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No Gender December ... <deleted> ?


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This story is getting wider traction ... maybe because it is so loony.


Here's a normal idea that the PC brigade may have trouble with. Ask little Johnny or little Mary what they would like from Santa for Xmas to get their thrills from. If little Johnny or little Sally wants a Barbie Doll, Cowboy suit or truck set for the sand pit then you as the family members (not the flippin PC Greens) get them that as the people who know and set the standards for your kids.

Edited to add: and by the way is changing your avator for a shopkeepers Xmas wet dream also not pandering to the same sort of garbage?

Agree with the kids bit.

Disagree about the avatar.

The reason I changed it is because, for me, Christmas is a special time.

It's a time to forget some of your troubles, focus on the Positives.

This year, because I'm away from my Family ... most likely I won't even buy one Christmas Present.

It doesn't mean that I can't be involved with the Spirit of Christmas.

I've worked in a Soup Kitchen once over the Festive break so that those workers who give so much through out the Year could spend time, at Christmas with their loved ones. I'm not great for doing that ... but I felt great after for doing it.

So ... lets get back to Loonies trying to tell us what is right and wrong for our kids, come Present giving time ... specifically Christmas.

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I think kids choose what they want. My daughter is 6, she has asked for a piano and a tablet and a doll. She likes pink clothes, should I tell her that she can't wear pink because she needs to be gender neutral. What color for the piano and tablet? Where does this pc rubbish end?

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I think kids choose what they want. My daughter is 6, she has asked for a piano and a tablet and a doll. She likes pink clothes, should I tell her that she can't wear pink because she needs to be gender neutral. What color for the piano and tablet? Where does this pc rubbish end?

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It's when we, as parents have the control and ignore these PC, Greenie Loonies.

Let the child choose ... if the boy wants Pink and the Girl Orange ... great.

But I'll be &lt;deleted&gt; if I will be told by the loonies what is best for my kids ... facepalm.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What if you're little guy likes dolls? So what? If he does please love him and don't make him feel he is a freak and less loved because of that OK? It's like parents with children acting stereotypical to gender think they deserve a medal or something.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If my little guy likes dolls, (and he does play with dolls too) he gets them.

No need to get offended OK?

Your preference is yours, and mine is mine, and my sons is his alone to determine OK?

But all in all he does prefer boys stuff, no judgement on my part, just stating the facts.


As a little guy i liked dolls too, i,m told my first reaction was to lift the skirt up and take a peepw00t.gif

An elementary school teacher wrote a permanent record comment about me: doesn't like to roughhouse with the boys.

Oh, the irony.

Irony indeed. I shall refrain from asking the obvious question. There are some details I really don't need to know. :)

I once worked in a certain job in the media where the gender roles were often in doubt. One of the women, who became a good friend, was having a little crisis of confidence about herself, and was allowing the PC dykes to dictate to her. Sam lost the plot one day and came into work dressed in yellow mini skirt, yellow thigh-high boots and clinging yellow top and tarty make-up. The dykes went ape at her, and she nearly had a breakdown. Later, myself and our gorgeous receptionist, a no-nonsense, full-on feminine female called Kate, took Sam to the park for lunch and over time and more lunches eventually got her to ignore the dykes. She started dressing more conventionally feminine, and we could see she was much more comfortable in that "skin" and not having to conform to a role impressed on her by dyke peer pressure. Not sure what moral there is to this story, but people used to say that Sam, Kate and I were a contented triumvirate in that workplace. Maybe it's that the PC brigade are forcing us to adapt to their style even if we don't want to. Nazis, anyone?

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I think kids choose what they want. My daughter is 6, she has asked for a piano and a tablet and a doll. She likes pink clothes, should I tell her that she can't wear pink because she needs to be gender neutral. What color for the piano and tablet? Where does this pc rubbish end?

No more likes left ... thumbsup.gif

It's when we, as parents have the control and ignore these PC, Greenie Loonies.

Let the child choose ... if the boy wants Pink and the Girl Orange ... great.

But I'll be <deleted> if I will be told by the loonies what is best for my kids ... facepalm.gif

Doubt you will have any say what gets purchased for your kids.

You aren't there, so she can buy (or not) what she likes.

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I think kids choose what they want. My daughter is 6, she has asked for a piano and a tablet and a doll. She likes pink clothes, should I tell her that she can't wear pink because she needs to be gender neutral. What color for the piano and tablet? Where does this pc rubbish end?

No more likes left ... thumbsup.gif

It's when we, as parents have the control and ignore these PC, Greenie Loonies.

Let the child choose ... if the boy wants Pink and the Girl Orange ... great.

But I'll be <deleted> if I will be told by the loonies what is best for my kids ... facepalm.gif

Doubt you will have any say what gets purchased for your kids.

