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Five Khon Kaen students let free without charge


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Outstanding effort by these young students!

Taken away for the attitude adjustment then forced mind you forced to sign documents that they didn't want to and also under pressure from the parents because they probally got the warning we know where you live.

Not that any day has been good for this junta but this episode and the banning of the hunger games movie within 24 hours just goes to show that this is just a continuing PR nightmare for this mob.

Forget all the rosy pictures the propaganda machine puts out about investment the average thai voter is reading these headlines and realising that their basic freedoms are slowly being eroded away.

It's only going to get worse because they just can't sell the coup,

Again making things up, it's congenital isn't it? The movie hasn't been banned. Some theaters decided not to show it after finding out that some groups were planning to hold political demonstrations at their premises.

He always makes things up to discredit the current government and incite hatred towards certain people. He has been doing this for a long time and the mods are ok with that.

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Again making things up, it's congenital isn't it? The movie hasn't been banned. Some theaters decided not to show it after finding out that some groups were planning to hold political demonstrations at their premises.

This morning's BP reported that the cinemas in question had been 'asked' not to show it.

Wrong. I read an interview with a cinema manager/director or whatever and he said he decided to cancel the movie because somebody bought a few hundred tickets to give away.....

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Again making things up, it's congenital isn't it? The movie hasn't been banned. Some theaters decided not to show it after finding out that some groups were planning to hold political demonstrations at their premises.

This morning's BP reported that the cinemas in question had been 'asked' not to show it.

None of the articles from today on the BP say that, can you name the article?

"Apex Cinemas told the Bangkok Post that the company refused to play the film, explaining that

We feel our theaters are being used for political movements.

The League of Liberal Thammasat for Democracy, an anti-coup student group, had offered 160 free tickets to the film premiere to anyone who could answer the question:

In what ways is the Capital in the Mockingjay similar to Bangkok? "

Wonder who owns Apex Cinemas

Yes, that's what I read in one of the articles, which is distinctly different from claiming that the film has been banned, presumably on orders from the Junta.

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Two of the five - Payu and Chetsarit - accepted the agreement under pressure of their parents. Finally, the five were released unconditionally.

Chatupat said that he and four others had earlier been forced to sign the agreement or risk losing their status as students, but later they were released unconditionally.

He said that nothing could stop him from exercising his right and vowed to stage a political act when he felt the time was right.

Give these young people credit for the courage to stand up for what they believe. They could have promised to show up but run away instead, like Thaksin.

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Outstanding effort by these young students!

Taken away for the attitude adjustment then forced mind you forced to sign documents that they didn't want to and also under pressure from the parents because they probally got the warning we know where you live.

Not that any day has been good for this junta but this episode and the banning of the hunger games movie within 24 hours just goes to show that this is just a continuing PR nightmare for this mob.

Forget all the rosy pictures the propaganda machine puts out about investment the average thai voter is reading these headlines and realising that their basic freedoms are slowly being eroded away.

It's only going to get worse because they just can't sell the coup,

A lot less stressful for all concerned than getting shot in the head as a 'drug dealer' by Chalerm and company.

I think the coup has sold itself...apart from the dyed in the wool Communofascist Reds .. everyone seems a lot less stressed.

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There was an interesting interview of one of the student arrested yesterday on Prachathai, for who still speak about PTP and Red Shirts, about the motive of the protests...

I guess the link is not permitted so I won't write it here, but djjamie and the other hardcore extremist anti red should read it to understand better the threats they faced and again the motive of the students protest.

Well it does mention the dreaded "D" word in the interview, which apparently is banned on this forum, so you're probably right not to provide the link on here, sadly. Just another example of pervasive censorship (or fear thereof) that certain members on here insist doesn't happen. However, if people do read it (it's not hard to find), it puts to bed the nonsense that this group of students have anything to do with the PTP (djjamie, that means you) or even, as one member yesterday suggested, that Thaksin had coerced them to do it!

Living proof that a western upbringing and education does not guarantee intelligence or common sense by default.....................................coffee1.gif

As do your many posts.

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So much for the rhetoric of….."They will never be seen again".

