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Farangs To Blame Or Are They?


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Percentage wise Farang IMO would take a massive chunk, only my observation though, when im in the touristy spots all i see is farang picking up the pro's, sure there is many other places farang dont go to get one but of what ive seen alot of farang go to thailand and sleep with prosititutes. It would be interesting too see what percentage of just farang guys have paid for sex then havent.

I got to thinking about what you wrote and I assume that you were going to say that you didn’t pay for it.

But I don’t think you have had the proper experience to make a definitive statement.

You can observe by watching Thai TV what the ideal is in a man. It is not a Farang it is a loo krung. Almost everyone on TV is either 50/50 or has had a nose job and white make up to look 50/50.

Since I have seen a photo of you I assume you are 50/50.

The ladies in the bars would not ask you to pay for it. The ladies in the bar would pay you.

So you would get paid for it instead of paying for it.

To go back to the OP’s question would you be responsible prostitution? Sure, the ladies would have to date a Farang to pay for you.

Morally it might even be worse than paying for it.

Since you don’t live here full time you have no idea of the moral challenge you would face. Not only bars but grocery stores and barber shops and restaurants. They would be all over you, all the time.

This reply may start a new rush of farang trying to get plastic surgery to look 50/50, get them to pay me, what a great idea! gunna cost a heap for my surgery tho i think :o

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Been looking like a bugger for about 30 minutes to find the 'official study' I read recently stating that the Sex Industry caters in a 95:5 ratio for Thai/Foreigners.

Sorry I cannot provide the all-important back up to this,and I remember being surprised by this information, but then again, take a drive up Ratchadaphisek Road and check out the sheer numbers of neon-lighted establishments and I suppose it could be true!

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Percentage wise Farang IMO would take a massive chunk, only my observation though, when im in the touristy spots all i see is farang picking up the pro's, sure there is many other places farang dont go to get one but of what ive seen alot of farang go to thailand and sleep with prosititutes. It would be interesting too see what percentage of just farang guys have paid for sex then havent.

I got to thinking about what you wrote and I assume that you were going to say that you didn’t pay for it.

But I don’t think you have had the proper experience to make a definitive statement.

You can observe by watching Thai TV what the ideal is in a man. It is not a Farang it is a loo krung. Almost everyone on TV is either 50/50 or has had a nose job and white make up to look 50/50.

Since I have seen a photo of you I assume you are 50/50.

The ladies in the bars would not ask you to pay for it. The ladies in the bar would pay you.

So you would get paid for it instead of paying for it.

To go back to the OP’s question would you be responsible prostitution? Sure, the ladies would have to date a Farang to pay for you.

Morally it might even be worse than paying for it.

Since you don’t live here full time you have no idea of the moral challenge you would face. Not only bars but grocery stores and barber shops and restaurants. They would be all over you, all the time.

Too bad im not single anymore aye. And I think you know your stuff pretty well

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Been looking like a bugger for about 30 minutes to find the 'official study' I read recently stating that the Sex Industry caters in a 95:5 ratio for Thai/Foreigners.

Sorry I cannot provide the all-important back up to this,and I remember being surprised by this information, but then again, take a drive up Ratchadaphisek Road and check out the sheer numbers of neon-lighted establishments and I suppose it could be true!

Well ive read it was something like 70-30 some years ago, im not BSing either. But there old stats (which I dont really trust either) infact I dont really trust many stats

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Well, I have no idea of the true percentage - Thai/farang, but I am absolutely convinced that the Thais win by a very, very large margin.

Now I am a guy who has a penchant for prostitutes, and I have spent most of my adult life in studious pursuit. I have also been coming to Thailand for 30 years, and the places I have been taken to, and the Thais I have spoken to during those 30 years have left me in little doubt that prostitution amongst the Thais is rife in every nook and corner of this land.

