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Gold rush in Europe as concern over money printing rises


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It's not important what you base your wealth n, in the end it will be eroded by others who have more of the same commodity. There's a huge amount of gold (for example) which is not allowed onto the market for fear of the value dropping, Same with oil -- as the recent OPEC meeting demonstrated. Everything depends on trust, and that is what is missing nowadays.

" There's a huge amount of gold (for example) which is not allowed onto the market for fear of the value dropping "

Or is it more because there are now multiple parties who have a claim on every bar of gold ?giggle.gif

Now that India is back on the scene take away the artificial paper gold market and let's see what happens to the price of physical?w00t.gif

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It's not important what you base your wealth n, in the end it will be eroded by others who have more of the same commodity. There's a huge amount of gold (for example) which is not allowed onto the market for fear of the value dropping, Same with oil -- as the recent OPEC meeting demonstrated. Everything depends on trust, and that is what is missing nowadays.

" There's a huge amount of gold (for example) which is not allowed onto the market for fear of the value dropping "

Or is it more because there are now multiple parties who have a claim on every bar of gold ?giggle.gif

Now that India is back on the scene take away the artificial paper gold market and let's see what happens to the price of physical?w00t.gif

Given the IMF's lax attitude to banks using gold that's not in their vaults as collateral, I'd agree. The sooner gold, oil, etc are out on the open market the better. Then we'll see who's actually got what. This is all part of the thinking that has inspired the Netherlands to retrieve most of their gold, and now Germany wants theirs, but seem to be having some trouble getting it ;) The little bit they did get back wasn't actually bars they had deposited. ;)

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I think your very confused -

number one - my post was not about gold but the underlying currency wars that cause countries to buy into gold

number two - google reference I posted was not a link

number three - you have quoted another post that I responded to - and in doing so confused my post with their post about gold

number four - the only gold referenced in my google reference was a recipe the author was using for some gold butter

number five - i didnt post a Forbes link - i referenced a best-selling author, analyst, and financial writer John Mauldin

If you have any issue with the above - then take it up with them as I posted here to educate others not to be attacked by your vitriol

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Looks like the Swiss have rejected the proposal to increase their gold reserves by a 78% majority.

Swiss voters reject gold, immigration proposals, salvaging EU ties

The "Save our Swiss gold" initiative, proposed by the right-wing Swiss People's Party out of concern the central bank has sold too much of its gold in the past, was rejected by 77 percent of voters, said Swiss broadcaster SRF.

"The result of both today's gold and immigration referenda show that the Swiss public want to pursue a coherent international economic policy and do not want to create new tensions with their EU neighbors," said Reto Foellmi, Professor of International Economics at the University of St. Gallen.


This referendum had been placed on the ballot at the reactionary initiative of the Swiss apocalyptic right wing so it has predictably and appropriately been given a roundhouse punch in the political nose and a swift kick to the groin by the huge mainstream majority of the Swiss.

The overwhelming majority of mainstream society throughout the West reject the far out radical political right and their gold hallucinations based on a global economic system dominated if not controlled by Russia and China.

This is good news for the good guys and bad news for the bad guys which is hardly a surprise. thumbsup.gif

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Looks like Europe won't be returning to the gold standard any time soon, now that the swiss have pretty emphatically said "no". It kinda makes holding gold in bank vaults irrelevant, since the IMF count it even when it's not there ;)

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Looks like the Swiss have rejected the proposal to increase their gold reserves by a 78% majority.

Swiss voters reject gold, immigration proposals, salvaging EU ties

The "Save our Swiss gold" initiative, proposed by the right-wing Swiss People's Party out of concern the central bank has sold too much of its gold in the past, was rejected by 77 percent of voters, said Swiss broadcaster SRF.

"The result of both today's gold and immigration referenda show that the Swiss public want to pursue a coherent international economic policy and do not want to create new tensions with their EU neighbors," said Reto Foellmi, Professor of International Economics at the University of St. Gallen.


This referendum had been placed on the ballot at the reactionary initiative of the Swiss apocalyptic right wing so it has predictably and appropriately been given a roundhouse punch in the political nose and a swift kick to the groin by the huge mainstream majority of the Swiss.

The overwhelming majority of mainstream society throughout the West reject the far out radical political right and their gold hallucinations based on a global economic system dominated if not controlled by Russia and China.

This is good news for the good guys and bad news for the bad guys which is hardly a surprise. alt=thumbsup.gif>

OOUCH!!! This is another tough loss for the gold bugs, the Swiss currency will no longer be backed by gold on any fractual basis AT ALL shock1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Q3XOm0fuQs.png Looks like gold will continue to plummet sad.png On the brighter side for the gold bugs here I did hear that Mongolia may begin backing their currency with gold, although I am not certain just what Mongolia exports, perhaps Yaks milk???

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Putin doesn't have to do a thing. The fraudulent LBMA gold market is collapsing.

Putin is just standing-back to stay clear of the pyramid as it implodes. alt=giggle.gif>

Yes, and after Putin was buying so much gold I hate to see the shinny stuff continue to plummet, especially given his current monetary crisis with the bottom falling out of the oil market whistling.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Indeed it looks like Putin is financially screwed -- Oil price falling, Gold rejected by the world, what next ? Maybe the vote in Moldova will be another nail in his self-made coffin.

RIP Vlad wai2.gif

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Gold prices closed at 1,167. Nuff said.

Really? Perhaps you should check the charts this morning...

What transpired on Sunday, Nov 30th in the silver and gold markets was the same scenario that metals investors have been screaming about for the last 2 years... Some one or some entity dumped 100,000 gold / silver futures contracts on the market at a time when there was zero liquidity and low volume in the markets... A move designed to drive the price of the commodity down, not to liquidate a position for profit... The exact same scenario that has taken place with increasing frequency... It appears from today's price action that this was seen as a BTFD event and prices are back up...

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Below is an interview with Rob Kirby, a Canadian bullion dealer and former investment banker focusing on forex, interest rate swaps, derivatives and metals... Google him if you like to vet his credentials...

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Who writes this trash? Oh, never mind. Not a lot if brain power behind any if this.

This is nothing but a last ditch push to try to push the price of gold up

It keeps falling and the dollars get stronger

only a fool wants gold now

Gold shall see 700 dollars soon

Well, we can say there are1 billion Indian fools that do because they have finally forced the Indian government to lift restrictions on import.

We can also say there are1 billion Chinese fools with ‘normal’ annual supply to the gold market around 4,000 tonnes annually.cool.png

So what is that? Around one third of the worlds population don't agree with you.giggle.gif

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has abandoned a rule that hindered gold imports into the country, a rule that had became a primary cause of smuggling as well. The 80-20 rule, as it was often called, required traders to re-export 20% of the total amount of gold imported into the country.


The poor people in India and China love Gold That is why they are poor

Love Gold and you will be poor

Fellow the Rothchilds who sold all their s last year

I told you my familiy knows because they cooks maids and servants to the super rich

I sorry for you stop following the poor

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