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thai way of life to sad life of frangs


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It's difficult to say what you're getting at here. But how people take care of their own is one of those things you'll never really know about a place until you've lived there. And even then you probably won't. I mean, how many of us know where say the nearest orphanage is? Or where people can get meals for free in TH? It's just not something you think about as a foreigner bc it generally doesn't concern you. It's definitely nothing you'll get a feel for by watching USA television. But I can tell you for sure people take care of each other back home. If someone is in need of something, then they either don't know where to find it, are too proud to accept it, or too f'ed up on drugs to accomplish anything.

Edited by eldragon
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where is sandman when you need him. Biggest load of garbage I have seen in a while, well at least today, maybe if they learnt how to use full stops and comma's it would help. Strangely enough my wife is also attending the temple this weekend, dropped her off this morning, also strange that no farangs live near us yet all the houses are gated with bloody sharp spears on top of them and the fences, wife says it is to stop the thieves. They also have every window barred up(even second floor) to stop thieves breaking into the house, the op must live deep in the boonies and they have no valuables in the house if they just leave it open all the time. I dont decide what they do in their houses here, thais do, totally wrong on this one but them again could be a troll at work.

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where is sandman when you need him. Biggest load of garbage I have seen in a while, well at least today, maybe if they learnt how to use full stops and comma's it would help. Strangely enough my wife is also attending the temple this weekend, dropped her off this morning, also strange that no farangs live near us yet all the houses are gated with bloody sharp spears on top of them and the fences, wife says it is to stop the thieves. They also have every window barred up(even second floor) to stop thieves breaking into the house, the op must live deep in the boonies and they have no valuables in the house if they just leave it open all the time. I dont decide what they do in their houses here, thais do, totally wrong on this one but them again could be a troll at work.

This is his most coherent post to date. Super Troll.

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Speak for yourself, my life is nothing like this although there is a gate where I live.

All the other houses around where I am have big gates too, it's mostly Thai people who live in them.

Just another jealous bitter Cheap Charlie that cant afford to live in a gated community.

Come on down to Bkk, its full of them, as you rightly say, full of Thais.

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I understand him with some difficulty because it is not proper Engerish.

You that have replied so far are simple minded twits that must come here for drunken bargirl holidays. The way of life here is by far better that what I left 23 years ago. You just refuse to accept that others might have a different view.

No I am not a liberal twit. In fact I am probably more American conservative than I should be.

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Thais often put the most ornate and gargantuan gates on their house.

I don't know which idealised life the OP is talking about, but my experience is it can come about because in villages the people may be so poor they have nothing worth stealing and so they don't close the door.

This also happens when the kids aren't in school, mum isn't working and grandma is home being taken care of. Everyone is home and no one is working, so no need to lock anything.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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I understand perfectly what the OP is saying, and by some of the replies - it gives a clear answer to the mentality of some of these sick farangs.

Go Prayuth, get rid of the trash.

"it gives a clear answer to the mentality of some of these sick farangs."

But much more about your particular hatred and station in life!

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