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Help Me To Understand How You See Thailand


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If I had to live in a 3rd world country with people i don't relate to or understand on account that I couldn't afford to retire comfortably in my own '1st world' country, and simply take my winters in LOS I'd be pretty miserable as well.

Or having to be married to a plate faced ex prostitute with the literacy level of an 8 year old.

Are you one of them that is married to a DDG Chinese Thai English speaking hiso girl with a doctorate and a family that pays you to be married to her?

Nope, all I can say is thank the heavens I'm not married to a thai (anymore) and realised my mistakes in getting seriously involved with thai women in my early 20s.

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If I had to live in a 3rd world country with people i don't relate to or understand on account that I couldn't afford to retire comfortably in my own '1st world' country, and simply take my winters in LOS I'd be pretty miserable as well.

Or having to be married to a plate faced ex prostitute with the literacy level of an 8 year old.

"I'm thinking you've never been to Thailand"

Ha! That's a good one

"Every one of them (Thai prostitute) I've ever met were happier and more fun than the 'plate faced' woman (schoolteacher) I wasted 30 years of my life in the UK living with."

Why did you waste 30 years of your life? Why couldn't you figure out you were miserable and wasting it after say 3 years? 3 years is a long time to be miserable. But 30?!? Something is amiss... And sounds like its all your own making

"One of the easy ways to spot posters who have never been to Thailand, they regurgitate the western media projections of how a prostitute behaves ad infinitum. Cold and hard faced just isn't the way they look or behave (here)."

You are making me chuckle. Have YOU ever been to thailand other than for a mongering 2 week vacation? And by plate face I mean a face that looks like a plate, not any kind of mannerisms.

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Why did you waste 30 years of your life? Why couldn't you figure out you were miserable and wasting it after say 3 years? 3 years is a long time to be miserable. But 30?!? Something is amiss... And sounds like its all your own making

I liked my house, I agree it was a mistake to try to hang on for the house.

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Hmmm....it seems that people like you only remember the negatives written on here. What does that make you ?

A "negative" person would have posted...

The bloody birds wouldn't shut up so I was awake long before my lazy wife, She had previously labored me with yet another one of her chores. When I was out, typically 2 ladies propositioned me; you just can't escape them in Chiang Mai....Blah...blah.....blah....

Funny.....glad to see you have that quality too.

It still does not answer my question though. Those bitter postings, which OP refers to, come from their own experiences, memories. OP remembers, as indicated in his post.....the bitter and angry comments. Me not. Why ?

Can't answer for you. Maybe you just have such a sunny disposition that you don't see the bitter, angry and yes, overtly racist comments posted on the forum. I used to spend time calling out the jerks and defending Thailand and the Thai culture but it is like sticking your finger in the dike to try to hold back the flood. I think these negative posters are the ones who spend their time in bars and brothels meeting the class of Thai people who prey on them. It's not hard to remember the negative posts when they are so bad that they slap you in the face. I don't spend my time in the bars and the brothels and have built a good life here. I deal with mostly hard working honest and pleasant Thai people. When I get up in the morning and the sun is shining I think, "What a lovely day." and when it is raining and storming I say, "What a lovely day." Some people's glasses are half full and some are half empty.

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Can't answer for you. Maybe you just have such a sunny disposition that you don't see the bitter, angry and yes, overtly racist comments posted on the forum. I used to spend time calling out the jerks and defending Thailand and the Thai culture but it is like sticking your finger in the dike to try to hold back the flood.

How did you manage that with only 30 posts?

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Why did you waste 30 years of your life? Why couldn't you figure out you were miserable and wasting it after say 3 years? 3 years is a long time to be miserable. But 30?!? Something is amiss... And sounds like its all your own making

I liked my house, I agree it was a mistake to try to hang on for the house.

An expat alcoholic I used to be aquainted with when I worked in Bangkok used to say "I'm here for a good time, not a long time". in many respects what he used to say was a good way of thinking,

although clearly got him into a spot of trouble from time to time.

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There is nothing to go back to, and you would not know how to live your life in your old home country anyway.

Very true. My home country is now a place I don't recognise, and I feel a stranger in my own land.

I'll share a couple of anecdotes to illustrate how my country is not one I recognize anymore after decades abroad .....

