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Abuse against women in Thailand on the rise: study


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Most abusers are not known to be criminals, especially those who are on the margin, whose abuse is mostly verbal violence and not physical violence. Control, manipulation, and gaslighting.

If we are mainly talking about verbal abuse probably 99% of all feminists out there would have to be sent to prison immediately. And after that, at least 50% of all verbal abusers are for sure females attacking men.

It is for example common practice, and totally accepted for wifes to sit around a table and bash males as a gender, meanwhile a similar scenario would never be accepted, where respected guys would sit around a table and bash females. This is by no means accepted practice in the society.

We see the mainstream media, in advertisement etc, it is totally acceptable to mock and bash males as being fat, dirty, lazy, stupid etc, and even make fun of violence against males, for example, attacking and mutilating the male sex organ, something what would be totally not accepted if it was directed towards females.

Dunno, speaking as a man none of these arguments seem to hold water. Anyone can obviously make up figures (99%..!!!) which doesn't prove much beyond someone being prone to exaggeration. And men frequently sit around tables- in work places, in bars- and 'bash' women. So the idea that it would 'never' be accepted is not only odd but it's totally erroneous.

There's possibly double standards in advertising. Certainly women seemed to be held up as objects far more and being reliant on men. I agree that an advert where the female genitalia was mutilated wouldn't be accepted. Have to ask though, which adverts feature male gentile mutilation and what the hell are they selling..? :)

I guess seeing the male perspective has dominated advertising and the media for so long, I don't mind a bit of playful payback. And it's hardly as if advertising is now a bastion of advanced feminist theory....

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IMO it goes much deeper,....the trend of individualism,...a disease formed in the West, through psychopathic capitalism. Yes,...psychopathic,...as a NY Times article explained,...Wall Street seeks psychopaths, for they are the best earners.

Individualism has been migrating into Asia through Western media and Tourists. Individualism is synonymous with a cancer cell,...a total disregard for the harmony of the Whole.

Although cancerous, toxic people have been around a long time,...IMO it was during the American Ronald Reagan years that this sickness became epidemic.

The main cancer in Thailand arises from the PDRC and Bangkok Elite.

"it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" J Krishnamurti

Sir, sometimes it is better to remain silent, and let the world believe you to be an ignoramous, than to open your mouth, and then remove all doubt.whistling.gif

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forumuser10, on 28 Nov 2014 - 19:10, said:

There are mainly 2 reasons why some Thai ladies say they do not like Thai men.

1. It is because these particular ladies were very bad at choosing a reliable and good guy, the result is, they end up with a child/chidren without a father.

2. Because of this, some of these ladies end up trying to flirt and interact with foreigners. So in order to make to make the interaction as smooth as possible, and to make it more comfortable for the foreigner, she also makes sure he understands, "she only like foreigner, not Thai man."

Please; that maybe your opinion. Where is your supporting evidence for a comment like that. If its an opinion say so. Don't make a statement without some support

I have no "evidence", that is, there are no scientific studies to back it up that I know of, but my conclusion is based on many years of living here, with a mix of common sense.

Evidence, cheesy.gif It's everywhere, if you're not too arrogantly stupid, to pay attention, as many foreigners are. And don't be duped by those Thai women who claim to "dislike" Thai men (especially that ThaiGuy, with whom your gf has had children with. Pray that the day never comes, when that ThaiGuy shows-up on the scene. If he does, then you (farang) are in store for a very rude awakening.

Don't believe it, then I hope you live to survive that day. whistling.gif

Edited by NativeSon360
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Duh, what LOS are you living in? You'd be quite surprised @ the number of Thais who read, and post to this forum.

There are 4 or 5 Thai men (but not actually educated or raised as Thai, all dual nationality).

Two Thai women (maybe) and two pretend Thai women.

Doesn't add up to much of a surprise!

Edited by BritManToo
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Duh, what LOS are you living in? You'd be quite surprised @ the number of Thais who read, and post to this forum.

There are 4 or 5 Thai men (but not actually educated or raised as Thai, all dual nationality).

Two Thai women (maybe) and two pretend Thai women.

Doesn't add up to much of a surprise!

Be my guest, and Dream on (Mister know-it-all, as usual). whistling.gif

Edited by NativeSon360
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And no, I didn't say anything about you suffering violence, harassment, or sexual assault from a "man." I said you weren't a woman who has suffered these things from a man, and you aren't.

So if you want to limit this thread to just abused women, it's just you posting to yourself then?

