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Ok is he a troll or not vote time

im not sure so thats 1 a vote but im sure do thats 1 for other side but then im scitso so that 1/2 each

so so far troll 1.6 votes geniune 1.5 votes

votes end whenever

and i vote for number 6 to leave the house

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I think it depends on what you are you are sending her already...

I send my girl money each month...about 300 Oz....when she comes here I send 150 Oz back to her family each month to look after her son.....that is enough to feed and clothe him and gives the sister some out of pocket expenses....

That seems to keep all happy.....

I would say that if you are sending more than that then it is a fair bet that your money is more intresting than you are....

I didnt read all the claptrap on previous posts.....but this my 2 satang worth

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I didnt read all the claptrap on previous posts.....but this my 2 satang worth

Well, if you didn't read the claptrap, how do you know its claptrap?

You could be sidekick, because primarily, you might be right, but then again you might be wrong, however...

Yeah you're right first time it's claptrap.

Moss :o

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Sean, you're a Drongo..... :D

"well sorry for not being perfect!!! I must just say their are only a few decent people on this site the rest are complete CNUTS!!!"

Hmmm, strange, there's another website where that spelling is in common use with just about every post & and you claimed to not know what a troll is/was...... :o

I smell Porkies.

Have a nice day. :D


BTW Moss, I can vouch for Burnsie.

Edited by udon
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"well sorry for not being perfect!!! I must just say their are only a few decent people on this site the rest are complete CNUTS!!!"

Hmmm, strange, there's another website where that spelling is in common use with just about every post & and you claimed to not know what a troll is/was...... :o

I smell Porkies.


I'm with you on this one udon.. smells like rotten wood.. :D

totster :D

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No I haven't been there but I have friends who have been, I know what goes on, not all the girls are as well behaved as my gf is, at the time of that old post I just found out she had been working there for a while, she didn't want to tell me as she felt it would upset me but what my friends, her friends have said I believe in what she tells me!!! thats why I trust her 100%, so are you trying to telling me every girl that works there goes with the customer??? I think not!!

This thread is great. I haven't had such a good laugh in a long time. Laughing at how much you just keep taking the abuse without giving up, thinking that you're still fooling people with the bull. I really love how you think anyone will believe you when in the same paragraph you go from saying she lied to you to saying you trust her 100%. Hahahahahaha. You really are stubborn on this one, aren't you?

Another point I love. She worked at the Soprano Club for 8 months without you knowing about it, from her previous job as an accountant which you'd known her for 10 months while doing that job. Hello, earth calling Sean....accountants work in an office during the day and PR girls for Soprano work at night. No alarm bells went off in your head when for 8 months straight you called her at night and she wasn't available or you heard loud music in the background? If you're for real, then you're truly one of the most gullible saps on the face of the earth and I pity you more than if you're just a troll.

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"well sorry for not being perfect!!! I must just say their are only a few decent people on this site the rest are complete CNUTS!!!"

Hmmm, strange, there's another website where that spelling is in common use with just about every post & and you claimed to not know what a troll is/was...... :o

I smell Porkies.


I'm with you on this one udon.. smells like rotten wood.. :D

totster :D

You two are useless, i mentioned this very thing about 3 pages back. Wake up you slackers :D

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BTW Moss, I can vouch for Burnsie.

Hey Udon, no need to vouch for Burnsie, not on my account anyway.

I was just suggesting that a comment about calling all other posts claptrap when he has already stated he hasn't read them seems a little inappropriate.

Having said that, I was also suggesting that the thread had gone pearshaped considering most that looked into the various posts, were driving great trucks thru the holes in it.

Bearing in mind his other recent post and following on from a couple of recents posts on this thread as well,l I was giving him the benefit of the doubt, unfortunately there does appear to be more doubt than benefit now.


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Sean, you're a Drongo..... :D

"well sorry for not being perfect!!! I must just say their are only a few decent people on this site the rest are complete CNUTS!!!"

Hmmm, strange, there's another website where that spelling is in common use with just about every post & and you claimed to not know what a troll is/was...... :o

I smell Porkies.

Have a nice day. :D


BTW Moss, I can vouch for Burnsie.

Its not a new way of spelling words like that!!! it may be to old boys like you but my friends and I use it on EMAIL quite often I've never been involved in another forum so it can't be me!!!!

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BTW Moss, I can vouch for Burnsie.