I'm back home and caught out without cash (ok, i come from the times when you actually had to have money to buy/pay for things),

and trying to use my credit card at the gas station. Another motorist observes that I'm having difficulty with the swipe to pay feature

at the pump and volunteers to assist. Bang, done in a second. When I thanked him he asked me "Do you mind me asking what planet

you've been on"?

Another one .... was in the grocery store (using cash as I do) and come to the checkout. Everything is going just fine until

the clerk asks "Will that be plastic" ... duh, me thinks (plastic = credit card) and reply "No I'll pay cash". She practically

fell off her stool laughing as she actually wanted to know if I wanted paper or plastic bags.

Another anecdote:

I was shopping in a clothing store and picked out a few trousers, socks shirts etc and came up to the cashier counter. Pulled out my VISA card and the store attendant swiped it and asked me for my ID.

ID? I asked, uhhh? oopps, sorry I don't have an ID, would a passport do? But I have to get it at the hotel first?

The store attendant took a long look at me, after all I was talking in the local dialect so could not blame her, she called her boss over and he took a long look at me and my VISA card. Now I see that the VISA card is not from this country and the boss looks at it as if it is a mysterious object of immense dubiousity.

Finally he says: "Where did you get this card?

I explain my situation that I live in Thailand and this is a Thai VISA card from the most reputable bank in Thailand.

He says: I think I must hold on to the card and we may have to involve the Police.

I quickly explain I will leave the card and my long expired local driver license with them, get my passport at the hotel and be back within half hour OK?.

The boss agrees with a suspicious look in his eyes, after all what idiot expects to pay with a credit card and not having to show any ID??

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I see Thailand, like I would see any other country, including my home.

I didn't leave because it was hell there and I didn;t come here expecting paradise.

Thailand has good sides and bad sides.

And since I refused to leave my brain at the Immigration, I will see, analyze and judge both sides.

...as I did, back home!

...as I would do everywhere else!

Unfortunately, the bad sides influence (or are threatening to influence) my life, that of my wife and that of my son.

A nice beach is a nice plus- a corrupt police force is an essential threat.

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@ Tim Armstrong

I don't know anyone who comes to Thailand to be unfaithful to their foreign wife.

Almost all the guys I know were dumped and fleeced back home, a very small number dumped and ran, 1 was lucky enough for his wife to die.


You're a sick puppy. I hope you never have to find out just how offensive shit like that is to some people.

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If I had to live in a 3rd world country with people i don't relate to or understand on account that I couldn't afford to retire comfortably in my own '1st world' country, and simply take my winters in LOS I'd be pretty miserable as well.

Or having to be married to a plate faced ex prostitute with the literacy level of an 8 year old.

Are you one of them that is married to a DDG Chinese Thai English speaking hiso girl with a doctorate and a family that pays you to be married to her?

Nope, all I can say is thank the heavens I'm not married to a thai (anymore) and realised my mistakes in getting seriously involved with thai women in my early 20s.

Substitute western woman for Thai and I could have written that.

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I think there is so much negativism here on TV because so many farangs have come here with too many false hopes and dreams and too little cash. They see their dreams of romance squandered by a woman who didn't reciprocate their love; they see their hopes of business success deflated by a system of which they were ignorant. Even after suffering these setbacks, they continue to try to hold on, becoming more miserable every day.

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Hmmm....it seems that people like you only remember the negatives written on here. What does that make you ?

A "negative" person would have posted...

The bloody birds wouldn't shut up so I was awake long before my lazy wife, She had previously labored me with yet another one of her chores. When I was out, typically 2 ladies propositioned me; you just can't escape them in Chiang Mai....Blah...blah.....blah....

Funny.....glad to see you have that quality too.

It still does not answer my question though. Those bitter postings, which OP refers to, come from their own experiences, memories. OP remembers, as indicated in his post.....the bitter and angry comments. Me not. Why ?

Can't answer for you. Maybe you just have such a sunny disposition that you don't see the bitter, angry and yes, overtly racist comments posted on the forum. I used to spend time calling out the jerks and defending Thailand and the Thai culture but it is like sticking your finger in the dike to try to hold back the flood. I think these negative posters are the ones who spend their time in bars and brothels meeting the class of Thai people who prey on them. It's not hard to remember the negative posts when they are so bad that they slap you in the face. I don't spend my time in the bars and the brothels and have built a good life here. I deal with mostly hard working honest and pleasant Thai people. When I get up in the morning and the sun is shining I think, "What a lovely day." and when it is raining and storming I say, "What a lovely day." Some people's glasses are half full and some are half empty.

the ones who spend their time in ........... brothels

Are you talking about Thais? No brothels in the western scene.

