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Michael Brown shooting: Ferguson jury reaches verdict


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Thailand, will you please take all of our unhappy Ferguson protestors, including those from Chicago that like to set fires, and give them a good home, a food card and free health benefits.

No one anywhere wants our Ferguson protesters. That is the truth of the matter.

No doubt. They are ruining our country and would do the same to yours.

I recant. Obama wants them. They are his surefire voters.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Seriously, if US is so racist and bad, please, and I welcome, those who feel that way to get the f out and move to other countries. Thailand, will you please take all of our unhappy Ferguson protestors, including those from Chicago that like to set fires, and give them a good home, a food card and free health benefits.

Here is a serious question...

Why are you on TVF? Do you have any ties to Thailand? From your recent avatars, you are pictured with a farang woman and have a farang child... Just what is your attraction to TVF? You never post anything positive and IMO are nothing but a troll...

Let's hear it big guy, or are you going to use me as a punching bag for one of your workouts...

I spent 9 months there in 2008 and 2 months there after tsunami doing charity work. I spend, on average 30 to 60 days a year there meeting family since it is easier a cheaper for Russians to travel there. I don't have to take advantage of the poor, young desperate women their to appreciate the country. We will be their for 30 days in Jan/Feb and I would have considered retiring their except for property law and that I now have a portion of 35 acre tract on Maui for retirement one day that was given to me as a fee for saving the 35 acre tract.

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Thailand, will you please take all of our unhappy Ferguson protestors, including those from Chicago that like to set fires, and give them a good home, a food card and free health benefits.

No one anywhere wants our Ferguson protesters. That is the truth of the matter.

No doubt. They are ruining our country and would do the same to yours.

I recant. Obama wants them. They are his surefire voters.

Interesting isn't it. Proclaim to be advocate for country, but pander to that portion of the country that harms the country.

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Seriously, if US is so racist and bad, please, and I welcome, those who feel that way to get the f out and move to other countries. Thailand, will you please take all of our unhappy Ferguson protestors, including those from Chicago that like to set fires, and give them a good home, a food card and free health benefits.

Here is a serious question...

Why are you on TVF? Do you have any ties to Thailand? From your recent avatars, you are pictured with a farang woman and have a farang child... Just what is your attraction to TVF? You never post anything positive and IMO are nothing but a troll...

Let's hear it big guy, or are you going to use me as a punching bag for one of your workouts...

I spent 9 months there in 2008 and 2 months there after tsunami doing charity work. I spend, on average 30 to 60 days a year there meeting family since it is easier a cheaper for Russians to travel there. I don't have to take advantage of the poor, young desperate women their to appreciate the country. We will be their for 30 days in Jan/Feb and I would have considered retiring their except for property law and that I now have a portion of 35 acre tract on Maui for retirement one day that was given to me as a fee for saving the 35 acre tract.

The Tsunami was Christmas 2004

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Seriously, if US is so racist and bad, please, and I welcome, those who feel that way to get the f out and move to other countries. Thailand, will you please take all of our unhappy Ferguson protestors, including those from Chicago that like to set fires, and give them a good home, a food card and free health benefits.

Here is a serious question...

Why are you on TVF? Do you have any ties to Thailand? From your recent avatars, you are pictured with a farang woman and have a farang child... Just what is your attraction to TVF? You never post anything positive and IMO are nothing but a troll...

Let's hear it big guy, or are you going to use me as a punching bag for one of your workouts...

I spent 9 months there in 2008 and 2 months there after tsunami doing charity work. I spend, on average 30 to 60 days a year there meeting family since it is easier a cheaper for Russians to travel there. I don't have to take advantage of the poor, young desperate women their to appreciate the country. We will be their for 30 days in Jan/Feb and I would have considered retiring their except for property law and that I now have a portion of 35 acre tract on Maui for retirement one day that was given to me as a fee for saving the 35 acre tract.

The Tsunami was Christmas 2004

Point? I never said tsunami wasn't in 2004.

