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PM urged to act quickly on Ms Yingluck's rice pledging case


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PM urged to act quickly on Ms Yingluck's rice pledging case


BANGKOK: -- Former Assets Scrutiny Committee member Kaewsant Atibodhi today (Friday) urged General Prayut Chan-ocha in his capacity as the prime minister and head of the National Council for Peace and Order to speed up the legal process against former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra before the expiry of the statute of limitations regarding the rice pledging scheme case.

Mr Kaewsant’s plea was contained in a letter submitted today to Mr Surachai Liangboonlertchai, vice president of the National Legislative Assembly.

A core leader of the Thai Spring group, Mr Kaewsant explained that the statue of limitations of the rice pledging case would expire in two years’ time and, therefore, it was necessary for legal action to be taken quickly otherwise the prime minister would be held accountable if the case was allowed to be dropped due to the expiry of statute of limitations.

He said that his Thai Spring group had no intention whatsoever to stir up trouble because the group had no political motives and did not involve in any political gatherings.

Mr Kaewsant then urged members of the public who agreed with his move to protect national interests to sign up at Change website. All the signatures will be collected together with an open letter to be presented to theprime minister in a later date.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pm-urged-act-quickly-ms-yinglucks-rice-pledging-case

-- Thai PBS 2014-11-28

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Yea! I agree, the case has been dragging on for far too long, and is fast losing the public’s interest. Get thing’s over and done with so that we can get on with our lives instead of being burdened by sins of the past. Just ban the lot from politics for life.

Edited by metisdead
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Yea! I agree, the case has been dragging on for far too long, and is fast losing the public’s interest. Get thing’s over and done with so that we can get on with our lives instead of being burdened by sins of the past. Just ban the lot from politics for life.

"Get thing’s over and done with so that we can get on with our lives instead of being burdened by sins of the past." Um, you are prevaricating. You imply that it has to be hurried because 1) the public is losing interest and 2) you cannot get on with your life and 3) because we are burdened by the sins of the past?

Your statements are inane, illogical and transparent in crying out for her blood. You are even less clever than the liar who submitted the request the PM saying his letter was not political, interested in causing trouble or motivated by power. Liars shouldn't contradict themselves.

Um, Abhisit's murder case was dropped in August, just a few months after the coup and not being coincidental in most people's minds. Or is that a forgivable sin of the past -- shooting innocents taking refuge in a temple. A TEMPLE!

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He said that his Thai Spring group had no intention whatsoever to stir up trouble because the group had no political motives and did not involve in any political gatherings.

But hasn't asked about speeding up any other case that's about to expire ?

Not political ? Ummm okay then

I think this case has completely different merits to other cases.

It cost the county untold financial loss, and led to loss of life, also the high profile nature of the case, to let someone walk free under the SOL would cause a hell of a lot of disquiet in the country.

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I agree somewhat however she has to be tried by the same laws as everyone else and that includes prosecutions need to be pursued as vigorously as this one.

She might have lost 700 million baht but how much has Thai airways lost and not a single charge Laid there for gross negligence instead they pump more money into it?

I have no issues with her being charged but the same laws apply to the others who have not been pursued with such vigour ?

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Yea! I agree, the case has been dragging on for far too long, and is fast losing the public’s interest. Get thing’s over and done with so that we can get on with our lives instead of being burdened by sins of the past. Just ban the lot from politics for life.

"Get thing’s over and done with so that we can get on with our lives instead of being burdened by sins of the past." Um, you are prevaricating. You imply that it has to be hurried because 1) the public is losing interest and 2) you cannot get on with your life and 3) because we are burdened by the sins of the past?

Your statements are inane, illogical and transparent in crying out for her blood. You are even less clever than the liar who submitted the request the PM saying his letter was not political, interested in causing trouble or motivated by power. Liars shouldn't contradict themselves.

Um, Abhisit's murder case was dropped in August, just a few months after the coup and not being coincidental in most people's minds. Or is that a forgivable sin of the past -- shooting innocents taking refuge in a temple. A TEMPLE!

People in glass houses comes to mind.