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@ Tim Armstrong

I don't know anyone who comes to Thailand to be unfaithful to their foreign wife.

Almost all the guys I know were dumped and fleeced back home, a very small number dumped and ran, 1 was lucky enough for his wife to die.


You're a sick puppy. I hope you never have to find out just how offensive shit like that is to some people.

Not offensive to me. If my ex had died before I left her, I'd be well off now, and I wouldn't have a single regret about her.

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Not offensive to me. If my ex had died before I left her, I'd be well off now, and I wouldn't have a single regret about her.

You understood my post, SB did not,

I'm not wishing anyone dead, but life would have been better for our children, and one of us, if the other had died before the divorce.

Generally the life expectancy of married couples appears to have exceeded the length of time, many of them can remain happy with each other.

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How do you know where they live?

You posted a topic about where to watch F1 racing in Bangkok. Why would you do that if you didn't live in Bangkok?

The posters who don't live in Thailand never ask any questions about Thailand. None. It does not make sense to my Sherlokian brain.

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How do you know where they live?

You posted a topic about where to watch F1 racing in Bangkok. Why would you do that if you didn't live in Bangkok?

The posters who don't live in Thailand never ask any questions about Thailand. None. It does not make sense to my Sherlokian brain.

I suppose I might have been on holiday at the time.

So basically you're guessing and assuming you're right.

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@ Tim Armstrong

I don't know anyone who comes to Thailand to be unfaithful to their foreign wife.

Almost all the guys I know were dumped and fleeced back home, a very small number dumped and ran, 1 was lucky enough for his wife to die.


You're a sick puppy. I hope you never have to find out just how offensive shit like that is to some people.

Not offensive to me. If my ex had died before I left her, I'd be well off now, and I wouldn't have a single regret about her.

No this is completely wrong. The children are motherless..sometimes your myopic statements regarding women are offensive.

Come and tell my daughter how lucky she is to have lost her mother to cancer..idiot..

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How do you know where they live?

You posted a topic about where to watch F1 racing in Bangkok. Why would you do that if you didn't live in Bangkok?

The posters who don't live in Thailand never ask any questions about Thailand. None. It does not make sense to my Sherlokian brain.

I suppose I might have been on holiday at the time.

So basically you're guessing and assuming you're right.

The Greek philosopher Aristotle, who is considered the father of deductive reasoning, wrote the following classic example:

  • All men are mortal.
  • Socrates is a man.
  • Therefore, Socrates is mortal.

Why would you ask where to watch F1 racing in Bangkok if you were not going to watch F1 racing in Bangkok?

Of course you might be on a holiday but even then you would have some experience about Thailand that the great majority of negative posters lack.

Pattaya bashers are usually a good example. None have ever been to Pattaya and it is painfully obvious from the factual mistakes they make in their posts.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Thailand is magical, a place of delight,

those that reside here, they got it right.

For the stresses of living that are rife in the west

have no place here I have to confess.

The smiles on the faces, the warmth and the joy

these are the things I really enjoy.

All of the senses are catered for here,

Women, baht buses and plenty of beer.

So if you are wondering what it is that I see,

I'll help you to understand, it's the land of the free!

rolleyes.gif I'm a poet and don't know it!

dont we know it,,,lol

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I think there is so much negativism here on TV because so many farangs have come here with too many false hopes and dreams and too little cash. They see their dreams of romance squandered by a woman who didn't reciprocate their love; they see their hopes of business success deflated by a system of which they were ignorant. Even after suffering these setbacks, they continue to try to hold on, becoming more miserable every day.

The great majority of men vacation in Thailand and come back to vacation again and again and don't post on TV. The great majority of men who live in Thailand don't post on TV and are happy. There are many people who post Thai bashing posts on Thai Visa and if you study it you will find those people don't live in Thailand.

Go look at the other forums where the questions are asked and answered and information is exchanged - no problems people are happy and content.

