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Why Does A Successful Intelligent Farang Marry A Bar Girl


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Way to go gnarly! Great post, though it was so well-written that I'm sure many who have had little contact with nonwhoring girls will doubt your legitimacy (I've been there before). Here it seems the higher your proficiency in English is, the less credibility you have of being representative of how a typical Thai woman thanks and acts.


Believe me we dont all think this way, There are many people who have never had a relationship with regular Thai females and have only been with prostitutes, in some cases even married them and they would like to believe there is no difference between them and regular women.

This however is by no means an opinion shared by us all. :o

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So let's say one day that very guy who read this post is here trolling along Siam Square and somehow he gets this sudden urge to score a Thai university student. So along the street he thinks "oh well people say, with statistical support, that there's a chance for me farang to score a Thai chick, maybe I should just try it." Now let's say I and my other Thai female friend happen to be there shopping after our class at the university that very same day. The sexually deprived farang then sees us walking, he comes up to us with high confidence and asks, "how much do you charge?", does that mean, according to your statistics, my friend will give him her phone number with a price tag and working hours on it? 50-50 isn't it? I sure am not spreading.

Cant be any closer to the truth ! Many a time ive been out and about with mates where we get girls phone numbers just for fun of it, and let me tell you, more than 50% will give it out !!

I did it only a few weeks ago with a mate who had just arrived in the airport, his 1st time to Thailand too. Duty free girl absolutely stunning, bough a bottle of Jack and when she passed me the receipt I asked for her tel number, and with a huge smile she happily wrote the number on the back of the receipt, my mate who was with me just couldnt believe his eyes !!

Its no different than back home in the western world, drop dead stunning bird stands there in a bar with guys ogling her, not one will go over to her and chat her up, why coz shes so stunning yeah ? Now ask yourself, the girl in the duty free in Don Muang, how many blokes that week, month or year asked the girl for her tel number after being served ? Not many for sure ! Was she happy when one farang had the guts to ask for her number ? Freaking right she was !

So, to get back on topic. Guys get married with whores simply because they either do not have the confidence or the personality to approach non bar girls, or because they think that only bar girls are available !

How wrong can you be !! :o

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Guys, you just dont listen !! Trust me, ive been here over 4 years and I know, over 50% of students WILL sleep with a punter for money, its fact ! Thats 50%+ that will sleep with me, not necessarily you !!!

Listen, you cant give an exact percentage, this percentage is determined by a multitude of things, and its you, not them ! Now if Gonz is 50 years old but has a fair bit of confidence hes going to say 20%, if Steve is half a looker, under 50 and oozes with confidence and wit then he might say 30%, as for me im under 40, handsome, confident and extremely witty therefore, im going to perceive this as 50% !

Now I will reiterate this, 50% (or over) of Thai students WILL sleep with me for money !!! As for terry, hes the kiddy no matter what so he will be right up there too !

Actually, im feeling good today, im going to say 70% !!!!

thanks for that tax,

look thats why your my best ever mate tax as your a kind hearted, gentle and a good looking punter.

im a very handsome fella myself and me and you can really pull the birds cant we. :D

look ive said it before that i have so much respect for you that i hope you live for ever. :D

im going to go one step further here tax and say this in front of all who are reading this forum because im loud and proud and never afraid to voice my true inner feelings. :D

if i was batting for the other side id want you for my ladyboy. :D

but im not, so get that thought right out of your frigging head alright !!! :D

cricky's tax, you sure get some funny ideas at times but your my best mate and thats ok with me.

see you latter buddy. :D:D

Talking to yourself again Terry? you know there are people who can help :D

Hey Tax, your a funny guy, but i dont need money for that and think i have a greater % then that

No worries mate, sorry about that but I just picked out a few names off the top of my head. Your ok fella !

I could have used Lacoste's name but man, this guys so ugly I would have him down to about 0.00000001% on the "percentage of girls that would sleep with me" scale !

Just look at his posts, you can see this guy has had more nockbacks than an tequila glass on a good day !!!