Hey Udon, no need to vouch for Burnsie, not on my account anyway.

I was just suggesting that a comment about calling all other posts claptrap when he has already stated he hasn't read them seems a little inappropriate.

Having said that, I was also suggesting that the thread had gone pearshaped considering most that looked into the various posts, were driving great trucks thru the holes in it.

Bearing in mind his other recent post and following on from a couple of recents posts on this thread as well,l I was giving him the benefit of the doubt, unfortunately there does appear to be more doubt than benefit now.


Was that last bit regarding me? just as I feel I have someone on my side they turn, is that just to make the chat more interesting or do people here have no loyalties???

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No I haven't been there but I have friends who have been, I know what goes on, not all the girls are as well behaved as my gf is, at the time of that old post I just found out she had been working there for a while, she didn't want to tell me as she felt it would upset me but what my friends, her friends have said I believe in what she tells me!!! thats why I trust her 100%, so are you trying to telling me every girl that works there goes with the customer??? I think not!!

This thread is great. I haven't had such a good laugh in a long time. Laughing at how much you just keep taking the abuse without giving up, thinking that you're still fooling people with the bull. I really love how you think anyone will believe you when in the same paragraph you go from saying she lied to you to saying you trust her 100%. Hahahahahaha. You really are stubborn on this one, aren't you?

Another point I love. She worked at the Soprano Club for 8 months without you knowing about it, from her previous job as an accountant which you'd known her for 10 months while doing that job. Hello, earth calling Sean....accountants work in an office during the day and PR girls for Soprano work at night. No alarm bells went off in your head when for 8 months straight you called her at night and she wasn't available or you heard loud music in the background? If you're for real, then you're truly one of the most gullible saps on the face of the earth and I pity you more than if you're just a troll.

Of course I suspected things were rotten in Denmark!! she didnt tell me the truth about her work place and thats it, I know now and she doesn't work there anymore........nothing more to say on the topic!!!!

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No I haven't been there but I have friends who have been, I know what goes on, not all the girls are as well behaved as my gf is, at the time of that old post I just found out she had been working there for a while, she didn't want to tell me as she felt it would upset me but what my friends, her friends have said I believe in what she tells me!!! thats why I trust her 100%, so are you trying to telling me every girl that works there goes with the customer??? I think not!!

This thread is great. I haven't had such a good laugh in a long time. Laughing at how much you just keep taking the abuse without giving up, thinking that you're still fooling people with the bull. I really love how you think anyone will believe you when in the same paragraph you go from saying she lied to you to saying you trust her 100%. Hahahahahaha. You really are stubborn on this one, aren't you?

Another point I love. She worked at the Soprano Club for 8 months without you knowing about it, from her previous job as an accountant which you'd known her for 10 months while doing that job. Hello, earth calling Sean....accountants work in an office during the day and PR girls for Soprano work at night. No alarm bells went off in your head when for 8 months straight you called her at night and she wasn't available or you heard loud music in the background? If you're for real, then you're truly one of the most gullible saps on the face of the earth and I pity you more than if you're just a troll.

Of course I suspected things were rotten in Denmark!! she didnt tell me the truth about her work place and thats it, I know now and she doesn't work there anymore........nothing more to say on the topic!!!!

Apart from the fact that you now finally admit she lied to you, be it by admission/omission, why on earth are you still trying to flog this dead horse and make out all was and is well?

Denial springs to mind.

It may surprise you to know that few were slagging off your friend, I suspect it was your superciliously smug attitude that grated on several posters' nerves... :o

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No I haven't been there but I have friends who have been, I know what goes on, not all the girls are as well behaved as my gf is, at the time of that old post I just found out she had been working there for a while, she didn't want to tell me as she felt it would upset me but what my friends, her friends have said I believe in what she tells me!!! thats why I trust her 100%, so are you trying to telling me every girl that works there goes with the customer??? I think not!!

This thread is great. I haven't had such a good laugh in a long time. Laughing at how much you just keep taking the abuse without giving up, thinking that you're still fooling people with the bull. I really love how you think anyone will believe you when in the same paragraph you go from saying she lied to you to saying you trust her 100%. Hahahahahaha. You really are stubborn on this one, aren't you?

Another point I love. She worked at the Soprano Club for 8 months without you knowing about it, from her previous job as an accountant which you'd known her for 10 months while doing that job. Hello, earth calling Sean....accountants work in an office during the day and PR girls for Soprano work at night. No alarm bells went off in your head when for 8 months straight you called her at night and she wasn't available or you heard loud music in the background? If you're for real, then you're truly one of the most gullible saps on the face of the earth and I pity you more than if you're just a troll.