(Don't think any men who abuse women will want to confess on this thread)

*sigh* You're not reading carefully, sir. This isn't about who may participate in the topic, it's about what the topic actually is. Everyone can (and should!) participate in the discussion. The problem with your statements (which are essentially "but, men!" statements) is that they are off-topic and therefore derailing.

If you would like to discuss issues of violence against women, especially that of violence against women in Thailand (this is TV, afterall), by men, you are free to do so. You're encouraged to do so! However, you weren't really doing that. You were concerned with "what about the menz?" and blaming the victims.

Not cool, yo.

Caitrin - the following was written to you, by my very Irish wife.

"Sister, why would you bother to waste time, composing a reply, to a descendant of a has-been Empire, who is definitely not a member of your intellectual constituency, to begin with? Reading the flow of his redundant posts, makes the obvious abundantly clear."

Moving progressively along, with the on-topic discussions. Cheers!

Edited by NativeSon360
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And no, I didn't say anything about you suffering violence, harassment, or sexual assault from a "man." I said you weren't a woman who has suffered these things from a man, and you aren't.

So if you want to limit this thread to just abused women, it's just you posting to yourself then?

(Don't think any men who abuse women will want to confess on this thread)

*sigh* You're not reading carefully, sir. This isn't about who may participate in the topic, it's about what the topic actually is. Everyone can (and should!) participate in the discussion. The problem with your statements (which are essentially "but, men!" statements) is that they are off-topic and therefore derailing.

If you would like to discuss issues of violence against women, especially that of violence against women in Thailand (this is TV, afterall), by men, you are free to do so. You're encouraged to do so! However, you weren't really doing that. You were concerned with "what about the menz?" and blaming the victims.

Not cool, yo.

Caitrin - the following was written to you, by my very Irish wife.

"Sister, why would you bother to waste time, composing a reply, to a descendant of a has-been Empire, who is definitely not a member of your intellectual constituency, to begin with? Reading the flow of his redundant posts, makes the obvious abundantly clear."

Moving progressively along, with the on-topic discussions. Cheers!

Additionally, attempting to be kind, and to reason with a mindset, incapable of reciprocation, is an effort in total futility.

Hey, BritManToo, do you have your dictionary handy? You'll be needing it, about now, eh? whistling.gif

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If you would like to discuss issues of violence against women, especially that of violence against women in Thailand (this is TV, afterall), by men, you are free to do so. You're encouraged to do so! However, you weren't really doing that. You were concerned with "what about the menz?" and blaming the victims.

Not cool, yo.

Most of the women in Thailand with abusive male partners, chose them because of their violent nature.

Seems silly to choose a drug dealer or gang member for a partner then complain about the violence.

It's inherent in the partner.

Now if they chose a meek and mild mannered librarian as a husband, and he gave them a beating, I would understand the complaint.


Please lay off the feminazi rhetoric (menz is a province in Ethiopia), that isn't cool either.

Dude, you really need to get a grip-on it. You're stomping your feet, like some too-year young toddler, trying to get it all his way. GROW-UP, for heaven sake!

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Hey, BritManToo, do you have your dictionary handy? You'll be needing it, about now, eh? whistling.gif


You got me on that one already.

As for my dictionary, would that be Thai, English, French or Spanish?

The extent of my vocabulary depends on the language with which you wish to communicate

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Yes, because only criminals abuse female partners. *eyeroll* And even it was true, again, you're blaming the victim. Even if you marry a criminal, you don't deserve the abuse. That's the bottom line here. And guess what? Nice Guys turn out to be abusers all the time. If not physically abusive, mentally abusive. And usually adept at manipulation and gaslighting.

Feminazi is a term coined by Rush Limbaugh, and if you want that association hanging around your neck, that's on you, buddy. Feminism is pretty darn cool, and I'll happily continue to offer opinions which differentiate me from a doormat:


Way to go, Sister. You're right on topic target. Thank you, for the inspirationclap2.gif

Edited by NativeSon360
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Yes, because only criminals abuse female partners. *eyeroll* And even it was true, again, you're blaming the victim. Even if you marry a criminal, you don't deserve the abuse. That's the bottom line here. And guess what? Nice Guys turn out to be abusers all the time. If not physically abusive, mentally abusive. And usually adept at manipulation and gaslighting.

Feminazi is a term coined by Rush Limbaugh, and if you want that association hanging around your neck, that's on you, buddy. Feminism is pretty darn cool, and I'll happily continue to offer opinions which differentiate me from a doormat:


Way to go, Sister. You're right on topic target. Thank you, for the inspirationclap2.gif

My turn now! Any farang who's lucky enough to get a Thai lady, the likes of Caitrin's calibre, has definitely found the Mother Lode of a Platinum mine, and not just in Thailand, either. Wow! Good show, lady. clap2.gif

Edited by NativeSon360
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Hey, BritManToo, do you have your dictionary handy? You'll be needing it, about now, eh? whistling.gif


You got me on that one already.

