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Live and let live...

At what line do you stop this attitude? Harming your business, harming your family, harming your community, or does it need to be something stronger like murder?

Agreed. It's a matter of degree. Where do you draw the line? That is subjective, and will differ with different people.

Corruption is a matter of degree too. We willingly pay the cop, when "He" offers us the opportunity to ease the administrative burden of a traffic offense. It is a form of corruption offered to us. But that does not mean that we should not condemn and take measures against corruption to the degree that those practicing it for their own benefit have damaged Thailand. What a simplistic and erroneous analogy often made about corruption: that paying the cop directly for a traffic offense implies we are hypocrites for encouraging action against corruption and law breaking.


How does somebody stay in business advertising goods they don't have? Is it bait and switch or is he taking the money and not delivering? If he is a fraudster with victims, advertising on the net, send a link to Imm or the Tourist Police.......


ok thanks for the advice ,some useful , some not so useful , i will follow my head in this instance and take the necessary steps to put a stop to this illegal activity, fraud cannot be taken lightly .

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Ok you need to realise his actions are not motivated to directly harm you, he is probably in your position trying to provide a better life for him and his family. Whereas on the other hand your actions are directly aimed at harming him, you dont know what situation he is in, who he supports, etc. If you were an outsider looking at those facts, who would you think is a better human being? I can understand where you are coming from but I think it says a lot about your character if you are going out of your way to negatively affect someones life.

Edit: If I was in your position and it really was causing a significant loss of income, I would try to communicate with the man in question before the authorities. This can be man to man, anonymous letter, email, phone call. I think that would be the best way to go forward, that way he knows he is impacting your life by his actions when you have done the right thing and he has not, and he will not be dragged through the thai legal system.

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Just shoot him, when in Rome!!!!!

Right. Apparently, to many posters on this thread, illegal activities are quite acceptable and should be over looked. "Sad. Decidedly ugly, and rather depressing". Oh, it makes me so sad as well.sad.png Unbelievable.

OK, discreetly have him "taken care of" as Rooney860 suggested ("When in Rome..."). Just be careful how you do it.

But don't worry, you wouldn't be identified by most of the posters to this thread. After all, this is Thailand. In any event, it would be a sad and terrible shame if anybody did feel that your illegal activities should be reported.


Just shoot him, when in Rome!!!!!

Right. Apparently, to many posters on this thread, illegal activities are quite acceptable and should be over looked. OK, discreetly have him "taken care of" as Rooney860 suggested ("When in Rome..."). Just be careful how you do it. But in any event, it would be a terrible shame if anybody felt your illegal activities should be reported. Unbelievable.

OneZero, its a shame to see such an ignorant post like that. Do you blindly follow whatever the law is? So in the prohibition in the 1920s you would of called the cops on your neighbour enjoying a beer after a hard days work? Or even more extreme you would have been following the laws under nazi germany? Or maybe in Saudia Arabia you would follow the laws and stone women to death for driving a car? Illegal/Legal is a man made concept, open your mind dont be so ignorant, we are all human beings at the end of the day the world isnt black and white you need to answer to your own conscience before any law.


Just shoot him, when in Rome!!!!!

Right. Apparently, to many posters on this thread, illegal activities are quite acceptable and should be over looked. OK, discreetly have him "taken care of" as Rooney860 suggested ("When in Rome..."). Just be careful how you do it. But in any event, it would be a terrible shame if anybody felt your illegal activities should be reported. Unbelievable.

OneZero, its a shame to see such an ignorant post like that. Do you blindly follow whatever the law is? So in the prohibition in the 1920s you would of called the cops on your neighbour enjoying a beer after a hard days work? Or even more extreme you would have been following the laws under nazi germany? Or maybe in Saudia Arabia you would follow the laws and stone women to death for driving a car? Illegal/Legal is a man made concept, open your mind dont be so ignorant, we are all human being at the end of the day the world isnt black and white you need to answer to your own conscience before any law.

Wisemonkey: I think your analogy clearly shows who the ignorant one is.


Wisemonkey: I think your analogy clearly shows who the ignorant one is.

Best way to make a point to ignorant people is to use extreme examples to show where their logic is flawed. What a blast you must be to hang around, this guy would be the one calling the cops when your having a beer at a bar after midnight when the curfew was on.. hope I never run into you in this city.


Wisemonkey: I think your analogy clearly shows who the ignorant one is.

Best way to make a point to ignorant people is to use extreme examples to show where their logic is flawed. What a blast you must be to hang around, this guy would be the one calling the cops when your having a beer at a bar after midnight when the curfew was on.. hope I never run into you in this city.

Wisemonkey: Your extreme examples are exactly why I feel your analogy is flawed. We have to be able to differentiate between extreme examples and what is being discussed in this thread. Stating that I would call the cops when your having a beer after midnight is absolutely rediculous. A clearly flawed analogy.

This thread is now going nowhere, and perhaps should be closed. The original op stated that he knows what to do. No sense in further trading of insults, so I'll drop out in any event..


OneZero, fair enough, my point being that its more important to do right by your fellow man than by whatever the law is in your current time/place. No harm meant, truly just trying to make a point that the law is not the be all and end all and anyone that blindly follows the law is not someone you would want to be around hence why I used those extreme examples to make the point.


OneZero, fair enough, my point being that its more important to do right by your fellow man than by whatever the law is in your current time/place. No harm meant, truly just trying to make a point that the law is not the be all and end all and anyone that blindly follows the law is not someone you would want to be around hence why I used those extreme examples to make the point.

Agreed. We'll have to meet for a beer after midnight sometime biggrin.png . Take care my friend.

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How would readers feel if the shoe was on the other foot...literally?

