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The Correct Approach To Find Love In Los ?


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this is a follow up to my previous question regarding men and there relationships with bar girls.

we all know that many farang find the lure of the beautiful, georgous and incredibly sexy thai women to be irresistable.

unfortunatly many a farang has come unstuck once entrenched in this game.

it starts of with a punt, a giggle, a few beers and a shag to end of the night but the next thing we know johns in love and proposing marrage to his one and only.

this is when his troubles really kick inn but its all to late now as john has done his nuts.

my question being :

if a fellow is serious about finding romance outside of the bar how does he go about it ?

or more to the point, what is the correct method of approach?

im not interested in an introduction agency answer.


maybe the expats that have tru'ly found there one and only and achieved long term successful relationships can help us out in regards to this very complex question.

once again all answers humourous or not are welcome.

thank you all.

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if a fellow is serious about finding romance outside of the bar how does he go about it ?

maybe the expats that have tru'ly found there one and only and achieved long term successful relationships can help us out in regards to this very complex question.

This is the most uncomplex question in the world but I've seen it asked on this forum many a time.

Where to meet a girl outside of the bars, how about outside of the bars? Streets, shops, restaurants, elevators, trains, the list is endless, the country is full of women are you blind?

How hard can it be? :o

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I dont approach girls, they approach me......

Ok on a serious note I pick them up and clubs or shopping centres, If they dont ask for money (you know there not a pro) ask them out of a few more dates etc. Know them for atleast a few years etc then ask to marry (dont have to if your not into marrage) then take it from there

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Hmmm see lady you like, commence talking to her, if she happens to like you then maybe you will go out on a date. Then after a few dates maybe you will start thinking gf/bf. Then later down the road maybe marriage. The the little ones come if you are so inclined. Then grow old together. :o (not really hard unless you are socially inept)

Honestly if you can't find a lady in Thailand than you can't find one anywhere.

Edited by britmaveric
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Respect women, in any capacity, and you will be well rewarded.

I think many Thai women appreciate the 'strong silent' type. Just be friendly without wanting anything more.

Flirt.. then move on without expectation or trying to get 'the info'.

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To find the right woman you should think about what you like to do and then find a woman who likes to do the same thing......this is not the only way...and might not be the best way...but it can be helpful not only in finding the right woman for you but also in understanding your own life better. If the main thing you like to do is go to bars....then you might start thinking that a woman who likes going to bars would be right for you. If you then look at the women who like to go to bars and you find them unacceptable then you should ask yourself whether going to bars should be such a big part of your own life. If all someone likes to do is go to bars then how would a woman who doesn't like to just go to bars be happy having a relationship with that fellow? Maybe I'm wrong....I don't know.

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I'm with moonoi on this one, enough already!! This topic has been done to death a thousand times in the not too distant past. If you really need help on how to meet a girl you aren't going to get it from a bunch of people sitting in front of their computers!!!! :o

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You can never get enough of this thread and its a good thing we don't all like the same type of girl.

We men like our simple pleasures and fortunately it seems girls like the same thing.

Chasing the rainbow can be exciting for a while but tends to make life more complicated and expensive.

Though most urge the boys not to be complacent and settle for the first damsel they meet, but as has been said here before, try to find a partner that has similar interests.

Recently divorced or widowed men looking for a partner will have no problem finding a variety of partners in the provinces if they set about it with enthusiasm.

The problem is we get into a rut if that is the right word and find it difficult to get out of it.

Looking for a fresh start can seem to be to much trouble.

So get your black book out and be prepared for a few knocks along the way as well as a few lonely nights in, and the very best of luck to that man.

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I'm with moonoi on this one, enough already!! This topic has been done to death a thousand times in the not too distant past. If you really need help on how to meet a girl you aren't going to get it from a bunch of people sitting in front of their computers!!!! :o

good points sbk do you want to kill or me, it's a bg thread

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I'm with moonoi on this one, enough already!! This topic has been done to death a thousand times in the not too distant past. If you really need help on how to meet a girl you aren't going to get it from a bunch of people sitting in front of their computers!!!! :o

good points sbk do you want to kill or me, it's a bg thread

Your turn bronco, I'll just get the "women don't get it" bs :D

I have to wonder tho, why dont' these guys just ask the women how to attract a woman? I'd be happy to tell you and I suspect it would be fairly universal.

Clean, friendly, not overly eager, intelligent, funny, decent, honest and kind.

Sure, the bad boys get more girls but they never keep the good ones.

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I'm with moonoi on this one, enough already!! This topic has been done to death a thousand times in the not too distant past. If you really need help on how to meet a girl you aren't going to get it from a bunch of people sitting in front of their computers!!!! :o

good points sbk do you want to kill or me, it's a bg thread

Your turn bronco, I'll just get the "women don't get it" bs :D

I have to wonder tho, why dont' these guys just ask the women how to attract a woman? I'd be happy to tell you and I suspect it would be fairly universal.

Clean, friendly, not overly eager, intelligent, funny, decent, honest and kind.

Sure, the bad boys get more girls but they never keep the good ones.

look bad ... be good? would that work?

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Just do not look/search for a GF.

It will just happen to you.

My nephew bumbed against a girl just walking on the street here in BKK.

They looked in eachothers eyes and now they are happily married have two kids

and living in Holland with her having her own restaurant.

I had something similair when I went to visit a customer. The second day the receptionist

tried to talk with me and sort of tried to explain she wanted to show me the grand palce and handed me a small booklet.

To my surprise she opened to book and pointed at a phone number that whas written inside and asked me to call her.

Me as naive as I am thought first it was indeed to show me the grand palace but I soon found out she wanted me!

She was persistent in callaing me day and night and ask all kind of silly questions.

In the end I just told her I have a GF already and then it stopped.

She is a good looking girl but I just do not like it when people seem so desperate.

By the way just back from Japan where I find the girls much more atractive, only thing is I do not speak Japanese......


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