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Thais rally behind police officer seen kicking drunk driver

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"Why is it a crime for the police to kick him?"

Why Indeed? I love this country...lol

Its at time like this I am thankful I live here and not in the PC Facist West where the crims have more rights than the victims.

In jolly old blighty, there would be social workers being called in, background reports, we would be told he came from a disturbed background and society was to blame for his problems, it always someone elses fault with these scum.

Good old Thailand, frontier justice was delivered.

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Buddha talked about Kshanti.

One very important aspect of Kshanti is giving up any desire for revenge or retaliation.

To give up any desire for revenge or retaliation means to forgive.

Rightwing ideologues forget this part of their religion. Same same everywhere....


It is rough justice and the cop will probably be sent to an inactive post for a while. It could have been worse, he the drunk driver, could have killed the little girl outside the school. I don't remember any rough justice being handed out to the son of Red Bull that was drunk and killed a policeman with his flashy car in Bangkok. Last I heard he went on holidays?


Animals, believing kicking a person in the head who is on the ground, cuffed and secured is barbaric. There is absolutely no justification for kicking a person who is down. I guess this is just thainess to hand out your own punishment. I bet this hero felt great beating up someone who couldn't defend himself. I bet he kicks over prams with babies in them and laughs also. Lowest piece of cowardly scum.

I agree with your post Chooka, except for the second sentence, If I was attacked without provocation and I put the attacker on the ground, which has happened though not in Thailand, I would make sure he stayed there even if I had to kick him again. You don't know what he is going to do if he gets up, maybe pull a knife.

I have had plenty of people cuffed on the ground and I can assure that it is not very to stand with your legs crossed and your hands cuffed behind your back. A gentle hand on the shoulder is enough force to keep a person on the ground in this position, a boot in the face is excessive. As for a handcuffed guy pulling a knife I find this very hard to believe especially as the very 1st thing police do after restraining a person is to do a thorough search for thier protection and that of the police.
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Why am I not surprised that the Thai populace supports the use of unprovoked violence against a defenceless individual?

Really send out the message loud and clear..... Thais are not very nice people.

Wrong, you cannot generalize over this, I am the first to condemn Thai guys and their six to one odds when "fighting", but to say "Thais are not very nice people" I would say about 90% of them are.

Excluding the car and msy drivers ofcourse.


So, let's get our priorities straight here Thai people:

Cop gets suspended for kicking a suspect, you complain.

Cop posts horrific photos of violated, butchered, female murder victim on social media …. not a word of concern.

Oh I think we can add to that second list somewhat!


police are to uphold the law not brake it. They have taken a person into custody and as such his physical and mental wellbeing are 110% thier responsibility. They have a duty of care to protect him not kick the shyt out of him. In Aust this dog excrement would be sued along with police force and his house, car and first born will all be gone.

i guess socialist "nanny-statism" would not be a reason for you to leave Australia.

The USA provides illustration of the outcome of making it relatively easy to sue. Quite well-known. Ever noticed, it is virtually impossible to "get the balance right" in this world? There are often some unintended consequences, pro's and cons.


If it was my daughter he injured, he would have got another kicking off me. Well done the RTP. This thing only happens in Thailand, anyone remember Rodney King?

Yes, i remember hearing that he eventually died in uhh suitable way, something to do with overdose or gangsta lifestyle.


Why am I not surprised that the Thai populace supports the use of unprovoked violence against a defenceless individual?

Really send out the message loud and clear..... Thais are not very nice people.

Wrong, you cannot generalize over this, I am the first to condemn Thai guys and their six to one odds when "fighting", but to say "Thais are not very nice people" I would say about 90% of them are.

Excluding the car and msy drivers ofcourse.

Nobody condemns Thai drivers more than I do, but most of those drivers are decent people when they are not driving or riding a motorbike, although most of them do tend to have a low intelligence level.


Animals, believing kicking a person in the head who is on the ground, cuffed and secured is barbaric. There is absolutely no justification for kicking a person who is down. I guess this is just thainess to hand out your own punishment. I bet this hero felt great beating up someone who couldn't defend himself. I bet he kicks over prams with babies in them and laughs also. Lowest piece of cowardly scum.

