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ThaiPeople and Soy Milk?


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[snip for brevity]

Its your lifestyle that will kill you in the end.

A disorder that affects mainly older people... A generous portion of claret may be an agreeable countermeasure.

Good quality red, white and Champagne in my family who owns vignards in Champagne.

My dad my uncle and my granddad all used to make their own wine.

We all drunk wine every day and Champagne on Sunday since the age of 15

Our family was ravaged by heart diseases and cancers

Edited by Kitsune
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[snip for brevity]

Its your lifestyle that will kill you in the end.

A disorder that affects mainly older people... A generous portion of claret may be an agreeable countermeasure.

Good quality red, white and Champagne in my family who owns vignards in Champagne.

My dad my uncle and my granddad all used to make their own wine.

We all drunk wine every day and Champagne on Sunday since the age of 15

Our family was ravaged by heart diseases and cancers

It seems that many of the joys that I imbue have been ripped from your world.

That wouldn't devastate me ... but would diminish it.

May I ask, what do you enjoy as your naughty foods?

The decatant food .. a 500 gm Toblerone ?

Some German Sausage?

Deep fried soy?

*** ?

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[snip for brevity]

Its your lifestyle that will kill you in the end.

A disorder that affects mainly older people... A generous portion of claret may be an agreeable countermeasure.

Good quality red, white and Champagne in my family who owns vignards in Champagne.

My dad my uncle and my granddad all used to make their own wine.

We all drunk wine every day and Champagne on Sunday since the age of 15

Our family was ravaged by heart diseases and cancers

Could be an isolated environmental related issue... I personally prefer and drink wine made idown-under.

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[snip for brevity]

Its your lifestyle that will kill you in the end.

A disorder that affects mainly older people... A generous portion of claret may be an agreeable countermeasure.

Good quality red, white and Champagne in my family who owns vignards in Champagne.

My dad my uncle and my granddad all used to make their own wine.

We all drunk wine every day and Champagne on Sunday since the age of 15

Our family was ravaged by heart diseases and cancers

Could be an isolated environmental related issue... I personally prefer and drink wine made idown-under.

The massive rise of cancers and heart diseases in France as in any Western country came hand in hand with meat and dairy consumption

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All of you, like cows, dogs, cats and goats, are mammals. This terms means "animals that have teats" (mammae) and therefore must be fed by mother's milk during their infant years.

Mammals are therefore designed to digest milk in childhood, and so all mammals produce lactase, the enzyme that digests lactose (the sugar that all mammal's milk contains). So no infant mammals ( except the occasional genetic mutants) are ever lactose intolerant, because their entire development from birth to weaning has been designed by evolution to depend on being able to digest the lactose in milk.

Now, what usually happens is that the ability to make the lactase enzyme is switched off after weaning. This makes evolutionary sense because it saves resources in the body (why make an enzyme that won't be used). The gene for making lactase is still there however.

In some humans the switch does not turn off and lactase continues to be made throughout adult life. In addition the continued exposure to lactose can cause the switch to be turned back on. In societies where cows are used for milk, such as Europe, long exposure caused people who continued to make lactase into adult life to have a survival advantage. So the number of people who did not switch off the lactase enzyme increased until they formed the vast majority of the population.

In cultures that do not use a lot of milk from any source this spread of the "non-switching off" mutation was not selected for , so these ethnic groups have difficulty in digesting milk in adulthood.

Both states are " in sync " with evolution, because both are the products of evolution, going in different directions in different geographical areas. This is what evolution is, and why populations change, eventually producing new species.


Thank you, I also read that article in Scientific American two or three days ago.

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Plenty of people eat meat and dairy and drink alcohol and never suffer any negative effect.

It is worth noting that people are living longer than ever.

Everyone has to die from something. The longer you live, the more likely you are to die of cancer or heart disease.

I really don't give a rat's ass what people eat or don't eat, as long as they don't try to tell me what to eat or not eat.

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Plenty of people eat meat and dairy and drink alcohol and never suffer any negative effect.

It is worth noting that people are living longer than ever.

Everyone has to die from something. The longer you live, the more likely you are to die of cancer or heart disease.

I really don't give a rat's ass what people eat or don't eat, as long as they don't try to tell me what to eat or not eat.

The US is actually experimenting the first generation who will live less longer than their parent because of diet.

Yes we are living longer, but that due to the progress of medicine, we are just all getting sicker and kept alive longer, with loads of pills to makes pharmaceutical companies richer

Many of our top killers are diet related, because we are brainwashed by the food industry.

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Plenty of people eat meat and dairy and drink alcohol and never suffer any negative effect.

It is worth noting that people are living longer than ever.