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After watching this video, is there any reason why officers don't fear for their lives in certain neighborhoods. These people are animals.



Some people:"Seems that Brown was an unarmed man, who was shot by a police-officer, in a dubious case!"

F430murci:"...but...but...but..other people...in totally unrelated other cases..."

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If this is Michael, good riddance mf'er.



The trouble is, the majority of comments on the you tube site say it's not him. And where is your proof that it's actually him?

It's also quite pathetic to be introducing this kind of material after the event as some kind of attempt to justifiy what happened to him instead of asking how race relations can be improvedin USA.

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Here's one way to solve the race relation problems. Give them all government jobs.


Michael Brown 'star witness' Dorian Johnson gets government job in St. Louis
December 10, 2014
His credentials make him a perfect candidate for a government job. He initially lied to authorities in his account of events that proceeded the shooting death of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson, then reportedly recanted his claims. Later it was revealed that he had lied to police before in 2011 and had an outstanding warrant for a theft.
He is none other than "star witness" Dorian Johnson, and according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch he has been hired by the City of St. Louis. <snip>
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Here's one way to solve the race relation problems. Give them all government jobs.

Who is "them all"?

The protesters, obviously.

I'll go along with this response.

Does that answer your question or do you have some more bolts in your quiver.

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Here's one way to solve the race relation problems. Give them all government jobs.


Michael Brown 'star witness' Dorian Johnson gets government job in St. Louis
December 10, 2014
His credentials make him a perfect candidate for a government job. He initially lied to authorities in his account of events that proceeded the shooting death of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson, then reportedly recanted his claims. Later it was revealed that he had lied to police before in 2011 and had an outstanding warrant for a theft.
He is none other than "star witness" Dorian Johnson, and according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch he has been hired by the City of St. Louis. <snip>

Let something positive come of this for someone instead of the usual rhetoric of government dole, not qualified and all the boring rest of it.

I've seen him speak on tv several times and he speaks well so let's give the guy a leg up and over the wall rather than only build the wall higher.

I'm not arguing bleeding heart social justice here because it is a hopelessly elusive and nebulous concept. I'm just arguing good and sound socio-economics and lawful social democracy.

You see it radically differently I know, so I'm not trying to help the hopeless helpless. I speak primarily to others for their consideration.

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If this is Michael, good riddance mf'er.


The trouble is, the majority of comments on the you tube site say it's not him. And where is your proof that it's actually him?

It's also quite pathetic to be introducing this kind of material after the event as some kind of attempt to justifiy what happened to him instead of asking how race relations can be improvedin USA.

People like the guys on this video is why there are race relation problems and why police are constantly on edge.

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Here's one way to solve the race relation problems. Give them all government jobs.


Michael Brown 'star witness' Dorian Johnson gets government job in St. Louis

December 10, 2014

His credentials make him a perfect candidate for a government job. He initially lied to authorities in his account of events that proceeded the shooting death of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson, then reportedly recanted his claims. Later it was revealed that he had lied to police before in 2011 and had an outstanding warrant for a theft.

He is none other than "star witness" Dorian Johnson, and according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch he has been hired by the City of St. Louis. <snip>


Oh hell, we have all made mistakes in our life. If this can be a turning point to get this kid on the right path, I am happy for him. Getting these kids off the street and giving them a vision is important. Problem is, many dont have the discipline to sit through classes or do a honest days work. Johnson does seem reasonably intelligent so hopefully he can rise above everything that has happened, stop jacking stores and turn his life around.

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Here's one way to solve the race relation problems. Give them all government jobs.


Michael Brown 'star witness' Dorian Johnson gets government job in St. Louis
December 10, 2014
His credentials make him a perfect candidate for a government job. He initially lied to authorities in his account of events that proceeded the shooting death of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson, then reportedly recanted his claims. Later it was revealed that he had lied to police before in 2011 and had an outstanding warrant for a theft.
He is none other than "star witness" Dorian Johnson, and according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch he has been hired by the City of St. Louis. <snip>

Let something positive come of this for someone instead of the usual rhetoric of government dole, not qualified and all the boring rest of it.