Hey terry, this sort of thread doesnt half bring them out eh ? You need an award bro', your a freaking god in my eyes !! When I see you I will buy you 25 beers no frigging problem dude !! :o

The differences between you and i are many, I do not and have never had to pay to have sex. I would not date or marry a prostitute and i also dont have conversations with myself on the internet.

You however do (Terry57 aka Taxin) again your a freak. :D

Quote, "The differences between you and I are many, I do not and have never had to pay to have sex. I would not date or marry a prostitute. "

That’s it isn’t it. The crux of it.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

1. You feel morally superior to men who pay for it?

2. You feel that men who pay for it are morally inferior to you?

3. You feel that your values are superior to a culture that includes paying for females as part of it’s nature?

4. You feel that because you have never paid for sex that makes you a better man than those men who have paid for sex?

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No the difference is you think most woman here are for sale, i do not.

So, what do you call sin sot?

Do a search on sinsod/dowry and you might find a couple of my posts on the subject. I used to try to explain certain aspects of the Thai culture to people here before getting tired of it.

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No the difference is you think most woman here are for sale, i do not.

So, what do you call sin sot?

Do a search on sinsod/dowry and you might find a couple of my posts on the subject. I used to try to explain certain aspects of the Thai culture to people here before getting tired of it.

I wouldn't bother kitty..some people are ignorant when it comes to other cultures.

totster :o

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No the difference is you think most woman here are for sale, i do not.

So, what do you call sin sot?

Do a search on sinsod/dowry and you might find a couple of my posts on the subject. I used to try to explain certain aspects of the Thai culture to people here before getting tired of it.

I wouldn't bother kitty..some people are ignorant when it comes to other cultures.

totster :o

Yes they are, a dowry is a sum of money given by the bride’s family to the groom.

Edited by kerryk
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I think this thread should be summed with the following-

If a successful farang wants to marry a bargirl then its his choice and nobody is entitled to judge him for doing so. :o

Dave, I like your reply and can't understand why so many has that negative opinion of BG's, I married a BG 13 years ago, and it has been 13 wonderful years, they are people like us all, some good and some bad, I can't complain she's 10 years younger than me, and a wonderful person.

By the way, I'm a retired airline pilot.

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No the difference is you think most woman here are for sale, i do not.

So, what do you call sin sot?

Do a search on sinsod/dowry and you might find a couple of my posts on the subject. I used to try to explain certain aspects of the Thai culture to people here before getting tired of it.

I wouldn't bother kitty..some people are ignorant when it comes to other cultures.

totster :o

That's why I haven't bothered... for half a year! :D

P.S. Nice to see you still manage to find cool avatars :D

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No the difference is you think most woman here are for sale, i do not.

So, what do you call sin sot?

Do a search on sinsod/dowry and you might find a couple of my posts on the subject. I used to try to explain certain aspects of the Thai culture to people here before getting tired of it.

I wouldn't bother kitty..some people are ignorant when it comes to other cultures.

totster :o

Yes they are, a dowry is a sum of money given by the bride’s family to the groom.

but not a sale.

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I asked for her tel number, and with a huge smile she happily wrote the number on the back of the receipt, my mate who was with me just couldnt believe his eyes !!

And you think that because she gave you a number that she is going to sleep with you and that she is a prostitute?

Put in this position no Thai girl would ever say "no" to that request.

Man, you are so wet behind the ears you might drown if your not carefull!

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No the difference is you think most woman here are for sale, i do not.

They most definatley are not all for sale, that is one of the problems of some farangs in Pattaya. :o

No the difference is you think most woman here are for sale, i do not.

So, what do you call sin sot?

many families hand the dowry back to the couple as a wedding gift, Some families do not require a dowry. :D

I did not pay a dowry. :D

Edited by davethailand
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No the difference is you think most woman here are for sale, i do not.

So, what do you call sin sot?

many families hand the dowry back to the couple as a wedding gift, Some families do not require a dowry. :D

I did not pay a dowry. :o

It's not whether you paid it or not thats important... it's whether you understand what it is.. !

totster :D

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No the difference is you think most woman here are for sale, i do not.