Everyone has to die from something. The longer you live, the more likely you are to die of cancer or heart disease.

I really don't give a rat's ass what people eat or don't eat, as long as they don't try to tell me what to eat or not eat.

The US is actually experimenting the first generation who will live less longer than their parent because of diet.

Yes we are living longer, but that due to the progress of medicine, we are just all getting sicker and kept alive longer, with loads of pills to makes pharmaceutical companies richer

Many of our top killers are diet related, because we are brainwashed by the food industry.

I eat all the stuff you say is bad for you, almost 60, no pills yet.

I love cheese and raw milk, not dead yet.

Just how old do you want to live?

I always thought the top killers were due to laziness, no exercise = death.

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Plenty of people eat meat and dairy and drink alcohol and never suffer any negative effect.

It is worth noting that people are living longer than ever.

Everyone has to die from something. The longer you live, the more likely you are to die of cancer or heart disease.

I really don't give a rat's ass what people eat or don't eat, as long as they don't try to tell me what to eat or not eat.

The US is actually experimenting the first generation who will live less longer than their parent because of diet.

Yes we are living longer, but that due to the progress of medicine, we are just all getting sicker and kept alive longer, with loads of pills to makes pharmaceutical companies richer

Many of our top killers are diet related, because we are brainwashed by the food industry.

Not only are they living longer, but if you do not count death from automotive, industrial and recreational accidents, US citizens live longer than most any other country, clearly any other industrialized county.

Now you're all on a tear and whatnot, but at the end of the day, why are you so concerned about what others eat? So someone dies a few years sooner than they might have had they spent their life eating rabbit food, what is it to you?

It is interesting (albeit telling) that in the same sentence you site medicine for the reason we live longer and then go on to (apparently) condemn pharmaceutical companies as greedy.

You guys crack me up.

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Not only are they living longer, but if you do not count death from automotive, industrial and recreational accidents, US citizens live longer than most any other country, clearly any other industrialized county.

Now you're all on a tear and whatnot, but at the end of the day, why are you so concerned about what others eat? So someone dies a few years sooner than they might have had they spent their life eating rabbit food, what is it to you?

It is interesting (albeit telling) that in the same sentence you site medicine for the reason we live longer and then go on to (apparently) condemn pharmaceutical companies as greedy.

You guys crack me up.

Your shooting the messenger, I did not make the rules ...

The food industry makes us sick, and the pharmaceutical industry keeps us sick

Welcome to the 21 century

As a nation, we are sicker and fatter than we have ever been. The epidemic of obesity and diabetes, especially in the young, forecasts an economically unsustainable public health challenge with the gloomy prophecy that today's children may not outlive their parents.

Who will protect the public? Not our government: The U.S. Department of Agriculture's nutrition pyramid is laden with food that will guarantee millions will suffer ill health. Not the American Dietetic Association, which is controlled by food corporations. Not the insurance industry, which profits by selling plans to the sick. Not the pharmaceutical industry, which pockets billions from chronic illnesses. And not the medical profession, in which doctors and nurses receive virtually no training in nutrition or behavioral modification, and are handsomely rewarded for administrating drugs and employing technical expertise.


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Dairy products ae just not liked in S.E. asia.... not lactose intolerance, it is a climate thing - trying to keep milk and it's products as well as trying to keep large herds of cattle is impractical in most areas - to=r at least has been un til mass =forest clearances were made economically feasible.

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mogandave, on 29 Nov 2014 - 17:34, said:snapback.png

Not only are they living longer, but if you do not count death from automotive, industrial and recreational accidents, US citizens live longer than most any other country, clearly any other industrialized county.

Now you're all on a tear and whatnot, but at the end of the day, why are you so concerned about what others eat? So someone dies a few years sooner than they might have had they spent their life eating rabbit food, what is it to you?

It is interesting (albeit telling) that in the same sentence you site medicine for the reason we live longer and then go on to (apparently) condemn pharmaceutical companies as greedy.

You guys crack me up.

A for me and for millions of sick people in the world the difference between eating "rabbit food" and other food, means

-being able to walk as opposed to use a wheelchair

- being able to remember where I go as opposed to be lost on the BTS.

- It means have "only" muscle and joint pains, chronic fatigue and trouble with sleeping and libido as opposed screaming my head off from atrocious sufferings.

- It means being able to talk as opposed to slur.

- It means not hearing voices,not wanting to kill oneself because of a massive depression,anxiety and panic attack.

- It means being able to talk to people relate to people, feel empathy for people as opposed to be totally disconnected and see people as aliens.

