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dog stopping golf driver minus head


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My friend went to the driving range, not being the best golfer in the world He hit the ball and the floor with his driver quite hard, result head off the driver and the perfect lightweight stick for placing on the bike secured with plastic ties!

Easy to use and easy to place back in the plastic tie holster

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Does it ever occur to you two crackpots and your liker that a sharp rap on the snoz from a deterrent source like the golf shaft may well deter these silly dogs from attacking not only cyclists but walkers and anyone else that they decide to have a go at?

This surely can only be a good thing, the dogs learn a lesson!

Do you think that my action s to be cruel or somehow villainous?

If you do then you are bigger fools than I give you credit for

You obviously are keyboard warriors and sit at your keyboards making ill thought out moral and instant misjudgements.

just look at your post counts and this in itself tells me more about you than anything bad you can say about what should happen to me when at the end of the day I am DEFENDING MYSELF

It seem the more you post the more you develop a "holier than thou attitude!"

Please post less and think about what you are going to say before making silly and innocuous statements about something you apparently know little about!

Give us a rest from sanctimonious posts and remember that you too, if you ever get off your fat <deleted>, leave your TV addiction at home to ride a bike or go for a walk that you could be the next victim of the chasing biting dogs!

Your snide and malicious posts have little effect on anyone who has a brain and who has daily knowledge of just how dangerous these Soi dogs are and can be and for your information I am a doggy lover and have two dogs of my own, they dont chase cars, bikes or cyclists but you just try to get into our property and you will soon find out whether they can bite or not!

Oh and merry Christmas and a happy new year

I have exactly the same but don't ride a bike but good idea OP. It is good for whacking dogs, kids and even a wild pig once My old man also used it as a walking stick. I think my wife used it to whack a carpet.

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Does it ever occur to you two crackpots and your liker that a sharp rap on the snoz from a deterrent source like the golf shaft may well deter these silly dogs from attacking not only cyclists but walkers and anyone else that they decide to have a go at?

This surely can only be a good thing, the dogs learn a lesson!

Do you think that my action s to be cruel or somehow villainous?

If you do then you are bigger fools than I give you credit for

You obviously are keyboard warriors and sit at your keyboards making ill thought out moral and instant misjudgements.

just look at your post counts and this in itself tells me more about you than anything bad you can say about what should happen to me when at the end of the day I am DEFENDING MYSELF

It seem the more you post the more you develop a "holier than thou attitude!"

Please post less and think about what you are going to say before making silly and innocuous statements about something you apparently know little about!

Give us a rest from sanctimonious posts and remember that you too, if you ever get off your fat <deleted>, leave your TV addiction at home to ride a bike or go for a walk that you could be the next victim of the chasing biting dogs!

Your snide and malicious posts have little effect on anyone who has a brain and who has daily knowledge of just how dangerous these Soi dogs are and can be and for your information I am a doggy lover and have two dogs of my own, they dont chase cars, bikes or cyclists but you just try to get into our property and you will soon find out whether they can bite or not!

Oh and merry Christmas and a happy new year

I have exactly the same but don't ride a bike but good idea OP. It is good for whacking dogs, kids and even a wild pig once My old man also used it as a walking stick. I think my wife used it to whack a carpet.

Thanks for the post Neeranam, it seems that the dilettantes are running the asylum once again .

And to add further to my violently extreme post I would like the "likers" of those two dissenters to my thread to make some logical and sensible comment on how its its possible to stop the attack of a murderous pack of hounds trying to take a piece out of you when you are peaceably just going about your lawful pursuits such as walking, cycling or motor biking?

Giving a like is easy, giving a well thought out solution means using your brain and not your mouse!

I can live in hope though.

Like I said previously these people have never experienced the furore of a pack of soi dogs, maybe they can say sweet things to them to stop the attack eh or explain to the dogs how it is wrong to attack poor defenceless people, they would be torn to bits in their attempts but you know the old expressions always carry weight with me Neeranam, " Once bitten twice shy"

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Does it ever occur to you two crackpots and your liker that a sharp rap on the snoz from a deterrent source like the golf shaft may well deter these silly dogs from attacking not only cyclists but walkers and anyone else that they decide to have a go at?

