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I'm just curios, how do the Thai board members react when they read some of the comments made on this forum about their fellow country folk?

In particular, Thai females, they seem to get the short end of the stick on this board. It must be very frustrating reading certain posts and especially how Thai women (and in some cases men) are viewed by some members.

This is not just reference to Bar Girls, but I get the impression that a lot of members have issues with the way Thai's do business, their social structures and the overall feeling of been cheated. And as they express themselves on the board, I wonder how the Thai's feel about this. Maybe there's not enough Thai's on this board for many replies but I still think it a worhty question just the same.

Just to point out, I'm not saying that everybody on this board runs down the Thai's, but to be fair the general trend, in particular to Thai Women, is not great.


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My Thai wife tells me I am lucky I got her, she said most would just take

me to the cleaners. She said she doesnt trust any thais, even some of her family.

I'm just curios, how do the Thai board members react when they read some of the comments made on this forum about their fellow country folk?

In particular, Thai females, they seem to get the short end of the stick on this board. It must be very frustrating reading certain posts and especially how Thai women (and in some cases men) are viewed by some members.

This is not just reference to Bar Girls, but I get the impression that a lot of members have issues with the way Thai's do business, their social structures and the overall feeling of been cheated. And as they express themselves on the board, I wonder how the Thai's feel about this. Maybe there's not enough Thai's on this board for many replies but I still think it a worhty question just the same.

Just to point out, I'm not saying that everybody on this board runs down the Thai's, but to be fair the general trend, in particular to Thai Women, is not great.


There's a lot of bitter farangs on the board Paddy. Born to whinge and complain, but for some strange reason they continue to live in this dear land. :o


I explained my wife (Thai) about this website and she started to follw the several issues brought up in this forum.

The last weeks she is looking several times a day.

Now she is a member and has her own log in name.

I did that to avoid the risk having her to put her comments under my name.(which I think would be basiscally wrong).I don't know if she posted already, but that is up to her.

To answer your question: I believe it is great fun to her, to read about the several topics.One time she feels pity with the Farang and the other time she think they are completely stupid.I know this because every morning she is reading up loud the several interesting posts included her own comments. :D:D:D

Just wait till she starts posting :D:o

how do the Thai board members react when they read some of the comments made on this forum about their fellow country folk?.......... I wonder how the Thai's feel about this..... etc etc

I don't think the above angle has any worthwhile meaning apart from giving some bleeding-heart types an outlet for some kind of perceived inner-guilt. The world is becoming far too politically correct IMHO

As dutch has mentioned - there are Thais who read this forum, some who get involved quite actively in giving a Thai view on some forum issues, and make a worthwhile contribution.

This is a forum, and as such is designed primarily to give a large group of people (from a wide variety of backgrounds) with a common interest - a place to air their views.

In the case of this particular forum, our common interest is living in, or visiting, Thailand. And therefore one would expect that observed habits/mannerisms/cultural nuances associated with a majority of Thais would be noted from time-to-time in the threads.

Fact of life. Deal with it.

If you're going to ask how the Thais feel when they read about themselves here, then what about the Poms, Aussies, Kiwis, Yanks, Germans, Frogs, etc etc because all of these groups have been stereotyped or harangued with good intent at one time or another.

Just my view....


I hope they don’t take it too seriously! I post things here and on other sites that are not always my true feeling because I imagine at the time it may be funny or provocative etc. But I would not be living here if I did not like the people, country and way of life.

My Thai wife tells me I am lucky I got her, she said most would just take

me to the cleaners. She said she doesnt trust any thais, even some of her family.

my wife tells me the exactly the same.

hope our wives arent leading double lives!!


My Thai boyfriend doesn't trust Thai girls what so ever. His last relationship she (Thai) came home and happily announced she was pregnant. He on the other hand after living a monastic life for 10+ years left his priesthood and had gotten a vasectomy. :o

He has seen a number of Farang men get completely burned by Thai woman ( especially on land deals) even his own cousin worked a Farang over good, whom he refuses to talk to now, and he says many are no good.

