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'I Hate Thailand' star comes clean: Video funded by TAT


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Did people really believe 100 Thais would take to a beach with candles for free to find someone's bag?

geeze, you can't get a Thai to walk across the street unless theres a croissant or a bottle of whiskey on the otherside ....tongue.png
Really? Not where I live. Dont like it? Go home.
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Somebody should make a response video. Tourist comes to Thailand and.....

1. Scammed by taxi at the airport.

2. Visits tourist attractions but is charged tourist price

3. Pick pocketed by a gang of lady boys

4. Drugged and robbed bt a bar girl girl

5. Run afoul of some police shakedown scan

6. Etc.....

Here we go again more Thai bashing. If its that bad go home. We have a great place in the UK called Mosside. Youll love it. Far worse than anywhere in Thailand. The US has the Bronx. Nice this time of year I believe. Your comment in no way reflects the majority of Thailand. See yer. Wouldnt want to be yer.
I really don't see why the truth bothers some people so much. Everything said has happened over and over and over again. This video in nothing more than a lie...

People like you are part of the reason Thailand has problems. Sometimes people want to speak their mind and and tell it like they see it ..... Good and bad ! I would bet the same people who bring up negative issues are the ones who live here and love Thailand the most. They just don't sit back like good little sheep and accept everything that is thrown at them.

You are part of the problem so go home !!!

Its not your country your a guest. You want sheep then the west is full of them. Go Home.
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Somebody should make a response video. Tourist comes to Thailand and.....

1. Scammed by taxi at the airport.

2. Visits tourist attractions but is charged tourist price

3. Pick pocketed by a gang of lady boys

4. Drugged and robbed bt a bar girl girl

5. Run afoul of some police shakedown scan

6. Etc.....

Here we go again more Thai bashing. If its that bad go home. We have a great place in the UK called Mosside. Youll love it. Far worse than anywhere in Thailand. The US has the Bronx. Nice this time of year I believe. Your comment in no way reflects the majority of Thailand. See yer. Wouldnt want to be yer.
I really don't see why the truth bothers some people so much. Everything said has happened over and over and over again. This video in nothing more than a lie...

People like you are part of the reason Thailand has problems. Sometimes people want to speak their mind and and tell it like they see it ..... Good and bad ! I would bet the same people who bring up negative issues are the ones who live here and love Thailand the most. They just don't sit back like good little sheep and accept everything that is thrown at them.

You are part of the problem so go home !!!

Its not your country your a guest. You want sheep then the west is full of them. Go Home.

Hey Boyo Dont talk about sheep like that!!! I would love to go home,But the last time ( in wales) I was drinking in a pub and there were these lovely woolly sheep on the hill. I asked the barman if they were ready for shiering he said... No Boyo you go and get your own

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Gerry1011, I think you got it all wrong. That video is a lie to entice people to come to Thailand after all the terrible things that have been happening. It is staged as a true event and not just a feel good movie. What bothers me is that people may see that movie and think Thailand is so nice and safe and drop their guard and go home in a body bag just like so many others have recently done. I really hope that tourist don't think it is ok to throw stones at taxis. I also did not see any disclaimers at the end saying it was only fiction and not true.

I love Thailand but it is heading in a very bad direction. Anyone who pays attention can see that crime and greed is destroying this country. If everyone just sits back and talks about the nice things nothing will change.

You talk about the bad farang who come here, sure there are many. They are the ones who like the way things are... They are also part of the problem.

Gerry 1011 is 100% correct. What do you mean "like the way things are"? You mean the endless corruption that most on here bleet about? The video reflects a true account from where im sitting and live but maybe you base your whole view of Thailand on Pattaya and places like this. In my everyday life Thai are sweet always kind and respectful. I dont base my whole opinion of the UK on the sink council estates that exsist. Either move to a nicer part of Thailand or go home. I am tired of those bashing this wonderful country. We as Farangs are guests and very fortunate ones at that. If you dont like it then move. Maybe just maybe with better quality visitors they can clean Thailand up for the better and for the betterment of those fortunate enough to be Thai. I would go as far to say these people are the enemy within. Just go home.

