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Thai officials' reaction to terrorism act in Australia


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I despair with the OP. Do they not realise that you don't have to be at 'war' with another country/state to be a target. Don't they also realise that, according to all the reports I see about ISIS etc, if you are not a muslim 'true believer' then you are an infidel and enemy, whose life is worth nothing.

What about Bali?. Who were Indonesia at war with?.

Normally, I wouldn't comment but, inviting ISIS or others to 'test out' Thailand's alleged cast iron security, is simply inviting problems and putting holiday areas - full of farangs -at risk.

You will never catch me down Walking Street in Pattaya etc. .........Very sad.

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" ... such an incident would not occur in Thailand given the country's tight security measures."

And here we have a prime example of the self-deluded world of arrogance we see in virtually every single senior Thai official. Prayuth is the clearly best option of a bad selection - but he has said many worrying things which might sound like he is not quite living in the real world.

I think the real reason is that nobody else in the world takes Thailand seriously.

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Unlike some other countries, at least Thailand is not using terrorism as a way to bread fear in the population so government can gain more control and insight into their lives.

You have GOT to be joking, the southern terrorists scare the crap out of the normal Thais and they use that as an ongoing example of why they need the army so involved in daily life in Thailand at checkpoints etc.

Then theres the "need" for the army to take over the country because of "unrest and risk to national security" ... we had the coup so they could gain more control and have and continue to instill more repressive measures and in case you hadnt noticed, as it stands people do not have the right to speak what they wish politically or even have a vote.

So excuse me for saying so but your full of it.

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.........(Quote).....According to Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha, such an incident would not occur in Thailand given the country's tight security measures and close relations and cooperation with neighboring countries in terms of terrorism prevention efforts. Besides, Thailand is not involved in the ISIS conflict in any way; however, he declined to make further comment, saying doing so may eventually spark a dispute.(unquote)......

Dear General.....Thailand does NOT have to be involved in"such an incident" or be involved in the ISIS conflict...to become a target for "terrorist" activity.

Let me paint a scenario for you.

Terrorists will stop at nothing to create murder and mayhem...any country...anywhere...anytime...and will target anybody....women..men..children

and they know they will get worldwide press coverage when they act.

Let's just take a likely scenario a step further.....5 people with "terrorist intent"...fly into Thailand on seperate flights on seperate days.

All of them belong to some "terrorist group"...quite possibly they arrive in Thailand having travelled from different countries.

They meet up...and plan some dreadful murderous act in Thailand. (God and Buddha forbid)

Now please tell me how your immigration/Customs/Police staff at the main Thailand airports are going to intercept 5 people on five seperate flights arriving on seperate days from 5 different countries??

With respect to you General...I think this would be impossible.

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Man Haron Monis, was a loner and a real nut job. He was no terrorist. He used the umbrella of his religion to screw women, in what he would have described as giving them spiritual guidance.

Don't know what the police could have done different to what happened. Unfortunately innocent people were killed. The building houses solicitors and barristers. Maybe he was after a barrister?

A guy like this, don't know if his history was one of violence; how do you know if they will snap like this? he was charged with being an accessory to murdering his wife, but he would have satisfied certain conditions to get bail.

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The thing is, for me, the more they say we're not under threat, no terrorist targets here, not us, no way, the more I start to worry.

The gentlemen doth protest too much.

The guy in Sydney was Iranian and weren't the 3 in Bangkok who planned a bombing also Iranian? Have these high ranking Thais forgot about them or have they chosen to just simply ignore facts.
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.........(Quote).....According to Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha, such an incident would not occur in Thailand given the country's tight security measures and close relations and cooperation with neighboring countries in terms of terrorism prevention efforts. Besides, Thailand is not involved in the ISIS conflict in any way; however, he declined to make further comment, saying doing so may eventually spark a dispute.(unquote)......

