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Thailand's Board of Investment (BoI) admits that foreign investment is declining


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The 20 families that control Thailand do not want to compete with foreign businesses and risk losing their monopoly. It is starting to look like the Junta is in their pocket with these types of policies. Let's hope they do a 180 and get rid of these protectionist business policies.

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How does Thailand expect to catch up without outside help? How did South Korea dig itself out of its hole in the late 90's. They had outside help. They liberalised and openend their economy, and today they are doing very well. Thailand and Taiwan are still backward and struggling.

South Korea is probably not the best example to use since the it is probably Park Chung-Hee's heavy handed military dictatorship in the 60/70s that is most responsible for them being where they are today.

Edited by Orac
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Toyota has sent warning signals to this administration , I would take those warning seriously if I was Thailand , if Toyota goes, so the others will follow.coffee1.gif

If only Toyota goes a lot of suppliers to Toyota will die. These also bought thing on the local market. It would be a earthquake.

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The 20 families that control Thailand do not want to compete with foreign businesses and risk losing their monopoly. It is starting to look like the Junta is in their pocket with these types of policies. Let's hope they do a 180 and get rid of these protectionist business policies.

The junta is in their pocket? cheesy.gif

They rule Thailand......From the big alcohol brewer it is known that they pay to every side: to Thaksin, Barnharn, Military, Police, Democrats, Suthep, Sonthi. Sure the others do the same. And don't forget that they are all friends and often relatives to each other. They fight for power, money and influence, but it is still family. See the political changes now. One would expect that the military just seize all the money that the former corrupt government has stolen and put them in jail.

But no in fact they are all friends.....

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The 20 families that control Thailand do not want to compete with foreign businesses and risk losing their monopoly. It is starting to look like the Junta is in their pocket with these types of policies. Let's hope they do a 180 and get rid of these protectionist business policies.

Control is control, has always been that way, unless you agree to 49%...... But at least you can be a trustee.....


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I am only a small business man. But I have a plan gathering dust that could see employment for 10 or 12 Thai's, give a trucking company a minimum of 1 40ft container to move to Laam Chabang every week, buy bottles closures and labels from a business here, have potential to grow the business, fully fund the purchase of land, have a processing plant built, and have it fully funded from Australia, pay tax to the Thai government.

Only thing I need to import the equipment from China as no-one makes it here.

But because of their head in the sand approach the whole thing may end up going to Cambodia or Vietnam......

so go to Cambodia or Vietnam instead. If you are a business man you go where the best opportunity is, you don't sit around moaning about how the 3rd best place was not good enough

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"Thailand's Board of Investment (BoI) admits that foreign investment is declining."

There is an important clue here. Western countries don't rely on foreign investments to drive their economies.

Only shitholes like Thailand and China who have NO technology of their own need foreign investors to come in and set up factories and hire their cheap labor and manufacture what was invented in the West.

These are the knuckle draggers of the world of technology both in what is manufactured and how it is manufactured. The foreign investors make the real money on what is manufactured and leave Thailand with the little dab of what's left.

Toyota talked Philippines, but what they really did was buy a big chunk of industrial land at Yangon Burma, and promise to build a deep water port there.

Thailand is the hub of nothing anymore due to its own unfriendly foreign investment laws.

If the USA does not require foreign investments who buys all the the debt? About 6 trillion is foreign held last time I checked. The USA is filled with investors with foreign accents like George Soros.

You write like the people living in the USA are from the USA. To use your nasty turn of phrase they are from shitholes and moved to the USA because of the trade and natural resources available there. The air in the West does not make people smart.

Foreign investment is declining in Thailand because of reasons in Thailand and the general decline in Thai trading partners like the recession in Japan and the economic problems in China. If China and Japan have problems Thailand is going to have problems this is not rocket science.

The way out is to make the Thai worker more productive. Look to the countries that have the most productive workers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_%28PPP%29_per_hour_worked

Edited by thailiketoo
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"Thailand's Board of Investment (BoI) admits that foreign investment is declining."