What a nice forum this is! Ok, if Sean is a troll, then some stick would be justified. You however, seem to want to do the same if he is genuine. This thread would make great reading for anyone new looking for some advice or help!

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Was that last bit regarding me? just as I feel I have someone on my side they turn, is that just to make the chat more interesting or do people here have no loyalties???


I do not choose sides, I try to be impartial, which by definition means I will comment on posts as they continue to be structured.

I feel you started by requesting advice and was bombarded with shot and shell and I felt your responses were clouded and lacked clarity particularly as certain holes began to appear, but I still felt you required the benefit of the doubt.

But there comes a time when you need to drop the full on guard and accept that there are woeful discrepancies in what you have been told, what you continue to defend and your 100% trust.

But it is your decision, please don't tell me you are going to base any decision on responses based on opinion and not informed experience of your girlfriend.

Only you can do that, although you invited comment and have responded to further comment that had no connection to your original post, but as you responded this validated the responses.

Its your choice.

Good Luck


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Was that last bit regarding me? just as I feel I have someone on my side they turn, is that just to make the chat more interesting or do people here have no loyalties???

Not if you call people on this forum "complete CNUTS" no.

That level of language directed at people who dissagree with you is a giveaway of your level of thinking and motives here.

Almost all of the posters in this thread have had alot of experience in Thailand (far more than you anyway) yet you see fit to dismiss their comments.

Your behaviour suggests that this topic is about your need for reassurance more than anything.

I do however wish you luck, there are some things that cannot be told, and have to be learnt. This has a way of curing the MGID (My girl is different) syndrome.

In the end, the universe will decide, and even if this relationship does not work, you will learn from it and progress in your journey through life with a greater understanding.

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I did intend not to post any more views but then as I said I used to be indecisive but now I’m not sure

bored sunday i guess

Some may have been to quick to pounce on poor op and many can see no good in Thailand at all but then I often wander why they stay. Others were just trying to warn him. He still seems to be in denial saying still no proof but I think to anyone is 99.9% sure his GF worked in a place that girls sell their bodies. Its also quite possible she has a degree and did work as an accountant but then theirs tons of graduates here who cant find any work. Many of my wife’s friends have degrees and come from middle class and rich Thai families. But many even with degrees can’t find a decent job or one that only pays say 12-15,000 a month. I don’t think any of my wife’s friends sell their body although several have a string of Thai boyfriends who support them and help them a bit. A number of these boyfriends are older. Some even older than me. No one thinks bad of them for this. So are they prostitutes whores. Certainly not , its just sort of custom here and don’t tell me nice girls done maybe in country they don’t but in BKK they do.

Before I met my wife 5 years ago like most males I used to go to clubs etc and it was fun. I often just went for company and to have a nice night out and sometimes sex was not indulged in although it was always on offer. I talked to girls a lot. Most did not like what they were doing but pressure from family made it the only way they could support their families. I used to find it amusing when they said your nice just like my BF. All wanted to get a forang to support them and their families. Some openly admitted they would not stop even if the right person came along. I believe some would but only if enough money was forthcoming to support them and their families. Theirs the rub them and their families and that in my view is 90% ++ of the problem. That’s why I said in a an earlier post I believed this was evil (not girls evil the system and often the families).

Would I have married any of them ??. Maybe if I really loved them and was convinced they were not just in it for money but id not have worried to much about what they did before. I was not in market for a wife or even GF just here for business and having fun. But after 10 years I met someone and fell in love. Not at a bar. Had my wife ever worked in a bar. Don’t know she’s had lots of jobs and I believe shed say if she had but even if she had I would not care much.

So I would not condem anyone for doing this for money. The problem the op has is she obviously lied to him and I think his ego is such that he might not be able to forget the past or fact that his GF worked in a place like that and certainly its going to be difficult for him to trust her in the future. Not a good start to a relationship. Also its just about possible she worked there and did not sell her body ( very very unlikely) but that’s not important. It might well be important to OP since as I’ve said I think he’s naïve, young and his ego is big.

If he continues with her and if she is honest (could be) then his next big problem is probably the family. He certainly does not seem to have faintest idea about customs/ culture etc here. Whatever she says its almost certainly been ingrained in her from young that whatever she must support the family. So he has to resolve this.

