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All of the above?

55555 bookguy.

......surely ur not serious?

I am.

I keep hearing the term. Sure, I could guess, but i dont know for sure.

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All of the above?

55555 bookguy.

......surely ur not serious?

I am.

I keep hearing the term. Sure, I could guess, but i dont know for sure.

I'm with you on this one bookguy.

But, do we REALLY need to know?

Maybe I can live without it.

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Stroll on. Ummm, Google > 'Soapy Massage' > Images... voila!

I'll tell you what it's not... this:


What next, I see LoS a lot but don't know what it stands for. lol (laugh out loud). (full stop) tongue.png

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A sex place where you are given a bath as well. In general, the help are very well trained and professional at their jobs compared to other such venues and I don't mean the bath part.

Thanks UG

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All of the above?

55555 bookguy.

......surely ur not serious?

I am.

I keep hearing the term. Sure, I could guess, but i dont know for sure.

I'm with you on this one bookguy.

But, do we REALLY need to know?

Maybe I can live without it.

Sipi, I don't like full on Thai Massages much at all. I have tried a few and it feels like my body is being pummeled by a sure footed Clydesdale who has done some sadistic martial arts training.

But, I do get tight around the shoulders and upper back, and when single, no GF to do it for me. If i can find the right place, I'll have them work just that area.

If they asked me for a soapy, at least I know what that is. Better I know now...

Hey, count me in...


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Sipi, I don't like full on Thai Massages much at all. I have tried a few and it feels like my body is being pummeled by a sure footed Clydesdale who has done some sadistic martial arts training.

oooohhhhh, PLEASE send the Clydesdale....

Our local massage chick has quadrupled her price for farangs - *someone* decided to pay way more then the normal rate, so now we all cop the higher fee.

She is cute, but not four times the price cute.

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For quite a few years now I have heard reference to the term 'Soapy or 'Soapy massage' on this forum.

Is it a masaage using soap and bubbles?

A massage using oil then soap?

An erotic massage?

A euphemism for sex?

Maybe Turkish massage.

Up Op newet

Massage and sex.


Perhaps before you ask for one you should try typing the phrase into Google and then click the video link, all your questions will be answered.

Good thinking Mafesto!

That's it.


But..I don't understand..??

I am perfectly capable of washing my own willy..

My initial thoughts were of being in the shower, giving the genitals a good soaping while thinking horny thoughts and getting a real good soapy massage.


Please tell me where THAT place is. I PRAY that it is Chiang Mai. w00t.gif

I believe that photo is of a "VIP shower", and can be found across the road from the PornPing Hotel in CM.


A soapy massage is not a massage in any sense.

A good heavy oil massage (nahk/nahk) is what I go for. You can always ask them to lighten up if it is too hard. Best to make sure you go to a legit place or you might get your underwear yanked down as I did a few days ago. Had to put an end to that.

  • Like 1

For quite a few years now I have heard reference to the term 'Soapy or 'Soapy massage' on this forum.

Is it a masaage using soap and bubbles?

A massage using oil then soap?

An erotic massage?

A euphemism for sex?

2500 Baht well spent

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A soapy massage is not a massage in any sense.

A good heavy oil massage (nahk/nahk) is what I go for. You can always ask them to lighten up if it is too hard. Best to make sure you go to a legit place or you might get your underwear yanked down as I did a few days ago. Had to put an end to that.

A happy end? wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA8eASoOck

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