There is an important clue here. Western countries don't rely on foreign investments to drive their economies.

Only shitholes like Thailand and China who have NO technology of their own need foreign investors to come in and set up factories and hire their cheap labor and manufacture what was invented in the West.

These are the knuckle draggers of the world of technology both in what is manufactured and how it is manufactured. The foreign investors make the real money on what is manufactured and leave Thailand with the little dab of what's left.

Toyota talked Philippines, but what they really did was buy a big chunk of industrial land at Yangon Burma, and promise to build a deep water port there.

Thailand is the hub of nothing anymore due to its own unfriendly foreign investment laws.

You're joking. the usa and all of europe are owned by 7 major foreign bank cartels who keep them in a debt based economy- and the Fed reserve is those 7 privately owned banks.

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exports declining, do you mean, nobody wants the rotten pesticide ridden rice ?

Top 5 Products exported by Thailand Computers (8.8%), Rubber (4.2%), Delivery Trucks (3.5%), Refined Petroleum (3.3%), and Gold (3.0%)

Thailand is the top exporter of Rubber, Processed Fish, Other Prepared Meat, Compounded Unvulcanised Rubber, Starches, Dextrins, Precious Stones, Cassava, Iron Ingots, and Pharmaceutical Rubber Products.


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The ridulous thing is that one has to wonder what have the farangs taken away from thais anyway? The market? What? Why do they want to attack a goose laying golden eggs, paying taxes and employing people. Why?

Thai at Heart ... because our progress and ability to think outside of the box and therefore prosper makes then look stupid. The issue will always come down to education and those at the top don't want the people educated because you cannot control them. It's easier, just as Paddy stated to just blame the foreigner for everything so as to hide the underlying truth that without foreigners and more importantly their investments Thailand would collapse both economically and socially.

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The ridulous thing is that one has to wonder what have the farangs taken away from thais anyway? The market? What? Why do they want to attack a goose laying golden eggs, paying taxes and employing people. Why?

Thai at Heart ... because our progress and ability to think outside of the box and therefore prosper makes then look stupid. The issue will always come down to education and those at the top don't want the people educated because you cannot control them. It's easier, just as Paddy stated to just blame the foreigner for everything so as to hide the underlying truth that without foreigners and more importantly their investments Thailand would collapse both economically and socially.

Its not about them feeling stupid.

Its that the select groups have paid for the privelege they feel they deserve in the market.

Why should anyone care who makes beer in thailand, but they have convinced the govt that only Thais should make beer in Thailand because for some dumb reason they will protect Thailand from exploitation.

All the whole time exploiting the Thai consumer by having an oligopoly.

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The ridulous thing is that one has to wonder what have the farangs taken away from thais anyway? The market? What? Why do they want to attack a goose laying golden eggs, paying taxes and employing people. Why?

Thai at Heart ... because our progress and ability to think outside of the box and therefore prosper makes then look stupid. The issue will always come down to education and those at the top don't want the people educated because you cannot control them. It's easier, just as Paddy stated to just blame the foreigner for everything so as to hide the underlying truth that without foreigners and more importantly their investments Thailand would collapse both economically and socially.

Its not about them feeling stupid.

Its that the select groups have paid for the privelege they feel they deserve in the market.

Why should anyone care who makes beer in thailand, but they have convinced the govt that only Thais should make beer in Thailand because for some dumb reason they will protect Thailand from exploitation.

All the whole time exploiting the Thai consumer by having an oligopoly.

They don't want Thai consumer debt to go down, but they do want to control who the Thai population is indebted to.

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"Thailand's Board of Investment (BoI) admits that foreign investment is declining."

There is an important clue here. Western countries don't rely on foreign investments to drive their economies.

Only shitholes like Thailand and China who have NO technology of their own need foreign investors to come in and set up factories and hire their cheap labor and manufacture what was invented in the West.

