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FBI probes into human parts case in Thailand


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I have considerable experience with sick people and sick behaviors, mainly caused by drug abuse/addiction. However, it's very difficult for me to understand how these guys could become so twisted and depraved.

So by your logic anybody who is sick and depraved is so because of a direct result from alcohol and or drug abuse? Are you always such an ignorant fool or just today?

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I have considerable experience with sick people and sick behaviors, mainly caused by drug abuse/addiction. However, it's very difficult for me to understand how these guys could become so twisted and depraved.

So by your logic anybody who is sick and depraved is so because of a direct result from alcohol and or drug abuse? Are you always such an ignorant fool or just today?

Are you always such a pompous blowhard? Since you are so fond of logic, try rereading my post. If you still have the same opinion, try taking a class in critical thinking at your local junior college. Perhaps a particularly astute teacher can teach you the difference between anybody and mainly. But then again, perhaps not. You don't strike me as a guy who thinks things through before acting or speaking.

Edited by alfalfa19
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had been very cooperative during interrogation this past weekend. That was why police said they believed Ryan McPherson and Daniel Tanner when they said they were just tourists and could not remember exactly where they had bought these human organs.

Yes, yes, cooperation very important in a police case. Without the correct amount of cooperation you will be detained. Make sure to negotiate the correct amount before hand, because the incorrect amount will not be appreciated.

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I have considerable experience with sick people and sick behaviors, mainly caused by drug abuse/addiction. However, it's very difficult for me to understand how these guys could become so twisted and depraved.

So by your logic anybody who is sick and depraved is so because of a direct result from alcohol and or drug abuse? Are you always such an ignorant fool or just today?

Are you always such a pompous blowhard? Since you are so fond of logic, try rereading my post. If you still have the same opinion, try taking a class in critical thinking at your local junior college. Perhaps a particularly astute teacher can teach you the difference between anybody and mainly. But then again, perhaps not. You don't strike me as a guy who thinks things through before acting or speaking.

Not all of the time no, but I try. Anyway you clearly say such behavior is mainly caused by drug abuse, where did you work, in a rehab? Would kind of make sense then if that is mainly what you have experienced, if you worked in say death-row with serial killers you probably would have a different view on how people can turn sour.

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CCTV footage shows suspected 'Bumfights' thieves enter Siriraj Medical Museum

By Coconuts Bangkok


BANGKOK: -- Two Americans accused of stealing human body parts can reportedly be seen in security footage visiting the Bangkok hospital museum they are thought to have burglarized.

As authorities seek international help with apprehending Ryan McPherson and Daniel Tanner after they fled to Cambodia on Sunday, today’s footage seems to show the two men, wearing backpacks, as they come and go from the Siriraj Medical Museum on Thursday.

Read More: http://bangkok.coconuts.co//2014/11/19/cctv-footage-shows-suspected-bumfights-thieves-enter-siriraj-medical-museum

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2014-11-19

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CCTV footage shows suspected 'Bumfights' thieves enter Siriraj Medical Museum

By Coconuts Bangkok


BANGKOK: -- Two Americans accused of stealing human body parts can reportedly be seen in security footage visiting the Bangkok hospital museum they are thought to have burglarized.

As authorities seek international help with apprehending Ryan McPherson and Daniel Tanner after they fled to Cambodia on Sunday, today’s footage seems to show the two men, wearing backpacks, as they come and go from the Siriraj Medical Museum on Thursday.

Read More: http://bangkok.coconuts.co//2014/11/19/cctv-footage-shows-suspected-bumfights-thieves-enter-siriraj-medical-museum


-- Coconuts Bangkok 2014-11-19

It now seems they 'fled' to Cambodia ("... Ryan McPherson and Daniel Tanner after they fled to Cambodia..."). A few days ago they merely 'visited' Cambodia. tongue.png

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They must have CCTV footage of them stealing the exhibits. I am sure they have more cameras than this.

They probably were bought by the Americans from a staff member, but obviously the Thais can't see a Thai prosecuted when two farangs look much better for the Thai authorities.

I am sure the Americans will make a statement eventually to that effect.

Much more believable as well if you ask me. How many farangs will steal unless they are absolutely desperate in a country that is very severe on prison sentences.... especially for farang.

