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Females Smoking?


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I hate smokers, they stink!

Worst bit is that it proliferates everywhere, being in the same room as a even 1 smoker makes you stink too just as bad.

There is nothing worse than being around a smoker, it is a plague, a stinky, uniquely silly addiction, and a woman doing it is crying shame, decidedly unsexy.

As a child my parents smoked so heavily I had to lay on the floor to get below the smoke line, disgusting!

Now my Dad is 75, sits and weezes his way through the day, a skinny shadow of his former self, just waiting for death. He was by the way a former gymnast and as stronge as an ox. Poor old bugger.

I do though sympathise with the addiction side, and I can think of nothing more stressfull than sitting in a meeting as the need becomes greater and greater to get a hit.

It must be awful for a inteligent composed person to be completely dominated by a single thing, shame.

Give it up Love, it's not hip and it's not cool, it stinks and it's a killer!

No matter what Hollywood decrees, it's a mugs game.


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Worst bit is that it proliferates everywhere, being in the same room as a even 1 smoker makes you stink too just as bad.

YW Sandy!

BTW - I saw in village the mom and grandma of my g/f do smoke - and seems like most of older women. so I guess it is not entirely that thai women don't smoke...


Basher, nice explanation, dude!

yeah I think this is the main problem with smoke and also the big problem of negative reaction of smokers to those who try to prevent or at least to avoid the smoke from proliferation into their lungs. funny though that ppl must be angry about that - "oh! u don't like that my smoke gets into your lungs? u must be nazi !" although nazis rather did opposite things with their gas cameras - to both smokers and non-smokers....

but hate? no, pls don't hate the person - hate the attitude, like - don't condemn the sinner but the sin...

and being around smoker - well - the smoke itself is not the only thing by whichc we decide that , is it ? if u do - may be u r wrong....


meadish_sweetball, let me understand clear what do u mean by saying:

"You should definitely not refrain for reasons of antiquated perceptions in Thailand which will fade away with time anyway.

Don't get me wrong, I really love Thai culture - but every culture has some negative sides to it. "

1) do u mean that negative attitude towards gals smoking is antiquated?

then perhaps something wrong with this world.... but then - this issue is very realative - all kinds of ppl would have totally different opinions, so I guess I should avoid geting into it too much...

2) u think it is negative side of thai culture - this attitude?

and then: what on the earth or in ###### smoking has to do with culture at all - be it Thai culture or any other? it is simply one sort of intoxication which is absolutely unnecessary for human being's life. simply sort of perverted enjoyment from some angle of view. one doesn't need to smoke to continue live as one needs to eat food and breath air.

or may be coz it is wrong understanding in the West about - what is culture? poprcorn, TVs, MCDonald, "free sex", "democracy" ? only just few decades back most of ppl had associated word culture with art, music , literature, subtle fine aspects of human behaviour... nowdays it is - smoking? forgive my political correctness if u may call it so! but I feel sad that ppl loose the grasp of erality and values change is rapidly enreases ....

and I'd definetely not like for what is real culture in Tahiland to fade away , at least in my life time, so that later ppl would come to Thailand only for experiencing these "cultural" moments - do gals smoke or not and how and to which extend.... sad

smoke ? ok u smoke - but don't mix it up with culture ! after all smoking was imposed on the majority of ppl in the world as historical fact. of most of countries. why? simple enough - tobacco selling brings huge profit, as does selling meat, alcohol and drugs and weapons of mass destruction - what esle? list may go further.... ppl simply make money - and find many ways to propagate their product and advertise it, and brainwash lazy-minded (I wouldn't call all narrow minded - just lazy to think).

killing with sigaretes? true - u r right! but then it is common knowledge which doesn't stop those who do, right?

as what is easy and what is hard for boys/gals ... well - one must understand the reasons of why in Asian cultures gals have certain sort of harder than boys times... first a=of all - the whole world is male-dominated place. males dictate and impose the rules etc. even so called feminism is male's invented thing - convinient concept to exploit females more by making them "liberated" ... so, actually many things such as smoking - not good for all, be it boys or gals... but boys - they r less controled coz fathers/uncles/ etc. were boys themselves b4, and somehow males prefer to keep the right for themselves to do things which they consider not good for themselves as well as for gals... it is normal male mentallity, like: most of man would like to have sex with other women than their wife or g/f but won't like the wife or g/f to have similar affairs/ behaviour. so same thing: I can, but u must not!

then second point is: in asisa since ancient times naturally women were being protected and taken care of - by father, then by husband then by older son... so what is allowed or not allowed nowdays is not necessary negative but instead remnants of that popsitive attitude. the only problem is - as most of things nowdays , it gets twisted and perverted. so during last few centuries human nature degrades more and more and the attitude towards women in general and towards what is allowed/ not allowed to them as well. ppl use it and misuse it ... but I am talking about extreme things, which are realy negatvie - not about smoking.... like equal rights and facilites etc.

so we have to try to understand things instead of deliberately misunderstand and make hasty conclusions and whole theories based on them...

