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Respecting Elders differences between Thailand and the Western World.


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I know Thai's hold there elders in very high regard but what if the elder is wrong?

What does it take for someone to point out bad behavior? Or what does it take to call them out?

Of course having respect is a good thing most of the time but how far does that respect go?

Can a elder just lay around all day never do anything drink be rude and no one stops this?

In America we believe respect is earned and not just given. We put a high value on accomplishments.

If someone is old but a loser we don't give them much respect.

Edited by flyingsaucersarereal
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age means nothing most of the time although some experiences can be remembered and passed down but again drawing the wrong conclusions from that experience does nothing for respect from me.

Blind respect due to age is plain dumb

Edited by kannot
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Well, 20 years ago I would agree that elders are held in the highest respect and if they are wrong, you would have smiled, said krap and walked away. Nowadays, I see kids get off their bikes, parents give them some school money and NOT ONE WAI to them nor a thanks.

So, in that respect, that "Thainess" is actually dying.sad.png Don't get me started on kids respecting their teachers. coffee1.gif

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age means nothing most of the time although some experiences can be remembered and passed down but again drawing the wrong conclusions from that experience does nothing for respect from me.

Blind respect due to age is plain dumb

Be careful you will be shot down here for such remarks. Remember the demographics here.

Some people seem to think that getting old is an accomplishment.

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Sometimes a bit of a problem in the work place, especially if Old Somchai. Is incompetent

The whole face thing is a pain in the ass but its part of living here. I tell people when the work they have done is crap (if its worth arguing about).

Dutch bluntness, quit often not appreciated.

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Thais have an odd sense of respect, Loud music all night any day of the week not giving a sh*t about elderly people next door or little babies

sleeping or children who have school next day, even their own.

It´s a I do what I want and Don´t give a kahoot´s about others kind of respect/culture. #Fact!

Edit: or children, even their own who have school next day

Edited by DerekMarshall
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Sometimes a bit of a problem in the work place, especially if Old Somchai. Is incompetent

The whole face thing is a pain in the ass but its part of living here. I tell people when the work they have done is crap (if its worth arguing about).

Dutch bluntness, quit often not appreciated.

even worst i am German...very often not appreciated

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