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'Biggest python in a decade' caught in Phuket


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Thanks for proving your blatant belligerence while adamantly believing that it has never happened because...... you say so.

Just because you know about snakes does not stop large snakes from eating people while it does not change the fact that some peole have died by way of a large snake eating them.

That is really arrogant on your part to make like you are an expert and adamantly imply that snakes never eat humans...because you say so.

Because you are a said to be expert on snakes..... then that means it has never happened and just because of your knowledge on the subject it will never ever happen.

I gave you the internet link...but you refuse to ignore it.

You are in effect claiming those photos are not real, because you say so, while the accounts of the indigenous people are fabricated ..because you say so ...because you are the expert and that means they are lying about being attacked by the snakes and you are going to tell them and their friends or family members or children that did die by way of a large snake killing them .......did not happen, while it is just their imagination ..because you say so.

Why don't you go there and console them and tell them they are just dreaming while it never happens according to you while you are there to protect them with your knowledge about snakes reassuring them because of your expertise on snakes then it can not possibly happen because you are the expert on the subject.

Does not matter how much you know or how much of a self appointed expert you are on the subject....the fact still remains that there has been people killed by large pythons throughout history.

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Well please prove these attacks happened, that those photos are what they pertain to be. There have been dozens and dozens of debunked alleged 'snakes eating people' photos on the internet, they continue, because there are always people who will believe everything they see and fly in the face of scientific fact.

because you say so.

Not just I, but also the many thousands of expert herpetologists across the centuries agree hundreds of years of Herpetological years of research tend to profess thus.

while it does not change the fact that some peole have died by way of a large snake eating them.

I may be 'belligerent', however I go off scientific fact, not wild, unverified stories in the scandal sheets....

Even a large constrictor prefers to tackle smaller prey over a larger prey which may prove tiresome or dangerous. Snakes have extremely low energy levels which they don't like to expend unnecessarily a small meal of a rabbit or a chicken could satisfy a large constrictor for up to a week.

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There has never been a snake verified over 7m I believe there is still a reward out of $50k USD for anyone who finds one.

Most of the posters on this forum are terrified of snakes and kill them at every opportunity saying it's to protect my kids Blah Blah.

Grow up snakes cannot swallow a full grown man. Children have been eaten but not adults.

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Well please prove these attacks happened, that those photos are what they pertain to be. There have been dozens and dozens of debunked alleged 'snakes eating people' photos on the internet, they continue, because there are always people who will believe everything they see and fly in the face of scientific fact.

because you say so.

Not just I, but also the many thousands of expert herpetologists across the centuries agree hundreds of years of Herpetological years of research tend to profess thus.

while it does not change the fact that some peole have died by way of a large snake eating them.

I may be 'belligerent', however I go off scientific fact, not wild, unverified stories in the scandal sheets....

Even a large constrictor prefers to tackle smaller prey over a larger prey which may prove tiresome or dangerous. Snakes have extremely low energy levels which they don't like to expend unnecessarily a small meal of a rabbit or a chicken could satisfy a large constrictor for up to a week.

Well let me put it this way.

Because a snake that is 20 to 30 feet long and capable of eating a good number of other animals could also eat a human and certainly a small child do you actually believe it has never happened.

You are entitled to you expert opinion ...but it is just that..... while the experts have commonly been proven wrong time and time again throughout history.

If anything I can and do believe it has happened especially after actually seeing the snake skin that big, that I did measure myself and hearing the story behind it.

I will not even begin to tell you the story about that particular 30 foot snake skin and how it came to be because you would never believe it anyhow because your expert mentality would not allow you to ever begin to believe the events that happened leading up to that snake skin existing and myself measuring it..... for the record.

Meantime The shark experts will go on about how it is not natural or very rare that a shark will ever attack a human while the over whelming majority of the sharks in the world do not and probably will never even take interest in any human being in the water.

Same for the Snakes...but sometimes, in rare cases, it does happen and believe me you do not want to be at the receiving end of a large hungry snake that is going to eat you.

You can not reason with it and although you can argue it is just not normal and should not happen because thousands of other also say it does not happen then that does not mean it has never happened.

The Snake is far and removed from your expertise and opinions...especially if and when it is hungry, as it is a predator and no matter how much you know about snakes and admire the world of snakes they are killers and do not discriminate when starving

I seriously suggest you go to that area of the Philippines, for you next snake study adventure trip and learn for yourself that it does occasionally occur ..at least there and in that region of the world........while it should not occur ..it does occasionally occur.