He is very quick to say he doesn't trust Thai's. Even his family just like you Nam Kao.

And if you think Thai ladies get bashed on this forum. Thai men are by far more disliked/distrusted on the site. Perhaps for good reason. But not from my experience with my partner.


Well, bitter is definitely the word for some. Or just plain insensitive prejudiced, moronic, chang-for-brains no-hopers. Yes I'm offended sometimes, and I'm not even Thai! :o

Phew, thanks for letting me get that out of my system. :D

It's not just this site either. I often overhear conversations between Westerners, mostly in bars, ranting on for example about how any traffic accidents are "always the Farang's fault" or just generally complain about Thai people. Also quite a few seem to confuse the particular sub-culture of Thais they exclusively seem to interact with, with the general population.

Maybe I should do a list of quotes on this board and others that I think really 'doo thook' Thai people. Such as: "No wonder Thai people don't know how to drive, they were all riding buffalo 20 years ago." That's terribly offensive, not to mention inaccurate in more than one way. Of course it's often written as a harmless joke and I do try to take it as such. I'm not sure if Thai people would feel the same if they read this day in day out.

Thanks for brining this up Paddy!!!



And if you think Thai ladies get bashed on this forum. Thai men are by far more disliked/distrusted on the site.

Yes I think so too. I think a fairly accurate way of measuring how sucessful and well-adapted you are to living in Thailand, is to check how well you get along with Thai men and what (if any) male Thai friends you have. This does not apply to gays, obviously. ;-))




True you are and im pretty sure that if they had a web board about some other country it would be a different story.

Take Australia for E.g. Lets say that someone started a web board about AUS and lots of immigrants and tourists had a piss and moan about the way we do things in AUS. Any AUS reading it would reply with ... "F*kc off home if you dont like it here!"

I think the Thai take us very well.

Look at it this way. Most of us farang members have a Thai partner. Imagine a whole heap of Thai guys coming to Aus and taking all of our good looking women. That alone would be enough to give me the sh*ts.

Well done Thailand. You put up with alot of our crap. :o


Yea Koh_Falang, you are right,

Farangs would be moaning more in thier own country than they do in Thailand, (if that is possible!).

Mostly the guys that are doing all the moaning have been in country too long, they should just piss off back to the small corner of Paradise where they came from. Farangs are whingers, always moaning about Thailand,....... the Girls, .......The weather,......... overpricing,......... doublepricing, taxi drivers, ........pollution,............. Thai workmanship,.......... Police , .....Politicians, Women,.. Men, .....other farangs,......... Tourists,..... Lorry drivers,........ Bus Drivers, ........any Driver.............lets face it, Farangs like to complain, they complained and moaned avbout the country they came from, now they moan about Thailand.

These guys would moan about any place on Earth.


I think it is obvious, that how we judge people is from our own experiences.

If you live in Thailand and run your own business, it is a lot different than working for someone and if your retired or on holiday here, you also have a different outlook.

It is always nice to paint a nicer picture, but thats just being nice!

I would not trust many Thai men in business and 50% of Thai women I also would not trust. It seems in my 6 years and 10 months of doing business here, that they are basically lazy, unreliable and would lie to you to make 20 baht.

Before you jump on the "what are you doing here band wagon", if you havent done business here (which is the opposite of holidaying or being a school teacher), you have no experience in how the "system" runs - I will stay and do business here, because I like the challenge and the opportunitys I have worked so hard to gather.

With all that said, when I finish work for the day, I have a different perspective on Thailand - its lovely, the people are friendly, the weather is good and the food is excellent.

I'm just curios, how do the Thai board members react when they read some of the comments made on this forum about their fellow country folk?

In particular, Thai females, they seem to get the short end of the stick on this board. It must be very frustrating reading certain posts and especially how Thai women (and in some cases men) are viewed by some members.

This is not just reference to Bar Girls, but I get the impression that a lot of members have issues with the way Thai's do business, their social structures and the overall feeling of been cheated. And as they express themselves on the board, I wonder how the Thai's feel about this. Maybe there's not enough Thai's on this board for many replies but I still think it a worhty question just the same.