This surely can only be a good thing, the dogs learn a lesson!

Do you think that my action s to be cruel or somehow villainous?

If you do then you are bigger fools than I give you credit for

You obviously are keyboard warriors and sit at your keyboards making ill thought out moral and instant misjudgements.

just look at your post counts and this in itself tells me more about you than anything bad you can say about what should happen to me when at the end of the day I am DEFENDING MYSELF

It seem the more you post the more you develop a "holier than thou attitude!"

Please post less and think about what you are going to say before making silly and innocuous statements about something you apparently know little about!

Give us a rest from sanctimonious posts and remember that you too, if you ever get off your fat <deleted>, leave your TV addiction at home to ride a bike or go for a walk that you could be the next victim of the chasing biting dogs!

Your snide and malicious posts have little effect on anyone who has a brain and who has daily knowledge of just how dangerous these Soi dogs are and can be and for your information I am a doggy lover and have two dogs of my own, they dont chase cars, bikes or cyclists but you just try to get into our property and you will soon find out whether they can bite or not!

Oh and merry Christmas and a happy new year

I have exactly the same but don't ride a bike but good idea OP. It is good for whacking dogs, kids and even a wild pig once My old man also used it as a walking stick. I think my wife used it to whack a carpet.

Thanks for the post Neeranam, it seems that the dilettantes are running the asylum once again .

And to add further to my violently extreme post I would like the "likers" of those two dissenters to my thread to make some logical and sensible comment on how its its possible to stop the attack of a murderous pack of hounds trying to take a piece out of you when you are peaceably just going about your lawful pursuits such as walking, cycling or motor biking?

Giving a like is easy, giving a well thought out solution means using your brain and not your mouse!

I can live in hope though.

Like I said previously these people have never experienced the furore of a pack of soi dogs, maybe they can say sweet things to them to stop the attack eh or explain to the dogs how it is wrong to attack poor defenceless people, they would be torn to bits in their attempts but you know the old expressions always carry weight with me Neeranam, " Once bitten twice shy"

Thank you for making me like ND and Pigeonjake.

Its funny to see how some posters gear up for WW3 and keep getting new ways to hurt and kill dogs and are proud about it to post it online. This is Thailand there are loads of dogs out there accept it its not going away. You don't see Thais with weapons going after the dogs but you do see foreigners doing this. They feel its their right.. crazy.

I been up and around Thailand for quite a while seen many dogs had 1 scary situation with them. That was mainly because I was like the OP waving a object at them and acting scared. They loved that only got them more mad.

But read about foreigners poisoning dogs quite often, recently one of the sweetest dogs around here died of poisoning though I doubt it was a foreigner doing this (not many of us here 2 or so) most of the Thais here were appealed by the poisoning of that dog. Thailand is not the west dogs roam free here and for the most part they don't harm people (else you would be reading about it on a day to day base in the newspapers)

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If not a stick then a chain of some sort can work. e.g. an old motorcycle chain. The advantage of a chain is that it can be folded up. The disadvantage is that if used carelessly you can hit yourself. The middle ground would be nungchakkas.

Anyone who rides a bicycle, jogs or goes for walks will require this sooner or later.

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If not a stick then a chain of some sort can work. e.g. an old motorcycle chain. The advantage of a chain is that it can be folded up. The disadvantage is that if used carelessly you can hit yourself. The middle ground would be nungchakkas.

Anyone who rides a bicycle, jogs or goes for walks will require this sooner or later.

Jogging and such is of course a stupid thing to do near a pack of dogs. There is no better way to stimulate the hunting instinct of dogs as to run from them. Maybe that is why most Thais run in parks and not in neighborhoods with dogs. They probably have found out the same thing you have but instead of going WW3 on them they just avoid them and go to more dog free places like parks (as far as i know dogs are not allowed there)

If you know your actions are driving dogs crazy.. is it not better to adapt and forget about it. Going WW3 on a few dogs does not really sound right to me plus it will make you look like a tosser. Is it worth it everyday to wage war on the dogs ?