Myself I could not bear thought of supporting my wife’s family even though I could but that’s just me. And their not rich like a lot of her friends family. Their really poor but support themselves.

He needs to learn a lot more about Thailand and its customs/ways. I recommend if he continues with her he gets a book called Thailand Fever (Asia books) and reads a lot of other books on subject. I’ve been coming to Thailand for 15+ years and living here for 5 and longer I stay the more I understand how little even I know.

Finally if id listened to all sceptics I would never have had the most wonderful 5 years of my life and I don’t regret any of it even in the unlikely event it goes pair shaped.

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I did intend not to post any more views but then as I said I used to be indecisive but now I’m not sure

bored sunday i guess

Some may have been to quick to pounce on poor op and many can see no good in Thailand at all but then I often wander why they stay. Others were just trying to warn him. He still seems to be in denial saying still no proof but I think to anyone is 99.9% sure his GF worked in a place that girls sell their bodies. Its also quite possible she has a degree and did work as an accountant but then theirs tons of graduates here who cant find any work. Many of my wife’s friends have degrees and come from middle class and rich Thai families. But many even with degrees can’t find a decent job or one that only pays say 12-15,000 a month. I don’t think any of my wife’s friends sell their body although several have a string of Thai boyfriends who support them and help them a bit. A number of these boyfriends are older. Some even older than me. No one thinks bad of them for this. So are they prostitutes whores. Certainly not , its just sort of custom here and don’t tell me nice girls done maybe in country they don’t but in BKK they do.

Before I met my wife 5 years ago like most males I used to go to clubs etc and it was fun. I often just went for company and to have a nice night out and sometimes sex was not indulged in although it was always on offer. I talked to girls a lot. Most did not like what they were doing but pressure from family made it the only way they could support their families. I used to find it amusing when they said your nice just like my BF. All wanted to get a forang to support them and their families. Some openly admitted they would not stop even if the right person came along. I believe some would but only if enough money was forthcoming to support them and their families. Theirs the rub them and their families and that in my view is 90% ++ of the problem. That’s why I said in a an earlier post I believed this was evil (not girls evil the system and often the families).

Would I have married any of them ??. Maybe if I really loved them and was convinced they were not just in it for money but id not have worried to much about what they did before. I was not in market for a wife or even GF just here for business and having fun. But after 10 years I met someone and fell in love. Not at a bar. Had my wife ever worked in a bar. Don’t know she’s had lots of jobs and I believe shed say if she had but even if she had I would not care much.

So I would not condem anyone for doing this for money. The problem the op has is she obviously lied to him and I think his ego is such that he might not be able to forget the past or fact that his GF worked in a place like that and certainly its going to be difficult for him to trust her in the future. Not a good start to a relationship. Also its just about possible she worked there and did not sell her body ( very very unlikely) but that’s not important. It might well be important to OP since as I’ve said I think he’s naïve, young and his ego is big.

If he continues with her and if she is honest (could be) then his next big problem is probably the family. He certainly does not seem to have faintest idea about customs/ culture etc here. Whatever she says its almost certainly been ingrained in her from young that whatever she must support the family. So he has to resolve this.

Myself I could not bear thought of supporting my wife’s family even though I could but that’s just me. And their not rich like a lot of her friends family. Their really poor but support themselves.

He needs to learn a lot more about Thailand and its customs/ways. I recommend if he continues with her he gets a book called Thailand Fever (Asia books) and reads a lot of other books on subject. I’ve been coming to Thailand for 15+ years and living here for 5 and longer I stay the more I understand how little even I know.

Finally if id listened to all sceptics I would never have had the most wonderful 5 years of my life and I don’t regret any of it even in the unlikely event it goes pair shaped.

Good story but does not apply to me anymore, I'm no longer with the girl I love, thanks to most of the comments from you lot, I hope you are all happy now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (just for you Jing jing)

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Good story but does not apply to me anymore, I'm no longer with the girl I love, thanks to most of the comments from you lot, I hope you are all happy now

Care to explain this comment, are you really making a statement saying you have parted from, ' the girl you love' because of statements on this thread.

If you are serious, the relationship must have been built on sand and not a proper foundation and was doomed to fail without any help from this forum.

Then again you may well have been stringing us along, fair play to you then, you are not such a complete ejit.