Just to point out, I'm not saying that everybody on this board runs down the Thai's, but to be fair the general trend, in particular to Thai Women, is not great.


Thank you for bringing it up, Paddy. I am a Thai woman living in Thailand, and am not a bar girl.

I have to admit that sometimes I get offended by some posts too. But there are more ignorances on other websites having a blast bashing Thai women. Truth be told, some Thais are truly lazy, cheaters, etc. (I can actually name one certain European guy in Bangkok who is a real amazing con artist, better than a lot of Thais. Really.) I will never deny it. If something is wrong in Thailand, I admit it. If it is stupid to change closing time for entertainment venues outside the zones to midnight, I say so. I am not a person who would say "Thailand is the best! <deleted> you, farang!" when a foreigner looked down on us and our country. I would say, I am not sure if Thailand is the best on this planet, but I am so d**n sure it's much better than many other countries out there.

Yes, some posts are bloody offensive. But overall, I like this forum. I've seen worse. I just have to bite some bitter souls from time to time when they crossed the line. :D

Well, bitter is definitely the word for some. Or just plain insensitive prejudiced, moronic, chang-for-brains no-hopers. Yes I'm offended sometimes, and I'm not even Thai!
I agree :o
I would not trust many Thai men in business and 50% of Thai women I also would not trust. It seems in my 6 years and 10 months of doing business here, that they are basically lazy, unreliable and would lie to you to make 20 baht.

The right attitude you have. My father had taught a Thai male employee everything he knew about how to do the business. Then, one day, this guy quit promising he wouldn't do anything to harm our business. Not too long, we heard he was working for our competitor and we found out he stole some documents and catalogues from our office. Right now, at this moment, this guy is still in the business. Mind you, he has recently started his own company. Basically, still trying to steal our customers.


LovelyCutie, you seem to be a very well balanced person (not because you agree with me), it is nice to see a Thai person, saying it how it REALLY is - congrats!

I love Thailand, but I am also aware of the pitfalls/cons/scams/reality - its not a rose garden, but its better than a lot of counties :o


Well, if anything, the thread gave Thai's the opportunity to get there views across.

There's obviously not that many Thai members, still there was good reactions from the farang posters.



Thank you ka, Doc. I'll keep that in mind. :o

BTW, I know for a fact there are other Thai members. Where are they? :D

Guest IT Manager
And if you think Thai ladies get bashed on this forum. Thai men are by far more disliked/distrusted on the site.

Yes I think so too. I think a fairly accurate way of measuring how sucessful and well-adapted you are to living in Thailand, is to check how well you get along with Thai men and what (if any) male Thai friends you have. This does not apply to gays, obviously. ;-))



Seems a little narrow Chanchao, "unless you are gay of course".

Assuming you are straight, does that mean that you have no Thai female friends? Apart from your wife of course.

I actually see a lot of Political Correctness that doesn't need to be around, but I intensely dislike the habit of bagging Thais just for being Thai. Seems dumb if you live here.


It's a valid point that Thai's have a very good attitude towards criticism. My wife, now living in Europe with me(4 years), has had to put up with some serious crap from farangs here, not ALL, but some.

Not the general public, but usually those farang who have taken holidays or visited Thailand for one reason or another, those with limited experience of the country. It's seems inconcievable to these people that my wife and I met anywhere else than a bar. Whether we did or not, should be irrelevant, couples are meeting in bars every minute of every day all over the world. My point being, you see the image that Thailand has created worldwide, I know this isn't new but it's sometimes hard to bear, for me anyway.

The crap I refer to, comes in the form of snide remarks and the general attitude of people towards my wife and Thai women in general. But she has an incredibly relaxed attitude with this, and never shows any negative reaction. I know sometimes she is fit to be tied with certain people's comments but, obviously a Thai thing, decides it's better to say nothing at all. Hence, the reason for me starting this thread, is this how Thai people feel on this board, when the same narrowmindedness that I'm talking about is, SOMETIMES, posted on this board.