These are the knuckle draggers of the world of technology both in what is manufactured and how it is manufactured. The foreign investors make the real money on what is manufactured and leave Thailand with the little dab of what's left.

Toyota talked Philippines, but what they really did was buy a big chunk of industrial land at Yangon Burma, and promise to build a deep water port there.

Thailand is the hub of nothing anymore due to its own unfriendly foreign investment laws.

You're joking. the usa and all of europe are owned by 7 major foreign bank cartels who keep them in a debt based economy- and the Fed reserve is those 7 privately owned banks.

Yeah, that's right..not only that though....wink wink....what about the new world order, and the involvement of the illuminati, and the queen of England, she's controlling most of it from buckingham palace,...ooooh....before I forget....the moon landing was a lie, haarp is controlling the weather, tesla is still alive and he invented a time machine....

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"Thailand's Board of Investment (BoI) admits that foreign investment is declining."

There is an important clue here. Western countries don't rely on foreign investments to drive their economies.

Only shitholes like Thailand and China who have NO technology of their own need foreign investors to come in and set up factories and hire their cheap labor and manufacture what was invented in the West.

These are the knuckle draggers of the world of technology both in what is manufactured and how it is manufactured. The foreign investors make the real money on what is manufactured and leave Thailand with the little dab of what's left.

Toyota talked Philippines, but what they really did was buy a big chunk of industrial land at Yangon Burma, and promise to build a deep water port there.

Thailand is the hub of nothing anymore due to its own unfriendly foreign investment laws.

You're joking. the usa and all of europe are owned by 7 major foreign bank cartels who keep them in a debt based economy- and the Fed reserve is those 7 privately owned banks.

Yeah, that's right..not only that though....wink wink....what about the new world order, and the involvement of the illuminati, and the queen of England, she's controlling most of it from buckingham palace,...ooooh....before I forget....the moon landing was a lie, haarp is controlling the weather, tesla is still alive and he invented a time machine....

Not what I said. Do your research on the banks' shareholders, sonny. Not rocket science nor a conspiracy. Stop exaggerating and trolling, thank you.

Edited by gemini81
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The ridulous thing is that one has to wonder what have the farangs taken away from thais anyway? The market? What? Why do they want to attack a goose laying golden eggs, paying taxes and employing people. Why?

Thai at Heart ... because our progress and ability to think outside of the box and therefore prosper makes then look stupid. The issue will always come down to education and those at the top don't want the people educated because you cannot control them. It's easier, just as Paddy stated to just blame the foreigner for everything so as to hide the underlying truth that without foreigners and more importantly their investments Thailand would collapse both economically and socially.

What percent (provide a link please) of Thai business is foreign owned or controlled or depends on foreign investment?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Toyota has sent warning signals to this administration , I would take those warning seriously if I was Thailand , if Toyota goes, so the others will follow.coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

"Toyota has sent warning signals to this administration" ??? I wasn't aware there was an "administration" in Thailand, I thought Thailand was under Military law??? Call me a radical thinker, but perhaps it is time for an election so that there can be an administration, a parliment and a prime minister- just a thought wai2.gif

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The ridulous thing is that one has to wonder what have the farangs taken away from thais anyway? The market? What? Why do they want to attack a goose laying golden eggs, paying taxes and employing people. Why?

PaddyJenkins ... perfectly said.

Thai at Heart ... because our progress and ability to think outside of the box and therefore prosper makes then look stupid. The issue will always come down to education and those at the top don't want the people educated because you cannot control them. It's easier, just as Paddy stated to just blame the foreigner for everything so as to hide the underlying truth that without foreigners and more importantly their investments Thailand would collapse both economically and socially.

What percent (provide a link please) of Thai business is foreign owned or controlled or depends on foreign investment?


27%? If in scan reading this document I understood it

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One derogatory post has been deleted from this topic.

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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The ridulous thing is that one has to wonder what have the farangs taken away from thais anyway? The market? What? Why do they want to attack a goose laying golden eggs, paying taxes and employing people. Why?