I wonder how many have had success in really discouraging all the dogs on their route to stop attacking ?

I know that my dog remembers people who treated him badly last time and goes crazy next time. I can imagine other dogs doing a similar thing.

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I'm scared of dogs around my neighbourhood and might get the following if I decide to jog along my canal. Alternatively I could always swim.


I read those tings don't work.. but be free to buy them. Did you see the pictures of the dogs they use it on. That is probably the same kind most foreigners fear cheesy.gif (seriously if you want to sell this find some more intimidating dogs)


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I'm scared of dogs around my neighbourhood and might get the following if I decide to jog along my canal. Alternatively I could always swim.


I read those tings don't work.. but be free to buy them. Did you see the pictures of the dogs they use it on. That is probably the same kind most foreigners fear cheesy.gif (seriously if you want to sell this find some more intimidating dogs)


My mate got one and it does work.

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I'm scared of dogs around my neighbourhood and might get the following if I decide to jog along my canal. Alternatively I could always swim.


I read those tings don't work.. but be free to buy them. Did you see the pictures of the dogs they use it on. That is probably the same kind most foreigners fear cheesy.gif (seriously if you want to sell this find some more intimidating dogs)


My mate got one and it does work.

Ok i read different (here on Thaivisa never tried myself).. but if it works get it i mean seems harmless enough. Better as swinging something at them. I can understand you guys a bit.. would be anoying to get disturbed doing sports though if carrying weapons (this thing seems ok) with you for doing sports seems over the top.

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Its funny to see how some posters gear up for WW3 and keep getting new ways to hurt and kill dogs

Drama queen alert!

Carrying a headless golf club is hardly 'gear(ing) up for WW3, is it.

You don't see Thais with weapons going after the dogs

Actually I do.

Whether it's the residents of my mooban hurling sticks, stones or whatever at any animal that trespasses on their property or the local 'security' guys beating any stray that dares enter the village.

Maybe enough of the 'nasty barbaric foreigners behaving badly while our honorable, angelic Thai hosts show us the way' type posts for now, eh?

But read about foreigners poisoning dogs quite often, recently one of the sweetest dogs around here died of poisoning though I doubt it was a foreigner doing this (not many of us here 2 or so) most of the Thais here were appealed by the poisoning of that dog. Thailand is not the west dogs roam free here and for the most part they don't harm people (else you would be reading about it on a day to day base in the newspapers)

Really! More ridiculousness!

I follow most of the Thai expat forums, blogs, sites etc. and can't remember reading about any foreigners poisoning dogs.

I have read about them WANTING to poison dogs. Big difference!

Then you state it was probably a Thai who killed the dog in your story. Right!

And do you really believe that stories of dogs bitting people would make the newspapers?


Edited by H1w4yR1da
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Ultrasonic dog repellers DO work, and are available at very reasonable prices from Lazada... Cash on delivery, no payment hassles! They are humane and even very large dogs take off like someone stuck a needle in their butt! I've never had to use anything to help make my way through dog packs in eight years but my wife is much smaller and more nervous and the ultrasonic zapper gives her a greater confidence when she comes upon a pack... So much so she rarely even takes it out now!

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Its funny to see how some posters gear up for WW3 and keep getting new ways to hurt and kill dogs

Drama queen alert!

Carrying a headless golf club is hardly 'gear(ing) up for WW3, is it.

You don't see Thais with weapons going after the dogs

Actually I do.

Whether it's the residents of my mooban hurling sticks, stones or whatever at any animal that trespasses on their property or the local 'security' guys beating any stray that dares enter the village.

Maybe enough of the 'nasty barbaric foreigners behaving badly while our honorable, angelic Thai hosts show us the way' type posts for now, eh?