Drink.....more......Kool Aid..... :-) Ok next time I am in America, and I hear

a Thai person complaining about some aspect of their life there, I will tell them they

should head back to Thailand. Oh wait, would that make me look like a complete ass ??

This video is completely absurd. If you cannot see that I am sorry for you. Or if you have

just been here a few weeks I guess I would understand. And yeah, throwing a stone

at an island taxi would be tantamount to a death sentence. But I guess you would not know

that.... :-)

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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Looks TV is a censorship for US imperliasm and my post was removed. True colours exposed. Might as well live in China.

I'm removing all the off-topic bickering posts regardless of whether people are bashing Martians.

Need to stop the rot.

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This "throwing a stone at a taxi" issue raises one question in me:

Did he actually hit the taxi?

Yes, it hit the taxi. I propose that the poster Bim should try this .

Travel to Samui, wait for a taxi to come by, and then throw a

stone at it and see what happens. Then tell all the local Thai

people there you have no money, that should go over really well.... :-)

Instead of the Thai people in the video who keep saying no

problem, you will most likely hear a lot of the Thai expression

for bird shit farang..... :-) Anyway this video is complete

tripe, but an expected result from the bizarre offerings of TAT.

TAT would better serve the traveling public by offering up a sort

of warning video about what can go wrong here. Maybe that

could help cut down the amazing British death rate here..

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Why throw stones at a passing taxi? That's typical Farang behaviour in the hot sun, and it is completely absurd.

After my experience you can try to hitchhike if you have no money. Maybe it takes a little while, but why panick?

Only my experience:

I was in Thailand with no money at all for 3 months, because a bank in Heidelberg cut off my pension supply after my complaints about their ATM cards that wouldn't work in Thailand. Not a penny at all. And the Thai people invited me, gave me a place to sleep, and everything for free. Excuse me: This is Thailand !

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Something else:

Thai people reliably help each other if necessary. In monsoon times it happened that cars get stuck in the mud sometimes, and everybody would jump out to push and pull.

Unfortunately I didn't record it all on video.

For contrast:

It happened to me in Heidelberg once that I called a taxi in the very early morning without enough cash in ny pockets. The taxi driver who knew me personally from University times took me to ATM, but the ATM was offline. Then this guy panicked and started a fight. It finally ended up in a police station where my so called "friend" insisted that I should leave my notebook as deposit. This is Germany !

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It is really not so much the content, that I would criticize.

That is an ad and it is full of lies or half- truths.

It is much more the timing of the ad.

With 2 dead foreigners (at least), with a complete eff- up in that criminal case, they could have just waited a little longer to release another backpacker-island-dream- flic.

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Sorry, many Farangs went scapegoating right from the start. Without further investigation, they already blamed Thailand for being corrupt.

Why the heck should TAT wait any longer in a situation of self-defense?

Not to be mistaken:

I am *not* saying Iit was the Brits' own mistake that they got killed. But since this case is not settled, it is still open-end. And you don't get involved too much, please.

You've surely got criminal cases a lot in your own countries. Would you like Thailand to get involved there?

And please don't try to teach Thailand about humanity.

Go to Indochina if you want to see the results of *your* "humanity". Go there if you're really after reality.

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I really loved this video.

Cried all the way through .

Had many things similar to my experience. This video reminded me how much i really love thailand. It reminded me of all the hundreds of thai who have been kind and helped me over the last 20 years.

Loved it and will watch again when i need a boost.

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I really loved this video.

Cried all the way through .

Had many things similar to my experience. This video reminded me how much i really love thailand. It reminded me of all the hundreds of thai who have been kind and helped me over the last 20 years.

Loved it and will watch again when i need a boost.

Beautifully said. My experience too.
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I really loved this video.

Cried all the way through .

Had many things similar to my experience. This video reminded me how much i really love thailand. It reminded me of all the hundreds of thai who have been kind and helped me over the last 20 years.

Loved it and will watch again when i need a boost.

Beautifully said. My experience too.

That's two... Do I hear three?

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I really loved this video.

Cried all the way through .

Had many things similar to my experience. This video reminded me how much i really love thailand. It reminded me of all the hundreds of thai who have been kind and helped me over the last 20 years.

Loved it and will watch again when i need a boost.

Holy crap.......... So I guess propaganda does work !!!!!!!!

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