Thai at Heart ... because our progress and ability to think outside of the box and therefore prosper makes then look stupid. The issue will always come down to education and those at the top don't want the people educated because you cannot control them. It's easier, just as Paddy stated to just blame the foreigner for everything so as to hide the underlying truth that without foreigners and more importantly their investments Thailand would collapse both economically and socially.

What percent (provide a link please) of Thai business is foreign owned or controlled or depends on foreign investment?


27%? If in scan reading this document I understood it

From your link.

"However, the outward FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) has increased rapidly during 2003 2011. Thailand has transformed herself into a net exporter of direct investment in 2011 despite starting as a net importer."

I think a net exporter of foreign investment means that Thailand invests more outside of Thailand than Foreigners invest in Thailand but I'll keep reading.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"Thailand's Board of Investment (BoI) admits that foreign investment is declining."

There is an important clue here. Western countries don't rely on foreign investments to drive their economies.

Only shitholes like Thailand and China who have NO technology of their own need foreign investors to come in and set up factories and hire their cheap labor and manufacture what was invented in the West.

These are the knuckle draggers of the world of technology both in what is manufactured and how it is manufactured. The foreign investors make the real money on what is manufactured and leave Thailand with the little dab of what's left.

Toyota talked Philippines, but what they really did was buy a big chunk of industrial land at Yangon Burma, and promise to build a deep water port there.

Thailand is the hub of nothing anymore due to its own unfriendly foreign investment laws.

If the USA does not require foreign investments who buys all the the debt? About 6 trillion is foreign held last time I checked. The USA is filled with investors with foreign accents like George Soros.

You write like the people living in the USA are from the USA. To use your nasty turn of phrase they are from shitholes and moved to the USA because of the trade and natural resources available there. The air in the West does not make people smart.

Foreign investment is declining in Thailand because of reasons in Thailand and the general decline in Thai trading partners like the recession in Japan and the economic problems in China. If China and Japan have problems Thailand is going to have problems this is not rocket science.

The way out is to make the Thai worker more productive. Look to the countries that have the most productive workers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_%28PPP%29_per_hour_worked

Thailiketoo, I believe that Never Sure said " western countries don't rely on foreign investment to drive their economies" you seem to have twisted that around a bit and said that the U.S. doesn't require foreign investment. The U.S. certainly welcomes foreign investment, as far as the rest of your post goes it is pretty much spot on and I think that the crux of much of Thailands problems going forward is that they have become perhaps too reliant on Japan and China, at a time when Japan and Chinas problems are just begining sad.png

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"Thailand's Board of Investment (BoI) admits that foreign investment is declining."

There is an important clue here. Western countries don't rely on foreign investments to drive their economies.

Only shitholes like Thailand and China who have NO technology of their own need foreign investors to come in and set up factories and hire their cheap labor and manufacture what was invented in the West.

These are the knuckle draggers of the world of technology both in what is manufactured and how it is manufactured. The foreign investors make the real money on what is manufactured and leave Thailand with the little dab of what's left.

Toyota talked Philippines, but what they really did was buy a big chunk of industrial land at Yangon Burma, and promise to build a deep water port there.

Thailand is the hub of nothing anymore due to its own unfriendly foreign investment laws.

You're joking. the usa and all of europe are owned by 7 major foreign bank cartels who keep them in a debt based economy- and the Fed reserve is those 7 privately owned banks.

Yeah, that's right..not only that though....wink wink....what about the new world order, and the involvement of the illuminati, and the queen of England, she's controlling most of it from buckingham palace,...ooooh....before I forget....the moon landing was a lie, haarp is controlling the weather, tesla is still alive and he invented a time machine....

Not what I said. Do your research on the banks' shareholders, sonny. Not rocket science nor a conspiracy. Stop exaggerating and trolling, thank you.