Some people posted in response to this topic, that this happens on forums in every country, agreed, but you can be sure that a farang will respond, with interest, if anybody slags of his country or customs. I'm just saying Thai's don't.

They really do have a great attitude towards life, the Asian Jamaica perhaps?

P.S I know a lot of stuff posted here is for a bit of a laugh and I've no problem with that, I'm just refering to things in a wider context.


It's not a question of Thais, Farangs, aliens, etc... it's all human nature, whether be it stupid/silly/obnoxious/vain/inconsiderate/ignorant etc... we all possess the same potential attributes as other people no matter where you are in the world. Being a Thai woman living in Bangkok, you hear plenty of stories and as well bashing about other Thais but you can’t take it seriously since it’s merely personal views that are derived from personal experiences that surely should not constitute to be factual. As quoted, we don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are. Of course at times I can’t help but want to defend my fellow Thai women, be it office employees or bar girls, but I’ve learned that people will believe what they want to believe even if the truth is staring them directly in the face or at times shoved up their brains as a matter of fact….. As long as we still go on living, people will still go on bitching.....

Guest The Judge

My boyfriend was abused by foreign gays because he won't go to bed with them, when we visited Patatya. It seemed incredible to them, that one could meet and be together with one person for years, after not meeting in a bar, and not be a "rent boy". In fact they didn't believe it.

Does this mean that the only way some people meet partners, is in bars? Surely it is acceptable to foreigners that not everyone spends every night in a bar, and not everyone meets their partner as part of a commercial deal.

We don't go to Pattaya for that reason in fact, in spite of the fact we both love the beach and I think it's quite sad.

I love Thailand, but I am also aware of the pitfalls/cons/scams/reality - its not a rose garden, but its better than a lot of counties

I could not agree more!

Farang are oversexed, overpaid and over here! :o



Very well said. I think part of the phenominon is in Thailand there are many people coming from abject poverty who become victims of "Madison Avenue" marketing. Designer lables, cosmetics, cars music etc. etc..

Unfortunately as here in the west materialism is becoming the rule and respect the exception. It's natural to believe that more money and more things will make you happy, in the short term.

I can't tell you how glad I am to have had all the filthy rich La Jolla house wives in my practice who are neurotic as ###### depressed and usually quite unhappy. They have paid my bills for years.

I've been fortunate to see first hand that being filthy rich definitely does not make you happy. I found it hard to believe at first but it is so true. Unfortunately the "grass is always greener on the other side." And the cow will work like ###### and sometimes get its head caught in the fence trying to get to it even though its got everything it needs all around it.

I've traveled in Asia since 1971. I am finally getting to understand the culture after all these years. One of the things that I've liked is that life is kind of "in your face." Sometimes in a raw way most imes in a beatiful way.

If you want to see some real crooks and two faced bastards, come to Southern California. The building contractors and polititians have notorius reputatios, not all but plenty.

This is "plastic land." Get a smile and a knife in the back. Again all because people are greedy and comming from the position that more and more is better.

The more I understand about Thailand I'm thinking it's like other places, A contract may mean nothing and the deal is only as good as the word of the people in it. Just like here.

I looking forward to retiring there soon.... :o

Lovely...the world is full of dickheads.  Many farangs in Thailand are perpetual whingers, and they'd be no different elsewhere.

As opposed to Thais living in the states. The only thing I've witnessed re. a "Whinge" or two coming from a Thai in the U.S. is the inability to purchase

Thai food ingredients readily. Otherwise, they're very appreciative of just about everything... :o


There's a lot of bitter farangs on the board Paddy. Born to whinge and complain, but for some strange reason they continue to live in this dear land. :o

wow !

that's perhaps one of da best points Dr. ever made if he ever made any at all !

but, yeah - that's true! those who r bitter and bored and may be have nothing else to do - often dominate ALL the topics...... and yeah - of coz from their very farang style opinionated and judhemental point of view - ever superior and omniscent and smartest! da best.....

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