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'Biggest python in a decade' caught in Phuket

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There has never been a snake verified over 7m I believe there is still a reward out of $50k USD for anyone who finds one.

Most of the posters on this forum are terrified of snakes and kill them at every opportunity saying it's to protect my kids Blah Blah.

Grow up snakes cannot swallow a full grown man. Children have been eaten but not adults.

Explain to the readers exactly why a very large snake of 30 feet long could not swallow a full grown man.....why exactly.

They can swallow a number of other animals , many having 4 legs and making it all the more difficult than the shape of a human being...

Why exactly do you adamantly state that a large snake could never swallow a full grown man.

What is it about a full grown man or human being that would stoop a 20 to 30 foot snake from swallowing a full grown man.

Shoulders. There have been many attempts by snakes to swallow a man but they have never succeeded because of the shoulders.

A small framed man may be possible to swallow but not the average Caucasian.

Well now...you may want to consider the size of the snake and just how big and wide it can open its jaws.

There are videos of snakes swallowing dead prey that are much, much larger than the snakes mouth and relative to the size of the snake you would think there is no way it could swallow that animal...but it does.

Think about it.




You do not have to convince me...rather you have to convince the experts on this forum who say it is not possible.

They will tell you that video is a fake.....and it may very well be...hard to say really as everyone is suspicious of videos and photos that are altered

Meantime I know for sure that a very large snake can eat a full grown man and I have no doubt that over the thousands of years there has been some humans that fell prey to large snakes that made a meal out of them.



The internet link I gave to you is not a fabricated story.

The indigenous people of North Luzon in the Philippines live in a region that is known to have large pythons.

You see the photos and you read what the people have to say in the article.

They are not looking for publicity while the article is not a scam.

It simply informs people about a region of the world that has large pythons while the indigenous people encounter the snakes all too often while there are incidents of the snakes eating people....not often...but sometimes.

As I said before...YOU should travel there and find out for yourself and then you and the thousands of experts can be proven wrong.....or you can stand face to face with some of the indigenous people of the region and call them liars and publicity seekers....and tell them it is not possible and could never happen....because you are there to tell them so.

I don't believe it as nothing has been verified. Selling newspapers or getting hits on their website is reason enough for churning out sensationalist nonsense. For these apple cheeked natives having some attention to their Godforsaken corner of Luzon is reason enough.

I'd say they are far more more at risk from the many highly venomous snakes (not to mention other creatures) or giant Saltwater Crocodiles to be found in Luzon but I don't suppose there is as much sensationalism to be dragged out of those creatures.

Do you believe in Ghosts too because I'm sure there are plenty of ''non-publicity seeking 'villagers' the world over who will tell you their lives are plagued by them as well as gigabytes of nonsense about such things all over the internet/media of the world - even photos! so they must be real then eh? Your logic is utterly flawed

Still waiting for you to show us a verified account of a snake eating a human as you remain so utterly - and wrongly - convinced you are right against thousands of experts here....

Now your arguments are turning small minded and more or less dumb.

You believe what you want....and I will continue knowing for sure that some humans have fallen prey to very large snakes over the thousands of years.

It is foolish of you to think otherwise.........as they can kill you while they do not care about your expert opinion that says they can not .


Well now...you may want to consider the size of the snake and just how big and wide it can open its jaws.

There are videos of snakes swallowing dead prey that are much, much larger than the snakes mouth and relative to the size of the snake you would think there is no way it could swallow that animal...but it does.

Constrictors (and many snake types) are able to dislocate their jaws in order to take larger prey. However, if the prey is too large, as you can see from some of the pics in the clip, they simply burst or split if they take on too big a prey.

Wow! A clip of staged and photoshopped pics must again debunk centuries of research. I can't see a single snake gently digesting a restful meal of human there, can you?

as they can kill you while they do not care about your expert opinion that says they can not .

No one had denied that.

There was a well reported case a few years ago (in the 1990s) near Palembang when an Indonesian man was trying to impress a girl by taunting a large reticulated python he had caught earlier that day, which then proceeded to defend itself by going for the man and breaking his neck in the process. This was in pure self defence though, not a snake looking for a snack. The snake zipped off back into the forest sharpish.

Having once rescued a 6 foot Burmese python which had strayed near a busy road in Ayutthya Province I can attest to the strength of these things. It wasn't huge, however it was highly agitated. I'm no weakling, it took me all my strength to subdue the thing and get it to a safe area. A couple of foot or a few KG more, I'd have been in bother...

