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Best grass for a lawn in Thailand

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We just laid over five hundred square metres of Malaysian (turf), three weeks on it's nicely rooted and very green, soon be time for the first cut - 16 baht a metre from JJ's Market/garden shops.

EDIT: the work of digging up the ground and breaking down the chunks of soil and leveling was down to a hill tribe kid we know, the most amazing effort I've ever seen. He started at 8am and didn't stop until 5pm with perhaps two fifteen minute breaks, finished the 500 sm completely in two and half days using just an adze.

Edited by chiang mai
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I brought a couple bags of grass seed from the U.S. Primarily creeping red fescue and other full sun grasses and it worked well for filling in the gaps and some areas where the sod didn't take. Germinated in 3-4 days and looks great.

I ordered a bag of what was supposed to be the same strain as the sod I have from an online seller in Thailand and I don't think a single seed sprouted, it's been two weeks.

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