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7/11 Supermarket, just me or you to ...


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We all live in the neighborhood of a 7/11 and shop there almost daily.

I have been shopping at mine for almost 2 years now, but lately (6 months or so) their barcode system is F.....UP.

I have told them so many times that the bill is not correct (always in my advantage).

The system beeps, but does NOT add it to the total on the register.

I have told them about 5-8 times, but they just do not seems to care, yes, when I tell them they check all and I pay the real shopping price.

Sometimes, like today, I just again kept my mouth shut and got stuff worth 376 baht for only 174 baht.

I have done that now maybe 3-4 times, so I tell them double times their system is broke.

How many times am I supposed to tell them?

I tell them more often then that I take advantage, like today.

The workers are supposed to have at least finished high school.

A little basic math should come in there, that the shopping amount is not correct.

Well I know all the prices in my head and can calculate the amount the old fashion way.

It is not my style to steal or take advantage, but is it my responsibility, to point it out every time again, which apparently does not help, due to the same problem for the past 6+ months?

Same as today, I got my shopping 202 baht cheaper, but I feel guilty.

I am sure if it happens to me it happens to other customers.

Maybe, just a rant from my side.

Just to be clear, NO I will not tell you which 7/11 it is, so don't ask

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Sorry, but these things are NOT discounts. I see and hear the hand barcode reader doing it beep thing, but the total on the register stays the same.

A pack of 4 Singha beers (yellow rap) cost 145 baht, there is NO discount on that, that item was NOT added to the register + a few smaller ones.

Hey, who doesn't like a free drink????cheesy.gif

Anyway, re-read my post, because a 60-65% discount does not happen at 7/11 and when I tell them I pay the correct price, which I did NOT do today.

Sorry NostroDumb and Dumber, that is a fail

Edited by ronthai
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The systems should change to QR code which currently using long line code on bills where staff have difficult for machine to read as about 3-4 ince long.

Some times feel embarrass for long que waiting behing me a staff turning the paper around to get the machine even type in the number if cannot get the beep sound.

QR code able install more data then current line bar code.

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The Bar Code Scanner has gainfully employed more unemployable people than probably anything except the military (not talking Thai Military).

If someone cannot do simple mental arithmetic how do you expect them to fix a scanner? Seems you were getting a good deal.

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I'd worry more about getting the right change back, mate. Been shorted a couple times myself in the last few months. Btw, I'm not aware their employees are required to have finished high-school. In fact, for many in TH, finishing high-school means dropping out after grade 9.

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Just about the only time I set foot in a 7-11 is to pay the electric bill or top up the phone. They never short change me with those transactions. Otherwise, if I need something from a mini-mart, the old gal who runs the mini-mart in the condo building can definitely do math in her head. If she decides to give you something for free you definitely know it's a gift -- usually because it's a day away from expiry and she wants to make a big deal about how I'm an important customer!

Edited by NancyL
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Yes, happens on occasion. They've installed a hard-faced guard in the local 7, probably because they think people are nicking stuff, when it is most likely staff incompetence at the till or light-fingered shelf-stackers or deliverymen. This security guard will stand there and stare at you while you're taking a water out the fridge like you're some kind of perp, Creepy and sad.

/But, yes, it is worth pointing it out in case some undercover 'cop' starts doing spot-checks like King Power duty-free.// whistling.gif

Edited by daveAustin
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If their barcode system does not work correctly for 6 months, they should definitely have noticed that revenue and inventory do not match.

In general 7/11 are professionally managed to make money and I would be surprised if they do not meet this elementary task and thirow money out of the door.

Something "mysterious" here.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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reminds me of the time i was in the post office; letter postage 17 baht and a padded envelope 10 baht. cue calculator... that will be 27 baht please.

you'd think you'd have to show a basic aptitude in maths to work in a post office... you'd think anyone that had been to school would be able to add 17 and 10. or maybe not.

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Employed to do a job, A + B = C , dont think about D or do anything else, you were trained for A+ B = C end of story.

Not my job, not my concern, not in A + B = C that is the reason.

In smaller Mom & Pop stores you could speak to the owner directly, in most 7/11's the staff, trained for A+B=C nothing more.

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they have tomato juice new brand on special 18 baht each or two for 25 baht.

twice now at two different shops i have been charged and paid full price and on query both times they redid the scanning and charging and fixed it to what it should be >25 baht for 2 carton boxes. try and see.

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