Some beginner herpetologists think that due to the lack of venom, constrictors make a decent 'starting point' only to find out they are nothing of the sort. They can give a savage bite and they don't release easy. You have to push the head forward, then forcibly open the jaws to get the teeth away from the bite site and get it away. (google ''python skull/teeth'')

Now, anecdotes aside, let us now apply some simple logic to the case; consider the following point:

Were humans 'on the menu' for large constrictors as you suggest, why are there no accepted or officially documented cases?

Why are constrictor attacks on humans never reported (outside the silly scandal sheets) as attacks on humans by other large predators such as big cats, sharks, bears or crocodilia which make regular headlines across the media?

I await your reply with interest.


There has never been a snake verified over 7m I believe there is still a reward out of $50k USD for anyone who finds one.

Most of the posters on this forum are terrified of snakes and kill them at every opportunity saying it's to protect my kids Blah Blah.

Grow up snakes cannot swallow a full grown man. Children have been eaten but not adults.

Explain to the readers exactly why a very large snake of 30 feet long could not swallow a full grown man.....why exactly.

They can swallow a number of other animals , many having 4 legs and making it all the more difficult than the shape of a human being...

Why exactly do you adamantly state that a large snake could never swallow a full grown man.

What is it about a full grown man or human being that would stoop a 20 to 30 foot snake from swallowing a full grown man.

Shoulders. There have been many attempts by snakes to swallow a man but they have never succeeded because of the shoulders.

A small framed man may be possible to swallow but not the average Caucasian.

Well now...you may want to consider the size of the snake and just how big and wide it can open its jaws.

There are videos of snakes swallowing dead prey that are much, much larger than the snakes mouth and relative to the size of the snake you would think there is no way it could swallow that animal...but it does.

Think about it.



Well now...you may want to consider the size of the snake and just how big and wide it can open its jaws.

There are videos of snakes swallowing dead prey that are much, much larger than the snakes mouth and relative to the size of the snake you would think there is no way it could swallow that animal...but it does.

Constrictors (and many snake types) are able to dislocate their jaws in order to take larger prey. However, if the prey is too large, as you can see from some of the pics in the clip, they simply burst or split if they take on too big a prey.

Wow! A clip of staged and photoshopped pics must again debunk centuries of research. I can't see a single snake gently digesting a restful meal of human there, can you?

as they can kill you while they do not care about your expert opinion that says they can not .

No one had denied that.

There was a well reported case a few years ago (in the 1990s) near Palembang when an Indonesian man was trying to impress a girl by taunting a large reticulated python he had caught earlier that day, which then proceeded to defend itself by going for the man and breaking his neck in the process. This was in pure self defence though, not a snake looking for a snack. The snake zipped off back into the forest sharpish.

Having once rescued a 6 foot Burmese python which had strayed near a busy road in Ayutthya Province I can attest to the strength of these things. It wasn't huge, however it was highly agitated. I'm no weakling, it took me all my strength to subdue the thing and get it to a safe area. A couple of foot or a few KG more, I'd have been in bother...

Some beginner herpetologists think that due to the lack of venom, constrictors make a decent 'starting point' only to find out they are nothing of the sort. They can give a savage bite and they don't release easy. You have to push the head forward, then forcibly open the jaws to get the teeth away from the bite site and get it away. (google ''python skull/teeth'')

Now, anecdotes aside, let us now apply some simple logic to the case; consider the following point:

Were humans 'on the menu' for large constrictors as you suggest, why are there no accepted or officially documented cases?

Why are constrictor attacks on humans never reported (outside the silly scandal sheets) as attacks on humans by other large predators such as big cats, sharks, bears or crocodilia which make regular headlines across the media?

I await your reply with interest.

If it happens in a remote part of Burma or North Eastern Bangladesh then why would it get publicized...to your satisfaction.

If you want to play that silly prove it to me game that some people play then just for the sake of fun I will reciprocate.

You prove to me,....... it has not happened.

Use your brain a little bit here.

If you were to be killed and eaten by a large snake ( like the one I personally measured at 29 feet, 9 and 5/8 inches long) while no one was witness to the event and it was not publicized then by your reasoning and logic...... it did not happen.