And when they are seen again…..."because the Jurassic junta did not appreciate that the clip of them being removed by gun toting thugs"

The doom and gloomers working overtime throwing logic out the window and quoting from the PTP play book that the Junta are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

I love that the PTP blatantly lie now because that shows me the truth portrays the Junta in a good light and they cannot have that.

Below is a pic of the "gun toting thugs" without guns with two of those "scary thugs" being women under 50 kg.

​The other pic is what those same people describe as peaceful unarmed grass roots unsurprisingly with guns.

PTP logic right there folks.

Trying to link some students with part of the red shirt struggle is...pathetic. What really grates with posters like you DJ is that this is not 'paid for farmers' protesting but educated youngsters with supportive parents. So all those posts about Thaksin buying all his votes is (as most of us knew already) just another lie from the right wing propagandarists. The core of the PTT is and always will be the poor but many have selected memory loss when posting tripe. Its the millions of educated middle classes that took PTT to power.

What a load of rot.

The world over from time immemorial has youngsters protesting against the powers that be , regardless who they are. Look at Hong Kong recently.

I seriously doubt your claim that it was the millions of the middle classes that took PTT to power.

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So this is the medias fault for not reporting the students release on the day of their protest againt the PM. They were released aftera two hour chat with their parents and the local governor. Media hype has caused embarrisment to the PM alot this week with questions over his Fathers sale of land aswell.

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I've blocked a few muppets (some are beyond argument and paid patsies imo), but I can tell that they're doing their usual by reading other comments (blaming armed red thugs). What confuses me is their unwillingness to notice that they moan about armed protesters (I'm aware these five were unarmed), but they're ok with a massively armed gang taking over a democratically elected government, but it's not ok for a few to dare to fight back.

Perhaps if a select few didn't use the electorates tax money to deny them democracy instead of protecting it, there would be no need for any protests.

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Fatty123 Excuse me while I yawn at your long winded, blown out, drival. Tax payers money, that old chestnut. Whats not ok is the way these students protested. Standing up in the front row next to where the PM was speaking, fiddling with their jackets, eventually taking them off, then making salutes at the PM. They were lucky they weren't shot. Very scary moment for the PM. These students could have had a gun. And with them being set free, again very lucky. Media focus on this incident maybe promted their release.

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Fatty123 Excuse me while I yawn at your long winded, blown out, drival. Tax payers money, that old chestnut. Whats not ok is the way these students protested. Standing up in the front row next to where the PM was speaking, fiddling with their jackets, eventually taking them off, then making salutes at the PM. They were lucky they weren't shot. Very scary moment for the PM. These students could have had a gun. And with them being set free, again very lucky. Media focus on this incident maybe promted their release.

Drival? What the hell is that?

Sorry Fishface, but I have a feeling everyone was 'frisked' before entering the hall. Wouldn't you think so? Then again, people like you don't think. These guys showed bravery of the like which you obviously will never have.

Lucky they weren't shot? Prayuth is lucky they weren't shot too. But, according to your logic it's 'ok' to get shot for wearing a T-shirt and making a salute.

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, Fishface! I'll be thinking of you after you get shot for eating a sandwich on a bench.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So much for the rhetoric of….."They will never be seen again".

And when they are seen again…..."because the Jurassic junta did not appreciate that the clip of them being removed by gun toting thugs"

The doom and gloomers working overtime throwing logic out the window and quoting from the PTP play book that the Junta are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

I love that the PTP blatantly lie now because that shows me the truth portrays the Junta in a good light and they cannot have that.

Below is a pic of the "gun toting thugs" without guns with two of those "scary thugs" being women under 50 kg.

​The other pic is what those same people describe as peaceful unarmed grass roots unsurprisingly with guns.

PTP logic right there folks.

Maybe next time they can hire Suthep's armed guards to protect them for "law enforcement."

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So much for the rhetoric of….."They will never be seen again".

And when they are seen again…..."because the Jurassic junta did not appreciate that the clip of them being removed by gun toting thugs"

The doom and gloomers working overtime throwing logic out the window and quoting from the PTP play book that the Junta are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

I love that the PTP blatantly lie now because that shows me the truth portrays the Junta in a good light and they cannot have that.