- it means being able to sleep more than 3 hours a night and not feel like a zombie

Edited by Kitsune
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A for me and for millions of sick people in the world the difference between eating "rabbit food" and other food, means

-being able to walk as opposed to use a wheelchair

- being able to remember where I go as opposed to be lost on the BTS.

- It means have "only" muscle and joint pains, chronic fatigue and trouble with sleeping and libido as opposed screaming my head off from atrocious sufferings.

- It means being able to talk as opposed to slur.

- It means not hearing voices,not wanting to kill oneself because of a massive depression,anxiety and panic attack.

- It means being able to talk to people relate to people, feel empathy for people as opposed to be totally disconnected and see people as aliens.

- it means being able to sleep more than 3 hours a night and not feel like a zombie

Kitty - I, and I'm sure many others here, wish you the best of luck and health.


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Plenty of people eat meat and dairy and drink alcohol and never suffer any negative effect.

It is worth noting that people are living longer than ever.

Everyone has to die from something. The longer you live, the more likely you are to die of cancer or heart disease.

I really don't give a rat's ass what people eat or don't eat, as long as they don't try to tell me what to eat or not eat.

The US is actually experimenting the first generation who will live less longer than their parent because of diet.

Yes we are living longer, but that due to the progress of medicine, we are just all getting sicker and kept alive longer, with loads of pills to makes pharmaceutical companies richer

Many of our top killers are diet related, because we are brainwashed by the food industry.

Not only are they living longer, but if you do not count death from automotive, industrial and recreational accidents, US citizens live longer than most any other country, clearly any other industrialized county.

Now you're all on a tear and whatnot, but at the end of the day, why are you so concerned about what others eat? So someone dies a few years sooner than they might have had they spent their life eating rabbit food, what is it to you?

It is interesting (albeit telling) that in the same sentence you site medicine for the reason we live longer and then go on to (apparently) condemn pharmaceutical companies as greedy.

You guys crack me up.

"Not only are they living longer, but if you do not count death from automotive, industrial and recreational accidents, US citizens live longer than most any other country, clearly any other industrialized county.Not only are they living longer, but if you do not count death from automotive, industrial and recreational accidents, US citizens live longer than most any other country, clearly any other industrialized county. " -

quite simply not true - get up to date before you comment.

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You are in Asia.

They do not have a big history of consuming dairy products.....

Just a cultural thing. They laugh at us for smelling like dairy products...

Cheese, butter, milk, ice cream, whipped cream.......I think we have been brainwashed into believing all this crap is actually good for us.

I LOVE my cheese ... licklips.gif

Sadly so expensive in Thailand.

I do try and bring a block over from the West when I'm returning.

Please don't tell me that make Cheese from Soy Milk ... facepalm.gif


I am from France the country of 500 cheeses and used to be a Brillat Savarin addict.

Then you realize what it does to your body (breast cancer/prostate cancer/coloncancer/etc)

My grand ma died from breast cancer.

My aunt died from colon cancer

My cousin had breast cancer and had to remove one of her tit

My other aunt battled against cancer for years .

No cheese is worth that

Do you really think that the cheese killed them ? Unless they were only eating cheese in big quantities all their lifes , a normal cheese will not kill you.

We have a lot of scientific research showing that coffee can be bad for you but it can also be good for your immune system . Natural cheese in small quantities is not unhealthy . You dont get cancer by eating a few slices of cheese every week .

If you look after your body and eat a varied, balanced proteinrich diet, the food will not kill you . Its your lifestyle that will kill you in the end.

Yes I tend to agree with you.

In my 70th year and overweight I am still capable of going out on the bike (cycle) and doing up to 50K every other day .

I came to the conclusion many moons ago that all types of food in moderation is the answer when it come to healthy eating habits.

I have friends who are so tense and stressed out that they will probably die from some disease brought on by worrying, lack of exercise, lack of a balance between mental stress and exercise rather than the food they are are eating .

The fact that they over consume alcohol and smoke in addition to the above, doesn't seem to enter their mindset

Maybe it is all just genetic and I do mean all!

Some people sail through life with little worry or stress, eat what they want and never seem to get any illness or complication in their lives.

Others eat what they want , worry about every little thing and still seem to be ill with one thing or another most of their lives

I can remember that my Mam and Dad were of a generation who ate all the wrong foods and yet managed to live long and hard working lives without too many problems.

Yes Cancer took its toll but that was not in any way food related from the point of view of food intake.

Their generation ate all the wrong foods according to what we now take for granted are healthy foods and yet they still survived into old age.

Balancing the mental stress/exercise ratio in your life in my opinion maybe more important to a long and healthy life than making yourself ill over what maybe healthy or not for you!