Stop calling posters liars FangFerang or I will expose you for the "fibs" you told on another topic regarding redshirts murdering a man in Chiang Mai. You laid low for a while, when the truth came out, which was proof you knew you were "found out". thumbsup.gif

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I agree somewhat however she has to be tried by the same laws as everyone else and that includes prosecutions need to be pursued as vigorously as this one.

She might have lost 700 million baht but how much has Thai airways lost and not a single charge Laid there for gross negligence instead they pump more money into it?

I have no issues with her being charged but the same laws apply to the others who have not been pursued with such vigour ?

I understand where you are coming from, but assume that Thai Airways directors at least turned up to board meetings and tried (albeit unsuccessfully) to make decisions for the betterment of the company. I know it is a fine line, but wrong decisions by a board don't amount to gross negligence if they are made in good faith. As far as I can see, the problem with Thai Airways is that the wrong people (i.e. with no experience in running an airline) were put on the board due to their political connections. So to me, any gross negligence falls on the head of those that appointed them. Could this be YL again?

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I agree somewhat however she has to be tried by the same laws as everyone else and that includes prosecutions need to be pursued as vigorously as this one.

She might have lost 700 million baht but how much has Thai airways lost and not a single charge Laid there for gross negligence instead they pump more money into it?

I have no issues with her being charged but the same laws apply to the others who have not been pursued with such vigour ?

Small correction....it's 700 billion baht

Thanks for the correction !!

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if this is about justice let the justice system handle it... Oh!!!!! I forgot.. There was a military coup, martial law imposed amd the great leader declared himself the great leader..

That it is why he has to handle it. foolish of me...

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if this is about justice let the justice system handle it... Oh!!!!! I forgot.. There was a military coup, martial law imposed amd the great leader declared himself the great leader..

That it is why he has to handle it. foolish of me...

yes very foolish, u would rather have seen the Country continue to spire downhill with no regard for the common folk, how sad u r!!

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To be honest how many "common folk "would really be impacted?

It's not like they'd be taxed more? Or their rents increased and many of these common folk as you put it are quite well self sufficient there was no shortage of any products either .

So I'd be genuinely interested in just exactly how things were impacting the common folks?

Since when has the rich and powerful given a monkeys about these common folk regardless of their political persuasion ?

The comments from the Singha heiress for example shows that it's not just a political divide it's very very much a social one even more!!

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To be honest how many "common folk "would really be impacted?

It's not like they'd be taxed more? Or their rents increased and many of these common folk as you put it are quite well self sufficient there was no shortage of any products either .

So I'd be genuinely interested in just exactly how things were impacting the common folks?

Since when has the rich and powerful given a monkeys about these common folk regardless of their political persuasion ?

The comments from the Singha heiress for example shows that it's not just a political divide it's very very much a social one even more!!

I'll wait until you and your family are out of your house so you won't know it's happening and then I will loot it. After the fact, you will say that you aren't suffering more loss, that I've quit stealing from you and you genuinely can't see how the theft was impacting your family after the fact and that I shouldn't be prosecuted for what I did to you. I never gave a monkeys about you, anyway.

Does that sum up your feelings on the matter?

Edited by rametindallas
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I fail to see how you can equate a house break to the claim that it would effect common folk, exactly how would common Thais have been impacted ?

As I said most rural folks are self sufficient again that's about as common as you can get.

Food prices may have gone up but again, it's all about supply and demand, it didn't create a shortage of rice surprisingly and don't forget many many many rice farmers didn't meet the stipulation to join the scheme. So were able to sell their rice locally as always.

Again how would the common Thai/expat living here would be effected?

What about all the businesses that went under during the protests because of the protests? Are those any less significant?

How many business's are suffering due to Martial Law ?

nobody can say for sure if there would have been a knock on effect felt by the common people should the PTP have remained in power mate, it's speculation only.

Plus I think of you broke into my home, you might have felt sorry for me and left your swag as I have nothing of significant value that cannot be replaced.

I'm more upset right now as one of the Myanmar workers from the tapicoca harvesting stole one of our kittens two days ago!!!

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Best thing the general could do for the PTP, UDD and red cause would be to lock her up for a couple or years. Dare ya?

ha ha ha and red shirt scum will like always run like cowards same as their leader bring it on and finally get rid of this vile cancer masquerading as a saviour of poor on Thailand. WEll see but i hope and pray they just try it and see them run like rabbits when they even try anything against army

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I agree somewhat however she has to be tried by the same laws as everyone else and that includes prosecutions need to be pursued as vigorously as this one.

