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The woman is top of the line in her professioal.practrice. My back went out this morning. A motorbike parked in front of my vehicle and blocked me in. Whike moving same, my back poped out, painfull but it has happened before, so no worry. Went home took a couple tylenal and laid down for a nap. on awakening, start to get up and take a walk to the head. Wrong choice, within 4 miniutes, I was clammy skin, sweating and pain as I have never known and I monetarly passed out. (woke up on floor) Litterly crawled to bed, called the daughter and told her to pick meds from pharmacy and bring them home.

Well the pharmacies she approached said no way they would sell to her as too young (20) So plan b kicks in. I dectate my history on back problem, to daughter znd she puts all info on her walking phone. I incude medications presntly taking, age, timing of the incident, and my personal diagonis of my pain tolerance level may have gone down due to age/whatever but 10 years ago (last slipped disk) I could keep on going about normal living. I also said I was not able to even crawl to my truck and felt to drive may be a stupid thing to do. I also ventured the opinion that I had experinced a lcase of ''shock'' from the intense pain.

\Daughter called dr Morgan receptionest for specific directions left promently.and was told with no attointment, she would have to get in que. Great go to the good doctors office and get me out of bed and not peeing in a plastic bag. Shecked on arrival gave her phone to receeptionest who gave same to dr. dr let her jump que, she is cute, and she was out in 20 minutes.

Turn around time from daughter leaving house, visit with dr Morgan, purchase perscribed medicine 2 differnt pills for problem, pain and anti inflamination and a thid to put me to sleep i needed (the latter was the only one not labeled in english.Start to finish less than 1 1/2 hours and daughter stopped to eat Total time4 after snarfing down pills to a managable pain level 1 1/2 hour. Xmas present from my house to doc Morgan.

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After having heard much praise of Dr Morgan I drove a friend who is a very hard marker to see her this morning. He came out singing her praises and says he will never go back to his old GP.


mydocalm/tramadol...it ain't rocket science. You can make a good urinal out of a one liter water bottle, if you cut the top off. I blew out an ankle several years ago, and the lady, who did my legwork got a nice Christmas bonus.


+1 from me too, knows her stuff, doesn't over-prescribe. A dash common sense in what can be a medical minefield of a country.


mydocalm/tramadol...it ain't rocket science. You can make a good urinal out of a one liter water bottle, if you cut the top off. I blew out an ankle several years ago, and the lady, who did my legwork got a nice Christmas bonus.

Gee whiz we have a couple who really want to address the topic and 1 is even is trying to be a comedian, he definately could use some schooling to futher any chance of work in what may be his top accompliswhment so far in life, lauhing at his own brain fa..ts

sorry for off topic/not


I have seen her for about four years now. I have no complaint. Well one she listens to my wife when she is snitching on me.

I know it is not the standard practice in Chiang Mai but I buy all my meds from her also. If I decide to use some thing else I tell her what it is. If I need a specialist she sends me to one and has all the reports. Much better than me going all around town trying to save money on the meds and self diagnosing myself.

For example I had phenomena a while back. I decided that I was not going to try and tough it out so I went to see her. She could not give me the best medicine because of other medications I was taking so she gave me the second best. It worked like a charm.

Perhaps if I had a medical back ground I would act differently but I don't so I listen to her. She is aces in my book.

When I say some thing else I mean a vitamin or Omega 3 oil. Things like that.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What is Dr. Morgan's specialty?

G.P./Internal Medicine

Thanks. Where does she practice?

Should of tried Captain Morgan instead, I hear he gets good results too !

That works for me too. Smooooothhhh.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What is Dr. Morgan's specialty?

G.P./Internal Medicine

Thanks. Where does she practice?

In the Hang Dong area. Very nice lady. Excellent physician.


mydocalm/tramadol...it ain't rocket science. You can make a good urinal out of a one liter water bottle, if you cut the top off. I blew out an ankle several years ago, and the lady, who did my legwork got a nice Christmas bonus.

Or you can buy a whole urinal in the pharmacy in KadSuan Kau for 40 baht if you cannot afford milk.


I'm sure she is a fine Doctor, but my experience attempting to get pain meds here says that this was not any miracle work. The OP didn't state what he received. Unless you are in a hospital; there are serious limits on what can be prescribed. And just taking something without even knowing what it is; is elementary schoolish. A site like www.drugs.com will tell you exactly what it is, and even the variances by country. NHS killed a kid last week with an OD of Potasium.


