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Ferguson protests spread across US


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Ferguson shooting: Protests spread across US

(BBC) Crowds have gathered across the US to protest against Monday's decision not to charge a police officer over the killing of black teen Michael Brown.

Demonstrations from New York to Seattle were mostly peaceful, with protesters chanting and waving placards.

In and around the St Louis suburb of Ferguson, scene of major riots on Monday, 2,200 National Guard troops were deployed to stop further unrest.

Meanwhile, the officer who shot Mr Brown said he had a "clean conscience".

Darren Wilson shot Mr Brown, 18, on 9 August in Ferguson, Missouri, sparking weeks of unrest.

The grand jury's decision. announced late on Monday, means the police officer will not face state criminal charges over the shooting.

Lawyers for Mr Brown's family have denounced the grand jury's decision as "unfair".

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-30203526

-- BBC 2014-11-26

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" UNFAIR " says Brown family, ( with probably 450 blood relatives on welfare ), because we don't gets

no money and my chilrens hungry ! I'm just getting over Michael Jackson's death and now this. I

don't know if I should laugh or cry ? Any suggestions ?

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When you have irresponsible people like Obama, Al Shapton and Eric Holder inciting riots and

fanning the raw emotions, that what you get, this has gone far beyond this petty criminal

who was shot, hey, don't rob shops and don't get shot, how hard is that to comprehend??

Obama, Al Shapton and Eric Holder, they are the enemy of America. The US should learn from Thailand and not lecture this country.

Edited by BlueSkyCowboy
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When you have irresponsible people like Obama, Al Shapton and Eric Holder inciting riots and

fanning the raw emotions, that what you get, this has gone far beyond this petty criminal

who was shot, hey, don't rob shops and don't get shot, how hard is that to comprehend??

Unfortunately you dont need to be criminal or even teen or adult and get shot.

Something seriously wrong with the sop.

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" UNFAIR " says Brown family, ( with probably 450 blood relatives on welfare ), because we don't gets

no money and my chilrens hungry ! I'm just getting over Michael Jackson's death and now this. I

don't know if I should laugh or cry ? Any suggestions ?


We needed a post that truly exemplifies why African Americans feel discriminated against.

Probably 450 blood relatives on welfare?

Getting over MJ's death?

"We don't gets no money"?


I'd report this post as offensive, but it serves better as an example. I hope it is not deleted.

Why is it offensive, is it not a right of saying what you believe, nobody was hurt by what he said

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Hope the riots spread to burning the homes of the fraudulent 0.01% who are destroying our economies.

Not a chance. These idiots are only going to burn down poor neighborhoods and bring down their quality of life even lower.

Reminds me of the Dead Kennedys song "Riot". "Tomorrow your homeless, tonight it's a blast". I'm sure all of the properties damaged during these protests will belong innocent people with nothing to do with this event. I am also sure that those protesting will not have been present at the shooting and have never seen the evidence presented to the grand jury.

Sent from my KFTT using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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It was "unfair" for Michael Brown to violently rob a shopkeeper and attack a policeman, but he has paid the price.

Yet why didn't the cop use his flashlight or night stick? Are they not trained in self defense? I agree Michael Brown might have not have been a model citizen. But should be have been killed because of it? People change. I think he deserved a good ass kicking, not death.

The whole situation is disturbing to me. I think judging a person by his or hers appearance is ludicrous. Racial discrimination based on a persons color is ignorant. Maybe if those who are unfairly being discriminated against stood up and critisized those who's actions cause this ignorance. Things might change. This goes for black, muslim, hell every race, creed, and color.

Don't even get me started on the fact that there are protests all over the US and in the majority of them they are damaging their own neighborhoods. The height of stupidity and ignorance.

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he could have used a tazer. I think in USA people fix their problem by sending people to jail or shoot people.

it s a real sad country. very aggressive oppression by all these guys in US uniform with big badges and guns... when you go to England, police seem nice and guys at custom are helpful. I always feel comfortable when I go to Europe and Thailand , and stressed when I go to USA. now I avoid at all cost to go to USA. why should I spend my money there anyway? to be shot by cops?

Edited by Digitalnomade
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" UNFAIR " says Brown family, ( with probably 450 blood relatives on welfare ), because we don't gets

no money and my chilrens hungry ! I'm just getting over Michael Jackson's death and now this. I

don't know if I should laugh or cry ? Any suggestions ?

Yes to many to mention

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Hope the riots spread to burning the homes of the fraudulent 0.01% who are destroying our economies.

Not a chance. These idiots are only going to burn down poor neighborhoods and bring down their quality of life even lower.

Reminds me of the Dead Kennedys song "Riot". "Tomorrow your homeless, tonight it's a blast". I'm sure all of the properties damaged during these protests will belong innocent people with nothing to do with this event. I am also sure that those protesting will not have been present at the shooting and have never seen the evidence presented to the grand jury.

Sent from my KFTT using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Nothing is safe during a crowd mentality rage and riot considering they burned down the very church that the Brown father was baptized in.

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Hope the riots spread to burning the homes of the fraudulent 0.01% who are destroying our economies.

Not a chance. These idiots are only going to burn down poor neighborhoods and bring down their quality of life even lower.

Reminds me of the Dead Kennedys song "Riot". "Tomorrow your homeless, tonight it's a blast". I'm sure all of the properties damaged during these protests will belong innocent people with nothing to do with this event. I am also sure that those protesting will not have been present at the shooting and have never seen the evidence presented to the grand jury.

Sent from my KFTT using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Nothing is safe during a crowd mentality rage and riot considering they burned down the very church that the Brown father was baptized in.

God will punish them so don't sweat it.

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" UNFAIR " says Brown family, ( with probably 450 blood relatives on welfare ), because we don't gets

no money and my chilrens hungry ! I'm just getting over Michael Jackson's death and now this. I

don't know if I should laugh or cry ? Any suggestions ?


We needed a post that truly exemplifies why African Americans feel discriminated against.

Probably 450 blood relatives on welfare?

Getting over MJ's death?

"We don't gets no money"?


I'd report this post as offensive, but it serves better as an example. I hope it is not deleted.

Why is it offensive, is it not a right of saying what you believe, nobody was hurt by what he said

I'd expect that sort of incomprehension from white, product of incest, uneducated, obese, Fox News and wrestling viewer, beer guzzling trailer trash. But nobody here is like that, thankfully.

Can you see the deliberate irony there?

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