If only one other person was witness to the event and it did not get publicized, then by your logic and reasoning ..it did not happen and or could not have happened.

By your reasoning and logic if any one actually witnessed such an event then it can not be possible because it does not meet your expert criteria and snake decorum world wide guidelines that have you and the experts telling us it is not possible ....ever .......as that is what you are implying here.

How do you know it has never happened???....what proof do you have that it has never happened??

Because the books say so and or your peers all agree it could not happen and or you have never personally witnessed it happening.

And for that matter, where you there to see the snake skin that I personally measured back in 1987 in my business associates office in Bangkok??

What is the largest, longest snake skin you have personally witnessed and or held and touched????

That 30 foot long snake skin would be the snake skin that all the experts would immediately say does not exist because according to their expert knowledge on the subject of Burmese Articulated Pythons they say they have never personally seen or heard of one ...so it does not exist by way of their argument and or their reckoning ...or certainly that is what you would imply..by way of your expert opinion.

So by way of your reckoning along with the other experts you so often cite, a snake that large does not exist because you and your peers are the experts on the subject and say so.

I would say that if a 30 foot python exists ..like the one that did exist until it ended up as a snake skin in my associates office, then I would surmise that there could be or could have been a snake even larger having existed throughout the hundreds or even thousands of years.

But ...the experts, such as yourself, would say No Way, because you and the experts have never seen a reputable photo of one and or personally encountered one or you have never met a person accepted by you and your peers as being a credible source of info....so it does not exists or can not exist....... in your expert opinion.

Where is the logic that says something can not be, just because you and your peers say so.

At one time......The experts of the day adamantly and belligerently argued that the world was flat.

Cheers and have a good day.


If it happens in a remote part of Burma or North Eastern Bangladesh then why would it get publicized...to your satisfaction.

If you want to play that silly prove it to me game that some people play then just for the sake of fun I will reciprocate.

You prove to me,....... it has not happened.

The burden of proof lies with you as the accepted facts remain that there has never been an authenticated instance of a snake eating a human. You are the one insisting over and over that it has happened, flying in the face of the established FACTS based on the research of thousands of experts over the years, in every corner of the globe (even remote Bangladesh and Burma) based on you once seeing a big snake skin in Bangkok. So go on, knock yourself out, and show me how you ''know'' this has happened? A claim you can not back up with a shred of evidence. Not a single shred.

That 30 foot long snake skin would be the snake skin that all the experts would immediately say does not exist because according to their expert knowledge on the subject of Burmese Articulated Pythons they say they have never personally seen or heard of one ...so it does not exist by way of their argument and or their reckoning ...or certainly that is what you would imply..by way of your expert opinion.

So by way of your reckoning along with the other experts you so often cite, a snake that large does not exist because you and your peers are the experts on the subject and say so.

So you are saying here that as experts the world over are saying the '30 foot snake'' doesn't exist, are mistaken? Even the largest (supposed) snake from Prehistoric times (Gigantophis garstini) has been estimated at a maximum of 33 feet from the few fossils which have been found.

Maybe you should contact the NY times for the prize offer which stood for years with no takers, though many went to try and look to no avail. The largest snake on captivity remains Medusa Reticulated Python who was 25 feet. The longest on record remains Samantha who was 26 feet long.

I would say that if a 30 foot python exists ..like the one that did exist until it ended up as a snake skin in my associates office, then I would surmise that there could be or could have been a snake even larger having existed throughout the hundreds or even thousands of years.

But ...the experts, such as yourself, would say No Way, because you and the experts have never seen a reputable photo of one and or personally encountered one or you have never met a person accepted by you and your peers as being a credible source of info....so it does not exists or can not exist....... in your expert opinion.

Another poster has explained how the length of a skin bears no accurate correspondence to size of the snake in life.

People have been searching for the mythic 30 foot snake (very much the ''Holy Grail'' in zoology let alone herpetology) for decades, nothing near, nor any evidence to suggest a snake of such a size exists nor ever has. Surely that has to be evidence enough for you?

What is the largest, longest snake skin you have personally witnessed and or held and touched????

A 15.4 foot (4.6M) King Cobra in Dudhwa NP in India while on a research trip in 1999 (the middle to rear end mind you)

You seem to have conveniently ignored the final question I put on my last post as to why such attacks aren't commonly reported as are attacks by other large predators?


Okay, so it was the BIGGEST one in years to be caught.

