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Americans in Thailand warned after release of CIA report

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Yo no hablo ingles.

That's kind of funny.

I was scoping out some hard core Arabic restaurants a few weeks ago and I was aggressively approached with the question: WHERE ARE YOU FROM?

I really didn't know what to say.

Should I have called my embassy for guidance?

By an Arab or local?


After all, Dick Cheney & Big Brother are not the commanders of the US people. The whole showdown is probably only a part of the coming presidential elections.


You have more chance of being stopped at Asok, asked for ID, have yourself searched and asked to 'pay' a get out of jail fine, than experience terrorism.

Have they warned about the Asok goons?


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I'm American but would question what one has to be proud of. I take pride in things I work for - not in accidents. It certainly wasn't my choice where I w as born, so why does pride have anything to do with it.

You know I was never proud to be an American until I became an expat.......in Thailand.....I guess living in Thailand would make anyone proud to be where they are from....

Thanks for letting us know that you are an American. Now the rest of us Americans get to be ashamed of you.


The NewYork times has an interesting article on this topic

"White House and Republicans Clash Over C.I.A. Torture Report


DEC. 8, 2014

WASHINGTON — With the long-awaited Senate report on the use of torture by the United States government — a detailed account that will shed an unsparing light on the Central Intelligence Agency’s darkest practices after the September 2001 terrorist attacks — set to be released Tuesday, the Obama administration and its Republican critics clashed over the wisdom of making it public, and the risk that it will set off a backlash overseas."


Yes, leave it to our wonderful liberal Democrats to scatter information that should be in-house (even if true) all over the world and put Americans in danger.

Those cobras would kill their own mothers to score a political point.

Yes I agree is just a defamation of CIA, NSA etc.

I just wondering that a lot of ppl if somethings happend like this, then often just mention

just Hitler, Nazis, Gestapo etc. They should looking first at their own countries history like the USA Genocide to native americans, Civil War, and all the bullshit they did after WWII

For example; Korea, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Iran Contra Affair, Afghanistan, second Iraq war etc., and all these to keeping the war industry running.

The french made a lot of torturing in Algeria in the 1960, Pol Pot, Stalin, Papa Doc,

I'm born after the war, but blamed for all the things was made in 3. Reich since I remember I'm fed up.

All should check first their own countries history before they blame others.

  • Like 2

By education and profession: Find out and tell.

By national interest: Ask permission if you want to publish.

By "medical" advice: You're crazy if you puhlish.

By economics: You're an unperson because you're crazy.


I'm not about to blame the German people, I blame German authorities and their system. Unfortunately it's human beings that execute authority - and that makes them inhumane sometimes.

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Once again the American Govt. tries to strike fear into the minds

of its citizens,at home and abroad,fear of the unknown is a strong

controlling influence.leaving the Govt.to do just about anything it

wants,without complaint.

regards Worgeordie

With all due respect, this isn't the American Government per se. This is the left wing nutcase Democrats who just got their azzes handed to them in the election about a month ago.

This is to score political points, done by one side in an action which should be condemned by all.

I think you missing the point this not a political matter.

The problem is that this torturing was real happend this is a matter of humanity.

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This is being brought up not to put a smoke screen over the problem in the present government, by bringing up actions carried out by the Bush government. By bring this up the leftest press goes after Bush and does not report on IRS criminal activities, NSA spying on Americans, DOJ raciest activities, EPA breaking the law, thousands of troops on the ground in Iraq, questionable constitutionality of the ACA, civil right advisers to the W/H which are delinquent on taxes, and many other problem.

None of the above affects Thailand. The CIA torture after 911, will indicate that possibility the Thaksin government, working with the CIA, by providing facilities at a military base in Rayong to carry out the torture. coffee1.gif

just don't like obama, do ya?


Yes all goes to show that if you read Paul Craig Roberts excellent blogs (Google it if you do not know of it) you would have been aware he is no idiot and been informed way before this how evil and corrupt Washington is and has been over the past 14 years or so. As we Brits also speak native English we sometimes get mistaken for US citizens so be warned fellow Brits and also take care. I sometimes want to wear a big sign that says "Don't blame me I am NOT an American" but alas not very proud these days to be British either with our terrible Washington puppet Government we need to get rid of, and Europe, Canada and Australia are not much better either.

Let it be known I truly oppose both US and UK administrations over these and similar terrorist style activities they participate in. Statistically the US have killed and maimed more innocent people and children than practically all the world's other nations put together including ISIS and other Muslim terrorist groups. So that makes the US in many open minded folks eyes, and not without good reason, the Worlds biggest terrorist state so is it any wonder they are hated far and wide. Sadly though it is not the people but their sick administration with no decent alternative political group as yet for them to vote for, at least in the UK we DO have an established ready to rule without Tory shackles centre based party we can if sensible elect in next May

As I say it is high time at least the US and UK citizens did something about removing their respective evil corrupt Governments before it is too late. I trust you are all aware that nuclear war with Russia is not so far fetched now after Washington's terrible lies and demonization of Russia and their highly popular leader and capable leader Putin. I am not particularly pro Russian but I would easily side with them these days than Washington and that is a complete about turn for me and many others over the past 10 to 15 years. Personally I am neither Capitalist nor Communist/Socialist but favour real people and true more honourable centre based politics that is open minded enough to adopt all that is good form both the destructive extremes.