Below is a pic of the "gun toting thugs" without guns with two of those "scary thugs" being women under 50 kg.

​The other pic is what those same people describe as peaceful unarmed grass roots unsurprisingly with guns.

PTP logic right there folks.

I wonder if you don't tired of your incoherent ramblings. PTP never had the power to arrest and detain five students for staging a small protest.

The current junta does and they made use of that power. That is the subject at hand, PTP is off topic.

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Again making things up, it's congenital isn't it? The movie hasn't been banned. Some theaters decided not to show it after finding out that some groups were planning to hold political demonstrations at their premises.

This morning's BP reported that the cinemas in question had been 'asked' not to show it.

The main article on the protests at the theatres ("Anti-coup arrests punctuate opening of Hunger Games sequel") don't mention anything about being "asked" not to show it.

Which article did it say that in? (I know you can't link but you can mention the headline)

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Fatty123 Excuse me while I yawn at your long winded, blown out, drival. Tax payers money, that old chestnut. Whats not ok is the way these students protested. Standing up in the front row next to where the PM was speaking, fiddling with their jackets, eventually taking them off, then making salutes at the PM. They were lucky they weren't shot. Very scary moment for the PM. These students could have had a gun. And with them being set free, again very lucky. Media focus on this incident maybe promted their release.

You seriously talk DRIVEL !!!

Professional footballers have done exactly the same thing by wearing protest shirts under their team tops and protest to the televised audience of millions.

Tell me something just WHO in the hell are you to tell a Thai in their own country what they can and cannot do?

You seem to forget all the violent protests at G8 summits hijacked by anarchists and nut any other nut job with agendas, have you forgotten the RIOTs in Greece not so long ago ??

If anyone wanted to kill the PM they could do so with ease as his personal Security detail sucks, stop blaming the students blame complete Shit security precautions and venue security.

This IS my area of expertise and there was a lot of security concerns right from the off.

Considering it was the heart of UDD territory his security team should have anticipated such protests and been more vigilant and been more careful with the crowds but it doesn't matter how good your security detail is people determined to get their point across normally do one way or another.

The students got theirs even though it seems to gall you !!

The PM should have seized the initiative and applauded them for their audacity yes applaud them, as straight away it defeats what they were trying to do by shouting them down puts the focus on them, but to applaud them and then invite them to turn to the audience and get their 15 minutes of fame, at the same time your Security detail is ready to detain them.

By allowing them to protest even for 2 simple minutes shows to the audience your going to listen and that will get you more respect than what the protestors would have got.

Reverse psychology ?

At the end of the day they achieved what they set out to do knowing full well the consequences fair play to them and fair play as well to the junta for letting them go which gives them some very good positive vibes, especially in Issan ?

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My BP is quite low actually cholesterol too, it's my tolerance levels that are suspect ?

Seriously though you seem to be posting without doing much research over so many points.

Its fine having an opinion but when you start disagreeing with other posters because their opinions are less " colourful" then you just smash away at the keypad without much thought, just posts that are provocative it's trolling and flame baiting both against the rules.

You have some fair points but unless you have PR here and a vote, you have nothing other than opinions.

You ripped into these law students when they were protesting and yet not a single criticism of the PDRC protestors who occupied Government locations and who prevented other peoples civil right to vote ?

Care to explain that double standard ?

I have no issues of people wanting to protest I do when it infringes on my own civil liberties and when violence is used by pro and anti protestors.

I was in Bangkok several times during the protests and never felt the spidey senses tingle when it came to personal security and risk assessment /mitigation it felt no different to 2012 for me, and none of my work colleagues felt any different either. And Security is our profession, sure some places were more volatile but farangs were told to avoid these places and we did as best we could.

All out civil war? Nope there was no combat indicators like Iraq, Syria, Libya.

Civil unrest ? Most definately

The coup was nothing to do with the violence otherwise it would have been staged weeks before.

There's others reason why the power base is being consolidated right now but it's a forbidden subject ?

