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Ratchaburi: Teen plunges from overpass, possibly hit by car, survives


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All the people speaking about people not stopping to help and equals that to "Thainess", Thais and how awful people are here:

This is a world-wide phenomenon.. Take a few minutes and watch some social experiments on youtube if not from the US, UK, Scandinavia and what not. You can find all from people faking having a stroke, getting a Seizure, Just laying "dead" in the middle of a walking street. And the majority of every major city will in general just ignore you... This is sad, but holds true to humans everywhere.. And I don't think it's all about not giving a shit (although many cases are...)

As an example, although it's a different story, I once observed a guy jumping down in front of the Metro in Stockholm just before the train came, I hardly saw him, but heard some other people scream and looked over at the same time as the train came in trying to break in vain. The first thing that stroke me was how the total atmosphere changed, there was some silence over it all although some girls was still screaming, the face of the driver was pale (I feel really sorry for him..) and what did I do? I still stood there, ready to get on that very same train, for what felt like a minute or two, but probably was no more than 10 seconds, before I realize this train is not gonna go anywhere and the situation started to hit me.

Unless you have been in combat (or at least combat training) or faced some accidents before most people will just get into shock. Which was me an my friends case, only when the staff came to clear the area and police came rushing down the stairs as we walked up we started to grasp the seriousness of the whole situation. We where still quite young at that time, 19 years perhaps. So our reflexes worked without a doubt, but we had just never faced death before.

Same shit when I sat in a taxi in Vietnam and motorbike on the other lane flew over the fence in the middle doing some somersaults before landing. We where already a few meters ahead of him, and although the taxi seemed concerned shook his head over and over and tried to look in the back mirrors as what was happening we where already in the "go on" zone, where one would expect some of the million other drivers coming after us to stop instead of us stopping traffic and run back. I understand the drivers choice but it's still sad that the first thing that strikes most people when something is happening isn't to run over and help. Most will just stay a bit away and look or ignore with fear for their own safety...

And yes, it's sad, it's bad, it's a terrible side of human nature probably stuck in our outdated R-complex brain part.. But it is not generally Thai, it is not a Thai-thing, it is not limited to Thai behavior... I promise you who think so that if you would live in HCMC you would do nothing but speak about the VN behavior, probably even pulling parallels to how "those savages are probably straight descendants from high ranked Viet Cong's" or some other stupid irrelevant answer that gives you a chance to bash the people instead of the driver/drivers or those who actually are at fault.

So much hypocrisy... Constantly blaming Thais for being so xenophobic and racist while in the same time putting them all together in a group as soon as something bad happens... I'm glad the grumpy negative attitude that always seems to hold majority here (probably cause most don't give a shit about your posts, read and then ignore cause they heard you complaining so many times there is no need to say anything..) is not the majority on the streets and that while the world looks doomed (or in this case Thailand) while looking at comments here sometimes I still meet great people every single day of all kind of nationalities, the majority probably being Thais for the simple fact that we live in Thailand...
Ok, enough about that.

Glad the guy is ok.

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Driving away from the scene of an accident, running over somebody and not giving a shit? I hope they have that car's reg plate and throw the bloody book at the bastard!

As for the accident itself... he's very lucky. No shoes, no helmet - young bones hey! Speedy recovery, and I hope next time you get on a bike you have learnt something from this - BUT, I doubt it!!

Gentlemen, Gentlemen. Look, when your on the way to the Liquor store, or Rimping or Tops and trying to get there before the 2:00PM cut off time who has time to stop for a teenager falling off an overpass? You complainers are not very realistic. You have to have your priorities straight.

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Driving away from the scene of an accident, running over somebody and not giving a shit? I hope they have that car's reg plate and throw the bloody book at the bastard!

As for the accident itself... he's very lucky. No shoes, no helmet - young bones hey! Speedy recovery, and I hope next time you get on a bike you have learnt something from this - BUT, I doubt it!!

This is now history and the one thing we learn from history is that WE DO NOT LEARN from history. People will still be on motorbikes without helmets, many motor vehicle drivers still really don't care about helping out at accidents. And I though Buddhism was caring (among other things). We live and learn....oooops,. wrong. coffee1.gif

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While the car should stop and assist, the parents should be arrested. I highly doubt he even had license much less wear helmet.

Parents here need to control and monitor their children better not always mai pben arai. He was speeding and probsblt lost control. He should count his lucky stars. Will he learn his lesson.. Probably not.

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Driving away from the scene of an accident, running over somebody and not giving a shit? I hope they have that car's reg plate and throw the bloody book at the bastard!

As for the accident itself... he's very lucky. No shoes, no helmet - young bones hey! Speedy recovery, and I hope next time you get on a bike you have learnt something from this - BUT, I doubt it!!

This is now history and the one thing we learn from history is that WE DO NOT LEARN from history. People will still be on motorbikes without helmets, many motor vehicle drivers still really don't care about helping out at accidents. And I though Buddhism was caring (among other things). We live and learn....oooops,. wrong. coffee1.gif

You haven't been living here long or not clued in about the false religion here. They pray for love, money, etc which is totally against what real Buddhism preaches.

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I can't help it, but the video looks like a fake to me, sorry... If he was not hit or was dragged along by the oncoming car, then his body positioning after the car has fully passed is wrong. But despite this, the fall and impact looks unnatural... Dunno, but something is wrong here.

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None of the drivers seem to stop and help the boy. sad.png

Not stopping to assist of help is all too common in Thailand

Seen many mopeds knocked ov er and driver of car just keeps going

Also remember the story of the two teens drowning in the Choa Praya

while two boats were close by but did not try to help save them

Appears pretty clear the silver colored car ran over the person ... and yes just drove away

as did many others. Thais shold be ashamed of people who do things like this ... disgusting

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Its about time that this habit of Parents letting the kids drive cars and ride scooters underage should be taken more seriously by the authorities...

If the Thai Govt wants to curb the negative media, then they will need to face facts and realize that at some stage, this nonsense will become headlines somewhere and for some reason.... But are the Thai's in power smart enough to think past the next 5 minutes?

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looking at the video this kid surely has some head injuries I bet he doesn't have any of his front teeth left!

The car did have contact with him because it moved him about 8 feet up the road from where he fell, hopefully it just snagged his clothes and did not actually run over his body. Poor guy though, first a bike accident then a high fall onto concrete then dragged up the road by a car.. shame he didn't land on the soft bonnet of the car!

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None of the drivers seem to stop and help the boy. sad.png

first thing you learn here,don't get involved, if you are a farang it can take only 10 minutes and you were to blame.
And in other news: ''Farangs make up 99% of the drivers in Ratchaburi'' :rolleyes:

Your post is about as relevant as a sand shop in the Sahara

Edited by SABloke
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None of the drivers seem to stop and help the boy. sad.png

Yes I thought that. I guess its quite a shocking thing to see, if the driver of the honda was a woman or a young girl that would explain why she did not stop she was probably shocked and scared !

I wonder how long people took to actually go to the boys aid ?

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Dying requires a registration and a permit in Thailand. Without those, no matter how hard you try, it won't be successful.

Thais are allowed to perform these on public roads, while farangs are restricted to high rise buildings and condos only.

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This speeding "dek van" was lucky, didn't died despite HE WAS HIT by the car, and didn't use helmet.

I'm a bit surprised no-one stopped, they always stop, ............... to make a bloody pictures or videos for social media.

Or stop to rob valuables from the victim...
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