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Lawngrass Recommendations?

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We are buying a house and want to put in a lawn that requires little maintenance. The locals recommend the same Japanese grass we already have that just doesn't do it for me.

If any of you belong to a golf club, can you perhaps get a name/number for a head greenskeeper for me? My grandfather was the head greenskeeper of a golf course in the States and knew more about grass than anyone I have ever known.

I have also seen what they call Malaysia Grass that looks very good indeed in the higher end residential areas but have heard that it requires almost daily maintenance and we plan to travel a lot.

Anyway, if you have had major success with a particular grass/fertilizer combination, I would be most happy to hear about it.

Thanks in advance..

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What area? I could put you in touch with some people in Phuket that do the grass and landscaping of some of the better golf courses around here but that wouldn't be much use if youe house is in BKK.

I use Malaysian grass and haven't found it to take much maintenance.

Edited by Colonel_Mustard
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My wife is developing a low maintenance lawn around our house. She does this by cutting whatever is growing and occasionally using a hoe to take out undesireable plants...before they seed. She has been doing this for about 1-1/2 year and the results are starting to show...its starting to look very nice...and since its all stuff that has grown without alot of maintenance it is and will be a low maintenance lawn.....for free.....clearly this technique is not right for everyone.

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Is this Japanese grass the type that has a sort of ivy type growth, long finger type growth and spongey to stand on?

If so I would go for it and trust the locals, I had this type of grass in Japan for 5 years its great.Very low maintenace and low watering, and it really covers the ground. Soft for children to play on as well.Grows and spreads quick and I should think cheap. Because it spreads thick and fast the weed don't grow in it.

They even use it in Spain on the golf courses.


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  • 3 weeks later...


We are buying a house and want to put in a lawn that requires little maintenance. The locals recommend the same Japanese grass we already have that just doesn't do it for me.

If any of you belong to a golf club, can you perhaps get a name/number for a head greenskeeper for me? My grandfather was the head greenskeeper of a golf course in the States and knew more about grass than anyone I have ever known.

I have also seen what they call Malaysia Grass that looks very good indeed in the higher end residential areas but have heard that it requires almost daily maintenance and we plan to travel a lot.

Anyway, if you have had major success with a particular grass/fertilizer combination, I would be most happy to hear about it.

Thanks in advance..

I bought squares of grass sod along the side of the highway just outside of Rangsit Future Park shopping center driving east towards Tanyaburi. I can’t now remember just what kind of grass it was, but here is a picture of it. I made the mistake of deciding to install pop-up sprinkles AFTER installing the lawn. I too had heard of the Malaysian grass and the Japan grass but I just bought what I could find and it worked out just fine, during the rainy season I have it mowed every 10 days.

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We are buying a house and want to put in a lawn that requires little maintenance. The locals recommend the same Japanese grass we already have that just doesn't do it for me.

If any of you belong to a golf club, can you perhaps get a name/number for a head greenskeeper for me? My grandfather was the head greenskeeper of a golf course in the States and knew more about grass than anyone I have ever known.

I have also seen what they call Malaysia Grass that looks very good indeed in the higher end residential areas but have heard that it requires almost daily maintenance and we plan to travel a lot.

Anyway, if you have had major success with a particular grass/fertilizer combination, I would be most happy to hear about it.

Thanks in advance..

I bought squares of grass sod along the side of the highway just outside of Rangsit Future Park shopping center driving east towards Tanyaburi. I can’t now remember just what kind of grass it was, but here is a picture of it. I made the mistake of deciding to install pop-up sprinkles AFTER installing the lawn. I too had heard of the Malaysian grass and the Japan grass but I just bought what I could find and it worked out just fine, during the rainy season I have it mowed every 10 days.



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I am no expert but I have learned the following:

(1) Whatever the grass you choose, wherever laid by seed or sod, the sub base must be properly laid first. The subbase mixture depending on the type of grass, should be compacted and left to "grow" for at least 2 months to allow the "plucking" of any germination.

(2) Past Palum (excuse spelling) is the most greenest, luscious grass I have ever seen gowing in Thailand, it originates from the either the Philippines or Australia and is very common growing close to the shore in both countries.

For an example see the fairways at the Chiangmai Highlands Golf Course.

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Since I started this thread I suppose I should contribute to it. I originally posted in the Chiang Mai forum since that is where I live/shop but someone moved it here.

I did get a response from one of the golf courses up here and also found a supplier here that sells lots of grass to the golf courses. I finally settled on what they call Nuan Noi grass and am VERY pleased with it. It seemed to root almost immediately and has been fat and green since day one. Even neighbors are asking where I found this grass since it looks so good.

The gated community we live in puts totally crap soil down when they build so I removed about four to six inches (10-15 cm) of soil off the top, put in a much better dark soil then coated the top with a thin layer of black potting soil from bags. I couldn't be more pleased and this grass, unlike most other grasses grows equally well in the full sun and shade.

The only drawback was the zillions of red ticks that came with it (it was trucked in from the BKK area) and swarmed over our dog but the Shelldrite I sprayed quickly resolved that. This insecticide also kills centipedes which is a real plus.

Green are good... :o

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