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can we have the laymans version.

If you have diabetes, cut back on the potatoes, rice, sugar, bread and all other high carb foods. (Applies to those with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.)

Thanks, I am type 2, have a handle on most things. I am also a baker, so always have issue with the bread. Though I bake Rye yeast and sourdoughs for myself.

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Hard to disagree, but can we have the laymans version.

in laymans terms.... the first step to becoming diabetes free, is to remove or limit to a bare minimum processed carbs , you dont need them in your diet fullstop !!

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if you switch your fuel source from processed carbs ( sugar) over to the bodies preffered fuel source fat( good fats) on a gradual basis, it is an easy transition ....

If you are just high on blood sugar I think it is easier to just stop carbs from one day to the other, like cold turkey at stop smoking.

As you can dig into meat as much as you want, you don't miss much and once you start missing the carbs, your body is already used to not having them (or not much).

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