I'm sure she is a fine Doctor, but my experience attempting to get pain meds here says that this was not any miracle work. The OP didn't state what he received. Unless you are in a hospital; there are serious limits on what can be prescribed. And just taking something without even knowing what it is; is elementary schoolish. A site like www.drugs.com will tell you exactly what it is, and even the variances by country. NHS killed a kid last week with an OD of Potasium.

So you went to a doctor, asked for some drugs, got refused. Obviously you know more than a doctor and should have been given what you wanted.

And then you tell of a story in a very complicated medical case, reporting it as happening "last week", when in fact it happened in June 2012.

Sorry, I'll take my advice from others.


Anyone, who knows where Airport Plaza is; knows how stingy they are with pain meds like we would get in the West....like after a root canal....yo would get at least 6 Percocets in the US. The OP is touting a Physician for services that are routinely offered here by a good Pharmacist. English speaking, checks what meds you take, your age, weight, allergies....how to take the meds....so I don't think getting the same stuff from a Doctor with a note is really anything to write home about. The cost of an MRI and actual diagnosis would be more informative.


I'm sure she is a fine Doctor, but my experience attempting to get pain meds here says that this was not any miracle work. The OP didn't state what he received. Unless you are in a hospital; there are serious limits on what can be prescribed. And just taking something without even knowing what it is; is elementary schoolish. A site like www.drugs.com will tell you exactly what it is, and even the variances by country. NHS killed a kid last week with an OD of Potasium.

That is exactly why I see her. She knows every thing medically about me. No guess work. I see you use the internet for diagnoses. Do you have a medical background? Or are you just a Cheap Charlie?

I am no longer young and find it to my advantage to look after my self. Not like in my younger years where I would just tough it out.

I wish you people would stop praising her. She is liable to pick up so many customers that we will have to wait in line. As is you get an appointment and she is generally pretty close to the time.


An excellent Dr.

Not as old as Dr Tavachai who is the other Dr. recommended by Old Hands in CM.

I trust her medical judgement and would advise a visit for folk who have not had the experience but looking for a General Practitioner.



I have seen her for about four years now. I have no complaint. Well one she listens to my wife when she is snitching on me.

I know it is not the standard practice in Chiang Mai but I buy all my meds from her also. If I decide to use some thing else I tell her what it is. If I need a specialist she sends me to one and has all the reports. Much better than me going all around town trying to save money on the meds and self diagnosing myself.

For example I had phenomena a while back. I decided that I was not going to try and tough it out so I went to see her. She could not give me the best medicine because of other medications I was taking so she gave me the second best. It worked like a charm.

Perhaps if I had a medical back ground I would act differently but I don't so I listen to her. She is aces in my book.

When I say some thing else I mean a vitamin or Omega 3 oil. Things like that.

I'm sorry if I am misunderstanding this paragraph, but can I ask what kind of phenomena you had and how your doctor treated it? I mean were you seeing things, hearing things or just having a strange experience and do you know what 'the best' medicine is that she was going to give you?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thanks. Where does she practice?

She has her own clinic near Tesco Lotus on Hang Dong road - http://www.healthcaremedicalclinic.com/

Thanks for the link. She seems like the medic to see when in need!

Anyone, who knows where Airport Plaza is; knows how stingy they are with pain meds like we would get in the West....like after a root canal....yo would get at least 6 Percocets in the US. The OP is touting a Physician for services that are routinely offered here by a good Pharmacist. English speaking, checks what meds you take, your age, weight, allergies....how to take the meds....so I don't think getting the same stuff from a Doctor with a note is really anything to write home about. The cost of an MRI and actual diagnosis would be more informative.

My God! Do you REALLY go to a dentist whose work requires 6 Percocets to recover from? Not me, thanks. I've had 4 root canals done by three different dentists in Asia, and NONE required anything more powerful than a Tylenol afterward. Please... from now on, get your work done in Chiang Mai! LOL!

  • Like 1

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thanks. Where does she practice?

She has her own clinic near Tesco Lotus on Hang Dong road - http://www.healthcaremedicalclinic.com/

Thanks for the link. She seems like the medic to see when in need!

