own eyes and then in others' . to let someone penetrate that bubble? disaster!

I'd never consider one who tries to understand, what to say appretiate and respect, other ppl's opinion - especially regarding such a sensitive matter as MY DEAR SELF ! :D:D - as childish or immature or not realistic

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Here's my rules about smoking .................

yeah man - that's what I'm talking about - respect others while keeping self respect to...

nice rules. although it is just commn sense....

personally I don't smoke coz feel like I don't need it for anything. but if I would - I'd definetely follow same rules....

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aaaaa...thanks for the tip. And i wasnt at all offended by what they were saying. I just felt as if they didnt quite understand what im trying to say.

Anyways, just hoping to go to Thailand soon, and just wanted to know what to expect from the people there. Going by the thai soaps i watch, u really dont see females smoking. Even, being a bar singer is a bad thing to the upper class people. So, i was wondering what it would be like to be a smoker. Well, I do know that soaps are just made up, but is there actually people like that in Thailand?

Kringle...I would never call u an idiot. Thats just too mean. And no, I will never post my real picture up like that. I do have a pic w/my daughter in MSN profile somewhere.

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Sandy... I think the best approach is - if you really need to smoke, do it. You should definitely not refrain for reasons of antiquated perceptions in Thailand which will fade away with time anyway.

Don't get me wrong, I really love Thai culture - but every culture has some negative sides to it. The difference in perception of what boys are allowed, and what girls are not, is one thing I do not like. It makes it too easy for the boys, and too hard for the girls.

It's really smart of you to try to find out what reactions to expect, and of course, Jeepz's rules for when to smoke and not are good - they demonstrate normal and polite behaviour in most parts of the world.

But, all prejudices aside, Western as well as Asian... Just look at the facts - as Ned Kelly said - you are gradually killing yourself with the cigarettes.

I know you know this. But in another sense, I also think you do NOT know this.

For me, personally, I have "known" about the medical effects of smoking in more detail since I was 9-10 years old. I still started smoking when I was 14. I smoked for 15 years, but finally quit last summer due to a personal friend who has now died of lung cancer. To see him grow thin and lose his strength while the colour disappeared from his face during chemotherapy is one of the worst experiences of my life.

Now I will never touch a cigarette again. 7 months since I quit, and I have gone from thinking about cigarettes several hundred times per day, to once or twice.

I don't expect you to be smarter than I was, but I hope that maybe you are. You don't need those cigarettes, they really and honestly add nothing good to your life. Find the strength and motivation to quit. That is my best advice. If you quit before the age of 30, your own body has a chance of recovering everything the cigarettes have destroyed.

Sorry for preaching.

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