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I agree, it's what we were taught to do,

Hard to resist your early childhood training conditioning

Only if one is afraid.

But I'm thinking less and less of the newer generations will touch marriage with a barge pole.

It's a lose/lose situation for men in most western countries.

No it isn't. Pre-nups are common place and highly-effective.

In the UK where you come from, cancelled by childbirth.

In the USA, easily broken by a competent divorced lawyer.

Not to mention, only covered existing assets, if you were a normal person, most assets were earned during the marriage.

Ask Robin Williams, he could afford the best, but more than halved hes assets with each divorce.

From $100M to $10M in two divorces.


Well there was plenty of precedent before you tied the knot, wasn't there?

It's not as if divorce was a new phenomenon when you got hitched, was it?

You didn't have to get married - you were just afraid of what would happen if you didn't

You could have hired one of those "competent divorce lawyers" to cover your ass but I suspect you called Saul laugh.png


It's not as if divorce was a new phenomenon when you got hitched, was it?

Yeah, it was.

Most people married for life.

You must have got married a hell of a long time ago.


It's not as if divorce was a new phenomenon when you got hitched, was it?

Yeah, it was.

Most people married for life.

You must have got married a hell of a long time ago.

About 40 years ago .........

I didn't know anyone in the 70s that was divorced.


It's not as if divorce was a new phenomenon when you got hitched, was it?

Yeah, it was.

Most people married for life.

Most people still get married expecting it to be for life.

Plenty of divorces going through in the 70s, bud.

I still get stick from guys who got married and divorced and now try to make out that the wife/kids/house thing is some kind of rite of passage that only a "REAL" man can endure.

How ridiculous


I still get stick from guys who got married and divorced and now try to make out that the wife/kids/house thing is some kind of rite of passage that only a "REAL" man can endure.

How ridiculous

Well, in a strange way, my wife divorcing me was a lucky escape.

A escape from, work, work, work and dullness.

I certainly wouldn't have been living here and having sex with women 20-30 years my junior otherwise.

So far, the years here have been the best years of my life.

Maybe I should send her a new years gift as a thankyou?

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There are just some men that just have to be married. I personally don't understand it but I see it all the time.

My guess it is often just socialization/brainwashing. When I grew up, it was just expected that one would get married and some people still accept that as "normal".

I certainly think that's part of it and someone else mentioned conditioning.

A psychologist friend of mine says that how people react later in life with regards to marriage can be as a result of their experiences as a child. The child in a bad marriage who sees the parents fighting and arguing, or witnesses infidelity will certainly have a different outlook and attitude towards marriage later on in life, than one who was brought up in a loving/close-knit family.

Then of course there is the absolutely hopeless man who when left on his own would starve to death if it weren't for takeaways, because they are incapable of even opening a can or doing the simplest of things.........yes I actually knew a few of these who were absolutely hopeless on their own and even after their divorces, they had to find another woman ASAP.

And still there are other guys who cannot be on their own for whatever reason, so have to find a wife to fill the void.

Certainly in the 70s when I married, divorce was not common at all and marriage was expected after one had been dating the girlfriend for a while, and it was also expected before one got too old.

You might find it hilarious, however I will share it with you. I was 30 years old and was about to get married, and I had been a bit of a lad with loads of girlfriends and was also a bit of a party animal, and I really didn't feel comfortable with getting married (social pressure and all that) and as the fateful day drew nearer, I was losing sleep, worried sick and unable to function properly.

I had an idea – – I would call the local vicar to discuss my thoughts and fears with him to see if it was normal, so I made an appointment to see him and when I got to the church, he wasn't there, but there was a very old and doddery vicar who must have been in his 70s who ushered me in to his room.

When I explained all of my fears and misgivings and asked, "is this normal or is it something I should heed", he sat there in silence and hung his head for a while. He then asked a series of questions, "how long have you known the girl/how long has the wedding been arranged/have all invitations been sent out/has everything been finalised with the wedding?".