As for my dictionary, would that be Thai, English, French or Spanish?

The extent of my vocabulary depends on the language with which you wish to communicate

You can speak like an "insecure" idiot, in any language of your choice. It's your own pitiful life you've been living, up to your present pointcheesy.gif.

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ENOUGH! We can all learn from each other, on this forum, if the "baby-boys" just stop playing the "one-upmanship" games. If anyone has anything significant to "add" to the current topic, please do so. Otherwise, best we just all call it a day. Peace,giggle.gif,

Edited by NativeSon360
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ENOUGH! We can all learn from each other, on this forum, if the "baby-boys" just stop playing the "one-upmanship" games. If anyone has anything significant to "add" to the current topic, please do so. Otherwise, best we just all call it a day. Peace,giggle.gif,

I doubt I could learn anything from your or your plump friend.

Best you call it a day.

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Sigh. Uhm, the picture is from a laklorn. She's a famous Thai actress. It amuses me that you need to go straight to assuming that my feminism is based upon my lack of attractiveness (I weigh 50KG, if you must know, I'm pretty thin). And guess what, I don't date men, and therefore do not need to attract them (yet I do anyway, because, you know, woman who simply exists must exist to be hit on by men).


Your wife is wise, and I'm being a bit foolish, because of course I know it will do no good--which is why it's more about other readers than BritManToo and his ilk anyway. BTW, TV wouldn't let me use the fada, but it should actually be Caitrín. :3

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And guess what, I don't date men, and therefore do not need to attract them (yet I do anyway, because, you know, woman who simply exists must exist to be hit on by men).

If you don't date men, why are you in a thread discussing domestic violence, men abusing women? this isn't about you!


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Sigh. Uhm, the picture is from a laklorn. She's a famous Thai actress. It amuses me that you need to go straight to assuming that my feminism is based upon my lack of attractiveness (I weigh 50KG, if you must know, I'm pretty thin). And guess what, I don't date men, and therefore do not need to attract them (yet I do anyway, because, you know, woman who simply exists must exist to be hit on by men).


Your wife is wise, and I'm being a bit foolish, because of course I know it will do no good--which is why it's more about other readers than BritManToo and his ilk anyway. BTW, TV wouldn't let me use the fada, but it should actually be Caitrín. :3

Got it. Thanks, and please ignore The Richard Forbrain Society of posters, on this forum. If those blokes were such brilliant "rocket scientists" back home, then they certainly wouldn't be shackled-up with some young girl (in Thailand), who's young enough to be their own grand-daughter, to begin with.

Best Regards, from both of U.S.wai.gif

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Personally, I don't think there is proof of an increase in violence itself but certainly an increase of reported incidents which can/may be misleading.

Think back to your own countries say as recently as 50 years ago. Abuse was hidden, or even accepted to a degree up to this point.

IMHO of course....................wink.png

Quite true. In the village that I grew up in, it was common knowledge that the local chemist used to knock his wife about. He was never charged with anything as far as I can remember, and although people tut-tutted, I don't even think he was especially ostracized. And the local cleaning lady was the same. She was the victim of regular physical abuse for years, but her husband could still drink down the pub, play for the darts team, etc.

Things have changed a lot in the last 40 years, and it's unlikely that these guys would stay out of the courts today. Certainly they would find it impossible to carry on a normal social life with people pretending that they didn't know what was going on.

It'll probably change here too.

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Personally, I don't think there is proof of an increase in violence itself but certainly an increase of reported incidents which can/may be misleading.

Think back to your own countries say as recently as 50 years ago. Abuse was hidden, or even accepted to a degree up to this point.

IMHO of course....................wink.png

Quite true. In the village that I grew up in, it was common knowledge that the local chemist used to knock his wife about. He was never charged with anything as far as I can remember, and although people tut-tutted, I don't even think he was especially ostracized. And the local cleaning lady was the same. She was the victim of regular physical abuse for years, but her husband could still drink down the pub, play for the darts team, etc.

Things have changed a lot in the last 40 years, and it's unlikely that these guys would stay out of the courts today. Certainly they would find it impossible to carry on a normal social life with people pretending that they didn't know what was going on.

It'll probably change here too.

I definitely agree with that opinion, especially with the coming of the AEC hub (Bangkok), spearheaded by the ever progressive Singaporeans.