Anyone, who knows where Airport Plaza is; knows how stingy they are with pain meds like we would get in the West....like after a root canal....yo would get at least 6 Percocets in the US. The OP is touting a Physician for services that are routinely offered here by a good Pharmacist. English speaking, checks what meds you take, your age, weight, allergies....how to take the meds....so I don't think getting the same stuff from a Doctor with a note is really anything to write home about. The cost of an MRI and actual diagnosis would be more informative.

My God! Do you REALLY go to a dentist whose work requires 6 Percocets to recover from? Not me, thanks. I've had 4 root canals done by three different dentists in Asia, and NONE required anything more powerful than a Tylenol afterward. Please... from now on, get your work done in Chiang Mai! LOL!

A little off topic, but still medically related. Not everyone is the same especially in drug/medication/pain tolerance.

FolkGuitar, with your years of martial arts experience I think you would be very aware of this.

I have never in my life been numbed enough with one injection by a dentist. I have been to dentists in Bangkok and Chiang Mai in addtion to dentists in the US.

A little off topic, but still medically related. Not everyone is the same especially in drug/medication/pain tolerance.

I have never in my life been numbed enough with one injection by a dentist. I have been to dentists in Bangkok and Chiang Mai in addtion to dentists in the US.

I usually require two or three shots myself to get through a procedure. I'm pretty much of a wimp when it comes to pain.

But if the dentist isn't 'heavy handed' while doing the procedure, the after-effects usually aren't bad. It's the ham-fisted 'I'm in a hurry' doctors and dentists that seem to cause the most residual discomfort and mis-diagnosis. I look for medical professionals who take their time, especially for something like a root canal job or back problems that can go south quickly.


She has always done me well too . If you have a problem and just walk im its hard to get in to see her . But sit and wait eventually you ll get in. My guess if it was a real emergency youd have no problem ...

A little off topic, but still medically related. Not everyone is the same especially in drug/medication/pain tolerance.

I have never in my life been numbed enough with one injection by a dentist. I have been to dentists in Bangkok and Chiang Mai in addtion to dentists in the US.

I usually require two or three shots myself to get through a procedure. I'm pretty much of a wimp when it comes to pain.

But if the dentist isn't 'heavy handed' while doing the procedure, the after-effects usually aren't bad. It's the ham-fisted 'I'm in a hurry' doctors and dentists that seem to cause the most residual discomfort and mis-diagnosis. I look for medical professionals who take their time, especially for something like a root canal job or back problems that can go south quickly.

I tell the dentist to figure out how much anesthetic it would take to kill me, then back it off just a little bit.

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Dr.Morgan has been my wife's and my GP for the last 5 years or so.

Can't speak highly enough about her.

She is one of those rare breeds of doctors who actually cares about her patients.

Her husband's a good bloke to boot.

My wife and I ditto, since the day she opened, which I guess is coming on 6 years now..

Dr Morgan has guided us through some difficult times and especially one where a CM Hospital mis diagnosed a CT scan,that could have been nasty for me except for her timely intervention.

I think we have probably referred her clinic, and medical expertise, to more than a dozen people and every single one is of the same opinion as us.

Being a single practitioner, in a growing practice, is not easy and her workload is significant but the staff are very loyal, caring and professional,makes for great team.

Her husband is a good bloke ,know him well, only negative is he follows Chelsea.laugh.png

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I'm sure she is a fine Doctor, but my experience attempting to get pain meds here says that this was not any miracle work. The OP didn't state what he received. Unless you are in a hospital; there are serious limits on what can be prescribed. And just taking something without even knowing what it is; is elementary schoolish. A site like www.drugs.com will tell you exactly what it is, and even the variances by country. NHS killed a kid last week with an OD of Potasium.

That is exactly why I see her. She knows every thing medically about me. No guess work. I see you use the internet for diagnoses. Do you have a medical background? Or are you just a Cheap Charlie?

I am no longer young and find it to my advantage to look after my self. Not like in my younger years where I would just tough it out.

I wish you people would stop praising her. She is liable to pick up so many customers that we will have to wait in line. As is you get an appointment and she is generally pretty close to the time.

www.drugs.com is to find out about your prescription(s); it's not for diagnosis. I can go to RAM for free, if needed, but I still want to know what I've been given and it is part of the checks and balances a sane person would do with their doctor(s) and pharmacist(s). Please be patient with us young retirees. I think a lot of newcomers don't realize just how old and feeble some of the TV posters are, maybe because they (the old regulars) are so quick to shoot their mouths off and judge others.


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