But read about foreigners poisoning dogs quite often, recently one of the sweetest dogs around here died of poisoning though I doubt it was a foreigner doing this (not many of us here 2 or so) most of the Thais here were appealed by the poisoning of that dog. Thailand is not the west dogs roam free here and for the most part they don't harm people (else you would be reading about it on a day to day base in the newspapers)

Really! More ridiculousness!

I follow most of the Thai expat forums, blogs, sites etc. and can't remember reading about any foreigners poisoning dogs.

I have read about them WANTING to poison dogs. Big difference!

Then you state it was probably a Thai who killed the dog in your story. Right!

And do you really believe that stories of dogs bitting people would make the newspapers?





That cost me about a minute to find.. If i look more i can find more. I did know a guy like you had trouble reading. I just confirmed it.

You should read what people do to go after dogs sounds like full war. As I said the Thais I have seen don't carry around tools to hurt dogs. Grabbing some rocks does not count they use what is available. They don't go out and plan to do stuff like some of the crazy foreigners here.

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Its funny to see how some posters gear up for WW3 and keep getting new ways to hurt and kill dogs
Drama queen alert!

Carrying a headless golf club is hardly 'gear(ing) up for WW3, is it.

You don't see Thais with weapons going after the dogs
Actually I do.

Whether it's the residents of my mooban hurling sticks, stones or whatever at any animal that trespasses on their property or the local 'security' guys beating any stray that dares enter the village.

Maybe enough of the 'nasty barbaric foreigners behaving badly while our honorable, angelic Thai hosts show us the way' type posts for now, eh?

But read about foreigners poisoning dogs quite often, recently one of the sweetest dogs around here died of poisoning though I doubt it was a foreigner doing this (not many of us here 2 or so) most of the Thais here were appealed by the poisoning of that dog. Thailand is not the west dogs roam free here and for the most part they don't harm people (else you would be reading about it on a day to day base in the newspapers)
Really! More ridiculousness!

I follow most of the Thai expat forums, blogs, sites etc. and can't remember reading about any foreigners poisoning dogs.

I have read about them WANTING to poison dogs. Big difference!

Then you state it was probably a Thai who killed the dog in your story. Right!

And do you really believe that stories of dogs bitting people would make the newspapers?





That cost me about a minute to find.. If i look more i can find more. I did know a guy like you had trouble reading. I just confirmed it.

You should read what people do to go after dogs sounds like full war. As I said the Thais I have seen don't carry around tools to hurt dogs. Grabbing some rocks does not count they use what is available. They don't go out and plan to do stuff like some of the crazy foreigners here.

A guy like me? Funny. We've never met. Maybe best to avoid personal attacks as it makes one look rather silly. ;)

I perused your links. In the 1st and 3rd, it appeared the poisoning was done by unknown entities, but most probably by Thais. The 1st also supported the facts that Thais willfully hurt dogs, totally discrediting what you wrote earlier.

The lengthy second post, which admittedly I couldn't be arsed to read much of, also appeared to support my argument.

They don't go out and plan to do stuff like some of the crazy foreigners here.
Yes. They do! Edited by H1w4yR1da
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@highwayrida (cool name for a kid)

I never said Thais don't hurt dog's I said Thais don't go out of their ways buying all kind of equipment to start war on dogs like some foreigners over here. Most people I read about (can find 100 other topics if i really wanted) are foreigners that go out and kit themselves out to fight dogs. For me that is a bit silly.

I have yet to see Thais going out riding with catapults / bbguns clubs just to get a go at dogs, they will however grab a rock or a stick with its available.

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There is a dog in my soi that on occasion has a go at me when I am walking to the Family Mart. There are no pavements in my soi. Now every time I walk to the end of my soi I carry a brick as the dog is a large male.

I spoke to the owner who has a gas canister business. I speak Thai well. She only responded by smiling over and over and saying, "Sorry," in English. I said she should put a muzzle on the dog. Again, lots of smiling and, "Sorry," in English but no action whatsoever.

I will not stop walking to the end of my soi. (BTW it even chases motorbikes and cars sometimes) I will defend myself if necessary, with a stick or a brick or a golf club shaft or a chain.

