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Dutch man arrested for smoking marijuana

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go find some REAL crime and leave this man alone.

many of these frequent media messages of foreigners being picked up for minor offenses, while they make for good 'Thai chest thumping' at home, contribute to an ever worsening climate for western tourism to thailand. 2014 is, by all accounts, the worst year for voluntary repatriation : rarely have so many europeans returned to their homelands, or gone elsewhere, because the living climate in thailand is getting pettier and they feel abused and harassed by local authorities. this s NOT good for thailand, its economy, its reputation and its tourism.

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you beat me to it souty i was just going to say another great guy on ed visa, and then they the others on ed visa wonder why the thai government want to clamp down on it,,,

and the knives,, that gear takes some cutting dosnt it,,,

You will be surprised to know that gov want to crackdown ED visa to avoid people working here illegally, the fact that some1 dont attend the lessons is not their main concern

and that is by obvious consequence the reason you never saw a title saying "Crackdown on unattending students".

If you was in charge to crackdown on illegally working people would you really go to check the school log books, really?

If you would imho you are trying to solve the problem from a wrong point of view.


When this guy opens his mouth all that is come out are lies! lies! lies!

More likely to be smoke (and mirrors) Don't think lies would make the cut with this guy's knives!


Keeping things "safe" again. Wow, imagine the chaos without these gallant heroes?...glad to see they've got their priorities straight... I gotta take a dump.


Mary Jane needs to be legalized and liver-killing cheap whiskey made illegal.

Feel free to start a "Legalize it" campaign if you want to change the law.


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"In his passport which is issued at Amsterdam on May 2014, shows that he has Education Visa stating that he registered for course at Pattaya Language and Computer School."

Thats why no more ed visa now, we dont need this kind of people here, send back the trash where it came from.

What exactly is he doing that has him be trash in your opinion? Who has he harmed so badly by his lifestyle?

Maybe the Dutch tax payers, who have to jump in and pay those scumbags their social welfare money? Would any of my kids see this guy, the'd freak out and run.

And Holland already has huge problems with the non functioning "Multi cultural" problem.

That's maybe, why some people call him trash. You seem to miss your friend a lot.

"Non functioning multicultural problem" ?

Are you talking about Amsterdam or the rest of Holland?

There was a younger politician a couple of years back who complained on TV that solving the "Multicultural Problems" wouldn't work out.

He was shot to death soon after talking about the truth. Here's a part of it:

"Fortuyn provoked controversy with his stated views about multiculturalism, immigration and Islam in the Netherlands. He called Islam "a backward culture", and said that if it were legally possible he would close the borders for Muslim immigrants",etc..please see:



The headline in the OP is maybe misleading.

"Smoking marijuana" is not necessarily the same as "possession of marijuana"

What if you happen to find a suspicious-looking or smelling roller in an ashtray, and you are not so sure if you should report it to the police, eg because the police happens not to be around (yet)?


He does not work, has lived in Thailand for 20yrs, relies on the Dutch government sending him 700 euro each month, just wondering what is the name of this government benefits?


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Lock him for 5 to 10 then deport him. He is one of many who give foreigners a bad reputation.

Are you related to Dick?

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He does not match the quality tourist on a count of his tatoos.
6 tatoos are allowed but 100 not. The guy is smoking a joint in his house.
none of your business mr. Colonel. Leave the man alone !!!!
Haven't you got anything else to do?

Drugs are not tolerated in Thailand and should never be. If you don't like the drug laws here, then go back to where you came from. The Thais don't want drug advocates here.

Stop....you're giving me a woody...

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i dont beleive a word of all of this:

the only source of income is from Dutch government that sends him 700 Euro per month....for what for being clever?

come on man i am still sober!

this person live 20 years in thailand and get money from his government.w00t.gif ....it is totally impossible....the amount is also too much.

with this lovely apearence and nice looking, i'd rather would say that he lives and makes money as a drug dealer , and they will f..u..k him for that


Not really impossible, just in-probable, I know of people who have been bought off by the Dutch government who were trouble makers. 700 Euros is not much at all its close to what people get per month on welfare.

But him staying in Thailand is usually not part of the deal.

Maybe he is classed disabled for life as he has no left hand and collects a disability allowance


You can do many things in Thailand, just DO NOT mess around with any kind of illegal substances as simple as that.

