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Twitter reacts to Tony Blair's terrifying Christmas card


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Twitter reacts to Tony Blair's terrifying Christmas card
Patrick Begley

Tony and Cherie Blair's 2014 Christmas card. Photo: Twitter: @ehdannyboy

MELBOURNE: -- The internet is demanding answers from Tony Blair that have nothing to do with the Iraq War.

Social media wants to know precisely why the former British prime minister sanctioned such a downright terrifying photograph of himself and his wife Cherie for their "Season's Greetings" Christmas card.

Cherie appears heavily sedated, leaning against Tony for support. Despite her serious efforts at colour co-ordination - red dress, red lips, red jewels - she has a strangely lopsided quality.

But Tony looks electrified. He is all teeth. The famous, goofy smile, synonymous with the short-lived optimism of New Labour, has been replaced by a snarl.

Full story: http://www.theage.com.au/world/twitter-reacts-to-tony-blairs-terrifying-christmas-card-20141202-11y8nn.html

-- The Age 2014-12-02

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As clever as she is, even as a young woman she had the perfect face for radio. And him, remember those boyish looks of his? 10 years as the PM and pandering to GWB certainly took its toll.

I think they should have gone for a picturesque shot of one of their country properties as an alternative to this rather awful photo.

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Season's greetings from a war-criminal. Charming. No wonder the only way Cherie can stand the heavy burden of living with the 21st century equivalent of Vlad The Impaler, is by consuming adequate quantities of sedatives! Looks like she just had a stroke if you ask me.

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