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And guess what, I don't date men, and therefore do not need to attract them (yet I do anyway, because, you know, woman who simply exists must exist to be hit on by men).

If you don't date men, why are you in a thread discussing domestic violence, men abusing women? this isn't about you!


I can only suppose you posted this because you are unaware of how incredibly facile it is - otherwise you'd have been to embarrassed to put it on the thread.

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Hey, BritManToo, do you have your dictionary handy? You'll be needing it, about now, eh? whistling.gif


You got me on that one already.

As for my dictionary, would that be Thai, English, French or Spanish?

The extent of my vocabulary depends on the language with which you wish to communicate

well you don't appear to be doing that well in English, why not try another......bear in mind though that threads on this site are meant to be in English

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Hey, BritManToo, do you have your dictionary handy? You'll be needing it, about now, eh? whistling.gif


You got me on that one already.

As for my dictionary, would that be Thai, English, French or Spanish?

The extent of my vocabulary depends on the language with which you wish to communicate

well you don't appear to be doing that well in English, why not try another......bear in mind though that threads on this site are meant to be in English

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Any man, physically BEATING on any woman, regardless of the reason, is a coward, in the real world of menfolk. Cowards can be very dangerous people.

It is due to that cowardice that most Thai men, will solicit help from as many other Thai men, as possible, including those Thai men who are complete strangers to them, especially when they have to deal with a "face-to- face", confrontation against a farang. And,Thai-men will "readily" resort to that cowardly tactic, even when the farang is considerably smaller than that Thai. So much for the "menfolk" in the LOS, eh!

Thai women are afraid of their menfolk, and for very sound personal survival reasons. Despite their "smiling faces", most Thai men have a repressed resentment toward "farang" men, and will quickly re-act, and rise to the occasion, whenever they are confronted with one their many shenanigans, often with violence to the extreme measure. And, they'll do so, knowing well, that their actions are fully protected with impunity, from within the Thai judicial system.

However, that behavior is indicative of ALL SE Asian menfolk. From the Philippines, to the southern-most tip of Indonesia, the menfolk consider themselves to be "the roosters of the henhouse", even to their own Mommas. It's a tribal mentality. The cultural values, and government systems of SEA societies, support that established social hierarchy, to the max.

If Thai men are considered to dangerous to their own womenfolk, then what should a foreigner (logically) expect? Be smart, Be Russian. Bring your own woman to the LOS. Limit your contact with Thai menfolk (especially on-the-street level, as much as possible), and enjoy your life, in Thailand.coffee1.gif

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No real evidence anywhere in the world that violence towards women is on the rise.

And in Thailand, plenty of violence towards men, but nobody cares about what happens to men.

Time for campaigns to aim at reducing violence towards anyone.

Violence against women has been around for at least two thousand years,...and perhaps that violence is not on the rise,...but merely getting reported.

I agree, that very few care about violence against men,...men are indoctrinated to be the violators, not the violated.

IMO, however, Thailand has a better chance to break the cycle of violence, more than Christian Countries.

"Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men; she is to keep silent" Timothy 2:11

"For the wife does not rule over her own body, but the husband does..." 1Corinthians 7:4

"every woman should be filled with shame by the thought that she is a woman". Clement of Alexandria

"girls begin to talk and to stand on their feet sooner than boys because weeds always grow up more quickly than good crops". Martin Luther

"For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman but woman for man." 1 Corinthians, 11:8

etc, etc, etc

You have not offered one piece of evidence to back up your outrageous suppositions. You should be ashamed of promulgating such misogynist nonsense.

wilcopops, if, as appears, you are replying to Ve37, you may want to read his or her post more carefully. As I read it, your ire is misdirected, and you two are voicing similar sentiments.

Edited by DeepInTheForest
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Any man, physically BEATING on any woman, regardless of the reason, is a coward, in the real world of menfolk. Cowards can be very dangerous people.

It is due to that cowardice that most Thai men, will solicit help from as many other Thai men, as possible, including those Thai men who are complete strangers to them, especially when they have to deal with a "face-to- face", confrontation against a farang. And,Thai-men will "readily" resort to that cowardly tactic, even when the farang is considerably smaller than that Thai. So much for the "menfolk" in the LOS, eh!

Thai women are afraid of their menfolk, and for very sound personal survival reasons. Despite their "smiling faces", most Thai men have a repressed resentment toward "farang" men, and will quickly re-act, and rise to the occasion, whenever they are confronted with one their many shenanigans, often with violence to the extreme measure. And, they'll do so, knowing well, that their actions are fully protected with impunity, from within the Thai judicial system.