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This is one forum that I did not want to answer since this one is one of the very few subjects that make me angry.

I very much understand the dependence to nicotine and the difficulty for smokers to stop smoking (and for ladies, for whatever reason, it seems EXTREMELY difficult to stop).

Up to them you would say?

But women are (usually) the ones spending more time with children, their own or their friends' children and the children have NO WAY to escape the smoke.

They like it, they do not like it, it wil kill them or not, what can they do? Just plain nothing and that what makes me angry. The very, very little responsabilty the smokers show for the life of others, however close they are to them,... :o

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Bluecat...please don't use the word "smokers" and using it as all smokers in general. I smoke, and yes i have a little girl at home. I only smoke at work and when im out, but never in the car, never at home, knowing that she would be there. I am concern of my daughter's health and every little kid out there. But u said, all women smokers or all smokers in general "have very little responsibility for the lives of others", that is totally NOT TRUE. I understand u feel strongly about your opinion, but you should have word it differently. Basically u were saying i dont care for the health and life of my little love one. That is something you shouldn't have said. When it comes to her, she's my everything, and yes i will get offended by that statement. Because i know better, and i AM responsible enough to know whats wrong and good. Especially anything around her.

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You come in here asking about Thailand's perception to female smokers - which by the way is the same as maybe errrrrrrmmm EVERYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD! and now you get peeved that BC's having a go at smokers, oh pleeeeaaaase what did you expect?!! a marching band?

Come on Sandy, relax, its not about you anymore, its about smoking in general. :o

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It's obvious some (most) of you have a hard time reading and understanding at the same time. I know its about smoking in general. But dont say smokers aren't responsible. That's is totally different. Why am I even bothering explaining, it won't go through most of the minds here anyways. LOL geeeesh

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The very, very little responsabilty the smokers show for the life of others, however close they are to them,... :o

that is vey true and very good point!

but if u tel that to them - many of them would get angry at u and might say u r nazi - so better be carefull !

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Why am I even bothering explaining, it won't go through most of the minds here anyways. LOL geeeesh

hey, u seems to be making the same mistake which u acuse BC in - generalising ppl.... even implying some insult may be?

but actually u can also ty to rad and understand what he said - he didn't say all smokers.... welll, may be he didn't say "some" as well. but still - his statemnet doesn't necessary mean he is generalising.... just a bit careless , or may be blind by his anger, while puting words together into sentence....

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Why am I even bothering explaining, it won't go through most of the minds here anyways. LOL geeeesh

hey, u seems to be making the same mistake which u acuse BC in - generalising ppl.... even implying some insult may be?

but actually u can also ty to rad and understand what he said - he didn't say all smokers.... welll, may be he didn't say "some" as well. but still - his statemnet doesn't necessary mean he is generalising.... just a bit careless , or may be blind by his anger, while puting words together into sentence....

True, I should have said most of the smokers,...

And my comments apply to men and women smoking, not only women.

Just that as far as children are concerned, women are more often with them,...

And Sandy, I did not remember saying you or any of your fellow smokers did not love their children,...

I am happy to read that you NEVER smoke while with your little girl, there are always exceptions and I gladly accept that.

By the way, you were 9 months pregnant, were you a smoker at that time and did you stop for 9 months if you were?

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OMG shoot me if i ever did touch nor look at a cigarette when i was pregnant. I quit cold turkey...no problem. In fact thats how i knew i was pregnant. I was smoking with my sister, and i just started gagging and felt very sick, so i threw out my cig. And stood there talking to my sister, but i couldnt stand there any longer, and went inside feeling like sh*%. I knew there was something wrong, took a home test, and yep it was positive. I wasnt freaked out or anything. I will never do that to any of my child. I took good care of myself, thats why she is a normal healthy girl. :o Im so proud.

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Talking about smoking around kids. Yesterday after work, i went to a sports bar and grill with my co-workers. I can not believe what i saw. A family of 3 kids came in to the bar. Everyone in the bar is basically smoking. 2 of the boys were a bit older, and they had a lil infant still sleeping in the carseat on the floor under the table, while the dad was smoking and carrying the carseat. I just wanted to go over there and smack some senses into them. So stupid!!! I had to leave, and went to another bar.

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No i dont mind, well what do u think? ###### beers and club scenery LOL

I went out again for the first time, when my daughter was 6 months old. Had a couple of drinks and couldnt help it, had to grab a cigarette. And it went on by that.

