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Does anyone else live cheaply in Thailand?

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Here's another handy tip for those of the prayat persuasion - for those of you who live like I do in one of those blocks with coin-operated washing machines downstairs:

Don't wait until you have worn every stitch of clothing you possess for several days and have a full load of laundry. Rather, every few days, take your soiled clothes downstairs to the laundry room and wait in a discreet place until another resident arrives to load the machine, inserts coins and starts the cycle. Then, when they disappear upstairs, quickly lift the lid and insert your own dirty washing. Just like that you can save perhaps 40 or 60 Baht!

Of course the trick is to judge timing nicely so that you are able to take out your own clean clothes at the end of the spin cycle, before the other resident returns. But believe me, it can be done!

More useful suggestions coming soon.

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Here's another handy tip for those of the prayat persuasion - for those of you who live like I do in one of those blocks with coin-operated washing machines downstairs:

Don't wait until you have worn every stitch of clothing you possess for several days and have a full load of laundry. Rather, every few days, take your soiled clothes downstairs to the laundry room and wait in a discreet place until another resident arrives to load the machine, inserts coins and starts the cycle. Then, when they disappear upstairs, quickly lift the lid and insert your own dirty washing. Just like that you can save perhaps 40 or 60 Baht!

Of course the trick is to judge timing nicely so that you are able to take out your own clean clothes at the end of the spin cycle, before the other resident returns. But believe me, it can be done!

More useful suggestions coming soon.

A Thai Visa Viewer with a sense of humour..................!!!??? w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

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Living on 5,500 Baht a month is never advertised as being " easy " but it is for me as i am highly trained to live like this.You have to be the type of person who can live a nice lifestyle and be happy on little money! Remember that i do Not drink,i don't smoke and i don't go to bars! and the most important thing is " I am single " I am not materialistic in anyway at all! I am outdoors every day enjoying the sun.There are always extra costs involved.The other thing is that i walk everywhere! I love it! and i love walking in the sun! Motor bikes and baht buses are for " lazy people " i am 51 in a few days and like to keep fit by " swimming and walking " It's just normal for me to walk at least a journey of 5 km ( probably most of you would catch a baht bus or use a motorbike ) Have you ever thought how much money you waste by going to a 7 eleven? ( i don't need to go to a 7 eleven ) I eat fresh food everyday ( mainly cooked by myself ).I own 4 t shirts and 2 shirts and a couple of pairs of shorts.I haven't bought any clothes for years! I am not here to impress anybody ( also it should be noted that this is Thailand and not Montecarlo ...) My visa is all correct ( i do not do " visa runs " they are only for tourists! ) For long distances then i take the train ( cheap and a fabulous way to travel! ) Pattaya to Bangkok only 31 baht ( 4 hours - oh and i am not in a rush to go anywhere....) Back to eating and my best " investment " was buying a small " rice cooker " for 200 baht ! i use it every day and buy my own " good quality rice " ( much nicer than the cooked rice in the markets )

I also have lots of hobbies such as " photography,walking,swimming and sunbathing " so i spend most of my time outside.Evenings indoors ( i don't watch much TV ! last night i watched my first movie this year!!! ) I like peace and quiet and i am laid back but i am " ridiculously eccentric " - The Thai kids in the soi find me fascinating ( although the adults are not quite so enthusiastic .......)

I have been living over seas for almost 25 years ( a 25 year holiday is not bad hey viewers..? ) but if it all goes " Pete Tong " ( wrong ) for me in Thailand ( financial reasons ) i guess i would have to return to the UK.If i did it would be a great shame because i genuinely enjoy a great lifestyle and a happy one on 5,500 baht a month !

God Bless you all viewers!

Farang Jaidee wub.png

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Here's another ruse for stand-up farangs who live in the back sois of Bangkok and can happily ignore khee neow epithets: rather than walking or taking a mo'cy to the main road, walk along the nearest canal path if there's one handy; it may be a bit pongy now that some are blocked off and consequently stagnant water, and the drug addicts and drunk schoolboys are sometimes tiresome, but it's a very convenient and thrifty short cut between destinations!

More tips soon.

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I don't use suntan lotion. From my research it seems that it does more harm than good.