I've seen him speak on tv several times and he speaks well so let's give the guy a leg up and over the wall rather than only build the wall higher.

I'm not arguing bleeding heart social justice here because it is a hopelessly elusive and nebulous concept. I'm just arguing good and sound socio-economics and lawful social democracy.

You see it radically differently I know, so I'm not trying to help the hopeless helpless. I speak primarily to others for their consideration.

I said this..."Here's one way to solve the race relation problems. Give them all government jobs.

And you come back with this...Let something positive come of this for someone instead of the usual rhetoric of government dole, not qualified and all the boring rest of it.

Did I say anything about a government dole, not qualified and the boring rest of it? You brought that up.

One of the big problems in the black community is the massive unemployment among the young men. Their unemployment rate is double that of the white citizens and there is no end in sight.

I say again...give them all government jobs. I would sooner see them working than populating our prisons. The taxpayer has to pay for it all anyway.

You need to comment on what I actually say and not what you think I said.

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Here's one way to solve the race relation problems. Give them all government jobs.


Michael Brown 'star witness' Dorian Johnson gets government job in St. Louis
December 10, 2014
His credentials make him a perfect candidate for a government job. He initially lied to authorities in his account of events that proceeded the shooting death of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson, then reportedly recanted his claims. Later it was revealed that he had lied to police before in 2011 and had an outstanding warrant for a theft.
He is none other than "star witness" Dorian Johnson, and according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch he has been hired by the City of St. Louis. <snip>

Let something positive come of this for someone instead of the usual rhetoric of government dole, not qualified and all the boring rest of it.

I've seen him speak on tv several times and he speaks well so let's give the guy a leg up and over the wall rather than only build the wall higher.

I'm not arguing bleeding heart social justice here because it is a hopelessly elusive and nebulous concept. I'm just arguing good and sound socio-economics and lawful social democracy.

You see it radically differently I know, so I'm not trying to help the hopeless helpless. I speak primarily to others for their consideration.

I said this..."Here's one way to solve the race relation problems. Give them all government jobs.

And you come back with this...Let something positive come of this for someone instead of the usual rhetoric of government dole, not qualified and all the boring rest of it.

Did I say anything about a government dole, not qualified and the boring rest of it? You brought that up.

One of the big problems in the black community is the massive unemployment among the young men. Their unemployment rate is double that of the white citizens and there is no end in sight.

I say again...give them all government jobs. I would sooner see them working than populating our prisons. The taxpayer has to pay for it all anyway.

You need to comment on what I actually say and not what you think I said.

Here's the body of your post with the link to where the people you cite seem rather disapproving of it all....

His credentials make him a perfect candidate for a government job. He initially lied to authorities in his account of events that proceeded the shooting death of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson, then reportedly recanted his claims. Later it was revealed that he had lied to police before in 2011 and had an outstanding warrant for a theft.

He is none other than "star witness" Dorian Johnson, and according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch he has been hired by the City of St. Louis. <snip>

That would be the poster's <<snip>> indicator where the poster clipped the link at the point where its sarcasm goes into overdrive.....and below would be the link article's photo with its caption line....


Dorian Johnson: I'm from the government and I'm here to help


At this point of the thread maybe everyone should consider getting back onto the sidewalk.

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Let something positive come of this for someone instead of the usual rhetoric of government dole, not qualified and all the boring rest of it.

I've seen him speak on tv several times and he speaks well so let's give the guy a leg up and over the wall rather than only build the wall higher.

I'm not arguing bleeding heart social justice here because it is a hopelessly elusive and nebulous concept. I'm just arguing good and sound socio-economics and lawful social democracy.

You see it radically differently I know, so I'm not trying to help the hopeless helpless. I speak primarily to others for their consideration.

I said this..."Here's one way to solve the race relation problems. Give them all government jobs.

And you come back with this...Let something positive come of this for someone instead of the usual rhetoric of government dole, not qualified and all the boring rest of it.