You aren't there, so she can buy (or not) what she likes.

Mate ... they are in Thailand.

A Traditional Thai Family ... there is no Christmas there, unless I'm in Town.


Just so there is no misunderstanding ... my boys don't have any 'Pink or Blue' issues.

These two walkers were given from a relative who also had Twins, but one of each.

They are, without doubt, their favourite toys.

The kids will choose what ever they want to play with.

Choose what ever sport they want.

But I'll be dammed if any do-gooders, PC fanatics, loony Greenies going to tell us what to do.

&lt;deleted&gt; them.

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I think kids choose what they want. My daughter is 6, she has asked for a piano and a tablet and a doll. She likes pink clothes, should I tell her that she can't wear pink because she needs to be gender neutral. What color for the piano and tablet? Where does this pc rubbish end?

No more likes left ... thumbsup.gif

It's when we, as parents have the control and ignore these PC, Greenie Loonies.

Let the child choose ... if the boy wants Pink and the Girl Orange ... great.

But I'll be <deleted> if I will be told by the loonies what is best for my kids ... facepalm.gif

Doubt you will have any say what gets purchased for your kids.

You aren't there, so she can buy (or not) what she likes.

Mate ... they are in Thailand.

A Traditional Thai Family ... there is no Christmas there, unless I'm in Town.


Just so there is no misunderstanding ... my boys don't have any 'Pink or Blue' issues.

These two walkers were given from a relative who also had Twins, but one of each.

They are, without doubt, their favourite toys.

The kids will choose what ever they want to play with.

Choose what ever sport they want.

But I'll be dammed if any do-gooders, PC fanatics, loony Greenies going to tell us what to do.

<deleted> them.

lucky me ...this year I don't have to think about presents for our offspring...he won't expecting much...as a 8 day's old...

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lucky me ...this year I don't have to think about presents for our offspring...he won't expecting much...as a 8 day's old...

CC1 ... hand on heart ... I hope it goes well for you.

Mate, I made this post some time ago.

Have a read ... and don't &lt;deleted&gt; it up like I did ... facepalm.gif

Planning for the big day

For some reason, Thai Doctors, rightly or wrongly seem to have a stronger predisposition to Caesarean Birth, then we do in the West.

We were having TWINS and one of them was anticipated to be in the wrong position come the birth ... so it was always going to be a C-Section or, as the Thai fondly call it ... 'Expressway' ... laugh.png

A full term birth is typically around 40 week* date, we were having TWINS so that bought it back to about 36 weeks ... so we discuss with the Doctor when is a good time for this to happen.

Guys, if you have a Thai Partner, don't be surprised if a 'Wednesday' birth is declined. It's old school thinking, but still around that it's considered by some as 'Bad Luck' to have your baby born on a Wednesday, worse even a Wed night. Not everyone thinks like this, but that thinking is still out there.

For example, the guy who cuts my hair closes on a Wednesday ... whistling.gif

So the big date is set, all we hope is that the twins co-operate.

HUH ... fat chance of that. 5.30 on the Saturday morning (week 33) I get a tap on the Shoulder ... facepalm.gif

For the Mum ... we really didn't need to take anything apart from the phone, charger and the like (but they will pack heaps more), Hospital supplies most things, but for yourself, have a small bag pre-packed with what you'll need for 4 or 5 days.

I had that sat in the corner, but not completed as we were weeks away from the due date.

For me, in the early morning rush, the biggest thing I had to try and assemble were the stuff for the Baby and what to take them home in ... now, I wish I hadn't ... but more on that later.

So, pitch dark outside, excitable Father running round trying to remain calm, checking everything, remembering to take everything.

Bag for Mum, bag for Dad ... camera, phone and charger sorted and on the bed.

Out the door we go ... I got both bags, even remembered to bring the Mum to be along! But the camera, phone and charger ... left behind on the bed ... facepalm.gif

Oh well, best laid plans of mice and men.

*counted from the woman's previous menstrual cycle, not when the baby was conceived ... took me a while to get my head around that bit of info. OH ... if I get any of the medical stuff incorrect, please pull me up on that, I want this to be as factual as possible.

EDIT - Spelling

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My nephew, when he was six, insisted on having dollys for Xmas. So he got the lot, the barbies etc.

He is now 33, has never had a girlfriend. That we know of. But, has never equally said he has a boyfriend.

Some people are private. I for one, tease him a bit. But he keeps schtum about his private life. Especially to Auntie Pats!!

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My mother still has my dolls house in her garage. When my dad was still alive the joke was - when are you going to take that damn thing home with you. it's cluttering up the place.

Who cares, really, what children play with. It's the joy on their little faces on Christmas day that counts.

And yes to the above. I looked inside Action Man's trousers.

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