Anyway back on topic, yes it is best to keep your heads down right now and in the circumstances after this report do not expect any sympathy unless you too openly and rightly denounce Washington and particularly the old evil Bush regime. NO, before anyone incorrectly says it again, I am not Anti American, any more so than the huge mass of US citizens are these days. I simply share their views as to being strongly anti Washington and the undemocratic corporate run police state nation the US has corruptly become. Yes I feel the UK are not a lot better either. Just open your minds folks and take any blinkers off that you may have on, and seek the truth not the lies and misinformation fed to us all by the Western media every day.

All my respect, you said it all in very rational and factual way. You can add Israel to the duo of USA and UK in terms of killings...

wrong there, we Brits don't do things like that, we let other people do it for us

Before making outlandish statements like your's above,I suggest you study the list of troops died in action,whatever the Country may be! and what part of the UK are you from? obviously they are not familiar of world wars in your neck of the woods!

  • Like 1

Yes all goes to show that if you read Paul Craig Roberts excellent blogs (Google it if you do not know of it) you would have been aware he is no idiot and been informed way before this how evil and corrupt Washington is and has been over the past 14 years or so. As we Brits also speak native English we sometimes get mistaken for US citizens so be warned fellow Brits and also take care. I sometimes want to wear a big sign that says "Don't blame me I am NOT an American" but alas not very proud these days to be British either with our terrible Washington puppet Government we need to get rid of, and Europe, Canada and Australia are not much better either.

Let it be known I truly oppose both US and UK administrations over these and similar terrorist style activities they participate in. Statistically the US have killed and maimed more innocent people and children than practically all the world's other nations put together including ISIS and other Muslim terrorist groups. So that makes the US in many open minded folks eyes, and not without good reason, the Worlds biggest terrorist state so is it any wonder they are hated far and wide. Sadly though it is not the people but their sick administration with no decent alternative political group as yet for them to vote for, at least in the UK we DO have an established ready to rule without Tory shackles centre based party we can if sensible elect in next May

As I say it is high time at least the US and UK citizens did something about removing their respective evil corrupt Governments before it is too late. I trust you are all aware that nuclear war with Russia is not so far fetched now after Washington's terrible lies and demonization of Russia and their highly popular leader and capable leader Putin. I am not particularly pro Russian but I would easily side with them these days than Washington and that is a complete about turn for me and many others over the past 10 to 15 years. Personally I am neither Capitalist nor Communist/Socialist but favour real people and true more honourable centre based politics that is open minded enough to adopt all that is good form both the destructive extremes.

Anyway back on topic, yes it is best to keep your heads down right now and in the circumstances after this report do not expect any sympathy unless you too openly and rightly denounce Washington and particularly the old evil Bush regime. NO, before anyone incorrectly says it again, I am not Anti American, any more so than the huge mass of US citizens are these days. I simply share their views as to being strongly anti Washington and the undemocratic corporate run police state nation the US has corruptly become. Yes I feel the UK are not a lot better either. Just open your minds folks and take any blinkers off that you may have on, and seek the truth not the lies and misinformation fed to us all by the Western media every day.

I like your post very well, I agree in every point.

This is old british style, be fair also to your enemy.

Especially your statement to the russians politics I found myself after the trouble in Ukraine starts after several days of thinking surprisingly on the site of Putin.

The first days I was brainwashed from the media Propaganda.

For these casualties now happening in Ukraine I can only blame american politics.

They provocated this case, they came Putin to close and he fought back and I understand him still, but I don't like it. I feel sorry for the ppl over there who suffer now, anyway I don't like russian politics in general.

We should all stop to turn a blind eye on our governments politics, and excuse it with patriotism, caused when the own folks don't stand up they will never change their politics.

To avoid any misunderstandings, I don't mean explicit a special country I mean all.

An old phrase tells: "If you having a special kind supposed to be friends, then you don't need any enemies".


Actually I'm kind of seriously asking the question ... if you are aggressively approached to identify your nationality by someone who appears to have a nationality probably hostile to the USA, what do you do?

Tell them you are Swiss.

I was often thinking in old times to tell the ppl I'm a Swiss, caused I'm very familiar with one of their close to german border dialect, but I'm now proud that I did'nt it, caused they don't having a sober suit at all like it supposed to be and a lot of ppl still don't realize it.

I will not blame you ppl from Switzerland, but there is only 1 god(money) and this corrupts the whole system.