Did I say anything about a government dole, not qualified and the boring rest of it? You brought that up.

One of the big problems in the black community is the massive unemployment among the young men. Their unemployment rate is double that of the white citizens and there is no end in sight.

I say again...give them all government jobs. I would sooner see them working than populating our prisons. The taxpayer has to pay for it all anyway.

You need to comment on what I actually say and not what you think I said.

Here's the body of your post with the link to where the people you cite seem rather disapproving of it all....

His credentials make him a perfect candidate for a government job. He initially lied to authorities in his account of events that proceeded the shooting death of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson, then reportedly recanted his claims. Later it was revealed that he had lied to police before in 2011 and had an outstanding warrant for a theft.

He is none other than "star witness" Dorian Johnson, and according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch he has been hired by the City of St. Louis. <snip>

That would be the poster's <<snip>> indicator where the poster clipped the link at the point where its sarcasm goes into overdrive.....and below would be the link article's photo with its caption line....


Dorian Johnson: I'm from the government and I'm here to help


At this point of the thread maybe everyone should consider getting back onto the sidewalk.

I searched for an article that said this was a great idea but I simply couldn't find one. I did find one from Breitbart and one from Fox but I didn't want to cause heart flutters on the forum from some of you progressive liberals so I chose this one instead.

I would have changed some of the article's wording but, you see, it is against forum rules to do so.

As it was, I stretched forum rule 14's three sentence limitation in order to identify the person being discussed by quoting the first four sentences and then <snipped> the article. Forgive me for I have sinned.

Now that the molehill is truly a mountain, I will close down for the night and retire for the evening.

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I said this..."Here's one way to solve the race relation problems. Give them all government jobs.

And you come back with this...Let something positive come of this for someone instead of the usual rhetoric of government dole, not qualified and all the boring rest of it.

Did I say anything about a government dole, not qualified and the boring rest of it? You brought that up.

One of the big problems in the black community is the massive unemployment among the young men. Their unemployment rate is double that of the white citizens and there is no end in sight.

I say again...give them all government jobs. I would sooner see them working than populating our prisons. The taxpayer has to pay for it all anyway.

You need to comment on what I actually say and not what you think I said.

Here's the body of your post with the link to where the people you cite seem rather disapproving of it all....

His credentials make him a perfect candidate for a government job. He initially lied to authorities in his account of events that proceeded the shooting death of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson, then reportedly recanted his claims. Later it was revealed that he had lied to police before in 2011 and had an outstanding warrant for a theft.

He is none other than "star witness" Dorian Johnson, and according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch he has been hired by the City of St. Louis. <snip>

That would be the poster's <<snip>> indicator where the poster clipped the link at the point where its sarcasm goes into overdrive.....and below would be the link article's photo with its caption line....

Dorian Johnson: I'm from the government and I'm here to help


At this point of the thread maybe everyone should consider getting back onto the sidewalk.

I searched for an article that said this was a great idea but I simply couldn't find one. I did find one from Breitbart and one from Fox but I didn't want to cause heart flutters on the forum from some of you progressive liberals so I chose this one instead.

I would have changed some of the article's wording but, you see, it is against forum rules to do so.

As it was, I stretched forum rule 14's three sentence limitation in order to identify the person being discussed by quoting the first four sentences and then <snipped> the article. Forgive me for I have sinned.

Now that the molehill is truly a mountain, I will close down for the night and retire for the evening.

Couldn't find the sidewalk I see. Good thing I guess I'm not a cop. Never around when we need one.

Yes, it's well known that it is headline news among the copious and well financed right media only.



I had to reduce the number of quotes above to include my own quote to which your refer so I nonetheless hope that my initial message hasn't been obscured to TVF readers.

I posted a reply to your statement and the link because I think that to "give them all government jobs" is an awful idea, whomever "they" may be. Some others have posted their considered thoughts so I'd be interested in what you or others might really think of the notion. After all, drifting around in the shadows like this is unbecoming a venerable gentleman of your stature.

Edited by Scott
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