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Plenty of people eat meat and dairy and drink alcohol and never suffer any negative effect.

It is worth noting that people are living longer than ever.

Everyone has to die from something. The longer you live, the more likely you are to die of cancer or heart disease.

I really don't give a rat's ass what people eat or don't eat, as long as they don't try to tell me what to eat or not eat.

The US is actually experimenting the first generation who will live less longer than their parent because of diet.

Yes we are living longer, but that due to the progress of medicine, we are just all getting sicker and kept alive longer, with loads of pills to makes pharmaceutical companies richer

Many of our top killers are diet related, because we are brainwashed by the food industry.

Not only are they living longer, but if you do not count death from automotive, industrial and recreational accidents, US citizens live longer than most any other country, clearly any other industrialized county.

Now you're all on a tear and whatnot, but at the end of the day, why are you so concerned about what others eat? So someone dies a few years sooner than they might have had they spent their life eating rabbit food, what is it to you?

It is interesting (albeit telling) that in the same sentence you site medicine for the reason we live longer and then go on to (apparently) condemn pharmaceutical companies as greedy.

You guys crack me up.

"Not only are they living longer, but if you do not count death from automotive, industrial and recreational accidents, US citizens live longer than most any other country, clearly any other industrialized county.Not only are they living longer, but if you do not count death from automotive, industrial and recreational accidents, US citizens live longer than most any other country, clearly any other industrialized county. " -

quite simply not true - get up to date before you comment.

Don't tell me show me.

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I like the movie Hungry For Change that explains a lot of this (Its on Netflix & elsewhere). Another movie Fed Up is also recently out on this matter but I have only seen YouTube videos about it at this point. My experience has been that becoming Vegan and focusing on eating only real nutritious whole food Vs. processed foods most of the time (except Thanksgiving, etc.) has taken 50 pounds off of me and improved my health substantially based on my feeling and blood tests, etc. Now if I could just find the time to exercise more and get that waist to height ratio down a little more. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waist-to-height_ratio

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[snip for brevity]

Its your lifestyle that will kill you in the end.

A disorder that affects mainly older people... A generous portion of claret may be an agreeable countermeasure.

Good quality red, white and Champagne in my family who owns vignards in Champagne.

My dad my uncle and my granddad all used to make their own wine.

We all drunk wine every day and Champagne on Sunday since the age of 15

Our family was ravaged by heart diseases and cancers

It seems that many of the joys that I imbue have been ripped from your world.

That wouldn't devastate me ... but would diminish it.

May I ask, what do you enjoy as your naughty foods?

The decatant food .. a 500 gm Toblerone ?

Some German Sausage?

Deep fried soy?

*** ?

-Stir fried broccoli ( fried oil very bad for me) and rice (also acidic)

- Zaru soba : Gluten + loads of sodium

- Avocado makis : acidic white rice and sodium overloaded sushi sauce

Believe it or not these are my naughty foods

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Certain breast cancers are genetic.i am part of a research project because of ethnicity and cleared of a certain type of breast cancer but not random kinds.

As a Lassie ... that's got to be a tough gig.

Us blokes have our own issues ... but not to the extend you you do.

BTW ... it's Mo-vember ... our guys month designed to ...

fund over 800 programs in 21 countries that are saving and improving the lives of men affected by prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health problems.


But we digress ... back to the Soy Milk?

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My grandfather was 86, one his last day he was on the roof repairing it, went to bed, died in his sleep, everything he ate was cooked in lard, dont be scared of dying we all will do it, enjoy being alive.....

Being alive and not being able to walk, to talk, to think, to sleep and be in constant pains in NOT ENJOYABLE

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...enjoy being alive.....

Spot-on; Life is short - Death is long!

I wish it was.

Or at least have the guaranty not to have to come back here

Wow, your comment is disturbing; You must have been through some traumatic experiences. Remember 'it's harder to drown if you keep your chin up'.

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My grandfather was 86, one his last day he was on the roof repairing it, went to bed, died in his sleep, everything he ate was cooked in lard, dont be scared of dying we all will do it, enjoy being alive.....

Being alive and not being able to walk, to talk, to think, to sleep and be in constant pains in NOT ENJOYABLE

Uh, did you miss the part about hime being 86 and no the roof doing home repairs?

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My grandfather was 86, one his last day he was on the roof repairing it, went to bed, died in his sleep, everything he ate was cooked in lard, dont be scared of dying we all will do it, enjoy being alive.....

Being alive and not being able to walk, to talk, to think, to sleep and be in constant pains in NOT ENJOYABLE

Uh, did you miss the part about hime being 86 and no the roof doing home repairs?

I am talking about me following your advice on diet

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