I never said it is a common occurrence, like you may think I am implying...but I remain adamant that it has happened before and could easily enough happen again.

You stick to your opinions and believes and I will stick with what I know....not the theory of why it should not happen.......rather what I know has ( occasionally ) occurred.


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How about a 30 foot long Python from Burma......said to be a Reticulated Python

I measured the skin myself......when dry it was 29 feet , 9 and 5 /8 inches long.

After being killed the wet measurement was slight over 30 feet long.

Believe it or not, I measured that python skin.

There is no way you could escape from a snake that large if it was hungry and wanted to make a meal out of you.


Dried skins are not representitive of the snakes living length. After removed from the body the skin enlongates drastically.

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There has never been a snake verified over 7m I believe there is still a reward out of $50k USD for anyone who finds one.

Most of the posters on this forum are terrified of snakes and kill them at every opportunity saying it's to protect my kids Blah Blah.

Grow up snakes cannot swallow a full grown man. Children have been eaten but not adults.

Explain to the readers exactly why a very large snake of 30 feet long could not swallow a full grown man.....why exactly.

They can swallow a number of other animals , many having 4 legs and making it all the more difficult than the shape of a human being...

Why exactly do you adamantly state that a large snake could never swallow a full grown man.

What is it about a full grown man or human being that would stoop a 20 to 30 foot snake from swallowing a full grown man.

Edited by gemguy
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Okay, so it was the BIGGEST one in years to be caught.

Maybe I missed something in the report, but did anyone think to measure it and weigh it?

six meter and 80 kilograms ????????????w00t.gif

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How about a 30 foot long Python from Burma......said to be a Reticulated Python

I measured the skin myself......when dry it was 29 feet , 9 and 5 /8 inches long.

After being killed the wet measurement was slight over 30 feet long.

Believe it or not, I measured that python skin.

There is no way you could escape from a snake that large if it was hungry and wanted to make a meal out of you.


Dried skins are not representitive of the snakes living length. After removed from the body the skin enlongates drastically.

It was measured at over 30 feet in Burma.

In the office in Bangkok I personally measured the dry skin at 29 feet 9 and 5/8 inches long

It was not elongated...at least this snake was not.

Also, something else....the stomach area of the snake was notably larger ...as in the snake was well fed.

Just before the belly area the skin measured about 28 to 29 inches wide ..then expanded quickly to measure about 40 to 41 inches for about 34 inches of the length and then tapered back to around 27 inches and then less as it reached the tail.

It was a plump, well fed snake.

I don't care if you believe it or not...I measured the snake skin and believe me that snake , when alive, could eat you or any other human being no problem and effortlessly as compared to a wild animal with four legs.

You could not escape a snake that large IF it wanted to eat you.


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rather what I know has ( occasionally ) occurred.

I'm genuinely interested as to how you 'know' what thousands of people who have spent their lives over centuries studying the topic say has not/could not happen, even with reference to children.

The internet link I gave to you is not a fabricated story.

The indigenous people of North Luzon in the Philippines live in a region that is known to have large pythons.

You see the photos and you read what the people have to say in the article.

They are not looking for publicity while the article is not a scam.

It simply informs people about a region of the world that has large pythons while the indigenous people encounter the snakes all too often while there are incidents of the snakes eating people....not often...but sometimes.

As I said before...YOU should travel there and find out for yourself and then you and the thousands of experts can be proven wrong.....or you can stand face to face with some of the indigenous people of the region and call them liars and publicity seekers....and tell them it is not possible and could never happen....because you are there to tell them so.


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The biggest ever? I doubt it. About 12 years ago I spotted a dead python washed to Chaweng shore at least the same size.

Headline: Biggest python in a decade' caught in Phuket

First line: thought to be the largest found in Phuket for 10 years

Has no one read through this before replying?

They say Thailand's literacy rate is declining. Must be all the stupid Farangs who cannot read an article on TV before replying to it. I think this article nearly breaks the record for blindness & lack of comprehension of a simple reported story. 6 Metres, 80 kilos, 10 years. Sheesh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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There has never been a snake verified over 7m I believe there is still a reward out of $50k USD for anyone who finds one.

Most of the posters on this forum are terrified of snakes and kill them at every opportunity saying it's to protect my kids Blah Blah.