Good Luck


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Good story but does not apply to me anymore, I'm no longer with the girl I love, thanks to most of the comments from you lot, I hope you are all happy now

Care to explain this comment, are you really making a statement saying you have parted from, ' the girl you love' because of statements on this thread.

If you are serious, the relationship must have been built on sand and not a proper foundation and was doomed to fail without any help from this forum.

Then again you may well have been stringing us along, fair play to you then, you are not such a complete ejit.

Good Luck


Yeah my thread has reached the 200 mark!!, I wont be responding about my gf anymore, only replying to the idiots who keep putting her down, I would love to meet them in person, would be interesting.

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Good story but does not apply to me anymore, I'm no longer with the girl I love, thanks to most of the comments from you lot, I hope you are all happy now

Care to explain this comment, are you really making a statement saying you have parted from, ' the girl you love' because of statements on this thread.

If you are serious, the relationship must have been built on sand and not a proper foundation and was doomed to fail without any help from this forum.

Then again you may well have been stringing us along, fair play to you then, you are not such a complete ejit.

Good Luck


Yeah my thread has reached the 200 mark!!, I wont be responding about my gf anymore, only replying to the idiots who keep putting her down, I would love to meet them in person, would be interesting.

Well alot of them will be a the park today, so why dont you head down there with your toys and you can throw them out the pram at them.

Seriously though, whats your ex-gf going to do now? I mean now you have dumped her, she will have to leave the uk or risk being deported, as her visa is no longer valid!!!

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Good story but does not apply to me anymore, I'm no longer with the girl I love, thanks to most of the comments from you lot, I hope you are all happy now

Care to explain this comment, are you really making a statement saying you have parted from, ' the girl you love' because of statements on this thread.

If you are serious, the relationship must have been built on sand and not a proper foundation and was doomed to fail without any help from this forum.

Then again you may well have been stringing us along, fair play to you then, you are not such a complete ejit.

Good Luck


Yeah my thread has reached the 200 mark!!, I wont be responding about my gf anymore, only replying to the idiots who keep putting her down, I would love to meet them in person, would be interesting.

Well alot of them will be a the park today, so why dont you head down there with your toys and you can throw them out the pram at them.

Seriously though, whats your ex-gf going to do now? I mean now you have dumped her, she will have to leave the uk or risk being deported, as her visa is no longer valid!!!

I will be in the park today, I'm 6'2 blonde hair and I will be wearing a red baseball cap, those who would like to discuss what has been said in previous posts I will gladly respond.

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Good story but does not apply to me anymore, I'm no longer with the girl I love, thanks to most of the comments from you lot, I hope you are all happy now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (just for you Jing jing)

No believe. :D

Believe what you like, I couldnt care less of what you think :o

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Hi Sean

I looked a little into this strange line of posts. I think the case is simple. If you can afford the money then give it to her. If you cannot, then explain it to her. Never mind if a part of the money goes to her family. Do not listen to all these suspicious people.

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I wont be responding about my gf anymore, only replying to the idiots who keep putting her down, I would love to meet them in person, would be interesting.

"interesting" for whom.....

You don't know what idiots and complete cnuts look like then :o

Edited by OneeyedJohn
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Good story but does not apply to me anymore, I'm no longer with the girl I love, thanks to most of the comments from you lot, I hope you are all happy now

Care to explain this comment, are you really making a statement saying you have parted from, ' the girl you love' because of statements on this thread.

If you are serious, the relationship must have been built on sand and not a proper foundation and was doomed to fail without any help from this forum.

Then again you may well have been stringing us along, fair play to you then, you are not such a complete ejit.

Good Luck


or quite possibly ...our OP was just a troll .... the whole thread ran like a troll to many of us..Particularly when matched with the Soprano thread. I am still thinking the GF was fictitious

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Good story but does not apply to me anymore, I'm no longer with the girl I love, thanks to most of the comments from you lot, I hope you are all happy now

Care to explain this comment, are you really making a statement saying you have parted from, ' the girl you love' because of statements on this thread.

If you are serious, the relationship must have been built on sand and not a proper foundation and was doomed to fail without any help from this forum.

Then again you may well have been stringing us along, fair play to you then, you are not such a complete ejit.

Good Luck


or quite possibly ...our OP was just a troll .... the whole thread ran like a troll to many of us..Particularly when matched with the Soprano thread. I am still thinking the GF was fictitious

As we all suspected!!!! :o

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