If I was in my home country, say as a shoe salesman, running a legitimate business, and some Thai was illegally selling shoes from under his house down the road; I'd be pissed too.

Why should a farang be authorised to do the same thing in Thailand?

(This is theroretical of course. There is always the "Thai factor")


If he's arrogant, shows off, brags, uses people and has a superiority complex and likes to talk bad about Thai people report his stupid ass.

If he's cool, keeps quiet, understands Thai culture and bothers no one and is a good guy. Dont report him.

On the other hand the money he has saved from not properly registering his business as a foreigner gives him a distinct advantage in marketing dollars. Times are hard this guy cheated screw him.


Everything that would normally work for you to enact in your home country does not necessary work in another country.

It's not easy to predict how things will turn out - good or bad - and how unexpected connections work to produce results that defy "logic".

Because "fairness" does not come into account when money matters - even more when foreigners are involved - I'm afraid very little satisfaction will come out of it.

Maybe you could ask a lawyer, and notice if he appears reluctant - also, ask what a thai national would do in that specific case - then ask if you ( as a foreigner) may expect the same benefit - finally ask if you'd better give up this idea (report offender), maybe you'll find another way - not straight -to get compensation?


you say the business is being run from his girlfeinds adress,

have you thought it could be her business and he just might be giving advice,? wouldnt need a work permit for that,

he just might of seen your business what ever it is and thought my g/f can do that with a little help from me,

it could just be competition for you,


ok thanks for the advice ,some useful , some not so useful , i will follow my head in this instance and take the necessary steps to put a stop to this illegal activity, fraud cannot be taken lightly .

Sad and rather odious that some Chiangmai expats feel the need to report to the authorities someone else who is perhaps not quite legal, in one respect or another.

Decidedly ugly and rather depressing.

Let the indignation continue, and could the OP quantify the extent of the damage he has incurred and give more specific details rather than the deliberate vagueness to date ??

Who gives a rat's pooper? "Expats" will screw each other no questions asked. After all, its money and business. To think that there is this big kumbaya family of expats around to help each other is nonsense. Maybe for close families but, for business no stinking way.

I say go for it but be careful, you could end up losing trying to be right.


yes it is directly affecting my business and others , nothing to do with jealousy ... i have no fear of consequences , the person i mention is laughing at the law.... ... i am not the type to go running to authorities at the drop of a hat , however this has gone on far too long and needs to be halted.

Maybe read up on Keith Summers, just to gain some perspective?

He felt the same way you do, unjustified. See what happened to him.


You say it's not Karma, but of course it is Karma. You have your Pros for reporting him, and the Cons for him by being reported. Which is the worse scenario? Remember, if you do get him deported, he very well might remember you for decades and sometimes people simply crack. Just sit him down and try to talk to him in a way that explains why your business is hurt by him. OK, let's say that doesn't work. Regardless, just think of all the people who will not use your business when they realize you got him deported. If you really don't care, why not just list your full name, citizenship, and business name. Exactly, because if in America maybe someone knows someone who knows someone and then things might, just might get more difficult. Then, a year late, you post a thread "hating life after I kicked out a foreigner, please help." Nobody would care. Yes, it's Karma.

Karma is just a made up concept, it means nothing in reality. Letting the criminal harm the OP's and other businesses is something which requires justice. I would personally stand up and support someone who helped rid us of a criminal. Your suggestion that the OP could get ostracized and therefore don't react is quite frankly spineless.

It all depends on a persons idea of what a criminal is, is a self employed person who does not declare 'all' his earnings a criminal? He may believe he is paying his share of tax, and he declares what he thinks is fair.

Are the UK MPs who are fiddling there expenses, draw their full MPs salary, then have second or even third jobs as solicitors, company directors etc, criminals? Is the UK government stealing from state OAPs by not giving them their annual pension increases criminals?


Would be all the more interesting if the OP had the stones to actually say what and where his business is.. If nothing else so I could know to avoid it.

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Would be all the more interesting if the OP had the stones to actually say what and where his business is.. If nothing else so I could know to avoid it.

Thank you.

Nice one and of course he hasn't and he won't.

He is perfectly legal, after all.

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Start with getting a private investigator to check things out. Like what connections this person might have. And off course whom else might be hurt or offended. Then, if possible, gang up but let your Thai legal people front any action. Stay as far back from things as you possibly can.

Also... if this someone is messing up left and right, the problem might solve itself sooner or later - wrong toes stepped on etc...

Good luck with it.


Start with getting a private investigator to check things out. Like what connections this person might have. And off course whom else might be hurt or offended. Then, if possible, gang up but let your Thai legal people front any action. Stay as far back from things as you possibly can.

Also... if this someone is messing up left and right, the problem might solve itself sooner or later - wrong toes stepped on etc...

Good luck with it.

Wow, that's brave.

This thread is really starting to bring out the best of Thaivisa.

And still nothing explicit, just general vagueness from the OP.


i have many options available , having considered them all i guess it gets back to protecting the best interest of my family ..... i can end the problem swiftly ,however the fallout for this individual will be life changing ....

What do you mean by this exactly?

Are you actually legally running a company yourself? If not than you have no clout of cause for complaint if you do not practice what you preach.

yes of course i am, that is my beef , the other individual is not and its damaging legit companies .

as for the part you dont understand , i can do it legally involving lawyers and govt officials or i can do it the Thai way ...however i also have a heart and feel for the huge problem this will cause for the offender ....

If you go the Thai way you best be very careful as he may reciprocate and that can get people killed, life is cheap over here so I've heard personally I would do nothing and just up my game at work, but If you feel you should do something I would go the legal route :)

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