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Your condpiracy theory is your opinion but after years of Thai politics being manipulated by mobs then this time the army chief said enough is enough we need a change, we need the people to help us. Maybe you are right that civil war was not imminant but caches of weapons were seized after the coup. Your references to other countries has no similarities to Thailand, this country is unique. Research what, my opinion? The internet is not all fact but fiction. For example was the war in Iraq for oil or for Terrorism? The topic is protesters coming dangerously close to a PM who serves the people. It was a very stupid thing to do and IMO could have cost them their lives being seen as an assasination attempt.

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Your condpiracy theory is your opinion but after years of Thai politics being manipulated by mobs then this time the army chief said enough is enough we need a change, we need the people to help us. Maybe you are right that civil war was not imminant but caches of weapons were seized after the coup. Your references to other countries has no similarities to Thailand, this country is unique. Research what, my opinion? The internet is not all fact but fiction. For example was the war in Iraq for oil or for Terrorism? The topic is protesters coming dangerously close to a PM who serves the people. It was a very stupid thing to do and IMO could have cost them their lives being seen as an assasination attempt.

Faced with a politically untenable position the Dems & army engineered a situation which they could justify to the uninformed as being significant enough to usurp power. Nothing less.

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Your condpiracy theory is your opinion but after years of Thai politics being manipulated by mobs then this time the army chief said enough is enough we need a change, we need the people to help us. Maybe you are right that civil war was not imminant but caches of weapons were seized after the coup. Your references to other countries has no similarities to Thailand, this country is unique. Research what, my opinion? The internet is not all fact but fiction. For example was the war in Iraq for oil or for Terrorism? The topic is protesters coming dangerously close to a PM who serves the people. It was a very stupid thing to do and IMO could have cost them their lives being seen as an assasination attempt.

What conspiracy theory?

Years of mobs who constantly have to put up with coups that change Nothing and a constitution change after ever coup ?

How is that one working out for you?

So the civil uprisings in Tunisia, Libya Syria and Egypt have no comparisons? So the fact they wanted to overthrow all their respective oppressive Governments by holding mass protests and demonstrations and seizing Government buildings and institutions has zero similarity to what has been happening in Thailand over the past 30 years then?

Not a single similarity? I could have sworn there were mass protests against the government just not 7 months ago where protesters took over Government locations ..... But no similarity you say? Ummmmm okay I must be living in a different Thailand to you then !!!!

These weapons caches were nothing significant not much different to the PIRA handing over a few after the Good Friday agreement whilst keeping hold of all their other goodies ?

A capitulated enemy doesn't hand over all the tools of his trade either as what's he going fight back with through subversive means.

Now onto the cracker that the Internet is not all fact but fiction ?? 5555555 so much so that the Junta tried to have if shut down despite their claims otherwise this is a fact that was backed hobby the Scandinavisn owners/partners of DTAC who went on record to say they were told to shut the service down, only to have to apologise for telling the truth !!!

stopping corruption that's gone well hasn't it ? The microphone scandal that the Junta declared had been sent back to Bose ... Errr no they haven't they're still in place, the truth is something that the junta don't seem to be too good at.

Did it slip your mind about the mass exodus of the Cambodians due to in their own words " a crack down on foreign workers working illegally"

Only to have that backfire on them too. But the Internet that's full of fiction and no facts is there go you to do your own research which isn't your strong point.

Now onto the meat of the pie the Thai students knew exactly what they were doing and the consequences too, they achieved their aim, they have a spotlight now, and not just public opinion but world opinion was waiting to see if they would be detained for attitude Adjustment.

Tell me something does your native country detain peoplec protesting and attitude adjusting?

Your criticism of these 5 is moot as your a guest in Thailand that's if you really live here, they are Thais with more right to protest than you have to diss them and slag them off.

Right or wrong it took balls of steel to doc what they did knowing the juntas stand on protests and disobedience irrespective of your criticism of blokes who have more rights to do so than you have?

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Damage Done.

Thailand made it to the top of world news for a day for arresting the students and 'banning' Hunger Games. Even though if you read the news through, (at least according to the ones I perused) the general himself took it quite lightly (the students were held only a few hours) and the movie was only cancelled at locations where it was used stage anti-government demonstrations (correct me if I'm wrong), it's the headlines that most people pay attention to and remember.

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