Maybe I missed something in the report, but did anyone think to measure it and weigh it?

6 metres and 80 kgs, can,t you tell that just by looking at it :)


Does anyone have the number for this foundation?

(Live in a forest area and now construction starting. Expecting a little "wildlife action" (hoping not of course).


To ThePlant and gemguy. It's about time you kissed and made up kids. Haven't you got anything more important to do?

Are you now the appointed referee??? LOL

I was going to post the photo of the snake skin, that I described, now owned by the associate who lives in the USA.

But I have decided not to because I do not want to be subjected to the all knowing attitude of our friend the ThePlant.

I have shown the photo to many people over the years when they do not believe what I tell them and the story behind the 30 foot snake skin.

If I was to tell you, you would also think it is a story that is or would be hard to believe while most people, as in 99 percent of them, will not believe you when you tell them the snake skin was measured at slightly over 30 feet long after being shot in Burma in 1987

When they see the photo they usually shut up pretty fast while there is always some people ( as in the know it all types ) that refute the authenticity of the photo and refuse to believe.

It is actually amusing in some respects while I have been through this many times before.

I am having my fun...... so let me be...yuk yuk..lol

Cheers.....and stay away from large snakes...or try to make friends with them...... if you want........but 30 foot snakes...I do not recommend.


Did you not read the earlier post about how snake skins are not an accurate measure of the living creature.

Did you not read the earlier post about how the snake was measured at slightly over 30 feet before the snake was skinned.

No one stretched the skin to make it longer while the dry length was slightly less than the live length.

Oh but I forgot ...you were not there, nor part of the rare occurrence so it does not exist...right.

You are mistaken about this particular oddity of a snake while yes they normally are not that big and or well fed...but this one was,

A freak of nature, that you of all people should appreciate...but you just want to argue your position.

Ok..you win....

Folks..for the record.... The Plant is the winner of this debate and for his expert all knowing snake knowledge and snake expert acumen......I am gong to reward him ...by not posting the photo of the snake skin taken by the USA owner with 10 people holding the skin so other people can have a sense of just how big this particular snake was...as in a possible record holder that happens to be privately owned and was not publicized and never will be ...but others have seen the photo and or seen the snake skin.


There has never been a snake verified over 7m I believe there is still a reward out of $50k USD for anyone who finds one.

Most of the posters on this forum are terrified of snakes and kill them at every opportunity saying it's to protect my kids Blah Blah.

Grow up snakes cannot swallow a full grown man. Children have been eaten but not adults.

Explain to the readers exactly why a very large snake of 30 feet long could not swallow a full grown man.....why exactly.

They can swallow a number of other animals , many having 4 legs and making it all the more difficult than the shape of a human being...

Why exactly do you adamantly state that a large snake could never swallow a full grown man.

What is it about a full grown man or human being that would stoop a 20 to 30 foot snake from swallowing a full grown man.

Shoulders. There have been many attempts by snakes to swallow a man but they have never succeeded because of the shoulders.

A small framed man may be possible to swallow but not the average Caucasian.

These were doing the rounds several years ago and seem to show some unfortunate guy in a snake. No notes re country or type of snake but obviously a python of some sort or an or Anaconda




There was one very famous hoax photo scenario involved two Malay woodsmen who, after a row over money and a dolly bird robbed and killed one of their colleagues when they were drunk while working out in the forest at night (Endau Rompin - if memory serves me right).

After they'd killed him they caught a large python, then doctored it to look as though they python had killed their pal. All was going well at the inquest until the prosecution called in a rake of leading herpetologists to debunk that the scenario was a real one and the brothers were found guilty and executed. If they'd have just left his body in the jungle and said he'd died of natural causes they might have walked away.


Deerhunter watch the vid in post #66 they are de-bunked.

If you actually watch all of the link in post #66, the last two cases they admit that snakes did, or try to eat people

P.S It's amazing how many times people post links that disprove their argument cheesy.gif


Deerhunter watch the vid in post #66 they are de-bunked.

If you actually watch all of the link in post #66, the last two cases they admit that snakes did, or try to eat people

P.S It's amazing how many times people post links that disprove their argument cheesy.gif

I believe we were talking about adults. I mentioned in my earlier posts that it would be possible for a snake to eat a child.

I remember in Malaysia about 20 years ago there was such a report. However man is not a snake's preferred meal.

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