So, what do you call sin sot?

many families hand the dowry back to the couple as a wedding gift, Some families do not require a dowry. :D

I did not pay a dowry. :o

It's not whether you paid it or not thats important... it's whether you understand what it is.. !

totster :D

Yes i understand what it is. :D

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No the difference is you think most woman here are for sale, i do not.

So, what do you call sin sot?

Do a search on sinsod/dowry and you might find a couple of my posts on the subject. I used to try to explain certain aspects of the Thai culture to people here before getting tired of it.

I can understand where you are coming from. I too get tired of explaining Thai culture. It is a very complicated business. There is the real culture. There is the culture Thais would have you believe is the culture. There is the culture as perceived by Farang women. And the culture as perceived by Farang men. And the culture perceived by old Thais and the culture perceived by young Thais and the culture perceived by big city Thais and the culture perceived by small town Thais.

It is a hard thing knowing what the real Thai culture is. There are some rare moments when all of the different points are brought together. Sadly, those moments are rarely allowed to continue.

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I am not in denial. There are girls who sell themselves here in Thailand for whatever reasons. I see them everywhere with fugly, old, balding, white-hair, white-trashed, beer bellied, [insert farang insult here], men in restaurants, shopping malls, clubs, hotels, streets, EVERYWHERE so I am sure not blind. There are also university students who sell themselves on the side I am not denying that either but there is a difference and that difference is determined by where you get the statistics from in the first place. Kat I am not referring to your 'source' but I am referring to where, location-wise, the figures were obtained. ALL universities in Thailand? Public universities? Any girls in black-white university uniform?

What about the girls - I wonder what you and your 'normal' Thai friends say about them?

Thailand is famous for sex tourism that is for sure but that doesn't mean it is alright for people to assume that all girls in Thailand are somehow working in that industry. There is a difference between bar girls and Thai girls so it is definitely not alright for people to walk up to any girl they see in Thailand and ask for the price. Do you ever stop and think of how we non-hookers feel when we are branded as such? Imagine yourself as an African American being barred from a jewelry store. Imagine yourself as an Arab being refused to aboard a flight full of Americans. Now imagine yourself as a decent Thai university student from good family with the brightest future in front of her being asked to sleep with sweaty hairy smelly white guy for a price of a Christina Aguilera CD.

We're victims of the crime we do not commit nor condone and you all just keep rubbing it in our faces.

You people make Thai women feel dirty with your words. That's verbal rape.

You shouldn't generalise about anyone - Don't assume all fugly bald old men are whoremongers, which most of the Thai population think.

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No the difference is you think most woman here are for sale, i do not.

So, what do you call sin sot?

many families hand the dowry back to the couple as a wedding gift, Some families do not require a dowry. :D

I did not pay a dowry. :o

It's not whether you paid it or not thats important... it's whether you understand what it is.. !

totster :D

Yes i understand what it is. :D

Well.. i knew you would..it's the others... :D

totster :D

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No the difference is you think most woman here are for sale, i do not.

So, what do you call sin sot?

Do a search on sinsod/dowry and you might find a couple of my posts on the subject. I used to try to explain certain aspects of the Thai culture to people here before getting tired of it.

I can understand where you are coming from. I too get tired of explaining Thai culture. It is a very complicated business. There is the real culture. There is the culture Thais would have you believe is the culture. There is the culture as perceived by Farang women. And the culture as perceived by Farang men. And the culture perceived by old Thais and the culture perceived by young Thais and the culture perceived by big city Thais and the culture perceived by small town Thais.

It is a hard thing knowing what the real Thai culture is. There are some rare moments when all of the different points are brought together. Sadly, those moments are rarely allowed to continue.

If people would contribute to this non-commercial project that aims to provide a comprehensive and ever-expanding guide for the Farang to Thai culture then maybe it would not be necessary to keep repeating the same things over and over again. It could be a standard and balanced guide :othaifarang.co.uk

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"Some ignorant farangs may be thinking right now that, "well, your type is rare." Well define "rare". Let's say I have 100 friends. If I'm rare that means at most 10-15 of those friends are like me, or in other words, 85+ are those "stereotypical Thai girls". Well I can assure you that I know more than 100 Thai females and I can assure you that NONE of them are of those stereotypical Thai females.

