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Two letters I can't pronounce correctly


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There are two letters that I still can't pronounce correctly, ตอ and ปอ.

My girlfriend can't teach me and even my Thai teacher (who was very good) was not able to teach me these two letters.

I understand can't pronounce it as a "t" or "p" but what English words can I use to pronounce these two letter?

Thanks for your help.

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wow great explanations.

ป = bp

ต = dt

two sounds that don't really exist at consonants in English. As explained above dt is the top in stop.. << just go off that and eventually you will get it. Kind of training your mouth kind of thing..

for the ป say like boy, bye, pie, etc.. then put those together.. almost starting with lips tight.. eventually will come.

Also start with easy works to practice with, with the ป/bp use ไป or Thai word for GO! or number 8 แปด

For ต maybe try ตาย or the Thai pronunciation of die (dying..) these are just ideas, and this is how I got them down, focusing on a few words first then expanding.

For ง or ng which is common in English but at the end of words like sing, ring, thing.. a bit easier since they are aspirated..

Listen, practice, and have someone (or many ppl) who will help you and listen. A common thing is people (ie gf) will get bored of you and just "OH YEAH AWESOME !!!!" just to get you to shut up, so beware.

Another good way is practice saying them in sequence like d / dt ด / ต and b / bp บ/ป so you can start getting used to the differentiation

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