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i have question about opening website that sell tours in thailand

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Establishing and maintaining a business relation with the tour operators is the core of that business - the website is just a sales channel.

My guess is that you need a Thai person well connected in the tour business, probably more like at least one in each spot.

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Establishing and maintaining a business relation with the tour operators is the core of that business - the website is just a sales channel.

My guess is that you need a Thai person well connected in the tour business, probably more like at least one in each spot.

i have thai people but the problem they not so connected in the tour buissnes.

i need somhow to reach the operators and disscuss with them so i can run my website and i dont with who i need to contact

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These guys are probably one of the more up market companies dealing with foreign tourists in Thailand http://www.diethelmtravel.com/thailand/Pages/ContactDetail.aspx I really don't undertand what your business model is though. Do you plan just to get a bunch people who want to have a tour in Thailand and then sell it on to another company and get a commission or do you want to lead the group yourself, is there anything that will make your tours more special than anyone else? I used to do this sort of thing and its not as easy as you might think.

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My wife has an Internet only tour company in Phuket. You would first have to contact your local TAT office to get a license. This can take some time and you have to lodge a sum of money with them as security.

When you get your license with an approved company name you can contact the tour operators who's tours you want to sell, they will all offer you contract rates as the more agents they have the better it is for them.

Then design your website and off you go.

In the beginning most tour operators will want cash up front until you establish a good relationship.

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To the OP send me a PM and I can bring you in contact with the management (farangs) of the top 5 inbound companies.

They offer Half and Full Day excursions and package tours throughout Thailand.

They also have an XML gateway which means you can connect and pull the rates from your websites.

Optional they also offer package tours throughout Asia.

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Get a video camera/iPhone whatever.

Start shooting videos. Develop a YouTube Channel. Start a blog.

Post each video with a short article on said blog.

Start a Facebook Page about the blog & post videos there.

Use the free version of Mailchimp (Google it), to get folks on your email list, and then keep them updated.

Learn how to use Google Hangouts to interview folks live on camera (again free).

Use the free iRecorder for Skype (Google it), to do audio only interviews.

Start interviewing people. Start providing value, then tour operators and other interviewees will be tripping over themselves to help you.

I'm doing the same thing in a different niche right now. Interviews are nothing more than 10 questions where you talk with someone on the phone (except it's Skype or a video chat on Google Hangouts).

Spend 5 minutes on each question = 50 minutes of content more or less.

Do you know Wordpress? It's a super easy way to do a blog & you can add videos very easily to it.

Get busy & work on that every single day for a month.

Send me a Private Message if you need more help.

It cannot be set up overnight, but then again, Rome wasn't built in a day either.

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Hopefully the OP has a writer for English and possibly other languages as required. Obvious English is not the mother tongue here. The OP should know that Universities here are pumping out bachelor degreed tourism management students by the thousands. All do their practicums with travel agencies and go on to develop their own tour companies. Competition is fierce. Good luck in trying a farange angle in Thailand's tourism industry.

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Why enter an already overcrowded market populated with suspicious scams and shady operators ? Why open yourself to constant complaints and demands for refunds? Why put yourself in position of depending on others for your good name and livelihood? Forget this idea.

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Why enter an already overcrowded market populated with suspicious scams and shady operators ? Why open yourself to constant complaints and demands for refunds? Why put yourself in position of depending on others for your good name and livelihood? Forget this idea.

And someone in a different thread was asking about starting a business renting jet skis in Pattaya. Not sure where these ideas come from, but they don't seem to be well thought out. It's hard to come up with fresh ideas for businesses, but at least aim for a market sector not already saturated or go for one that would be less likely to shorten one's life span. It's a bit like opening a 7-Eleven on a short street that already has three 7-Elevens and 2 Family Marts.

Unless you're able to offer some really attractive deals or find a special niche travel market for which you could cater, why would someone want to make travel arrangements through a new, untested "dealer" who is just selling a service provided by someone else? Aside from the TAT licence and web maintenance fee, you're going to need to offer a user-friendly payment system that offers security to the customer and will still make it possible for you to make pre-payments to service providers ... with no apparent track record on your part to make a bank/credit cart company likely to want to take on your credit risk.

Edited by Suradit69
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Creating a webiste and opening a travel related business online is a piece of cake, The challenge lies with driving traffic to the website. Most amateurs put too much time and money into developing a website that looks pretty and is visually appealing. While those things are important, the focus should be almost entirely on marketing the business online and drawing "eyeballs" and traffic to your site. There are numerous ways to do that, but buying "Adwords" or by lisitng your company organically with Google iare the most effective for a new business. Buying Adowords is the easiest way to advertise your biz online, although unfortunately it is also the most expensive, These are the ads that appear at the top of the page and down the right side of the page on Google (Search Engine Marketing or SEM). Although you can set any budget you choose any travel related keywords will cost a small fortune, due to the competitieveness of your industry. Just type in any travel related searches for Thailand in Google and the number of results you will find will boggle your mind, so drop the idea altogether. The other way is to list your company organically. Where your will apear in results is directly related to how relevant the content of your ad is to the search keywords. (Search Engine Optimization or SEO) After a search is triggered in Google, "spiders" go out and find the result that match the search as clsoely as possible. There are very complex algorythms that Google uses to find the best matches and the trick is to link up to the search term in as many way possible. It is a full time job and is best handled by SEO specialists, and they will work constantly to try and get your company listed as high as possible in the results, with some guaranteeing the first page but be very careful, they are notriously deceptive to the extent that it can be hard to find a legitimate SEO vendor that won't rip you off. You should also be aware that the travel segment (after porn, of course) is probably the most competitive on the web, and unless you offer something extremely unique or have a niche type travel busines, it is going to be very difficult to gain traction..I'm just being honest. Whatever you do, don't get suckered into a flashy website with gobs of unnessasary information that will cost you a lot of money. If you don't have the traffic it is tantemount to building a billboard in the desert. Of course It is important to build a functioning and content rich site that is well balanced, pleasing to eye and is user friendly, Make sure you have map and a rating and review link..these things help a great deal in the SEO process. Either way I wish you luck and if you need more information at a later stage, I will be happy to help any way I can.

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