When you find a basher, whinger or sad reprobate check the posting history and you will rarely see a person who lives in Thailand.

My experience is 2 out of ten negative posters actually live in Thailand and the rest have an ulterior motive for posting consistently negative opinions.

Well I am defiantly a positive poster for Thailand. I came here on a month holiday and realized I had not really seen Thailand So I came back again at a later date. Spent 6 months here and realized I really liked it. I liked it for it's differences. It has been my experience that many of the bashers in reality are unable or not willing to accept it is a different culture with different values than what they had back home. I know one fellow who has been here about 18 years and still can not figure out why they don't do things like they do in Canada.

Just this morning in a group conversation a fellow mentioned that he had been cut off in traffic. I didn't get the chance to explain to him that he had not been cut off. He was just driving slower than the other guy and the other guy moved into the space. That is how they drive it is normal. Here it is normal in North America it is normal to get mad (road rage) and at times cause serious damage getting even with the guy who was driving faster than you. Here it is in the news papers back there they ignore it. It is as common as eating.

I met a couple once who had been teaching here in Thailand for going on two years. They were going back home to Texas. The lady had been telling me how much they loved Thailand. So I asked her why they were going back. She said it is to beautiful a place to get down on but the people around them were so negative they were starting to get negative. So they were leaving with the hope of returning again. They were early 30s. I could understand them feeling that way and was happy to see they recognized what was happening and cut it short.

At any rate how can you tell if a poster does not live in Thailand? I know a few of them admit it but not many.

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How do you know where they live?

You posted a topic about where to watch F1 racing in Bangkok. Why would you do that if you didn't live in Bangkok?

The posters who don't live in Thailand never ask any questions about Thailand. None. It does not make sense to my Sherlokian brain.

I suppose I might have been on holiday at the time.

So basically you're guessing and assuming you're right.

The Greek philosopher Aristotle, who is considered the father of deductive reasoning, wrote the following classic example:

  • All men are mortal.
  • Socrates is a man.
  • Therefore, Socrates is mortal.

Why would you ask where to watch F1 racing in Bangkok if you were not going to watch F1 racing in Bangkok?

Of course you might be on a holiday but even then you would have some experience about Thailand that the great majority of negative posters lack.

Pattaya bashers are usually a good example. None have ever been to Pattaya and it is painfully obvious from the factual mistakes they make in their posts.

The hole in your theory is that a lot of us don't read those other forums. I live in Chiang Mai and darned if I know where they would have a Formula 1 in Bangkok. I am not a Pattaya basher but I have been there and find nothing worth while there.

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At any rate how can you tell if a poster does not live in Thailand? I know a few of them admit it but not many.

Realize this is just my theory. Step one; Check the post. Normally the poster has not read the post and responds with negativity just because that is what he does.

There is a good one running now about Vietnam and foreign ownership. If you read the OP one readily understands the story was written by a firm with a vested interest and in fact there is no real ownership only a headline and a lot of maybe - there is always the problem that Vietnam does not have a workable currency and many conditions making the deal even less attractive than Thailand.

Needless to say the thrust of the thread is not understanding the offer but Thai bashing with dire predictions of imminent doom of the Thai economy.

How to find out if the posters live in Thailand and which posters are shills trying to influence public opinion?

Check the posting history. The posters who have started topics and have questions and give answers to day to day life in Thailand are real. The ones who have never started a topic or asked or answered a realistic question are shills.

So here's to the real people of Thai Visa who help others and who ask for others help - they are the spirit of goodness and happiness in Thailand and on Thai Visa.

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I am not a Pattaya basher but I have been there and find nothing worth while there.

Do you eat? Unless your idea of haute cuisine is fish and chips Pattaya has some of the bests food for the price in Thailand. Do you go to movies? Pattaya has some of the best cinemas for the price in the world.

Do you like to watch people? Pattaya has one of the most interesting mixes of people from all over the planet. Do you like beer? Pattaya has some of the best freshly made beers in Thailand. Do you like sailing and yacht clubs? Pattaya has some of the best. Do you like Polo? and on and on......... Perhaps you meant to say you found more bad things there than good things or something like that because to say there is nothing worthwhile is nonsense to the point of being irrational.

Feel free to answer.

Edited by thailiketoo
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