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Bangkok Bank Or Big C makes mistake in debiting twice my purchases

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It is always good practice to check your purchases against your bank book or your online banking and I did just under a month ago and was surprised to find a double debit from Big C after buying the weekly food order.

OK you might think a trip to Bg C and they will obviously make a refund!

Not on your nelly they wouldn't, must be a bank problem they said !

After arguing with them and they contacting our bank.

Despite promises of a refund after three visits to Big C plus one visit to our own bank, so that is to time that our bank have been contacted on this matter, we still have not got any refund for the purchase which was made on the 24th of November.

So now with a little growing paranoia, I am starting to think is this a common "Mistake" because how many of us including me check our bank accounts with an eagle eye, it was by pure accident that I was looking at my account, which I dont do too often apart from a cursory look at the bottom line and found this double debit, same time, same amount and found this "Mistake"

I just wonder how many "Mistakes" they have made in the years I have been shopping at Big C and banking with the Bank that I have not noticed before!

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These things take time and bkk bank is one of the best in Thailand.

...because how many of us including me check our bank accounts with an eagle eye ...

I would think most people check their bank, credit card and other financial accounts regularly, but then maybe I'm overly optimistic. I guess it's a good reminder to those who don't, but with something like Quicken or even Excel worksheets, it's fairly easy to track your accounts and to get some feedback on where your money is going.

I don't think is a common mistake and it's understandable that the bank would want to investigate to see what may have gone wrong. The one time in over 15 years with Bangkok Bank I thought I had encountered an error, it turned out to be my mistake, not theirs.

Edited by Suradit69
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This happened to me a couple of months back in a restaurant in Ao Nang (Kasikorn debit card). I have the SMS service enabled so I found out about the double debit immediately. The ill-trained cashier did (or tried to do) a cancelled transaction and gave me a receipt (similar to the one you get when you pay using a debit/credit card). I even called the customer care and they confirmed that one of the transactions was cancelled. However, a week later I noticed that there was no credit for the amount, so I went to a branch. They made me fill up a form and took copies of the "cancelled transaction" receipt and my bank book (in which I highlighted the two transactions with the same amount). I got the money back within three weeks.

I would imagine that you can do the same even without the cancelled transaction receipt as the bank book would (or should) show two identical debits within seconds of each other.

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To save you all the hassle for the next time. I believe that every bank and for sure the Bangkok bank offers sms options. Everytime something changes in my bank account I get an sms.

This way you get notified on the spot and can take imediate action in case something is wrong .

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Mt Gox hopes to come out of bankruptcy (and maybe even find all the Bitcoins it lost) and be a lead in the Bitcoin payment system.

My Gox was never involved in the Bitcoin payment system. It was more or less a bank that held peoples bitcoins for them or let them be exchanged for fiat. Mt. Gox was very much not involved in the payment systems.

Anyone who is dumb enough to give all their wealth to an unregulated bank in some far away country is just asking for trouble.

Like it or not credit cards are 60 year old tech and cryptocoins are the future. Some will be slower to adapt than others as is always the case. Debit card providers love that they get 3 to 4% on every use. If a company got to get an extra 3 to 4 percent of every transaction they would kill the people who don't adapt. Price might be down but Microsoft, Dell, Expedia, and so many others now accept Bitcoin as a payment system.

Trolls like to say bitcoin is dead cuz some French guy stole some bitcoin but operations like Microsoft think otherwise.

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Had exactly the same thing happen to me with exactly the same bs story - it must be the bank's mistake, not our cashier's mistake. It took me hours to get a refund for what should have been something very simple.

I quickly realized this is why you should never use a debit card in Thailand. They're not like debit cards back home where you have to put your PIN number in and approve every transaction. Here they can just keep swiping away and everything goes through.

I've had much better success using credit cards here. Been overcharged twice and each time the company wouldn't give me my money back. Just had to fill out a form and send it to the bank and no problems getting a refund on my visa card.

It's been said before on here that Thai credit cards don't offer the same protections as credit cards back home, but it's still a lot better that Thai debit cards and I've personally never had a problem getting refunds.

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must be a week ago I went to the Bank and was promised a credit in two days.

You have guessed it I am still waiting but now a bit worried about the continued use of my BKK debit card, If using a card give rise for paranoia its time to stop isn't it.

There was a suggestion of getting SMS messages when you did a transaction but whats the point if when there is a problem they ( the Bank) dont do anything about it?

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I had a similiar incident @ major movie theatre 2 years ago with debit charge that was reversed. BkB saw the reversal but still didnt credit the acct. I had to email a signed copy of complaint forn, signed copy of passport, and copy of voided transaction. Took like 2-3 weeks to get refund. I RARELY use a cc card for thai purchase after that. Atm is usually a stone's throw away, withdraw and pay.

Never throw away receipts of dc/cc transactions, especially refunds until it is completely cleared.

Edited by 4evermaat
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It was a bit of a revelation coming to Thailand from the U.S. where everything is done with a Debit / Credit card... even nominal purchases of less than one dollar. The dependency in America of using Debit/Credit cards has come to the point of being ridiculous.

So - I get here - even when having some heads up from TVF and from friends about the use of cash for everything it still took some getting used to. I like paying for a hotel room with a card - because of the automatic receipt... but barely possible in Thailand except in the bigger urban areas. But now -- cash is king and I like it just fine.

And - all in all -- I have to admit, I just do not trust handing my card over - especially if it should go out of my sight. I was pleased recently when using a Debit Card at Tesco Lotus -- because - surprise - no cash in my wallet... i had to pull out my card and pleased because I was asked to produce my Tesco Card. It was soon apparent that it was a type of verification that the Debit Card was mine ... Not totally fool proof - but I was pleased that they had some kind of system.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Looked at my online account this morning and lo and behold there was a credit for the amount in question.

It has still taken too much time and hassle to get this sorted out with visits to the bank and visits to Big C.

Wont be using the debit card too much except in emergency that is!

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