I, and possibly millions of others over the last five decades, have been coming here for drug related fun. If, because of police actions, and I do say if, our hedonistic lifestyle is impeded we shall not come here. For us in our 60s it was a hard won civil right. The Right to Oblivion.
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i dont beleive a word of all of this:

the only source of income is from Dutch government that sends him 700 Euro per month....for what for being clever?

come on man i am still sober!

this person live 20 years in thailand and get money from his government.w00t.gif ....it is totally impossible....the amount is also too much.

with this lovely apearence and nice looking, i'd rather would say that he lives and makes money as a drug dealer , and they will f..u..k him for that


Oh, you rather would, would you ??? Personally, I would rather not judge based on appearance only.

I expect he receives benefits for his clear disability.

Too much for what? Netherlands disability benefits are 70% of the minimum wage, which equates to 1046 Euro per month. I do not know the system very well for the Netherlands but, some countries allow you to claim your disability abroad, the USA for example. There are loads of US citizens living off their disability pensions in Thailand. It could be that they give less to claimants living outside of the EU.

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When he is classiefied as disabled (and when miss a hand you are classified as disabled) then you get in the Netherlands arround 700 euro from the WAO if you live alone without partner, and when living in the Netherlands he get more benifits to get the minium living wage level which is arround 1200 euro.


He does not work, has lived in Thailand for 20yrs, relies on the Dutch government sending him 700 euro each month, just wondering what is the name of this government benefits?

It is called WIA


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He does not match the quality tourist on a count of his tatoos.

6 tatoos are allowed but 100 not. The guy is smoking a joint in his house.

none of your business mr. Colonel. Leave the man alone !!!!

Haven't you got anything else to do?

Drugs are not tolerated in Thailand and should never be. If you don't like the drug laws here, then go back to where you came from. The Thais don't want drug advocates here.

Stop....you're giving me a woody...
The young generation want and need drug advocates. They do not want or need, nor does anyone, preachers like you.
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i dont beleive a word of all of this:

the only source of income is from Dutch government that sends him 700 Euro per month....for what for being clever?

come on man i am still sober!

this person live 20 years in thailand and get money from his government.w00t.gif ....it is totally impossible....the amount is also too much.

with this lovely apearence and nice looking, i'd rather would say that he lives and makes money as a drug dealer , and they will f..u..k him for that


Not really impossible, just in-probable, I know of people who have been bought off by the Dutch government who were trouble makers. 700 Euros is not much at all its close to what people get per month on welfare.

But him staying in Thailand is usually not part of the deal.

I agree with you Rob.

Another poster said that he lost a limb in his youth so I'd guess he gets a disability benefit and I see nothing wrong with that.

Choosing to live in what was a paradise 20 years ago also sounds like a good idea.

Having the face tats is probably not a good idea.

Having pot also not the best of ideas.

But to call him bad names and vilify him as a tosser without knowing all the facts is a bit strong IMHO.

I personally know of several Europeans who have had accidents at work and have a disability for which they receive a disability pension and that's how it should be in a civilised society.

I even knew a young German man who had been addicted to heroin and as a result he also got some money from his government.....

People in glass houses ........

There but for the Grace of God.......

We are almost in the Season of Good will to all Men! <deleted>!


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Nice to see the army sticking their oar in again. What a bunch of tossers.

Someone's a tosser ... did you miss the fact that there was a military coup, and that Thailand is at present run by the military?

Which part do you not understand?

Sticking their oar in? Did you mean "Nice to see the army carrying out their duty"?

Their only duty is to return the power they stole and stop interfering in other organs of the state. The sooner the perpetrators of this crime are classified as international criminals and warrants issued the better.

The headline in the OP is maybe misleading.

"Smoking marijuana" is not necessarily the same as "possession of marijuana"

What if you happen to find a suspicious-looking or smelling roller in an ashtray, and you are not so sure if you should report it to the police, eg because the police happens not to be around (yet)?

Do you have a habit of sniffing things you find in ashtrays?

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I've seen this guy around town many times and never seen him cause any trouble at all, he just goes about his day in a quiet way. Never spoken to him but I hear he is a friendly laid back person.

Why he wants to look like he does I don't know. But isn't this freeland. Give the guy a break

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So here we have a man who, to be honest, looks a mess with all those tattoos on his face, plus, he has been caught smoking, and allegedly dealing in the weed.

If this man had been Russian, or Chinese, most of the comments would have been asking for him to be thrown out of the country, and how Thailand needs a better quality tourist.

But nothing, well that's because he is 'one of us Europeans'.

He gives all us foreigners a bad name, Thais will see him and tar us all with the same brush.

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