Dear General.....Thailand does NOT have to be involved in"such an incident" or be involved in the ISIS conflict...to become a target for "terrorist" activity.

Let me paint a scenario for you.

Terrorists will stop at nothing to create murder and mayhem...any country...anywhere...anytime...and will target anybody....women..men..children

and they know they will get worldwide press coverage when they act.

Let's just take a likely scenario a step further.....5 people with "terrorist intent"...fly into Thailand on seperate flights on seperate days.

All of them belong to some "terrorist group"...quite possibly they arrive in Thailand having travelled from different countries.

They meet up...and plan some dreadful murderous act in Thailand. (God and Buddha forbid)

Now please tell me how your immigration/Customs/Police staff at the main Thailand airports are going to intercept 5 people on five seperate flights arriving on seperate days from 5 different countries??

With respect to you General...I think this would be impossible.

But the dear leader says they have CC TV cameras everywhere in Thailand to monitor foreigners and it could never happen. He is a military man and has been fighting muslim terrorism in Thailand for years so if he says terrorism will never come to Thailand he would know. Edited by chooka
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In my opinion the South should not be brushed off,as a nothing to worry about Terrorism area,but a ready made possible backdoor to Terrorism!

Considering the deaths of too many Teachers,and others,in the South,a incident like what has just happened in Sidney is more than a possibility!

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There's not much difference between fanatic scumbags in the rest of the world and the fanatic, teacher-shooting scumbags in the south.

They're all the same scumbags, top-boys make money from gulf state donations and other sources, dumb-shits at the bottom think its all about religion. How else did Yasser arafat die with $ 4 billion in his Swiss bank account ?

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In my opinion the South should not be brushed off,as a nothing to worry about Terrorism area,but a ready made possible backdoor to Terrorism!

Considering the deaths of too many Teachers,and others,in the South,a incident like what has just happened in Sidney is more than a possibility!

Undoubtedly al Qaeda and Isis have had involvement to some extent in the Souther problem. Look at Pakistan today, they like attacking kids schools and soft targets - cowards

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Just listening to the news here in Oz; there is a bit of hijacking going on to relate the incident in Martin Place as a "terrorist incident". It wasn't.

Just like the heading in the OP. Getting mileage off the death of innocent lives to push the wrong barrow.

They need to find out why this lunatic was on the street? Sounds as though the guy was a sexual predator, and a bully that manipulated people and the system. It’s just that he had a beard, a gun on the day and was a proclaimed Muslim.

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They're already here, Prayut!! The fact that thousands have died at the hands of terrorists in the south and the incident with the Iranian and bombing in Bangkok aside, who needs ISIS when approximately 1 in 2 Thai males are prone to blowing up and killing you at the slightest provocation!

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So a couple of years back a couple of muslims walk around with back packs outside a school in BKK , one gets his legs blown off and the other dies ( I think) when the bomb goes off prematurely outside the school ( presumably ) one guy writhing in the street legless .... Not Terrorists....????

A couple of weeks ago an African Ebloa suspect walks around freely in BKK and authorities have no idea where he is after they let him out of the airport to go to his hotel .... Security measures are tight .... ??????

Just in these two examples , i think it says it all really. No idea , the lot of them...

Oh and wasn't there a case of a building in BKK, being used as a bomb making factory, blowing up some time ago ???

Edited by daiwill60
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Someone is twisting the facts here. He was a lone criminal from Iran had nothing to do with IS or terrorism.

It was simply a hostage situation. Apparently the police who were patient at first lost patience so they executed him along with two hostages.

Pity you don't get your facts right before posting.

Police didn't execute 2 hostages. The cafe manager was shot while trying to disarm the nut case, Sheik Man Haron Monis. "34-year-old hostage Tori Johnson, the manager of the café, tried to wrestle the gun from Monis, and was shot to death."

Thems the facts.


