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Can't break a 1000 baht note?

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So I seem to get this a lot.

You go to a mom and pop shop and pay with a 1000 baht note and no one has enough change to take it.

Yesterday I bought 323 baht worth of stuff gave the lady a 1000 baht note but she couldn't take my money because she didn't have enough change.

I just don't get this if you are operating a shop why don't you come prepared with change?

Its not like I tried to buy something for 20 baht with 1000 baht.

If you have enough money to own a shop you should have enough money to have baht in small denominations.

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Clearly the answer to the situation is........Leave A tip, you cheap wad.

I often throw the change away in any case, I figured my face is so much bigger when I open my wallet and only pun notes are in there.

.....it's only money, easy come, easy go ;)

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A 1000 baht note may be nothing to a Farang, but look at it as a quarter of a month salary,and suddenly it takes on a new meaning!

I dont know any Thais on 4000 a month but I wish i did as id offer them a job at 8000 a month,,,,,,,,,,still no takers from our ad outside our land

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My shop has lots of change every day, but we run out quickly because so many people pay with 1,000 baht notes and we have to find a bank that is open to get more. I can understand why some places won't take them. Sometimes I say no, if it is for a very small purchase.

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1000 baht note is a lot of money to a small shop - they dont have the cash flow to carry a large float in their till.

possibly comparable to trying to pay with a 100 USD or GBP note in a small shop back home.

OP some understanding of the country and culture you are in would help. patience please.

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Wasn't there a few counterfeit 1000 baht notes going around some time ago and if you cop one you are stuck with it unless you pass it onto somebody else . Yes i know most of them are passed of in bars and places where the light is not so good to examine them but still maybe the shopkeepers are still wary of of giving out good legal tender and getting a problem in exchange.

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Whats the difference how much 1000 is worth to a Thai.

Point is OP is a troll, who does not seem to grasp basic concepts, aside from that, he also has problems with pretty much anything he does, yet speaks fluent enough Thai.w00t.gif

Shops do not want to break 1000 because they need the change.

Nothing wrong or unusual about that.

If every customer paid with 1000, shop owners, especially mom & pop type would be spending most of the day in the bank changing the money instead of being in the shop selling.

It is mom & pop shop ie small sales like cigs, drink, etc, not exactly a profit making machine.

Yes, agreed. Real basic, common sense type stuff. Makes you wonder how the OP made it this far in life with no common sense. Maybe that's why he only manages to attract women who are only interested in his money. Because he has absolutely nothing else going for him.

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Next time you go to your bank's atm take out 900baht instead of 1000. Do it twice if you have to! It saves the hassle of getting larger notes changed by smaller businesses or even if I want to buy off the local ice-cream motorcycle vendor.

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it may be cause they don't have money.

Try to use 1000's for only real stores/shops. Ie FAMILY MART - 7-11, BTS blah blah blah

street vendors and independent shops are just a headache for all parties involved.

old ass people using calculator and counting ten baht coins to break your 1000, other customers waiting etc. I will usually break up a few 1000 baht notes at 7/11 or BTS just so i can buy ice coffee, use motor bikes, etc etc.

GET IN THE GAME MATE!!! keep ya stick on the ice.

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