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No i dont mind, well what do u think? ###### beers and club scenery LOL

Unfortunately, very common in women and men.

But is it so difficult for smokers to drink without smoking? Or to stop smoking for that matter?

Sorry for my little knowledge on the subject, probably ANY smoker can answer that question.

I just do not understand it. I try, I try but I don't, sorry,... :o

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Props to u that u dont smoke. One day I'll quit.

I know it is easy for me to say but one day, one day never works.

You want to stop, you need MOTIVATION. And, in your case at least, your girl is the motivation so you SHOULD and WILL stop.

For all the others, please find your own motivation but do not hide behind silly excuses: "If I want to die, it is up to me, why do you care?"

Hmmm, true, up to you, but we still care and anyway, a lot of people close to you care,...

I have a few very good friends of mine who died before 45 because they smoked and believe me, they were the nicest people on earth and nothing could happen to them,...

I get angry again, sorry,...

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I understand your pain, but i dont know what its like to lose someone to that.

Yes, Sandy, it happens to others only.

Main moto of the smokers,...

But will your daughter understand that you get sick because of the cigarette?

And please, I really, really, do not wish any smoker to get sick,...

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Bluecat...she will. I probably wouldnt be smoking by the time she knows anything or see anything. But just by watching TV, kids nowadays know what i can do to u without them having to ask their parents. And they learn at such a young age about it in school.

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Hi Sandy,

I am sorry to see all the preachy stuff you had to go through just to get an answer to your question.

I guess the posters reacted this way with good intentions only, but I believe that smoking, or not, is YOUR choice and motivation, not others.

I am not a regular smoker, but when in Bangkok, I DO buy a packet once in a while :o AND as I do not like to blow all the stinky smoke in my appartment, I smoke in the streets.

I did not find Thai people staring at me more because I was smoking...

maybe also because after several years living and traveling alone in Asia drew me so much unwanted attention - that i hardly notice anymore the constant staring of local people :D

As was said earlier, Thai in the bigger cities expects farangs to have different sets of values and behaviors. I find Bangkokian somewhat more open-minded and accepting than neighbouring countries regarding caucasian women freedom, including freedom of smoke :D

You won't be looked down just because of your smoking.

(though you may be for other things, like unappropriate attitude or dressing :D )

Depending on how remote the places you intend to visit, the countryside may be less "prepared" to the double shock (farang female + smoking). But as people will look at you no matter what... it depends if you can cope with constant attention or not I guess...

So Sandy, take it easy - and enjoy your smoke if you feel like it when you come to Thailand :D Not such a big deal...

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I am sorry to see all the preachy stuff you had to go through just to get an answer to your question.

You are right, Travelgirl, I for one never answered Sandy's questions.

So I'll do it now:

To all the Men, do you prefer a non-smoking lady?
Even if you don't mind, would u still look at a lady and think, why does she have to smoke?

I mind but even if I did not. YES

But I hate people judging me. And I assume people in Thailand might be a little more critical. And I don't need to be critized while I'm there.

So stop smoking,... :o

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I understand Ireland just imposed the first government sponsored countrywide ban on smoking in public places. A seriously unfriendly place for smokers. I'm sure that got the attention of the lawmakers in thailand.

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I am sorry to see all the preachy stuff you had to go through just to get an answer to your question.

:D ha! so, preachy, huh?

I love funny statements ! especially trying to understand them and the reason ppl pronounce them!

and what does your post looks like if I may ask? :o

but then I guess I do understand you: some how one needs to draw attention. and easiest way yo do that is to dismiss or label in some way those who said something bf.... like saying: "alright, and now everybody listet to me, now I speak; nobody here except of me gave any clear A to her Q ! ":D - appears like sort of childhish: "all glory to me!"

but seems like you didn't even bother to pay enough attention to see that Sandy herself has "gone through all this preachy stuff" quite well - in fact she has quite open-minded and positive perception of other ppl's opinions and respect to and appretiation of, as she meantioned it herself... funny that she was able to see that and you not !

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OH wow much better !! :o

Finally got some good answers. Thanks a bunch Travelgirl and u too Bluecat

aaaa: didnt quite understand if u were getting my back or just talked s*$

to me and didnt know it. Yeah, i get confused easily. :D

basher: close your nose, no one is making u smell us smokers LOL :D

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OH wow much better !! :o

Finally got some good answers. Thanks a bunch Travelgirl and u too Bluecat

aaaa: didnt quite understand if u were getting my back or just talked s*$

to me and didnt know it. Yeah, i get confused easily. :D

basher: close your nose, no one is making u smell us smokers LOL :D

Sandy is gonna give up ... but not yet :D

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