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I think they are really playing things down. What do they call what is happening down south? It was reported in the press that one senior officer stated that authorities were closely monitoring terrorist activities, then in the next breath, he states that Thailand is not a target of terrorist attacks. Sounds like double Dutch to me

Also, the press claiiming that this man in Australia was a lone ISIS gunman is not completely factual. I watched the live telecasts and listened live to Sydney radio via the net, throughout the siege and although he was acting alone and alleged he was connected to ISIS, the latter has yet to be proven. This nut case came from Iran over two decades ago, sought asylum, which was granted and later became a citizen

The facts are, as outlined by New South Wales Police, indicate that when he first came to OZ , he was a allegedly a clean skin however, a storey has now come to light that he had a different name there and was allegedly wanted back in his country on fraud matters but to date this has not been confirmed. He later proclaimed himself a Muslim Prophet, however, was never accepted as such in the general Muslim community, although he did have some followers.

He later wrote derogatory letters to the widows of dead Australian soldiers, which he pleaded guilty to and was given 300 hours community service. His next brush with the law was when he was charged, as an accomplice in his wife's murder, along with his girlfriend, and for unknown reasons, both were given bail. He was also charged with around 40 offences of sexual assault (Rape), with all matters still before the court.

I think for any one to say that such an act like this could not occur in Thailand is drawing a really long bow. I would suggest that given what is happening down south that the likelihood of similar persons being in Thailand already and connected to any number of terrorist cells would be extremely high. Unfortunate for this nut case he chose the wrong police force to take on. One of the most professional and highly trained forces in the world. It is so sad he could not be kept in gaol but thanks to weak kneed, no guts politicians and judges, he was free to walk in society, despite police pleas for him not to be granted bail.

I say good riddance to this low life and can only offer my condolences to the families of those killed and to the others who were taken in the siege. May those injured have a speedy recovery but unfortunately they will never forget and now my Country, Australia, has been changed forever.

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Someone is twisting the facts here. He was a lone criminal from Iran had nothing to do with IS or terrorism.

It was simply a hostage situation. Apparently the police who were patient at first lost patience so they executed him along with two hostages.

You're an absolute low life, and yes some one is twisting the facts and it is you, you clown. You make me so sick to know there is such a person on this earth who makes such an inane statement following the demise of two innocent people. You know absolutely nothing about the siege or the maniac who took about 25 innocent people hostage, and now make a statement that Police lost patience and executed him and two hostages. Please show us how you came to this determination?

There is proof that the gunman was a radical from Iran; was a self proclaimed sheik, mufti and preacher and very unstable. There is evidence that he fired the first shot which killed the manager of the café, who died a hero trying to wrestle the gun off him. That's when Police went in and shot and killed a murdering terrorist. Neither he or those killed were executed by the Police as you alleged.

Please define terrorism for us on TVF. I think our definition would be more fitting then anything you could come up with. I cannot believe some posters. No matter which police force is involved, someone always has to find fault, no matter how professional they act or the results they obtained.

The only factual part of your statement is that he was alone, from Iran and a criminal. Everything else you have written is completely non-factual and highlights that you are walking around with your head up where the sun does not shine because you have no idea how the NSW police operate but pal, I do, and it is not as you post.

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But the dear leader says they have CC TV cameras everywhere in Thailand to monitor foreigners and it could never happen. He is a military man and has been fighting muslim terrorism in Thailand for years so if he says terrorism will never come to Thailand he would know.

So if they Have CCTV cameras everywhere to protect tourists. Why aren't they protecting tourists from the police scamming tourists?

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But the dear leader says they have CC TV cameras everywhere in Thailand to monitor foreigners and it could never happen. He is a military man and has been fighting muslim terrorism in Thailand for years so if he says terrorism will never come to Thailand he would know.

So if they Have CCTV cameras everywhere to protect tourists. Why aren't they protecting tourists from the police scamming tourists?
protecting and monitoring are different things, they are shaking down tourists for thier protection.
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