However, that behavior is indicative of ALL SE Asian menfolk. From the Philippines, to the southern-most tip of Indonesia, the menfolk consider themselves to be "the roosters of the henhouse", even to their own Mommas. It's a tribal mentality. The cultural values, and government systems of SEA societies, support that established social hierarchy, to the max.

If Thai men are considered to dangerous to their own womenfolk, then what should a foreigner (logically) expect? Be smart, Be Russian. Bring your own woman to the LOS. Limit your contact with Thai menfolk (especially on-the-street level, as much as possible), and enjoy your life, in Thailand.coffee1.gif

A post both Thai Asian men bashing and cowardly at the same time, well done!

Edited by BritManToo
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I don't think there is a rise if anything there is a decline in abuse against women

What is rising is the reporting of such cases as women become more confident in society and there is less stigma

do you seriously think that those who organised the study haven't taken that into consideration? Perhaps you should do your own survey as they may have missed out some other factors.....like including a few misandrists?

I don't think studies in Thailand mean anything, or should even be called studies.

Usually written by people who couldn't complete high school in the west.

And they don't study much of anything except their own face in an i-phone.

I think its fairly clear you haven't seen the report, have no idea who or how it was carried out and your opinion for what it is worth is based on pure prejudice

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I don't think there is a rise if anything there is a decline in abuse against women

What is rising is the reporting of such cases as women become more confident in society and there is less stigma

do you seriously think that those who organised the study haven't taken that into consideration? Perhaps you should do your own survey as they may have missed out some other factors.....like including a few misandrists?

I don't think studies in Thailand mean anything, or should even be called studies.

Usually written by people who couldn't complete high school in the west.

And they don't study much of anything except their own face in an i-phone.

I think its fairly clear you haven't seen the report, have no idea who or how it was carried out and your opinion for what it is worth is based on pure prejudice

Who cares what you think either?

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The rise of abuse against women is not confined to Thailand , this is another one of the worlds anti social trends that we can do without , lots of theories have been bandied about , mine, too much alcohol and drugs.bah.gif

My theory, gets them a better deal in a divorce, so why not accuse him.

No real evidence anywhere in the world that violence towards women is on the rise.

And in Thailand, plenty of violence towards men, but nobody cares about what happens to men.

Time for campaigns to aim at reducing violence towards anyone.

great post and I completely agree, it seems acceptable to physically abuse a man. Me and my thai gf were sitting on beach road in pattaya people watching and saw a thai couple arguing, she slapped him around the face which my gf thought was ok and I said would it be ok if he hit her which she replied no because she is lady, I then said if she wants to act like a man she must expect to be treated like a man! A very big discussion followed

Sir, there is now way a woman has the upper-body strength to hurt any man, by slapping him in the face. Good for your Thai gf, for speaking up. Of course a big discussion would follow. Your reply was totally idiotic, and if that gf didn't dump your butt afterwards, then you've either got a bunch of money, she can fleece you for, or she really likes you, for some unfathomable reasoncoffee1.gif

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Any man, physically BEATING on any woman, regardless of the reason, is a coward, in the real world of menfolk. Cowards can be very dangerous people.

It is due to that cowardice that most Thai men, will solicit help from as many other Thai men, as possible, including those Thai men who are complete strangers to them, especially when they have to deal with a "face-to- face", confrontation against a farang. And,Thai-men will "readily" resort to that cowardly tactic, even when the farang is considerably smaller than that Thai. So much for the "menfolk" in the LOS, eh!

Thai women are afraid of their menfolk, and for very sound personal survival reasons. Despite their "smiling faces", most Thai men have a repressed resentment toward "farang" men, and will quickly re-act, and rise to the occasion, whenever they are confronted with one their many shenanigans, often with violence to the extreme measure. And, they'll do so, knowing well, that their actions are fully protected with impunity, from within the Thai judicial system.

However, that behavior is indicative of ALL SE Asian menfolk. From the Philippines, to the southern-most tip of Indonesia, the menfolk consider themselves to be "the roosters of the henhouse", even to their own Mommas. It's a tribal mentality. The cultural values, and government systems of SEA societies, support that established social hierarchy, to the max.

If Thai men are considered to dangerous to their own womenfolk, then what should a foreigner (logically) expect? Be smart, Be Russian. Bring your own woman to the LOS. Limit your contact with Thai menfolk (especially on-the-street level, as much as possible), and enjoy your life, in Thailand.coffee1.gif

A post both Thai Asian men bashing and cowardly at the same time, well done!

Adios to you, Brit "man" Tpassifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zCdgcpassifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zCdgc

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