Grow up snakes cannot swallow a full grown man. Children have been eaten but not adults.

Explain to the readers exactly why a very large snake of 30 feet long could not swallow a full grown man.....why exactly.

They can swallow a number of other animals , many having 4 legs and making it all the more difficult than the shape of a human being...

Why exactly do you adamantly state that a large snake could never swallow a full grown man.

What is it about a full grown man or human being that would stoop a 20 to 30 foot snake from swallowing a full grown man.

Shoulders. There have been many attempts by snakes to swallow a man but they have never succeeded because of the shoulders.

A small framed man may be possible to swallow but not the average Caucasian.

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there are some big snaakes out there.

there are 2 big king cobras in kao mai kaeo near pattaya. possible captured and set out in nature.

I have seen them my self...

and this python in bohol philippines. kept and fed by a local family as a tourist attraction.

claimed to be nearly 8m long


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Okay, so it was the BIGGEST one in years to be caught.

Maybe I missed something in the report, but did anyone think to measure it and weigh it?

Putting it in a sack and weighing it would be possible, but I don't think it would keep still while a tape measure was used.

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The internet link I gave to you is not a fabricated story.

The indigenous people of North Luzon in the Philippines live in a region that is known to have large pythons.

You see the photos and you read what the people have to say in the article.

They are not looking for publicity while the article is not a scam.

It simply informs people about a region of the world that has large pythons while the indigenous people encounter the snakes all too often while there are incidents of the snakes eating people....not often...but sometimes.

As I said before...YOU should travel there and find out for yourself and then you and the thousands of experts can be proven wrong.....or you can stand face to face with some of the indigenous people of the region and call them liars and publicity seekers....and tell them it is not possible and could never happen....because you are there to tell them so.

I don't believe it as nothing has been verified. Selling newspapers or getting hits on their website is reason enough for churning out sensationalist nonsense. For these apple cheeked natives having some attention to their Godforsaken corner of Luzon is reason enough.

I'd say they are far more more at risk from the many highly venomous snakes (not to mention other creatures) or giant Saltwater Crocodiles to be found in Luzon but I don't suppose there is as much sensationalism to be dragged out of those creatures.

Do you believe in Ghosts too because I'm sure there are plenty of ''non-publicity seeking 'villagers' the world over who will tell you their lives are plagued by them as well as gigabytes of nonsense about such things all over the internet/media of the world - even photos! so they must be real then eh? Your logic is utterly flawed

Still waiting for you to show us a verified account of a snake eating a human as you remain so utterly - and wrongly - convinced you are right against thousands of experts here....

Edited by ThePlant
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There has never been a snake verified over 7m I believe there is still a reward out of $50k USD for anyone who finds one.

Most of the posters on this forum are terrified of snakes and kill them at every opportunity saying it's to protect my kids Blah Blah.

Grow up snakes cannot swallow a full grown man. Children have been eaten but not adults.

Explain to the readers exactly why a very large snake of 30 feet long could not swallow a full grown man.....why exactly.

They can swallow a number of other animals , many having 4 legs and making it all the more difficult than the shape of a human being...

Why exactly do you adamantly state that a large snake could never swallow a full grown man.

What is it about a full grown man or human being that would stoop a 20 to 30 foot snake from swallowing a full grown man.

Shoulders. There have been many attempts by snakes to swallow a man but they have never succeeded because of the shoulders.

A small framed man may be possible to swallow but not the average Caucasian.

But let not proven, established, accepted scientific fact stand in the way of wild fantasy stories....Nessie anyone?

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Whether a snake has ever eaten a full grown human I don't know, but if you do a google search there are instances mentioned. There was definately a case of an Indonesian security guard who was killed (broken neck) by a python in December last year.

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There was a guy who wore a a special suit with oxygen storage and cameras on him. He poured pigs blood on himself and tried to get the snake to eat him. He was swallowed half way then they decided it was too dangerous and they pulled him out. Check it out on youtube.

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There was a guy who wore a a special suit with oxygen storage and cameras on him. He poured pigs blood on himself and tried to get the snake to eat him. He was swallowed half way then they decided it was too dangerous and they pulled him out. Check it out on youtube.

There is a world of difference between a wild snake and a force feeding one in a disgusting publicity stunt on Discovery.

The stunt was stopped after strong political concern for the welfare of the snake, not the man.

Paul Rosolie is now widely shunned by the herp community which is a shame as he is a great filmmaker.

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