I agree with your post Chooka, except for the second sentence, If I was attacked without provocation and I put the attacker on the ground, which has happened though not in Thailand, I would make sure he stayed there even if I had to kick him again. You don't know what he is going to do if he gets up, maybe pull a knife.

I have had plenty of people cuffed on the ground and I can assure that it is not very to stand with your legs crossed and your hands cuffed behind your back. A gentle hand on the shoulder is enough force to keep a person on the ground in this position, a boot in the face is excessive. As for a handcuffed guy pulling a knife I find this very hard to believe especially as the very 1st thing police do after restraining a person is to do a thorough search for thier protection and that of the police.

A sensible post Chooka, and I do agree with most of your posts, but I do have to say that if I am attacked without provoking anyone and I put them down, there will be no gentle hands, and one way or another, I will make sure that person stays on the ground.


I think most of you are on a high horse. No one knows what was being said at the time this happened. The police were trying to control a group of angry people. Maybe the police were having a hard time keeping things calm,perhaps the driver was still mouthing off to people enflaming the situation.Maybe people right there were threatening to take things in their own hands. I saw the video after the cop kicked the driver,another cop stood beside the driver in a protective stance,you could see it wasnot to protect the driver from the police but possible others. A lot of holy than thou crap. For the ones that were cops in other countries as the saying goes ' this aint Kansas Alice". Different game here for sure. Ever heard of consensus.If the populace feels it is right then it is right. Simple as that.

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I think most of you are on a high horse. No one knows what was being said at the time this happened. The police were trying to control a group of angry people. Maybe the police were having a hard time keeping things calm,perhaps the driver was still mouthing off to people enflaming the situation.Maybe people right there were threatening to take things in their own hands. I saw the video after the cop kicked the driver,another cop stood beside the driver in a protective stance,you could see it wasnot to protect the driver from the police but possible others. A lot of holy than thou crap. For the ones that were cops in other countries as the saying goes ' this aint Kansas Alice". Different game here for sure. Ever heard of consensus.If the populace feels it is right then it is right. Simple as that.

I must live on another planet who can say a person in custody that is hand cuffed can be kick in the face by a policeman . People often make mistakes and the police are there to stop them put them in court let a judge decide the punishment . What ever a person has done the police must uphold the law otherwise why have them or let's all just kick people to death if they do something wrong .


I think most of you are on a high horse. No one knows what was being said at the time this happened. The police were trying to control a group of angry people. Maybe the police were having a hard time keeping things calm,perhaps the driver was still mouthing off to people enflaming the situation.Maybe people right there were threatening to take things in their own hands. I saw the video after the cop kicked the driver,another cop stood beside the driver in a protective stance,you could see it wasnot to protect the driver from the police but possible others. A lot of holy than thou crap. For the ones that were cops in other countries as the saying goes ' this aint Kansas Alice". Different game here for sure. Ever heard of consensus.If the populace feels it is right then it is right. Simple as that.

I must live on another planet who can say a person in custody that is hand cuffed can be kick in the face by a policeman . People often make mistakes and the police are there to stop them put them in court let a judge decide the punishment . What ever a person has done the police must uphold the law otherwise why have them or let's all just kick people to death if they do something wrong .

There are many ways of interpreting upholding the law.If you wish to follow it to the letter then yes you do live on another planet. An officers duty is to keep law and order.That is first and foremost. What needs to be done in one situation isnot the same as the next situation .If law and order is kept the means justifies the end.

In a situation where a crowd is getting excited about the actions of an individual and the cops are trying to calm things and the person the crowd is angry at is perhaps saying things to enrage the people more,and things are rapidly deteriorating to the point of rage and mob rule. At times like this the rule book is out the window a person does what is necessary to maintain order. Law and order override everything else.The drunk driver put himself in the situation everyone else was subject to it. A lot of people can get hurt including police when things get out of order..

Also why should cops stand there and allow their own safety and well being be threatened because of a drunk who doesnot know what he has gotten himself into.keeps escalating things.

You make it sound like western justice. When it was crowd control.


It is perfectly acceptable to report on events and give opinions, it is not acceptable to post in a manner in which to bash any specific country. One post removed.

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