Your post seems to suggest I go out seeking trouble with dogs. Nothing could be further from the truth.

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@highwayrida (cool name for a kid)

I never said Thais don't hurt dog's I said Thais don't go out of their ways buying all kind of equipment to start war on dogs like some foreigners over here. Most people I read about (can find 100 other topics if i really wanted) are foreigners that go out and kit themselves out to fight dogs. For me that is a bit silly.

I have yet to see Thais going out riding with catapults / bbguns clubs just to get a go at dogs, they will however grab a rock or a stick with its available.


Let it go, some of these losers take joy in causing animals pain. It makes them feel like big men.

Just take a look at the OP and his unnecessary attack on me after I simply posted one word.

The guy has anger issues. Leave it at that.

Hopefully 2015 brings him a lot of misery and pain....similar to what a dog would feel if hit on the nose by a gold club.

What a champion in the game of life......hopefully he acts in this cruel fashion in front of the wrong person and he is brought to his knees in agony just before something hard penetrates his forehead. Hopefully he thinks of me as it happens.

Good riddance.

There's no excuse for cruelty to animals.

Have a good Xmas Rob.

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There is a dog in my soi that on occasion has a go at me when I am walking to the Family Mart. There are no pavements in my soi. Now every time I walk to the end of my soi I carry a brick as the dog is a large male.

I spoke to the owner who has a gas canister business. I speak Thai well. She only responded by smiling over and over and saying, "Sorry," in English. I said she should put a muzzle on the dog. Again, lots of smiling and, "Sorry," in English but no action whatsoever.

I will not stop walking to the end of my soi. (BTW it even chases motorbikes and cars sometimes) I will defend myself if necessary, with a stick or a brick or a golf club shaft or a chain.

Your post seems to suggest I go out seeking trouble with dogs. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Every situation is unique, but many times people go out looking for trouble all kitted up. I am pretty sure there are dogs that are a pest and cause trouble. In the village where I live there was a dog that always barked at me, i just ignored it.

I just think that defending is almost never needed (rare occasions excluded). What happens if you just ignore the animal and walk on ?. I have rarely seen dogs follow someone more then 100 meters or so (and that is far already).

I do know that dogs get angry with you if you confront them all the time they will remember it and possibly act even more aggressive next time (or if your lucky not confront you again).

The dog you are talking about what does he really do besides barking at you and following you ? If a dog wants to bite then yes defend yourself.. but just a bit of barking / following should not be a problem especially if your just walking.

Tell me a bit more please how does a typical standoff go

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@highwayrida (cool name for a kid)

I never said Thais don't hurt dog's I said Thais don't go out of their ways buying all kind of equipment to start war on dogs like some foreigners over here. Most people I read about (can find 100 other topics if i really wanted) are foreigners that go out and kit themselves out to fight dogs. For me that is a bit silly.

I have yet to see Thais going out riding with catapults / bbguns clubs just to get a go at dogs, they will however grab a rock or a stick with its available.

I have been around dogs all my life and have owned many, I get on well with them and most always come to me and hang around, they sense those that like them. The first thing I do when I get a dog is train them so they are not savage and do as they are told, something missing here. People here(including farangs) get dogs then just let them do as they please, the dogs never learn to avoid roads or not attack people, they destroy other peoples properties/things and their owners always send them onto the soi to crap so they do not have to worry about it being in their yards. I have threatened to poison dogs that destroyed my trees due to owners just letting them run wild and would have done so if they were not locked up. I also have no hesitation of hitting a dog if it attacks me or my family, again this is the owners fault not mine. If you get dogs it is animal cruelty not to train them, being a lazy bastard is no excuse, you get a dog you train it or when they are killed for what ever reasons the owners are the ones responsible. As for thais not hurting them, who do you think suggested I poison the dogs, they even suggested which poison to use. Dog ownership involves responsibilities, something a lot of people refuse to do or accept, blame them, not those simply trying to defend themselves or are you one of those that simply let their dog do whatever it wants.

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