Yes all goes to show that if you read Paul Craig Roberts excellent blogs (Google it if you do not know of it) you would have been aware he is no idiot and been informed way before this how evil and corrupt Washington is and has been over the past 14 years or so. As we Brits also speak native English we sometimes get mistaken for US citizens so be warned fellow Brits and also take care. I sometimes want to wear a big sign that says "Don't blame me I am NOT an American" but alas not very proud these days to be British either with our terrible Washington puppet Government we need to get rid of, and Europe, Canada and Australia are not much better either.

Let it be known I truly oppose both US and UK administrations over these and similar terrorist style activities they participate in. Statistically the US have killed and maimed more innocent people and children than practically all the world's other nations put together including ISIS and other Muslim terrorist groups. So that makes the US in many open minded folks eyes, and not without good reason, the Worlds biggest terrorist state so is it any wonder they are hated far and wide. Sadly though it is not the people but their sick administration with no decent alternative political group as yet for them to vote for, at least in the UK we DO have an established ready to rule without Tory shackles centre based party we can if sensible elect in next May

As I say it is high time at least the US and UK citizens did something about removing their respective evil corrupt Governments before it is too late. I trust you are all aware that nuclear war with Russia is not so far fetched now after Washington's terrible lies and demonization of Russia and their highly popular leader and capable leader Putin. I am not particularly pro Russian but I would easily side with them these days than Washington and that is a complete about turn for me and many others over the past 10 to 15 years. Personally I am neither Capitalist nor Communist/Socialist but favour real people and true more honourable centre based politics that is open minded enough to adopt all that is good form both the destructive extremes.

Anyway back on topic, yes it is best to keep your heads down right now and in the circumstances after this report do not expect any sympathy unless you too openly and rightly denounce Washington and particularly the old evil Bush regime. NO, before anyone incorrectly says it again, I am not Anti American, any more so than the huge mass of US citizens are these days. I simply share their views as to being strongly anti Washington and the undemocratic corporate run police state nation the US has corruptly become. Yes I feel the UK are not a lot better either. Just open your minds folks and take any blinkers off that you may have on, and seek the truth not the lies and misinformation fed to us all by the Western media every day.

All my respect, you said it all in very rational and factual way. You can add Israel to the duo of USA and UK in terms of killings...

wrong there, we Brits don't do things like that, we let other people do it for us

Yes like the Gurkhas the most brave and loyal allies(legionaires) you ever had for over 1 century.

Now your government like to kick their retired soldier out of UK in top with a shit pension, caused not useful for them anymore. This is a shame.


You America haters should go search the internet and see what ISIS are doing to people - like stringing a woman out in the street along a pole then cutting her throat like a pig, or beheading young children.

Then go look at which countries are doing anything about it. Then go to bed tonight and feel safe while you sleep in your blissful hypocrisy.

First american politicians are the world champions in hypocracy.

The threat of ISIS is a result of american warfare, they don't want a real fast solution, caused this does'nt sells enough weapons.

ISIS is just a result of this politics, first the americans destabilized their government this bring the country close to anarchy and criminals like ISIS in power.

I don't hate american ppl, but their politics open your eyes and use your brain.

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Yo no hablo ingles.

That's kind of funny.

I was scoping out some hard core Arabic restaurants a few weeks ago and I was aggressively approached with the question: WHERE ARE YOU FROM?

I really didn't know what to say.

Should I have called my embassy for guidance?


I speak Spanish. I've often used it when someone asks that question. Especially cops. The look on their faces has always been priceless. They are expecting English, and have no clue what Spanish sounds like or where it is spoken.

I'm just surprised that USA ppl can be blamed so easy with a very common foreign language over there.

I was thinking this is just a privilege of the french ppl. cheesy.gif


Not really a problem. I'm not an American. I'm from Texas.

How sad...I'm an American - from America (USA)

Such an admission could be damaging to your health and welfare, not to mention your reputation by implication...


You America haters should go search the internet and see what ISIS are doing to people - like stringing a woman out in the street along a pole then cutting her throat like a pig, or beheading young children.

Then go look at which countries are doing anything about it. Then go to bed tonight and feel safe while you sleep in your blissful hypocrisy.

ISIS, ALQAIDA ETC...are creation of united states this is a fact. No need to hate America. Yes their hypocritical policies are hateful.

Beheading people, Isis is not the first, Americans did it in Vietnam they are precursors in all atrocities. Go visit the museum of war in Vietnam to see.

Yes perhaps you should visit the museums in Vietnam. The French were busy committing atrocities against the Vietnamese who opposed their colonization, long before the Americans showed up..

Oh wait, how far back do you want to go ? In fact name your country of origin, and I will tell you what it has done wrong over the last 100 years....

Is this warning only for Americans in Thailand ? Or around the world ? I remember the story about prisoners being tortured here by America, but at the time seemed like it was not really proven. Guess with this report it has...... Sigh. America has done so many good things, and a few bad things along the way.

How many blind eyes did you took on this case, this is typical USA style blame others for things what you do yourself and excuse it, caused you only like to protect your country.

If you find 50% good things what the USA did the last 70 years compare to the bad things, then you can be happy.

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