First it fools you into thinking you are protected when you are really not protected from all the harmful rays. Plus the chemicals you put on your skin get into the bloodstream, but this is debatable just how bad it is.

I believe skin cancer is up even though everybody applies this garbage/chemicals to themselves.

Just tan a little bit and limit time in the sun so you don't sun burn.

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I think some people don't understand that frugal people enjoy being frugal.

A good example, I found a water vending machine today that filled my 1.5 liter bottle for 1 baht (last one was only 1 liter for 1 baht). This makes me so happy and now I chug water like it was free. It really lifts the spirits.

Now, someone who isn't frugal would get a similar enjoyment perhaps from spending a lot of money on a good dinner and the dinner being fantastic?

In the end, usually the frugal people get screwed over anyway because they die with a lot of money and then some idiot children or relatives spend it on nonsense.

We having a very old phrase in germany:

The first generation start a business,

The second improve the business,

and the third blow it away.

The funny things the statictics still confirm it.

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Is it living cheaply or are we just used to decades of being ripped off in the USA?


You MUST pay for a monthly mobile/cell service (average $50) in order to make/receive or use it; except for 9-1-1 calls

USA mobile carriers lock/restrict their bands so you can't use your phone and switch between companies. Strongarm tactics instead of loyalty.

We can call the USA from our Thailand mobiles for about 6b a minute whereas calling from USA to Thailand will cost $2-$3 a minute, probably useing the same satellites

McDonalds ice cream cone $1.00 menu here 9b

Phizer extended patent rights til 2020; no generics allowed, yet the rest of the world has.

Induction cooker (hotplate) in Homedepot.com about $170.00 yet $20+ here in Thailand

We're being ripped off, matey I cannot understand why the rent in the US is so high. In Thailand(and SEA in general), I get a nice studio apartment for $60 a month. I cannot find anything less than $400 a month in the states. Good jobs are hard to come by now and they want to squeeze all we've got left out of us. Together with my $12 an hour job and successful online businessthumbsup.gif , I still cannot afford to live well in America. I can live better on just my online business income in Thailand. America is highly overrated.

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I think some people don't understand that frugal people enjoy being frugal.

A good example, I found a water vending machine today that filled my 1.5 liter bottle for 1 baht (last one was only 1 liter for 1 baht). This makes me so happy and now I chug water like it was free. It really lifts the spirits.

Now, someone who isn't frugal would get a similar enjoyment perhaps from spending a lot of money on a good dinner and the dinner being fantastic?

In the end, usually the frugal people get screwed over anyway because they die with a lot of money and then some idiot children or relatives spend it on nonsense.

We having a very old phrase in germany:

The first generation start a business,

The second improve the business,

and the third blow it away.

The funny things the statictics still confirm it.

Proven in UK too

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We're being ripped off, matey I cannot understand why the rent in the US is so high. In Thailand(and SEA in general), I get a nice studio apartment for $60 a month. I cannot find anything less than $400 a month in the states. Good jobs are hard to come by now and they want to squeeze all we've got left out of us. Together with my $12 an hour job and successful online businessthumbsup.gif , I still cannot afford to live well in America. I can live better on just my online business income in Thailand. America is highly overrated.

That is one of my big problems in America is the high cost of rent. Even in a city like Las Vegas where property taxes are dirt cheap and housing costs very little people are asking ridiculous amounts for rent and seem to be getting it.

I think part of the problem is single family houses, they don't belong in big cities. They need to build huge condo/apartment buildings and get rid of single family houses that take up space. If you want a single family house then you're going to have to move far away from the city.

People with single family houses also fight to protect their houses with zoning laws. This benefits them (a few) at the expense of everyone else (many).

Here in pattaya is a perfect example, I see huge condominiums going up everywhere. I also see old crappy housing being knocked down in the center.

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Great stuff.. One can stay here almost free..kona..though a car is helpful,no exit visa in Hawaii?

We can play music in Cuba now..<iknow I'm breakin' the thread ..

I learn so much here, but isn't it health and well being verses dollars, baht or euro..breathe

Deep, and appreciate all.

Collect rubber bands, i save newly unobtainable plastic bags!

Lets keep sharing cooking and buying tips..

And the water tips..!

I'm drinking rainwater..gotta filter it.

Cheers, Alohz

Edited by KonaRain
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