Lol....ok.....gotcha....it's all those evil big banks...they own us all....we're all slaves...okidoki....new world order, fiat currency, illuminati, oooohhhh....mustn't forget the Jews....and I better just mention the queen of England again....and the Knights Templars....and goldman Sachs is secretly running the whole world from its office in London and they are in contact with aliens...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"Thailand's Board of Investment (BoI) admits that foreign investment is declining."

There is an important clue here. Western countries don't rely on foreign investments to drive their economies.

Only shitholes like Thailand and China who have NO technology of their own need foreign investors to come in and set up factories and hire their cheap labor and manufacture what was invented in the West.

These are the knuckle draggers of the world of technology both in what is manufactured and how it is manufactured. The foreign investors make the real money on what is manufactured and leave Thailand with the little dab of what's left.

Toyota talked Philippines, but what they really did was buy a big chunk of industrial land at Yangon Burma, and promise to build a deep water port there.

Thailand is the hub of nothing anymore due to its own unfriendly foreign investment laws.

If the USA does not require foreign investments who buys all the the debt? About 6 trillion is foreign held last time I checked. The USA is filled with investors with foreign accents like George Soros.

You write like the people living in the USA are from the USA. To use your nasty turn of phrase they are from shitholes and moved to the USA because of the trade and natural resources available there. The air in the West does not make people smart.

Foreign investment is declining in Thailand because of reasons in Thailand and the general decline in Thai trading partners like the recession in Japan and the economic problems in China. If China and Japan have problems Thailand is going to have problems this is not rocket science.

The way out is to make the Thai worker more productive. Look to the countries that have the most productive workers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_%28PPP%29_per_hour_worked

Thailiketoo, I believe that Never Sure said " western countries don't rely on foreign investment to drive their economies" you seem to have twisted that around a bit and said that the U.S. doesn't require foreign investment. The U.S. certainly welcomes foreign investment, as far as the rest of your post goes it is pretty much spot on and I think that the crux of much of Thailands problems going forward is that they have become perhaps too reliant on Japan and China, at a time when Japan and Chinas problems are just begining sad.png

Sorry I didn't mean the USA does not require foreign investment. It requires lots of it. I agree Thailand is too dependent on Japan and China and should look toward the more economically efficient economies with more productive workers.


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And the bubble will burst

People have been writing that on Thai Visa for 10 years. There are posters who have grown old and died waiting for that event. Do you have any idea when? I remember listening to a couple of Japanese officers talking about the bubble bursting in the bar at the Mandarin Oriental in 1942.

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I am only a small business man. But I have a plan gathering dust that could see employment for 10 or 12 Thai's, give a trucking company a minimum of 1 40ft container to move to Laam Chabang every week, buy bottles closures and labels from a business here, have potential to grow the business, fully fund the purchase of land, have a processing plant built, and have it fully funded from Australia, pay tax to the Thai government.

Only thing I need to import the equipment from China as no-one makes it here.

But because of their head in the sand approach the whole thing may end up going to Cambodia or Vietnam......


You are probably wise to forego your idea in Thailand and seek out more friendly venues.

Why risk your money and effort only to be left with a fraction of your investment?

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"Thailand's Board of Investment (BoI) admits that foreign investment is declining."

There is an important clue here. Western countries don't rely on foreign investments to drive their economies.

Only shitholes like Thailand and China who have NO technology of their own need foreign investors to come in and set up factories and hire their cheap labor and manufacture what was invented in the West.

These are the knuckle draggers of the world of technology both in what is manufactured and how it is manufactured. The foreign investors make the real money on what is manufactured and leave Thailand with the little dab of what's left.

Toyota talked Philippines, but what they really did was buy a big chunk of industrial land at Yangon Burma, and promise to build a deep water port there.

Thailand is the hub of nothing anymore due to its own unfriendly foreign investment law

Everything big business does is the cost of labor. But they want the same price for their product everywhere. The Philippines cannot compete with Burma when it comes to the price of coolies.

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