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India relaxes visas to boost tourism


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I am an Indian who has moved to Thailand.

Don't go. India really does suck. It is horrible in almost every way imaginable. Thailand is paradise, practically first world in comparison.

If you do go, explore the north-east. The state of Sikkim in particular. Pleasant weather, clean, educated and civilized/polite populace and **gasp** uninterrupted electric and water supply (a rarity outside major cities in India). I lived there for 8 months. Doesn't feel like the rest of India. And you won't see a single other western tourist.

North east India is predominantly Buddhist, animist and Christian. Not many Hindus. Sikkim in Buddhist.

If it's Hindu culture that interests you, land in Delhi in the middle of the night (day time is too disgusting and grotesque, the traffic, the crowds etc.) and take an SUV to Rishikesh. That is a beautiful town, and the culture and cuisine are all authentic to this day. There are tourists, but it's nowhere nearly as horribly overcrowded, commercialized and filthy as that stinking armpit Benaras (Varanasi).

Feel free to ask me anything else about India.

Sikkim is indeed a wonderful place, different experience when compared with other parts of India. Used to be the same in Ladakh. but the tourist hordes descended (or rather, ascended) and things changed for the worse. While Sikkim sees less tourists, it would be an exaggeration to claim that there are not Western tourists, quite a few of them and at least as many Indian tourists to boot (domestic tourism been on the rise for years). Same goes for the comment on facilities, very much depends on specific locations, definitely not the situation all over. The locals....I have to say they can renew one's faith in humankind. Never had a negative experience with them, many memorable ones.

Landing anywhere in India by night is not something I would recommend for a first time independent traveler. Much easier to fall prey to scams, harder on orientation, and traffic is even more dangerous than usual.

Rishikesh been a tourist trap for years, hardly an authentic aspect left. While Varanasi (or for that matter, nearer Haridwar) is indeed filthy, overcrowded and unpleasant - it does offer a more down to earth take on similar things.

One thing about India is that while many visitors develop an ambiguous attitude toward the place, it is also a country that defies indifference. Boring it ain't...

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