She might have lost 700 million baht but how much has Thai airways lost and not a single charge Laid there for gross negligence instead they pump more money into it?

I have no issues with her being charged but the same laws apply to the others who have not been pursued with such vigour ?

You're off by a factor of a thousand. The number is 700 BILLION. As for Thai Airways (distraction), it is not as much as SRT (also not pertinent). I will remind you that the PTP's Rice Support Scheme in the reigning champion for Biggest Scam Ever Perpetrated on the Public in the history of Thailand. You are correct that there are at least a few hundred others who are equally culpable/complicit and who should be prosecuted along with Ms Yingluck. The mastermind is laughing all the way to the bank as he will not be charged, much less convicted for his role in this.

You actually think that the people at the top got paid hundreds of billions in this scheme for doing nothing.

I.e. thry stole money? The losses are accounted for within the pledging scheme. They paid x billion for rice, and on the market today it is worth 0.5x

This is without stealing anything. And in between,the X got distributed to farmers and warehouses and trucks and shipping and and and.

You misunderstand what this scheme is. It is not a scam, it paid too much for rice. You think Yingluck grew hundreds of thousands of tonnes of rice and got paid?

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hope she rots in hell and while still here in some prison for all deaths and harm her and her brother and clan have caused but TIT and shell probably get away with it.

Best thing the general could do for the PTP, UDD and red cause would be to lock her up for a couple or years. Dare ya?

ha ha ha and red shirt scum will like always run like cowards same as their leader bring it on and finally get rid of this vile cancer masquerading as a saviour of poor on Thailand. WEll see but i hope and pray they just try it and see them run like rabbits when they even try anything against army

But then you're posts always were remarkable for their open minded tolerance weren't they?

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I fail to see how you can equate a house break to the claim that it would effect common folk, exactly how would common Thais have been impacted ?

As I said most rural folks are self sufficient again that's about as common as you can get.

Food prices may have gone up but again, it's all about supply and demand, it didn't create a shortage of rice surprisingly and don't forget many many many rice farmers didn't meet the stipulation to join the scheme. So were able to sell their rice locally as always.

Again how would the common Thai/expat living here would be effected?

What about all the businesses that went under during the protests because of the protests? Are those any less significant?

How many business's are suffering due to Martial Law ?

nobody can say for sure if there would have been a knock on effect felt by the common people should the PTP have remained in power mate, it's speculation only.

Plus I think of you broke into my home, you might have felt sorry for me and left your swag as I have nothing of significant value that cannot be replaced.

I'm more upset right now as one of the Myanmar workers from the tapicoca harvesting stole one of our kittens two days ago!!!

You do know that governments stimulate their economies with money. How much money they borrow, and at what price, is not without limitations set by fiscally responsible banks. When 700 billion Baht is pulled out of the economy (polite way of putting it), there is a corresponding loss for investments in other sectors of the economy. Since you seem to be intent on being 'thick', I will spell it out. There is now less borrowing power or higher interest rates on government projects such as schools, infrastructure improvements, farm supports (rubber, rice), etc. The rural people of Thailand are 66% the population and they are harmed because it is now more difficult for the government to invest in their improvement.

Again how would the common Thai/expat living here would be effected?

Why would you mix those two groups in one question?

What about all the businesses that went under during the protests because of the protests? Are those any less significant?

Do you have any facts/numbers that you want to share or is that just your 'feeling'?

How many business's are suffering due to Martial Law ?

I didn't know any were suffering. Can you name some/one? It has been reported on this forum that the business community has voiced their approval for the Junta's handling of economy, so far.

I'm more upset right now as one of the Myanmar workers from the tapicoca harvesting stole one of our kittens two days ago!!!

I get it. You are more concerned about the the theft of a kitten than the looting of the treasury by Thaksin's nominees. 'Nuff said. 'Bye.

Seeing the Junta on the road to returning democracy - $200

Seeing yingluck go down for negligence - $500

Seeing the terrorist attacks stop in 1 minute without a bullet fired - $1000

Your reply - Priceless!!!

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