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Is this the world's first international warrant for shoplifting? Admittedly it's not razors at 7-11, but it's not the Mona Lisa either. Really just a distraction, albeit a gory one, from all the negative press Thailand is receiving lately.

Happy crucifixion!!!

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total scum no wonder most or world hates americans I hope they get thrown in prison for ever or better still put down like cockroach scum they are

What does their Americanism have to do with anything? Are the people on this forum capable of seeing (judging) other people through any other lens than their nationality? Are these people so insubstantial as individuals that they have to cling to the alleged (deluded) superiority of their own nation in order to feel any self-esteem?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

ROFLMAO Idiots for cops I would have held pending valid proof of purchase. Now these guys will get away with theft, transportation of body parts, without proper doc's Falsifying Shipping paperwork. And that just Federal level then you got Nevada laws to deal with No import permit. These guys are in Deep chit. But wave a few baht under a cops nose and wham bam your out of here.cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20> Explain that one flat foot. alt=whistling.gif>

"And that just Federal level then you got Nevada laws to deal with No import permit. These guys are in Deep chit. But wave a few baht under a cops nose and wham bam your out of here."

What does (imagined) US Federal law or the law in Nevada have to do with anything the police in Thailand do. The parts were, rightly or wrongly, considered medical display items and it wasn't until the hospital said the parts had been stolen that there was any justification found to arrest them.

As disgusting as it may be, most colleges and museums (and circus sideshows) have pickled bodied parts or stillborn infants on display.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigators are now trying to determine whether any laws were broken ...

The FBI is looking to see if any laws were broken, but you've already got ahead of them with a string of US federal and state violations, even though the parcels apparently never got anywhere near the US.

Not defending the two idiots or that anyone would find body parts something entertaining to look at, but being stupid or ghoulish is not against the law and there's no evidence the body parts were originally obtained illegally.

If they were stolen from the hospital and these two bought stolen goods and attempted to (most likely) violate export laws, that may or may not warrant them being arrested, but can you imagine all the hyperbolic comments here at TV if these two were jailed while the police tried to find a reason to charge them and they would most likely have been eligible to be bailed out anyway?

Idiots they may be, but this doesn't qualify as some major international incident nor is there any reason (aside from your highly excitable imagination) to believe they bribed anyone when they had not been charged with anything.

Whether the body parts were obtained here legally or not is no concern to the FBI. Trade, of any kind, in human tissue is illegal in the US. And the thing with US law is that, regardless of where in the world I am, if I violate a US law, as a US citizen I am liable for that action as if I had committed it within US borders. Just ask the many US chaps who have sojourned to other parts of the globe to have sex with underage children, only to find themselves charged with sex crimes upon return to the US. If I should decide to have sex with a sixteen year old girl here in Thailand, even though it is legal here because she isn't a prostitute, when I get back to the US I can be charged with a sex crime, and rightfully so. So these chaps, if found by the FBI to have violated US Federal law, will eventually be having some rather long, rather uncomfortable conversations with FBI agents and/or Federal prosecutors, most likely accompanied by their attorneys.

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Ulit, "mischief"? really?!?! maybe it would serve you to learn a bit more about these dreadful people. referring to all their disgusting actions and crimes and exploitation and mutilation of humans in desperate situations for their own financial benefit is clinically sociopathic actions on their part! the fact that you refer to it as mere "mischief" not only says everything about who you are as a person, but it also offends decent people reading your callous drivel and it makes me greatly dislike you, whomever the F you are. and icare999, this is absolutely NOT why most of the world hates Americans! pull your head out! the behavior of these two is actual clinical psychological disorders and certainly not something that Americans commonly engage in! there's many, many legitimate reasons that most of the world hates Americans, but THIS ain't one of them!

I don't hate Americans. A bit loud and they wear big shiny black shoes with trousers at half-mast but I think they mean well.

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It seems I ruffled a few feathers But as an American I know the laws of my country Which I must obey No matter where I maybe for I will be held accountable for what I do. Unlike what may happen in other countries. Of course if people had read the article it stated they let the shipment go on it's trip. Since that happened now a charge of receiving stolen property is applied on top of other charges that maybe pending. Just ask OJ.

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Bizarre! BUT we foreigners often get answers given that do not make sense at all, with the attitude that we have to believe it. We are not stupid.

So good for these guys to get sort of away with their story. Getting back at the locals Ha ha

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