Of course my answer to these was "yes". And his reply was, "well you don't want to disappoint everybody now do you".

I got married and endured the worst three years of my life and would never do it again. Needless to say what very little "faith" I had in the church disappeared at that time!!!


Marriage is just a formal name for a relationship. And you're gonna pay either way. You think you can get a relationship that's not based on money? I doubt it. No money means no honey.

Personally i'm on the other side of that spectrum and loving it :)


The way some men relate to women, you'd think they were possessions rather than actual human beings.

So many guys here regard paying their "wife" an allowance as normal behaviour in Thailand, it's laughable.

I doubt they'd ever admit to doing so to friends and family back home.

I am too old, ugly and boring to get a young one I fancy for free,

So I pay her ........ what's the problem?

You think some attractive young woman will want you "for yourself" when you are 60?

Maybe he'd prefer an age appropriate partner?

I agree, there are still some good looking guys around age 60 (I'm one of them).

But most of us want women, and they ain't so hot at that age.

Personally, I'd rather be single, than with a woman over 50.

You are not Another One American, but Another One Male Chauvinist.

I am a young woman and I would never never be with a much older man, I'd rather be single than sleep with a grandad.

Women of 50 are not that hot, but they have other qualities to offer. But if a woman's womb is the only goal in your life, than it;s good for you.


I am a young woman and I would never never be with a much older man, I'd rather be single than sleep with a grandad.

Then it is better that you are not trying to make a living off of them. However, there are lots and lots of young women in Asia that feel otherwise.

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I am a young woman and I would never never be with a much older man, I'd rather be single than sleep with a grandad.

Then it is better that you are not trying to make a living off of them. However, there are lots and lots of young women in Asia that feel otherwise.

Young and generally much slimmer women ......

I have a firm 50Kg upper weight limit on my bed partners.

I'd rather be single than sleep with a fat girl.

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I'd rather go without than pay for it.

I guess we all have different standards.

Or maybe just different ages.

I'm pretty confident that a lot more than just age separates us.


Some people just like to be married. As for paying being a requirement.... If you give your gf or wife a little cash 5 or 10k a month just so you don't have to be giving 500 baht here and 500 baht there I think ok. If she requires a payment to stay with you then you are buying a hooker. If not sure just cut out all large sums of money for three months and see if she sticks around. I think many guys will find out quickly that they are not as handsome as they think.... Hahaha....


I am a young woman and I would never never be with a much older man, I'd rather be single than sleep with a grandad.

Then it is better that you are not trying to make a living off of them. However, there are lots and lots of young women in Asia that feel otherwise.

Young and generally much slimmer women ......

I have a firm 50Kg upper weight limit on my bed partners.

I'd rather be single than sleep with a fat girl.

I see that you laugh at women in fifties. So let me ask you - WHAT qualities you have to offer?


I am a young woman and I would never never be with a much older man, I'd rather be single than sleep with a grandad.

Then it is better that you are not trying to make a living off of them. However, there are lots and lots of young women in Asia that feel otherwise.

Young and generally much slimmer women ......

I have a firm 50Kg upper weight limit on my bed partners.

I'd rather be single than sleep with a fat girl.

I see that you laugh at women in fifties. So let me ask you - WHAT qualities you have to offer?

A whole wallet full of them.

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O really? If you have to buy qualities with 'hard cash', then woman of 50 can also buy them, I mean the qualities.

Why a man who bought some qualities, is better than woman who bought the same?

At least, woman of 50 doesen't need viagra!


Wow, these (young) guys are amazing!!!!!

American, I am not against your choice, I am just against double standards.

I wish you a happy new year!

  • Like 1

I am a young woman and I would never never be with a much older man, I'd rather be single than sleep with a grandad.

Then it is better that you are not trying to make a living off of them. However, there are lots and lots of young women in Asia that feel otherwise.

Lots of young woman in Asia who are sexually attracted to obese 50 to 70 yr old men or lots of young woman in Asia who will hook up with them for money?

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