Thanks for this Gnarly, and your entire post that complemented it. I'm quite sure each of those 85 people also know an overwhelming majority of other people who are no way similar to what many people here would consider "Thai".

The statement made by one poster that the Thai economy would collapse if prostitution was made illegal certainly made a huge impression on me on the total exposure to Thailand of the poster, especially when he started showing concern on how the tattooists would survive.

What’s becoming increasingly clear is how many people are consistently surrounded by tourist side to Thailand, whether it be KSR or Pattaya, and not the place I live and work within daily.

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No the difference is you think most woman here are for sale, i do not.

So, what do you call sin sot?

Do a search on sinsod/dowry and you might find a couple of my posts on the subject. I used to try to explain certain aspects of the Thai culture to people here before getting tired of it.

I wouldn't bother kitty..some people are ignorant when it comes to other cultures.

totster :o

Yes they are, a dowry is a sum of money given by the bride’s family to the groom.

but not a sale.

I pay you money for something you have and you give me what you have that I paid for. You can tell me it is to prove my worth or solidify family relationships or just about anything else, it remains a sale.

Some cultures value women, Thailand. Some cultures value men, the Western world (a long time ago). Some cultures pay men to marry women and some cultures pay women to marry men.

I think it is obvious that the exchange of money for services is a sale.

As Thailand continues on it’s journey to be just like other Western societies it will eventually drop wife selling as a normal procedure.

This is something that is uncomfortable for Thais to discuss. As a recent article on a well known Thai Farang site demonstrates.

I would really like to see some more posts from Gnarly here but I fear that she will take the Thai road of not confronting reality and open discussion with the secure path of non confrontation. It is easier to pop in one time and then scurry back to oblivion without discussing the issues.

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"Some ignorant farangs may be thinking right now that, "well, your type is rare." Well define "rare". Let's say I have 100 friends. If I'm rare that means at most 10-15 of those friends are like me, or in other words, 85+ are those "stereotypical Thai girls". Well I can assure you that I know more than 100 Thai females and I can assure you that NONE of them are of those stereotypical Thai females.

Thanks for this Gnarly, and your entire post that complemented it. I'm quite sure each of those 85 people also know an overwhelming majority of other people who are no way similar to what many people here would consider "Thai".

The statement made by one poster that the Thai economy would collapse if prostitution was made illegal certainly made a huge impression on me on the total exposure to Thailand of the poster, especially when he started showing concern on how the tattooists would survive.

What’s becoming increasingly clear is how many people are consistently surrounded by tourist side to Thailand, whether it be KSR or Pattaya, and not the place I live and work within daily.

The carrier Kittyhawk will dock in Pattaya in a couple of weeks. Do you know how much it will impact the businesses of Pattaya?

Do you know how much Pattaya contributes to the Thai economy?

You can give me rough estimates and I will think you have a clue about the Thai economy.

Do you know how much the average Thai restaurant makes from bus tours from China to Chiang Mai?

Do you know what is the major export of clothing from Thailand to the rest of the world is?

Do you know how much oil or gas is produced in Thailand?

Maybe you know the answers to these questions. Impress me.

If not I would say your opinions are as important as a fart in a windstorm.

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I pay you money for something you have and you give me what you have that I paid for. You can tell me it is to prove my worth or solidify family relationships or just about anything else, it remains a sale.

I am sorry, but that sounds like an archetypical capitalist way of thinking. You may be surprised that not all cultures think on the basis of Adam Smith's work, the Wealth of Nations. Some cultures are actually traditional. I am sure you are very knowledgeable, Kerry, so surely you must realise that you are looking at Sin Sot through a pair of very thick (American?) glasses.

You are giving your subjective view of Thai culture. You don't like it because you see Sin Sot as some money deal whereas Thais see it differently.

Edited by Egon
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