I spent a continuous period here in the mid seventies to early eighties, and during that time I was almost exclusively working and living amongst Thais. Every night, when we had a bit of cash, we would haul off to Thai night clubs, massage parlours, restaurants, hair dressers and all kinds of other “fronting establishments” where ladies of the night would ply their trade. Even in those days, you could find huge night clubs, chock-a block with girls, and massage parlours that ran to four floors, to say nothing of the out and out brothels, where invariably the girls would be very young and locked up. Never a farang in site in any of these establishments.

Then we would go up country on long weekends – to the villages, towns, and cities throughout Thailand, and everywhere we went there was an abundance of ladies to suit every Thai’s pocket.

Remember, these were the years before the farang bar spots had really got a hold. There was Patpong, and a few seedy GI bars in Sukhumvit. Cowboy was in its infancy and Pattya had a few bars on the beach; but that was about it.

Since then the karaoke bars have sprung up which now pervade the entire country. As some posters have pointed out – they are not always easy to find. But I have been in many a town with Thais, and they have taken me down back streets, where the bars are located, usually open until 4 or 5 in the morning, and plenty of women for sale.

In the nineties, I spent a lot of time in a house I owned in Bang Saen. There were hardly any farangs there in those days – just a few teaching at the Uni. It’s a smallish, Thai university town. Has anyone seen that 4 storey building on the corner of Sukhumvit and the Bang Saen turn off? It’s a massive night club, full, every night with Thais and their ladies. Then motor down toward the beach. In those days, at least half a dozen Thai ‘outdoor’ night spots with Thai ladies who pretend to sing, but are really looking for ‘sleeping’ customers, and two fully fledged massage parlors. God knows how many more there are today.

There must be literally thousands of these kind of places all over the country – I’ve seen enough; everywhere from Rayong to Petchburi to Arun, to Loei, to Udo, to Ubon, to Hua Hin … need I go on?

About 18 months ago I spent a couple of nights in Ayudhaya. Right in the centre of town there is an area, probably 4 times the size of the Nana bar area, jam packed with bars and karaoke joints, and patronized exclusively by Thais.

Prostitution was rife in Thailand long before the GI’s arrived, and in my view and from my own personal observations, the numbers of Thais indulging far exceed the number of farangs.

My message to Donz and others, who doubt this, is quite simple. Even if you were to walk past many Thai ‘prostitutional establishments’ – you would never know it – because you can’t read the signs which tell the Thais what’s to be found inside. :o

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Completely true and IMHO not even worth arguing about, because with all of the easily verifiable research, anecodotal and historical evidence, is equivalent to arguing over whether the earth is flat or round.

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I know the Thai government doesnt want it around because the consider it a blemish on the face of the country but I dont know why it's such a big deal. As long as people are careful about things and do things right, there should be no problem. Guys want to be able to have sex with different girls and no attachments and most of the time, the women use it as a way to support themselves or their families. It's a two-way street and both sides benefit. Why are so many people against something that is beneficial to others?

The only time I can understand trying to shut it down is when girls are forced into it beyond their will.

Can't agree with you more. These girls are doing what ever necessary to stay alive and feed their family. How can anyone blame them. Sometimes life just don't give everyone a break.

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So, having established that, did farangs make any impact on Thai prostitution at all?

I have lived where I am now for about three years. There are no girls for play in our mooban, and the nearest I know of are a long drive away, and are very low brow. In fact I don't know any places along the 25 km way from work - no massage parlors, just one big karaoke shop.

Ten years ago Pattanakarn Rd looked like today's Sukhumwit after midnight, it's all gone now. It's very rare to see girls sitting outside the shops in Bangkok, they are all well hidden, it's not "in your face" anymore.

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Yes, of course foreigners had an impact. They along with the Thai government turned Thai prostitution into a modern international phenomenon and development mechanism for the country. The problem is, it is a dependent and stunted version of development - one of numbers only.

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I take exception with the topic title, "Farangs to Blame....etc.".

The topic title would be better worded, "Farangs Responsible Or....etc.".

The word "Blame" has the connotation that there is something wrong or bad. I find nothing wrong or bad with the bar scene here.

The only thing wrong with the bar scene is the fact that , since Taksin took over , earlier and earlier closing times have been enforced along with Thais having to show their id cards to get in

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